Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated annually from September 15th to October 15th in the United

States. It is a time when we reflect on the contributions of Hispanic and Latinx Americans to our country and culture. This year, we’d like to take a moment to talk about inclusive SEO practices. When you optimize your pages for search engines, it’s important to be aware of how your content can be accessed and enjoyed by all audiences. Diverse representation matters, and we hope that by following some simple SEO for therapists, you can help make your website more inclusive for everyone!


Photos are always a great way to add visual interest to your content. But did you know that they can also help make your site more inclusive? When choosing photos for your website, be sure to select images that represent a diverse range of people and cultures. This will send the message that your site is welcoming to all visitors. In addition to photos, you can also use videos, infographics, and other types of visual media to add variety to your content.


When you’re brainstorming keywords to include in your content, be sure to think about inclusive language. For example, if you’re writing about Hispanic Heritage Month, you might want to consider using the keyword “Latinx” in addition to “Hispanic.” By using inclusive keywords, you can help your content reach a wider audience.

Inclusive language isn’t just about race and ethnicity. It can also refer to gender, sexual orientation, ability, age, and other forms of diversity. When choosing keywords, think about how you can be inclusive and intentional with this.


The language you use on your website can also be a factor in inclusive SEO. If you’re targeting a global audience, you may want to consider translating your content into different languages. This will help ensure that everyone can access and understand your message.

In addition to translation, you should also be aware of the tone and style of your language. Be sure to avoid using offensive or exclusionary language. Instead, opt for a language that is welcoming and inclusive.

By following these inclusive SEO tips, you can help make your website more accessible and enjoyable for everyone! Inclusive SEO for therapists doesn’t need to be overcomplicated.


Service pages that are only in English can exclude non-English speakers from accessing your content. If you’re targeting a global audience, be sure to provide translations of your page into different languages. This will not only make your site more inclusive, but it will also help you rank higher in search results. One great page to add for inclusivity reasons is a Spanish-speaking page or therapy in Spanish page.

The strategy behind this involves writing content that can be translated into Spanish and then finding the corresponding Spanish keywords so that when someone who is a non-English speaker search, the barriers to mental health support are reduced. Know that SEO-wise, you may not get a huge return on investment for building it out, but it is necessary if we want to help open access to others.


Blogs are a great way to connect with your audience and share your message. When writing blog posts, be sure to keep inclusive SEO in mind. Use keywords that represent a diverse range of people and cultures. You can also link to other inclusive content on your site to help show your commitment to inclusivity.

Is your website designed with inclusivity and representation in mind?

If not, now is the time to start making some changes! By following these inclusive SEO tips, you can help make your site more welcoming and accessible for everyone. Latinos are the largest and fastest-growing minority group in the United States, making up 17 percent of the population. And yet, they are often underrepresented in media and marketing.

This Hispanic Heritage Month, let’s commit to doing better! By creating inclusive content and using inclusive keywords, we can help make sure that everyone feels welcome on our websites.

What are some other ways you can think of to make your website more inclusive? Share your thoughts in the comments below! And if you need support reach out for a consult or talk with one of our SEO specialists.

Start Making an Impact Effectively with SEO for Therapists!African american woman laying on bed facing each other with legs up on wall. Its time to invest in SEO for therapists and we are here to help. Begin learning more marketing strategies for African Americans and the black community today!

Our skilled and passionate team of SEO specialists is here to make sure your SEO journey is tailored to your brand and identity. Simplified SEO Consulting would be excited to help you on your SEO journey. To get started with our service follow these simple steps:

  1. Schedule a consult with our Client Success Specialist or Consult Team 
  2. Learn more about our wonderful team of SEO Specialists.
  3. Start connecting better when you learn more about SEO for therapists

Other Services offered by Simplified SEO Consulting    

Simplified SEO consulting offers a wide range of services that can help you begin working with your people. We offer. Done for You SEO Service packagesonline courses, and SEO training opportunities. Our most popular course includes our “Top of Google” Online course, and we have 12 weeks (about 3 months) of intensive SEO for therapists who want to learn with a guide. Additionally, we are offering a limited-time SEO Mastermind group if you want a great training opportunity for a steal, this is for you. For those looking for a more specialized package, we also offer an SEO strategy package. To get started, schedule a consultation with our Client Success Specialist today!

About the Author

Jasmine is an SEO Specialist, Counselor in Training, and is our Client Success Specialist for clients just starting with SEO and learning. Jasmine works to help people with a strategy with national rankings, eating disorder specialties, sports psychology, and much more. If you’re looking for additional support, schedule a consult with the consulting team to see who can help you and how.

In the world of SEO for personal injury attorneys, much like in a courtroom, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference. The same principle applies to your online presence. As personal injury attorneys navigate the digital landscape, the question arises: What is the best SEO tool to use to ensure success in this competitive arena? While there are a plethora of SEO tools available, ranging from Google Search Console to KW Finder by Mangools and SEMrush, the key to effective SEO lies not just in the tools themselves but in how they are wielded.

SEO Tools of the Trade: More Than Meets the Eye

Imagine you’re a seasoned personal injury attorney. Your success in the courtroom doesn’t solely hinge on having the most advanced legal textbooks; it depends on your ability to apply that knowledge strategically, argue your case persuasively, and adapt to the unique circumstances of each trial. Similarly, in the digital realm, SEO tools are only as valuable as the expertise behind them.

Consider Google Search Console, for instance. It’s a powerful tool that provides insights into how Google views your website, but interpreting and acting upon the data it provides requires a deep understanding of SEO principles. Without this expertise, you might find yourself overwhelmed by a sea of metrics and charts, unsure of how to navigate the intricate landscape of search engine optimization.

KW Finder by Mangools: Unearthing SEO Treasure

Keyword research is the bedrock of any successful SEO strategy. Just as an experienced investigator meticulously examines evidence to build a strong case, KW Finder helps you uncover valuable keywords to target in your content. It provides data on search volume, keyword difficulty, and even suggests related terms, allowing you to fine-tune your content strategy.

But here’s the twist: finding keywords is one thing, but knowing how to use them effectively is another. Personal injury attorneys wouldn’t just present evidence without crafting a compelling narrative around it. Similarly, the best SEO keywords for lawyers must be seamlessly woven into your content, enhancing user experience and signaling to search engines that your content is not only relevant but authoritative.

SEMrush: Your SEO Swiss Army Knife

SEMrush is often considered a Swiss Army knife of SEO tools for law firms. It offers a wide array of features, from competitive analysis and keyword tracking to site audit and backlink analysis. In essence, it’s like having a comprehensive legal library at your disposal, complete with precedents, legal research tools, and expert commentary.

However, just as a library doesn’t automatically transform someone into a lawyer, SEMrush doesn’t guarantee SEO success on its own. It’s a tool, and like any tool, it requires a skilled hand to yield the best results. Understanding which data points matter most, how to interpret them, and, most importantly, how to turn insights into action is where the magic truly happens.

What is an Example of On-Page SEO?

Imagine you’re crafting a web page for your personal injury law firm that focuses on “car accident claims.” Effective on-page SEO involves optimizing various elements to make your page more appealing to both search engines and human visitors. First, you’d strategically place your target keyword, “car accident claims,” in essential areas such as the page title, meta description, and headings. This signals to search engines that your content is relevant to this keyword.

Next, you’d ensure that your content provides valuable information on the topic, offering insights into the legal aspects of car accident claims, what clients can expect, and why they should choose your firm. This not only satisfies user intent but also establishes your authority in the field. Additionally, you’d optimize your images by adding descriptive alt text, making your content more accessible and enhancing your SEO.A close up of a phone with the logo for google analytics. Simplified SEO Consulting can offer support with Google Analytics for personal injury lawyers. Contact us today to learn more SEO techniques for law firms.

Effective on-page SEO also involves creating a user-friendly experience, which includes mobile responsiveness and fast page loading times. A well-structured layout with clear headings and concise paragraphs makes your content easy to read. By implementing these on-page SEO practices, you improve your chances of ranking higher in search results, attracting more potential clients to your personal injury law firm’s website.

The Most Important Tool: SEO Expertise

In the legal world, clients seek attorneys not only for their access to legal knowledge but for their ability to apply that knowledge effectively. Similarly, when it comes to SEO, the most crucial tool in your arsenal is SEO expertise.

Consider on-page SEO, a practice that involves optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. It’s like preparing a compelling legal argument. You might have the facts and the law on your side, but presenting them in a persuasive and structured manner is what wins the case.

An SEO expert knows precisely how to optimize on-page elements, from meta titles and descriptions to headings and image alt text, to not only make your content more search engine-friendly but also enhance user experience. They understand the delicate balance between keyword optimization and readability, ensuring that your website attracts both search engine bots and real potential clients.

How to Improve SEO: Seek Expert Guidance

In the courtroom, you wouldn’t expect to win a complex case without the guidance of an experienced attorney. Similarly, in the digital world, achieving SEO success often necessitates the guidance of experts who understand the nuances of the landscape.

While tools like Google Search Console, KW Finder by Mangools, and SEMrush are undeniably valuable, they are most effective when wielded by individuals with in-depth SEO knowledge. Personal injury attorneys seeking to improve their online presence and attract more clients should consider partnering with trusted SEO professionals who not only have access to these tools but also possess the expertise to maximize their potential.

Consider Your SEO Partners

In the legal profession, collaboration and partnership are key to achieving success. The same applies to SEO. If you’re a personal injury attorney looking to improve your digital footprint, Simplified SEO Consulting stands ready to be your trusted SEO partner.

Our team of SEO experts understands the unique challenges and opportunities that personal injury attorneys face in the digital landscape. We don’t just offer access to SEO tools; we provide the knowledge, experience, and personalized strategies necessary to drive results.

Begin SEO Services with Simplified SEO Consulting Today!

Don’t let your online presence be determined by the tools you use alone. Elevate your SEO strategy with the guidance of experts who can help you navigate the complexities of digital marketing. Contact Simplified SEO Consulting today to embark on your journey toward improved visibility, increased traffic, and, ultimately, more clients. Here’s all you have to do!

  1. Book a consultation here.
  2. Learn more about SEO packages & meet with our SEO Specialists.
  3. See your law firm grow by reaching ideal clients and growing your online presence!

Other Services Simplified SEO Consulting Offers:

Simplified SEO Consulting offers a range of services to help you improve your website’s online presence. We offer Done For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses, which are customized to enhance your search engine rankings and attract your ideal clients. We also have a 12-week Done With You Intensive Program for comprehensive training. Our Content Networking service can help you boost your online presence and attract more of your ideal clients. Check out our blog for more tips and guides on SEO.

Keeping up with relevant SEO terms can feel like a losing battle at times

As SEO specialists, we understand there are many terms that may be a bit too technical for the average practice owner. In the past, we’ve covered ten of the most common SEO terms, but there are still many terms that should be addressed! So, today we are going to cover ten more common terms to help you better understand search engine optimization.   

What is Structured Data?

A graphic of connected points on a computer screen. Learn how Simplified SEO Consulting can offer SEO help for therapists. Learn more by searching "counselor SEO" to learn about more helpful terms.

Structured data is an SEO term that refers to the act of organizing data about your site to help search engines better understand how to display content. One of the best ways to achieve this is by using Schema.org. This site has a standardized list of markup languages that are used consistently across search engines. JSON-LD is one of the most popular, and the format preferred by Google.

Using structured data helps provide richer search results for Google. For many practice owners, improving off-page elements like how structured one’s data is can offer many SEO benefits. This is why addressing both on-page and off-page parts of your site is so important in an effective SEO strategy.

What is Search Intent?

Search intent is another one of our SEO terms that refers to the reason a person is searching for something. It is the purpose of an online search, and there are a few common types that people fall into. The four main types of search intent include:

  • Informational intent
  • Navigational intent
  • Transactional intent
  • Commercial intent 

Searches with informational intent involve visitors looking for information about a specific topic. This may be something as simple as a dinner recipe, or information about therapy services in their area. Visitors with navigational intent on the other hand are more likely to be searching for a specific website. People likely already have a website in mind, and they are searching for that website in the search results. 

The third type of search intent is transactional, which is when people search for something they would like to buy at that moment. Commercial intent is very similar. But, it generally means a person isn’t ready to buy something yet. Instead, they are likely doing more research on which products or services before they decide to buy. This intent may turn transactional in nature, but it is still worth mentioning the distinction between the two.

What is Keyword Stuffing?

Keyword stuffing is when an unnatural amount of keywords are included on a page in order to try and improve rankings. This is an outdated SEO strategy that can result in penalization from Google. Google prefers to see content that is focused, but still written for people to read. But, it can be difficult at times to avoid keyword stuffing when optimizing for specific keywords. 

A close up of a person typing on a laptop with the term "keywords" shown nearby. Learn how Simplified can support counselor SEO. Contact us for SEO help for therapists.

You always want to ensure your main keywords are going to be included throughout the page. But, overachieving in this sense can often be seen as a red flag to Google. The search engine is focused on providing helpful content for humans. So, including a large number of keywords in the text can be seen as a sign that you are only worried about ranking well instead of providing the best content and services for your ideal client. So, it’s important to always create content with them in mind!

What is A Directory?

In the context of SEO, a directory is an aggregate that lists private practice listings. Some of these may be more general, and others may be created around specific services or niches. Think of how Yelp and Google My Business collect the name, addresses, and phone numbers of a variety of different services. But, most directories also serve another important purpose. They often offer opportunities for high-quality backlinks on your site. Having multiple links on your site can serve as a signal that your site is reputable. But, the quality of every backlink will differ. So, each directory should be inspected before deciding to post anything to it.

What is Guest Blogging?

Guest blogging is another way to help build credibility through external links. By offering to write content for another site, you can potentially get a link from their site pointing back to yours. By featuring your content and linking back to your website, you can help improve how Google views your expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. Thus, improving your chance of ranking well on the search engine. 

What is Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)?

AMP is a framework for creating web pages that load faster on mobile devices. It helps make sites that may have been originally created for a computer screen conform to the smaller screens of phones and tablets. Since so many people search using their phones these days, Google has given more focus to AMP. This means that ensuring your site is optimized for a mobile experience can help you rank higher in the SERP.

What is A Heatmap?

Scrollmap or website scroll heat map tool. Learn how Simplified SEO Consulting can offer support with therapist SEO and more.A heatmap is an SEO tool that shows a visual representation of the most viewed and overlooked parts of a page. These are often depicted using a color gradient going from blue to red. But, this will depend on the type of heatmap that is being used. Some heatmaps can provide valuable information about the content on your site. Others may be used in relation to geographical location. 

What is a Keyword Research Tool?

This SEO term is self-explanatory but important. Keyword research is the foundation of SEO. They are the tools that one can use to identify stats about particular keywords you want and are trying to improve rankings for. Most tools offer a variety of estimations. These often include how much a given keyword is being ranked for, competition, and related keyword recommendations for a specific keyword and others similar to it. There are many free and paid options on the internet, so it’s important to take the time to find the tool that fits your needs best.

What are Impressions and Clicks?

Impressions are the number of times you’ve shown up in the search results for the keywords you are working to improve rankings for. While you may show up in front of people in google’s search results, this doesn’t mean they are clicking on the site to visit it. This is what is referred to as a click in the world of SEO. When people actually visit the site

What are Bounce Rates and Exit Rates?

A bounce rate is the percent of those that have visited a page and then left the site without visiting another page. Once a person has finished with a page, instead of visiting more pages on the site, they bounce back to Google. Then, they continue their search to find the right search result for their situation.

On the other hand, exit rates indicate where visitors are exiting your site after visiting more than one page. This can offer support in understanding the pages most people are leaving the site from. It can also help reveal content problems on the site. You may not have to worry about people leaving the site after reading a lengthy blog post, but you may want to take another look at your site if they are exiting important pages such as your contact page. Doing so can help you better understand which pages have these issues.

Begin Improving Counselor SEO With Simplified SEO Consulting

Keeping track of the ever-evolving list of SEO terms can be hard to deal with at times. But, our trained SEO specialists can offer support from anywhere in the country. We would be happy to offer support in helping you achieve your SEO goals. To start your SEO journey with Simplified SEO Consulting, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Apply to work with us
  2. Meet with an SEO specialist.
  3. Start improving your SEO!

Other Services Offered with Simplified SEO Consulting

You don’t have to keep track of SEO terms when working with an SEO specialist. Our team would be happy to offer support in improving your SEO with a variety of SEO services. We offer Done For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses, and a 12-week Done With You Intensive SEO Program. Feel free to read other posts from our blog for more helpful information!

About the Author

Photo of Sterling, an SEO Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting that specializes in all things technical SEO!

Sterling Humburg-Cage graduated from the University of Missouri with a BA in Psychology in 2020. He integrates what he learned in school into his work as an SEO Specialist with Simplified SEO Consulting. Sterling prides himself on helping current clients & alumni problems solve difficult SEO issues.  He’s great at giving clients multiple options about how to approach a situation and responding in a timely manner to client concerns.  Since he started, Sterling has met frequently with our alumni and provided them extra problem-solving support. He now provides additional support with a variety of local SEO services. He often goes the extra mile to do outside research. By doing so, he sure private practice owners have everything they need to rank well on search engines long term for the keywords their ideal clients are using!

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, understanding the SEO strategy for the healthcare industry is paramount. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the cornerstone of your online presence and can significantly impact the success of your healthcare practice. It’s important to note that SEO is a multifaceted endeavor that involves a range of factors and techniques tailored to the unique needs of healthcare businesses. Google considers many, many different things when determining which websites to rank at the top of search results.

At Simplified SEO Consulting, we have garnered extensive experience working with private practices in the healthcare sector. This blog post delves into the SEO strategy that has proven most effective for healthcare professionals and practices based on our wealth of experience and success stories.

What does SEO mean in simple terms?

Simply put, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), is the process of optimizing your website to improve its visibility on search engines like Google. The goal is to rank higher in search results for relevant keywords, making it easier for people to find your website and the services you offer.

What are the top SEO strategies for business?

When it comes to SEO, there’s no shortage of strategies and tactics that claim to boost your online presence. However, at Simplified SEO Consulting, we believe in simplifying the process and focusing on the factors that truly make a difference for healthcare businesses. Our approach to SEO emphasizes the essential elements that drive results, ensuring that your practice stands out in the competitive healthcare landscape.

How do you do SEO on a website: A 7-Step Plan as an SEO Strategy for Private Practices in the Healthcare Industry

1) Start with a technically sound website that really represents your practice

The foundation of any successful SEO strategy begins with a technically sound website. Your website serves as your digital storefront, and it should reflect your brand identity accurately. Ensuring that it’s well-designed, user-friendly, and optimized for both desktop and mobile devices is crucial.

2) Keyword Research

Keyword research serves as the foundation of a successful healthcare SEO strategy. It’s the process of identifying the precise words and phrases potential patients enter into search engines when seeking services like yours. At Simplified SEO Consulting, we recognize the significance of personalized keyword research that aligns with your individual practice and the unique characteristics of your patient base.

A graphic with keywords written in front of a person writing on a laptop. Want to learn about SEO strategy for the healthcare industry? Our services can help teach you about SEO in healthcare.

When delving into healthcare SEO keywords, it’s essential to consider the specifics of your medical practice. Each healthcare niche and specialization has distinct keywords and phrases that resonate with potential patients. For example, if you’re a chiropractor, your keyword research should pinpoint phrases like “chiropractic care for back pain” or “spinal adjustment in [your location].” This level of customization ensures that you’re targeting the most relevant and effective keywords to attract patients genuinely interested in your services.

Blog posts throughout our website further explain the process of identifying healthcare SEO keywords using practical examples. But the bottom line is, we emphasize that this tailored approach to keyword research is instrumental in elevating your online visibility and connecting with patients who genuinely need your expertise.

3) Create and consistently post great content that demonstrates your expertise and speaks directly to your ideal clients 

Content is king in the digital realm, and it’s no different for healthcare practices. Creating high-quality, informative content that showcases your expertise and directly addresses the needs and concerns of your ideal patients is paramount. Regularly posting valuable content not only engages your audience but also strengthens your website’s authority in the eyes of search engines.

4) Excellent on-page SEO 

On-page SEO optimization is the fine-tuning process that ensures each page of your website is primed for search engine visibility. Basic on-page SEO practices include optimizing meta descriptions, strategically incorporating relevant healthcare SEO keywords, using subheadings to structure your content, optimizing images, and including internal links to other relevant pages within your website. Discover why on-page SEO is important for your healthcare practice’s success.

5) Regular blogging 

Blogging is a powerful tool in your SEO arsenal. Consistent, informative, and engaging blog posts not only keep your website fresh and up-to-date but also provide valuable information to your audience. Blogging helps establish your authority in your healthcare niche and keeps your practice relevant in the digital landscape.

6) Local SEO 

Local SEO is particularly crucial for healthcare providers with physical practices. It encompasses a range of strategies aimed at helping Google understand your practice’s location and relevance within specific geographic areas

What is Local SEO for doctors & other healthcare professionals?

Local SEO for doctors and healthcare professionals is a specialized strategy that focuses on optimizing online visibility for specific geographic areas. It involves various techniques to ensure that your practice appears prominently in local search results when potential patients search for healthcare services in your vicinity. This includes optimizing your Google My Business listing, managing local citations, and tailoring your content to target local keywords and patient needs in your area.

7) Building High Quality Backlinks

High-quality backlinks are the digital votes of confidence that your website receives from other reputable websites. They play a pivotal role in enhancing your website’s authority and boosting your search engine rankings. Our comprehensive SEO strategy includes building a network of valuable backlinks to solidify your practice’s online presence.

What does an SEO agency do?

SEO agencies like Simplified SEO Consulting offer a myriad of services to help businesses navigate the complex world of search engine optimization. Our services range from intensive SEO training programs for those looking to take a hands-on approach to basic strategy sessions for individuals seeking expert guidance. However, our most sought-after service is our “done for you” SEO services, where we provide assistance for every aspect of your SEO strategy to deliver tangible results.

What type of marketing strategy is SEO?

SEO falls under the expansive umbrella of digital marketing strategies. While it can be utilized as a standalone approach, it is often most effective when combined with other digital marketing techniques. By integrating SEO with other strategies like pay-per-click advertising, email marketing, and social media, you can create a comprehensive marketing plan that maximizes your online visibility.

If you are interested in combining SEO with other digital marketing strategies, we’re happy to recommend a great website developer with experience in healthcare, a healthcare PPC agency, a colleague that helps set up email marketing campaigns, or other digital marketing resources.

SEO Services for Medical Professionals in Private Practice

At Simplified SEO Consulting, we have a unique perspective on the world of SEO. Founded by a therapist in private practice, our journey began by offering SEO for functional medicine doctors and later expanded to include various healthcare professionals. We hold a deep appreciation for the invaluable work of healthcare providers and the positive impact they have on their patients’ lives.

Our SEO strategy for healthcare businesses is more than a service – it’s a commitment to your success. We understand the significance of ethical, effective SEO in the healthcare industry, and we are passionate about connecting the right patients with your practice.

If you’re ready to embark on a transformative SEO journey and witness the remarkable growth of your healthcare business, reach out to Simplified SEO Consulting today. Begin your SEO services with us, and together, we’ll take the next steps to get you more clients, help grow your impact and of course grow the profits of your business.

After writing and finishing the main content of your blog, it can seem daunting to think of how to tie everything together. You may not know what to write. Or, you may be struggling with how to motivate the potential client to continue on their journey to make an appointment with you. 

 That’s where your “call to action” comes in. This section is a great way to summarize the pain points throughout the blog in a neat little paragraph. It also allows you to empower the client to take the next step in their journey to healing with your support.

What is the “Call to Action” Part of a Therapy Blog?

A picture of two people sitting and holding hands for comfort. This represents how the call to action on your therapy pages on your private practice website can show potential clients that you are here to comfort and support them. Learn more about writing a call to action to build SEO for therapists and improving your private practice website today.

The “call to action” part of your blog is where you sympathize with your potential client. You do this by letting them know you and your team understand their struggles. It also summarizes their pain points in a neat paragraph so that they are not overwhelmed at the very end of the blog. It also lets them know that you, your team, and your practice are here to support them through their struggles and their healing journey. 

After you let your potential client know that you’re there to support them, that’s when you put how they should reach out to you to begin your services. Or, even set up a consultation. This is great to have because sometimes when potential clients search for questions late at night regarding their pain points, it will pull up your blogs rather quickly compared to your website. For example, if someone is looking for answers about trauma then having a blog about trauma can answer their questions but with the call to action, they can proceed to book a consultation with you.

 This means, that having your contact information and how to go about starting the process to make an appointment or consultation is a great piece of information to have in your blog. It makes it easier for clients to make an appointment after reading about the topic they are struggling with. Especially, if they contain backlinks to your contact forms and service information.

What Does a “Call to Action” for a Therapy Blog Look Like?A picture of someone sitting at their desk and holding a pen in their right hand to write on a note book. This represents how you can write your own call to action for your blogs on your private practice websites. You can learn more about writing blogs and a call to action to boost SEO for your therapy services today.

As I sort of mentioned above, the call to action is made up of four parts:

  • Summarizing the potential client’s struggles
  • Sympathizing with your potential client about their struggles
  • Reassure the potential client that you, your team, and your practice are there to support them
  • Instructions on how to reach out to schedule an appointment or consultation.


Remember, a call to action’s main goal is to summarize the reader’s pain points, let them know there is support available, and give instructions on how to reach out to you. This will help motivate your client to book a consultation or appointment with you. This is what the end goal of a call to action is! 

Here is an example of a call to action for a therapy blog:

Begin Anxiety Therapy at Lovewell Therapy in Ontario, Canada


Our team here at Lovewell understands how hard it can be to cope with your anxiety symptoms alone. That’s why we are here to support you. Our caring therapists are here to help you find the best coping mechanisms for you and empower you to live the life you want. To start anxiety therapy today:

  • Fill out a contact form on our website.
  • Meet with one of our caring therapists.
  • Start overcoming your anxiety and living the life you want!


This example has all four parts. It summarizes the potential client’s struggle. Sympathizes with them and their struggles because let’s be real, anxiety (or any mental health struggle) is hard! Then it lets the potential client know that we are here to help and support them. It also has information on how to contact the practice for an appointment and further information. Now, not all calls to action have to look like this. Some therapists prefer not to have bullets and incorporate their backlinks into a paragraph. That’s okay, too! As long as it contains the same information and lets the client know how to reach you, it will be fine.

Backlinks are Key for Your Therapy Pages

A picture of a poster board with the word "Backlinks" on a desk surrounded by markers, coffee, and a keyboard. This represents how you can use backlinks in your call to action and throughout your blog to let Google know that you own your therapy page, are a therapist, and know about the topic in your blog. Plus, it boosts your SEO. Learn more about backlinks today.

 Now, your therapy page’s blog posts will have backlinks that connect to your contact forms and practice’s service pages for easier access for the client. This is to help streamline the process for them to make a consultation or appointment. But, it’s also so that Google will recognize that you are affiliated with that practice and knowledge about the topic the blog is speaking about. For example, putting backlinks throughout your blog linking to your services, your other blog posts, or to your “About Me” page can help potential clients connect with you. But, it also allows Google to know more about your experience and knowledge, too!

Needing Some Support? We Offer SEO Services for Therapists!

If you’re looking for support with your SEO, we can help! We offer a variety of SEO options designed to meet the needs of therapists. When you’re ready to begin optimizing your therapy website, please follow these steps:

  1. Schedule your free 30-minute consultation with a member of the Simplified SEO Consulting team
  2. Learn more about our SEO services and training opportunities
  3. Start optimizing your webpage and watch your site rank better on Google!

Other SEO Services Offered at Simplified SEO Consulting

At Simplified SEO Consulting there is a wide range of SEO services that we provide to support therapists. Despite what phase they are in at their practice, we are here to help! ]We have different training options for therapists who want to learn how to optimize their websites with the help of our team members. For SEO one-on-one training, our 12-Week SEO Intensive program is a great option for those who want to work one-on-one with a specialist. Our Small Group SEO Intensives is perfect for helping professionals and therapists who would prefer to work in groups with other professionals. Another option is to purchase our DIY Online SEO Courses to learn SEO by yourself and at your own pace. Then, for therapists who are wanting to outsource their SEO, we offer Done-For-You SEO services.

If you’re not entirely sure what would be right for you, book a free consultation with one of our team members!

About the Author:

Lynsey, SEO Content Writer for Simplified SEO ConsultingLynsey is an SEO Content Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting. At Simplified, Lynsey enjoys that she is writing content while making sure that the content sounds personal and has the client’s words and voice embedded, but also writing about important topics that will be used as resources within the mental health field. Her goal is to create quality content for clients to use as resources to help potential patients and learn as much as she can along the way. She is passionate about providing copywriting services for psychiatrists and therapists.


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Blogging can be an incredibly useful tool for speech pathologists. Not only does it allow you to reach a broader audience and connect with potential clients who may be searching for speech therapy support online, but it is also a great way to build your credibility within your field. Creating high-quality content that offers valuable insights and tips for parents or caregivers of children with speech difficulties can help build trust with your audience and position you as a thought leader in the industry.

However, coming up with new and creative blog post topics can be a challenge. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with some practical tips and ideas for generating a wide range of topics that will be relevant to your audience and help you enhance your online presence.

Start With Common Questions as Blog Post TopicsFour blocks with question marks on them showing how answering FAQs can be great for blog post topics. Generate a list of common questions your clients or patients ask and answer those in blog post form to grow your private practice!

One of the best ways to come up with blog post topics is to think about the most common questions that parents or caregivers of children with speech difficulties (or your adult clients) tend to ask. What are the most common struggles that they may face when it comes to speech therapy? What advice have you given parents in the past that could be turned into a blog post?

For example, you could write a blog post that addresses common myths about speech therapy. Or, you could provide useful tips on how to help children who are struggling with articulation. Whatever topic you choose, make sure it is something that your audience will find helpful and informative.

Focus on Your Expertise

As an SLP, you have a unique set of skills and experience that can help you to generate interesting and informative blog post topics. Things that almost seem like common sense to you now are still unknown to the average person.

It’s even better if you can lean into your unique specialties. The things you have sought out training on or run into in practice that not everyone has. Think about the types of speech disorders you specialize in, and then create blog posts that provide insightful information on the topic.

For example, if you specialize in treating children with stuttering disorders, you could create a post that discusses the emotional impact of stuttering on children and their families. You could also write a post about how to communicate more effectively with children who stutter. By focusing on your expertise, you can establish yourself as a credible and authoritative source for helpful, informative content.

Share Your Own Experiences

Another effective way to generate blog post topics is to draw from your own experiences as a speech pathologist. Of course, you want to respect the confidentiality of specific clients you’ve worked with. But a little bit of appropriate self-disclosure can be a great way to connect with your audience and provide valuable insights into the speech therapy process.

Stay Current with Trends and Research

As a speech pathologist, you need to stay up-to-date with current trends and research in your field. This can be a great source of inspiration for blog post topics. For example, if you read about a new speech therapy technique or tool that has been recently introduced, you could create a post that discusses the benefits and drawbacks of using that approach.

Alternatively, you could write about emerging trends in speech therapy, such as the growing use of teletherapy. By staying current with the latest research and trends, you can position yourself as a trusted and knowledgeable source for speech therapy information.

You can even predict where the industry might be heading in the next few years and share your thoughts on what changes might be on the horizon.

Broaden Your Scope

Finally, don’t be afraid to broaden your scope and write about topics that may not seem directly related to speech pathology. For example, you could write about tools and techniques for improving communication skills in general or discuss the importance of early intervention for speech disorders.

By broadening your scope, you can reach a wider audience and appeal to a broader range of individuals who may be interested in learning more about speech therapy.

Other Sources of Inspiration for Blog Posts

  1. Address Current Events – Connect your blog posts to current events that might be relevant to your clients, such as Autism Awareness Month or Better Hearing and Speech Month. Or, if an SLP or a speech disorder is featured in the media you can offer your take on what is shared.
  2. Offer Practical Tips – Share practical tips that your clients can use to improve their speech or language skills at home. Maybe share exercises you sometimes give as homework between sessions.
  3. Provide Insightful Analyses – Offer insightful analyses of speech and language disorders or treatments to demonstrate your expertise.
  4. Address Controversial Topics – Address controversial topics in your field and share your thoughts on these issues.
  5. Compare and Contrast Treatments – Compare and contrast different treatments or therapies and offer your professional opinion on which might be best for certain clients.
  6. Highlight Your Specializations – Highlight your specializations in your blog posts and explain how they might be relevant to certain clients. Highlight the things that set you apart from the competition.
  7. Offer Recommendations – Offer recommendations for books, podcasts, or other resources that your clients might find helpful. This is always a great one when you feel stuck. Just choose a book or tool or resource you sometimes recommend to clients. Then, describe that resource and why you recommend it.
  8. Address Misconceptions – Address common misconceptions about speech and language disorders and clarify these misconceptions for your readers.
  9. Discuss Speech and Language Disorders in Different Age Groups – Address speech and language disorders in different age groups, such as infants, children, adults, and seniors.
  10. Use Answer The Public to identify common questions people are asking about a specific communication topic.

Blogging Helps You AND Your Clients

Blogging is a great way to stay informed and connected with your clients. It can help you keep up with current trends, share practical tips, and provide insight into the speech therapy process. By using the tips and strategies outlined in this post, you can generate a wide range of topics that will be helpful, informative, and engaging for your audience. Remember, the key is to focus on providing value and establishing yourself as a thought leader in your field. With dedication and effort, you can create a successful blog that enhances your online presence and supports your private practice. And, better SEO is sure to follow!

You may also choose to write guest blog posts for other SLPs or professionals who refer to you. This is a great way to build backlinks! Just make sure you’re giving them unique content and not something from your own site. If you really like a blog post you wrote on your own site, you can “reuse” the idea by rewriting the blog post to use other words but say similar things.  This can be easier than starting from scratch. It’s just that Google will prefer that each website has it’s own, unique content.

Write & Optimize Your Blog

Now, please don’t stop at just selecting topics. That part is fun, but it’s so important you then put pen to paper. Or fingers to the keyboard as the case may be.  I see a lot of practice owners overthink blog posts.  Do your best to just write as if you’re talking to a client or parent or another person in the community about that topic.  Don’t worry too much about optimizing in the moment that you’re writing. That can get overwhelming fast. Instead, just focus on providing helpful information in a conversational tone.

Once you’ve written your blog posts, I encourage you to do some on-page SEO work.  Add relevant photos, add in some subheadings, find a couple places to add keywords, write a great meta description and request indexing on Google Search Console for the new post.  Still want more blogging tips? Check out this blog and this one I’ve written with optimizing tips for speech therapists.

Looking for More SEO & Website Tips?Young Muslim female private practice owners sitting in cafe, writing blog posts and using tablet for SEO on therapy websites. Simplified SEO Consulting can help your speech therapy website rank higher in search engines like Google and Bing!

If you’re interested in learning more about SEO and how to create an effective website for your private practice, make sure to check out our other blog posts. And, if you’re ready to take your SEO to the next level, Simplified SEO Consulting has a variety of SEO services and resources for private practice owners.

Potential next steps:

Are you a therapist who is creating a new website? Or are you considering redesigning your private practice website? If you are and you want to get a head start on SEO you are in the right spot. If you have met with our consulting team then you might have heard that Simplified SEO Consulting likes to start working on SEO after your new website has had a chance to sit on Google for a little while. However, there are some things that you can do while creating your website that will give you a leg up on the search engine optimization process.

Mental Health SEO Keywords

SEO for private practice websites starts with choosing the right keywords. I am not suggesting that you have to do intensive keyword research as you are creating or redesigning your website. If you plan to do our Done-For-You SEO Program your dedicated SEO specialist will do extensive keyword research on each page that they optimize. While if you do our Small Group Intensive or Do-It-Yourself SEO Course you will receive training and more detailed instructions on how to conduct keyword research that will help you reach your ideal clients. 

However, knowing the right keywords for your area as you are creating a home page, about page, and services pages can help give you a jump start on your SEO journey. For example, did you know that in general “anxiety treatment” is more commonly searched than “anxiety therapy” or “anxiety counseling”? Additionally when you compare searches per month in the US “therapist” is searched more often than “counselor”. The right keywords for you to use are dependent on what area you are trying to rank in. 

Image of a woman writing on a notepad while looking at a laptop. Represents how private practice seo supports therapists in their SEO journey.References for Mental Health SEO Keywords

Content, Content, Content

It has been said time and time again that content is king/queen, but it remains to be true so it warrants being said again. When creating your website be mindful of which service pages you want to add. Think about your ideal client and what kind of mental health services you want to be offering. Then make a list of what services you want to provide. The list of services will look different for every private practice owner. It might include anxiety therapy, trauma therapy, therapy for women, sex therapy, therapy for men, EMDR, LGBTQIA+ counseling, therapy for teenagers, etc. The key is to identify what you want to offer and make an individual service page for each of them. 

Once you move on to creating those service pages keep in mind the length of your copy. Generally speaking, you want your pages to have 500 words but no more than 3000 words. Google likes to have a lot of quality content when determining rankings. It can be hard to go back and add 200 words to a service page that was originally 300 words long. Instead, try to make sure that as you are creating content you are aware of the word count. 

Benefits of Quality Content on a Private Practice SEO-Friendly Website

As a therapist, you may be aware of the importance of having an SEO-friendly website. However, did you know that quality content plays a crucial role in improving your website’s search engine rankings? But also attracts more organic traffic and ideal clients to your website? That’s right! There are also other benefits of having quality content on your SEO-friendly website. They include:

  • Improved search engine rankings
  • Increased website traffic
  • Higher engagement and user satisfaction
  • Better conversion rates
  • Increased authority and credibility in the industry


So, as a therapist looking to improve your website’s search engine rankings, quality content is king. Not only does it attract more traffic, but it also helps establish you as an expert in your field. By providing valuable and informative content, you can build trust with potential clients and improve your online presence. So, if you want to increase your visibility and reach more people, make sure you prioritize creating high-quality content for your SEO-friendly website.

References & Guides For Creating Content For A Private Practice Website

Pay Attention to Your Slugs

Once you have created a new page or blog post for your website there is one more thing that needs to be done before publishing it. That is to create an SEO-friendly URL slug. Once a page has gone live it can be tricky to change an existing URL slug. This is why this is one of the most important things you can do for your SEO as you are creating your website. 

So what should you include in your slugs? You should try to include both keywords and location indications. So first start with the main keywords you are wanting to focus on. Then include what city or state you are attempting to rank in.

Examples of URL Slugs For Service Pages

  • Graphic of a long paper coming out of a computer. Represents how private practice seo supports therapists to make their wesbite more visible to clients and boost their rankings.

    Anxiety Page: anxiety-treatment-Little-Rock-Arkansas
  • Virtual Therapy Page: online-therapy-North-Dakota
  • EMDR Page: EMDR-therapy-Tulsa-Oklahoma
  • Stress & Burnout Page: stress-management-Edmonton-Alberta
  • Couples Therapy: marriage-counseling-Manchester-New-Hampshire 

Include At least 3 Photos

As a Mental Health SEO Specialist, one of the areas I utilize during the optimization process is the alt text and photo title. It is a great way to increase accessibility while also integrating keywords and locations. At Simplified SEO Consulting, we recommend all of our clients have at least 3 photos on each page and blog post. If you plan to start services with us or take our training course then it might be easier to include those photos while creating the website. Rather than trying to add them in later while working on SEO. You can learn more about the SEO benefits of including at least 3 photos on every page here

Are You Ready to Start SEO Services on Your Private Practice Website?

Whether you are just creating your private practice website, redesigning your website, or you have had a website for years it is never too early or late to start learning about search engine optimization at Simplified SEO Consulting. Our Mental Health SEO specialists are here to help! We have services ranging from SEO-intensive training so you can learn how to optimize your own website to done-for-you SEO. It can be a big step to invest in SEO but we are here to help you at every step. Get started by following these steps:

  1. Make a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable team members
  2. Learn more about our dedicated SEO Specialists for therapists and the services we offer
  3. Start increasing your rankings on Google

Services Offered at Simplified SEO Consulting

Our SEO specialists are here to help you get optimal search engine optimization for counselors. Are you short on time but want to move forward with SEO for your private practice website? Then our Done for You package might be the best choice for you. Looking to build your knowledge of search engine optimization for yourself but need guidance on selecting mental health SEO keywords? Wanting to reduce costs by working on your own website? Then enrolling in our SEO intensive training or online course are options that are built for you. Whichever route you choose Simplified SEO Consulting will provide you with support and guidance. Get started with your free 30-minute consultation today to figure out the best path for you!

About the Author:

Image of the blogs author Winnie. Represents how seo consulting helps therapists and their website become more seo friendly and seo informed.Winnie is a part of our caring team of SEO Specialists at Simplified SEO Consulting. She enjoys learning and growing her knowledge in not only search engine optimization but also mental health. Staying up to date on all aspects of SEO so she can bring you the best service possible. 

Her specialty is working with our clients who have picked our Done for You package. This includes helping those clients get their website SEO-friendly and finding the best mental health keywords for them. If you’re ready to start on your search engine optimization journey, apply to work with us.


Updated on 4/30/2023 by Lynsey Heskett

In today’s digital age, the healthcare industry is recognizing the immense value of online visibility and accessibility. As more patients turn to the internet for health-related information and services, the role of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in healthcare has become increasingly vital. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the significance of keywords in healthcare SEO and how they can be leveraged to empower your private practice or other small business in the healthcare industry to grow and thrive. Let’s dive into the world of healthcare SEO and uncover the strategies that will help your practice thrive in the digital landscape.

The Significance of Keywords in Healthcare SEO

Understanding the role of keywords in healthcare SEO is fundamental to creating a robust online presence. Keywords are the building blocks of SEO, acting as bridges between what patients are searching for and the information or services your practice offers. They serve as the compass guiding your potential patients to your website and ensuring that your practice is discoverable amidst the vast digital healthcare landscape.

What is SEO?

Before delving deeper into healthcare SEO, let’s clarify the concept of SEO itself. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a set of strategies and techniques designed to enhance the visibility and ranking of a website on search engine results pages (SERPs). In simpler terms, it’s about making sure your website appears prominently when people search for relevant healthcare information or services online.

Why is Medical SEO Important?

The importance of medical SEO cannot be overstated if you own a business in the healthcare sector that you are looking to grow. It is the linchpin that connects your practice to the vast pool of potential patients actively seeking healthcare solutions on the internet. A well-executed medical SEO strategy ensures that your practice doesn’t remain hidden in the depths of the internet but emerges as a beacon of trust, credibility, and expertise.

The Basics of Keywords

Keywords form the foundation of SEO. They serve as the language that connects patients’ queries with your practice. Most good SEO strategy starts with identifying some keywords to target, though one danger I’ll discuss below is overthinking keywords.  To harness the power of keywords effectively, we need to start with the basics.

What are Keywords?

Keywords are words or phrases that people enter into search engines when seeking information, products, or services. In the context of healthcare SEO, they represent the terms patients commonly use when looking for medical professionals, treatments, or health-related advice.

For example, if someone is looking for a new family medicine doctor, they might search, “family doctor near me.” Or, someone with a back injury who has heard a chiropractor might search “chiropractor in (insert city name) for back pain,” or someone might search “best SLP in (insert city name).” Any of those phrases in quotations would be keywords.

Types of Keywords in Healthcare SEO

Keywords come in various forms, each serving a distinct purpose in healthcare SEO. The two categories you’ll hear about most often are short-tail and long-tail keywords.

Short-tail Keywords

Short-tail keywords are concise phrases typically consisting of one to three words. They are broad and capture a wide range of search intents. For example, “family doctor” or “pediatrician” are short-tail keywords.

Long-tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords, on the other hand, are more specific and extended phrases. They often reflect a user’s specific query or intention, such as “family doctor in Los Angeles who accepts Blue Cross insurance.”

The Role of Keywords in SEO

Keywords are the compass that guides your online strategy. They influence the content you create, the structure of your website, and how you interact with search engines. Essentially, keywords are the bridge connecting patients to the healthcare solutions you provide.

That said, a problem I’ve often seen is people overthinking keywords. I’ve seen private practice owners spend literally weeks trying to choose the “perfect keywords.” So, while doing some keyword research truly is essential in keyword research so you have a direction to guide your SEO strategy, it’s also important to not let keyword research overwhelm you to the point where you don’t actually move forward with an SEO strategy. 

At some point, you have to move beyond just identifying phrases your patients are using and start actually creating content they’ll find helpful or optimizing the content you have so they can find you.

What is SEO Content for Healthcare?

Once you’ve identified the keywords your patients are likely using to find your services online, the next step in your SEO strategy will be to begin creating content around those keywords. When you know what keywords to use, you have some idea what content people are looking for.

For example, if I’m a chiropractor and identify that people are searching for the long tail keyphrase of, “Can a chiropractor help with headaches,” that in and of itself is a FANTASTIC title for SEO content right there.  Or, if you’re a functional medicine doctor and your keyword research leads you to discover that there are people Googling, “What is a functional medicine doctor,” that is exactly where you should start! Begin by writing a comprehensive piece of content on your website that goes into great detail about what it is you do.

I’ll be honest, this blog post right here is an example of SEO content.  My own keyword research led me to discover that people have been searching for “healthcare SEO keywords” and that started me down the rabbit hole that’s leading to this pretty comprehensive article on the topic that is hopefully answering a lot of your questions about this topic.  

So, you get the idea. SEO content for healthcare is any content you create that will answer questions or explain the concepts that your patients are searching for online.

Creating Content with SEO in Mind

SEO content in healthcare encompasses various types of content, including blogs, service pages, and any informative materials on your website aimed at engaging and educating your patients. This content not only serves your audience but also helps search engines understand when and where to rank your website.

Quality vs. Quantity in Healthcare SEO Content

While content is crucial, quality always surpasses quantity in healthcare SEO. Your content should not only be abundant but also highly informative, trustworthy, and relevant to your patients’ needs.

This is something that I feel is a bit of a dance. How do you get enough content on your website that Google really understands what your website is about why making sure it’s still high enough quality to truly help your patients? Honestly, it’s a dance. But it’s an important question to keep top of mind. Because while you do need a pretty decent amount of content on your website for search engines to really understand what patients you help and how you help them, you are ultimately responsible for the content on your website, so you do want to make sure it’s accurate and represents you well.

The Importance of Relevance

Relevance is the key to effective SEO content. Ensuring that your content directly addresses the questions and concerns your patients have is paramount to engaging and retaining your audience.

If you create content simply for the purpose of SEO or only to have a blog post that uses some keyword you’ve discovered has a high search volume, it may not help you as much as you’d like. Content that’s about some off-the-wall topic unrelated to your practice will stand out to Google as well. Furthermore, it won’t attract the right type of audience to your website.

Letters spelling out keywords around a magnifying glass on a yellow background. Want to improve your healthcare SEO? We can help you understand local SEO for healthcare providers. Visit us today!

The Process of Keyword Research

Now that we’ve covered the fundamentals, it’s time to dive into the process of keyword research, a critical aspect of healthcare SEO.

How do you actually do keyword research? What tools do you need?  How do you go about choosing specific keywords to target? If you’re reading this blog, I know you likely have a lot of these questions. So, let’s dive right in.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research involves identifying the most relevant and effective keywords to target in your healthcare SEO strategy. It’s about discovering the terms your potential patients are using to search for healthcare services.

The Tools for Keyword Research

To embark on successful keyword research, you need the right tools. That said, there are a LOT of keyword research tools out there.  And even our team uses a variety of tools. Furthermore, you’ll find that oftentimes using different tools shows you slightly different things.  Here are a few different ones that we have used:

Google Keyword Planner

Google’s Keyword Planner is a valuable resource for discovering keywords. It provides insights into keyword frequency and difficulty for specific geographic areas, helping you tailor your strategy. I don’t personally find this one very useful, but have known a lot of people who have. If you already use Google Adwords, you might like this one.


SEMrush is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers keyword research capabilities. It provides in-depth insights into keyword competition and search volume, aiding your decision-making process. SEMrush is one of my personal favorites, but honestly, it’s a little complicated to use and a little expensive if you’re really only working on one or two websites.

Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a browser extension that offers keyword data while you search the web. It’s a handy tool for on-the-fly keyword discovery. This has a great Chrome extension and I’ve known a lot of different people who use this. Honestly, I have found myself using this one less and less over the years just because I find I get more helpful information from KWFinder or SEMRush.


KWFinder is through Mangools and is our favorite at Simplified SEO Consulting. Everyone on our team uses this one more than any other tool. You can choose a specific geographic location like your state or even a more specific city/metropolitan area.  It gives a ton of information but isn’t too overwhelming. Generally, if people are going with just one, this is the one I recommend.

Answer the Public

Answer the Public is a unique tool that visualizes search query data in a user-friendly format. It’s excellent for uncovering long-tail keywords and questions people commonly ask.

For long-tail keywords, tools like Answer the Public are particularly useful. And long tail keywords are a very important part of your SEO strategy, because these keywords often have lower competition, making it easier for your practice to rank for them.

How Do I Find Unique Keywords for SEO?

First, I love that you’re asking this question.  I was really excited when my own keyword research unearthed this as a popular search term. Why? Because we find that so many of our private practice clients want to use the same general search terms like “private practice physician near me” or “family medicine doctor near me.” Unfortunately, these more general terms are often very competitive to rank for and the patients looking for them might be less invested than someone looking for a more specific term like, “family medicine doctor specializing in geriatrics” or “functional medicine doctor.” So, unearthing unique keywords can be really, really powerful for your SEO strategy. But how do you find those magical keywords with less competition that will attract patients who get really excited about you as a practice?

Listening to Your Patients

One of the most effective methods is listening to your patients. Take note of the words and phrases they use when describing their healthcare needs during appointments.

Think of a newer patient you have who you are REALLY excited to work with. Someone who came in and you just knew you’ll be able to make a huge difference for them. What brought them in? How did they describe that pain? THIS is likely your ideal clients and the terms they used to describe why they sought you out are likely perfect keywords for you to target!

Admission Forms

Examine the forms patients fill out when they visit your practice. These forms may contain valuable insights into their concerns and expectations. What symptoms are they checking off? Those might be keywords. What questions are they writing in at the bottom of the sheet in the blank space? There’s a fantastic blog post. These forms can’t be shared online of course (PLEASE always consider patient privacy-never take any SEO advice that would violate that!), but a look at what your patients are saying and asking on this type of documentation can give you great ideas for what kind of content would be helpful.

What are Good SEO Keywords?

In your quest to conquer the world of healthcare SEO, there’s one crucial truth to keep in mind: the most valuable keywords are those your ideal patients are genuinely using. While it may seem tempting to chase after the most popular terms in the medical field, it’s essential to strike a balance between keyword competition and difficulty.

The cornerstone of successful healthcare SEO is relevance. Your chosen keywords must align with the nature of your work and resonate with your ideal clients. Building your unique health keywords list is an intricate process, dependent on various factors such as the type of patients you aim to attract, the local dialect, insurance preferences, and more.

What Are the Most Searched-for Healthcare Terms?

We often get asked about the top medical keywords or for a specific list of keywords every medical professional in private practice should target. However, SEO isn’t that simple and keyword research certainly isn’t. You’ll want to develop your own health keywords list based on the type of patients you’re trying to attract, the dialect in your local area, what insurances you do or don’t take and a variety of other factors.  So, while you might be curious about a definitive list of top medical keywords, healthcare SEO simply isn’t one-size-fits-all.

Healthcare SEO is about customization. You must develop a tailored list of health keywords based on your target patient demographics, local dialect, insurance considerations, and other factors.

What People Search for On Google About Health: Creating Helpful Content

Informative content is the cornerstone of successful healthcare SEO. By understanding what your patients are searching for, you can provide valuable answers and establish trust.

When you understand what your patients are searching for, you have the opportunity to truly answer their questions and doing so helps both your patients AND Google

What is SEO content for healthcare?

In the realm of healthcare, SEO content encompasses various forms of digital material, including blogs, service pages, and any information available on your website that aims to provide valuable insights and assistance to your patients. It’s more than just content; it’s a strategic tool that not only caters to the needs of your patients but also plays a pivotal role in informing Google about where and when to rank your website. By delivering genuinely helpful content that addresses patients’ queries and concerns, you create a win-win scenario—providing valuable resources for your audience while bolstering your online visibility and rankings within search engine results pages.

Navigating On-Page SEO with Keywords

Once you have your keywords selected, and you’ve created some awesome content, it is time to start optimizing that content. Optimizing content is when you take the content you’ve created on your website and start making sure there are keywords strategically placed so Google really starts to understand that this content should show up in  Google search results when someone searches for that particular phrase.

On-Page SEO Optimization

On-page SEO involves optimizing individual pages on your website to rank higher on search engines. It includes various elements, such as page titles, meta descriptions, header tags, and keyword placement. There are a variety of components and we’ll only be able to touch on a few here, but this is a good list to get you started and a list that considers specifically where keywords can be used.

Incorporating Keywords in Page Titles

Page titles are one place you can include medical keywords when you’re working on SEO. Incorporate relevant keywords into your page titles to signal to search engines what your content is about. For example, if your keyword research showed that people are searching for “adrenal fatigue,” you want to include the term “adrenal fatigue” in the title of your article on that topic.  

Most people are pretty good about doing this. However, occasionally we do see private practice owners write really fun titles that are meant to draw people in. However, sometimes these creative titles don’t actually use the keywords that the practitioner wants to rank on search engines. However, if you’re working on healthcare SEO, it’s important to remember that you want your titles to directly use the keywords your clients are searching for in the title.

The Role of Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are very short descriptions (usually under 160 characters) of what a page of your website is about. This is also a description of the page that you’re recommending Google use in SERP results (the list of results when someone does a search) to explain to someone what your page is about and why they should click on your website. Craft engaging meta descriptions that entice users to click while including relevant keywords.

Header Tags and Keyword Placement

Use header tags (H1, H2, H3) to structure your content. These tags not only enhance readability but also offer opportunities to include keywords strategically. When you’ve done a great job with creating SEO and patient-friendly headings, someone should be able to scan your page and have a good idea of what your page is about.

Local SEO for Healthcare Providers

Local SEO is especially relevant for healthcare providers as they often serve specific geographic areas. And, local SEO is something we get a lot of questions about.

Local SEO and Its Importance

Local SEO focuses on optimizing your online presence to attract local patients. It ensures that your practice appears in local search results when patients seek nearby healthcare services. Basically, local SEO is anything you do to help really communicate to Google where you are relevant. 

Where do your ideal patients live, work, and spend time? Those are the locations you want your business to show up on Google for. Local SEO will help you communicate that to SEO.

Optimizing Your Google Business Profile

A crucial aspect of local SEO is optimizing your Google Business Profile. Complete your GMB listing with accurate information, including your practice name, address, phone number (NAP), and business hours.

Local Citations and NAP Consistency

Consistency is key in local SEO. Ensure that your practice’s name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistent across all online platforms, directories, and listings.

Measuring Success with SEO Analytics

Ok, so you found some keywords and started using those to start optimizing your website. But how do you know if your SEO is working? How do you know if you’re getting a good return on that investment of time and/or money you’re putting into this? To gauge the effectiveness of your healthcare SEO efforts, you must delve into SEO analytics.

Analyzing Key SEO Metrics

First of all, if you’re targeting specific keywords we strongly recommend tracking how you’re ranking for those. There are lots of keyword-tracking tools out there. We use a custom dashboard for our SEO clients, but even keeping an Excel document that you keep a list of keywords and check how you’re ranking for those each month can give you some information. Then, you can begin to dive into other key SEO metrics such as website traffic, click-through rate, and average length of user sessions. These metrics provide valuable insights into your SEO performance.

A person's hand sitting on laptop with analytics showing. Not understanding the analytics about your Healthcare SEO? Our services can provide help with learning about SEO content for healthcare and the analytics.

What Are the Best Practices for Healthcare SEO?

Successful healthcare SEO is rooted in best practices that prioritize both your practice’s needs and the requirements of your patients.

Prioritizing Patients’ Needs

First and foremost, always prioritize your patients’ needs. Ultimately, your website is for your patients. And, Google rewards websites that provide an exceptional user experience and valuable information.

Following Google’s Guidelines

Staying aligned with Google’s guidelines is non-negotiable in healthcare SEO. Avoid shortcuts or blackhat techniques, as they can result in penalties. It’s worth noting that Google updates it’s guidelines from time to time so you do want to stay up to date with those updates.

Consulting an SEO Expert

Healthcare SEO is a specialized skill. And it does take a TON of time if you want to learn to do it yourself. So, you may want to consider outsourcing your healthcare SEO to an expert who understands the unique challenges and opportunities within the healthcare industry. Even if you do want to optimize your own website, I highly recommend getting some training specific to SEO in the healthcare field as it will take you a lot longer if you don’t have some support as you move through the process.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Healthcare SEO

Avoid falling into common pitfalls that can hinder your healthcare SEO progress. It’s important to steer clear of unethical SEO techniques (in the field often called “blackhat SEO”) or SEO scams that promise quick results but often lead to long-term issues. Unfortunately, if it sounds too good to be true it likely is. 

Embracing SEO Trends in Healthcare

To maintain a competitive edge, it’s crucial to stay updated on emerging SEO trends within the healthcare sector.

Emerging Trends in Healthcare SEO

Keep an eye on trends like voice search optimization and improving user experience through Core Web Vitals.

Why Is Medical SEO Important?

Medical SEO holds paramount importance in today’s digital age due to several compelling reasons. Firstly, it fosters trust and credibility, crucial for healthcare practitioners aiming to establish a strong online presence. By optimizing their websites, medical professionals not only gain credibility in the eyes of patients but also instill confidence in search engines, thereby enhancing their rankings. Secondly, it’s a powerful tool for attracting highly targeted patients. Effective SEO ensures that your healthcare practice appears prominently when potential patients search for relevant services, driving organic traffic of individuals actively seeking your expertise. Moreover, staying competitive in the healthcare industry necessitates a robust online presence, and SEO helps practices maintain that competitive edge. Lastly, by embracing medical SEO, healthcare practices empower themselves to reach and educate a broader audience, fostering patient engagement and enhancing the overall quality of care they provide.

Building Trust and Credibility

Building trust and credibility is a core aspect of medical SEO. When healthcare practices invest in optimizing their online presence, they signal to both patients and search engines that they are dedicated to providing valuable and reliable information. Patients are more likely to choose a healthcare provider whose website is informative, user-friendly, and ranks well in search results. This trust extends to the medical expertise of the practitioners themselves. Furthermore, search engines like Google reward trustworthy websites with higher rankings, reinforcing the practice’s credibility among both patients and the digital landscape. In essence, medical SEO is a pathway to creating a solid foundation of trust and credibility that forms the bedrock of a successful healthcare practice.

Attracting Targeted Patients

Effective medical SEO ensures that your practice attracts patients genuinely interested in your services, resulting in higher conversion rates.

It’s not just about getting to the top of Google for a few keywords. It’s not even just about getting new patients to call. It’s about getting the right patients to call. 

Medical SEO Strategy Example: Functional Medicine Doctor SEO Strategy

Simplified SEO Consulting started dipping our toes into the world of SEO beyond mental health into the more general healthcare world by working with a couple of functional medicine doctors. We found that we really love working on SEO for functional medicine doctors. And, it was very important here to find the right keywords. What are the keywords the specific type of patients that are looking for that type of holistic approach to healthcare? That was our mission. If we had just taken a list of the most searched healthcare keywords on Google, it wouldn’t have gotten as good of results for those functional medicine results. Why? Because once somebody lands on the website, certain types of potential patients are more likely than others to turn into paying patients for those functional medicine doctors.

So, we identified keywords related to and created in-depth SEO content related to topics such as adrenal fatigue, hormonal issues, thyroid imbalance, gene testing, and other services that those functional medicine doctors were offering. Why? Because those were the topics that their ideal patients were searching for.  

By increasing how a functional medicine doctor ranked for those types of words, we were able to drive more qualified traffic to their websites. Then, more potential clients reach out. And, that’s how we’re able to play a small role in the growth of functional medicine private practices.

Staying Competitive in Healthcare

In a competitive healthcare landscape, SEO is the key to differentiating your practice and staying ahead of the competition. 

The truth is that the SEO landscape has gotten more, and more competitive over the years. And I feel like in the healthcare industry, COVID-19 really sped up the race for healthcare professionals to improve their digital marketing. Therefore, SEO takes a little more work these days.

Furthermore, SEO is a constantly evolving industry. Search engines are constantly looking for ways to make their search results better, for ways to improve the search experience for their user. And, that means that they’re updating those search algorithms. So, to stay competitive we also have to be aware of how the SEO landscape is changing.

Empowering Healthcare Practices with SEO

Empower your healthcare practice by embracing the potential of SEO. It’s not just about ranking higher; it’s about transforming your online presence into a patient-centric resource.

This is what we do at Simplified SEO Consulting. We get to know the healthcare practices we work with. We learn about who you serve and how you help. Then, we do that in-depth keyword research for you (or with you in our SEO training program) and develop a comprehensive SEO plan to help you reach your ideal patients and grow your practice.

Next Steps: Taking Action for Healthcare SEO Success

With a solid understanding of healthcare SEO principles, it’s time to take action. Implement these strategies, stay informed about evolving trends, and watch your practice thrive in the digital era.

If you’re ready to optimize your SEO, we’re here to support you on your private practice growth. Check out our SEO for Functional Medicine Doctors page (we offer the same services to other healthcare professionals in private practice) to learn about the specific services we offer to help grow your healthcare practice or just go ahead and book a free Zoom consultation with one of our team members. Our team members understand SEO and we understand the unique needs of healthcare professionals. We’re passionate about the work we do and we’d love to help you grow your business.

So you’re thinking about SEO! Maybe you heard about it on a podcast or read about it in a Facebook group for therapists. Perhaps a colleague mentioned to you that SEO helped them grow their practice, and now you’re considering it too.

Many of our clients come to us with a very basic understanding of SEO. They know that it helps people get found in search engines, but they aren’t really sure what it means. You might not even know what “SEO” stands for. (Psst, it stands for search engine optimization.)

Because of this, a fair amount of our clients don’t even consider the idea of learning SEO for their own website. They think that it’s too technical and confusing, and that only a computer-wiz could figure it out. But believe it or not, SEO actually isn’t that complicated. And there are plenty of benefits to learning SEO yourself!

SEO is Actually Pretty Simple Once You Learn the Basics

Photo of the word "SEO" surrounded by the words "keyword", "search", "content" and "strategy". This photo represents how SEO training with Simplified SEO Consulting can help private practice websites rank higher on Google.

For context, I (like many of my team members) have a Bachelor’s degree in psychology. I never studied computer science or digital marketing, and honestly the only computer class I took in college was related to statistics for psychology! I’ve worked as an Intake Coordinator for a private practice, and had heard about SEO, but before I started working here I had no idea how it worked.

I wouldn’t have considered myself tech-savvy in the least, but after a bit of training I realized that SEO is actually pretty simple! Now, there are a wide range of SEO strategies, and yes there are some components of SEO that are a bit more “technical”. However, once you understand the basic principles of SEO, you can make big improvements in your website’s online rankings!

What are the Benefits of Learning SEO?

You Have Full Control Over the Content on Your Private Practice Website

When you learn how to optimize your website yourself, you have full control over the content on your website. Everything from the writing on your service pages and blogs, to the photos, and how you choose to incorporate keywords all comes from you. This ensures that everything on your website aligns with your values and brand. It also means that clients get a very authentic sense of your perspective, your voice, and your practice’s unique approach.

Now, if you outsource your SEO with us, we will do everything we can to match your voice and approach. However, many of our clients who learn how to optimize their own website find it very rewarding to know that all of the content on their website comes directly from them.

You’ll be Able to Maintain Your SEO for Years to ComePhoto of a toy car holding a roll of bills next to the word "ROI". This photo represents how seo coaching can help therapists learn seo marketing and get a great ROI.

Another great benefit of learning how to optimize your website is that you’ll be able to maintain it for years to come! One of the great things about SEO is that once you are ranking well, your rankings should remain relatively stable.

However, we know that other practices and websites will pop up that also want a great ranking. So we recommend doing a few things to maintain your SEO, such as keeping up with a consistent blogging strategy or doing an “SEO tune-up” every once in a while. If you learn SEO, you’ll be able to handle these things yourself without having to pay someone else to do it. Which means that you’ll be able to stretch your investment even further!

You’ll be Able to Use Your SEO Training as You Grow Your Practice

Learning SEO is great for maintaining your current site, however it’s especially helpful if you plan on growing your practice. Let’s say you add a new member to your team with a new speciality. If you have the skills to optimize your site, you can get this new page added and optimized as soon as you need to.

Or, if you want to change directions and open a practice in a new location or start a consulting business, you can apply these skills to an entirely new website! When you learn SEO, the possibilities of how you use those skills are pretty endless.

Learning SEO is a More Affordable Option

You can probably gather from the reasons I listed above that learning how to optimize your website yourself is a more affordable option compared to outsourcing. When you gain SEO skills, you won’t need to pay someone to add and optimize new content to your website down the line. As your practice grows, you can even teach another member of your team how to optimize your blogs or do an SEO tune-up for you, and stretch your knowledge even further!

We always say that SEO is either an investment of time or money. It just depends on how you want to allocate your resources.

On That Note, Who Should Learn SEO?

It’s important to mention that learning how to optimize your website isn’t for everyone. While anyone can learn how to optimize their website, not everyone necessarily should.

Photo of a person typing on a computer representing how therapists can learn SEO online to improve the rankings of their private practice website.

Now, we actually have an entire blog dedicated to answering the question of who should do their own optimization. So I recommend checking that out for all of our thoughts. But in this blog I wanted to briefly mention that learning how to optimize your website does take some time and energy. So if you are an incredibly busy practice owner, it may not be the best option for you. (Though, you could always have a member of your team learn SEO!)

However, we know that learning optimization isn’t the best option for every practice. That’s why we offer Done-For-You services too! If you need help deciding what option is best for you, our team would be happy to give you our advice!

Interested in Learning More About Our SEO Training Options?

At Simplified SEO Consulting we offer a range of options to teach therapists and helping professionals how to optimize their websites! For those who want a personalized approach, we offer one-on-one SEO trainings. If you want to learn SEO in a group, our Small Group SEO Intensives are a great fit. Or, if you’re looking for an affordable option to get started, we have several DIY online courses that cover different SEO strategies!

If you’re interested in learning more about our different options and getting our suggestions on which is best for you, you can schedule a free video consultation with a member of our team. We’d be happy to learn more about your practice, your SEO goals, and give your advice!

Other SEO Services Offered at Simplified SEO Consulting

We understand that training and DIY options aren’t suitable for all practices. So for those who want to outsource, we offer Done-For-You SEO services at different levels. You can also start learning a bit more with our free 7-day SEO email series or by reading our other blogs on SEO. We are happy to be a part of your business’s journey in any way that we can.

About the AuthorHeadshot of Kaite, Virtual Administrative Assistant and Mental Health SEO Copywriter at Simplified SEO Consulting for therapist websites in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and beyond.

Kaite Ritchie is our Administrative Assistant, Alumni Specialist, and a Mental Health SEO Copywriter at Simplified SEO Consulting. Before joining our team, she worked at our founder’s private practice as an Intake Coordinator. Since she worked at the practice where it all began, when Jessica taught herself how to optimize her own website, she learned how powerful of a tool SEO can be! Now she enjoys writing and optimizing content for our clients, and helping therapists decide if learning SEO is the right path for them during our free consultations. You can schedule a free consultation with Kaite to learn more about our SEO services and get help deciding whether one of our trainings is right for you!

If you’re reading this blog, chances are you already know about the importance of SEO, also known as Search Engine Optimization. But, there’s a second, often overlooked, aspect to SEO that is extremely important as well. It’s called analytics. Analytics can be a scary word that brings to mind thoughts of statistics, mathematical equations, and computations that many of us just don’t understand. However, analytics really aren’t that scary and they play an important role in SEO. So, what are analytics? Let’s take a look.

Analytics and SEO: The Intersection of Knowledge and Application

The definition of analytics, in simple terms, is the process of discovering, interpreting, and communicating significant patterns in data. Ok, maybe that is not so simple! Let’s try this, analytics allow us to see insights and meaningful data that we might not otherwise notice in relation to our SEO efforts.

Touch screen displaying analytics while an idividual looks at the data. Understanding analytic data is not as hard as it seems. SEO consultants can help. Learn more here.


Four Key Reasons to Utilize Analytics with Your SEO:

Analytics can tell you where your organic site traffic is coming from.

This is important because understanding where your traffic is coming from tells you how to attract more potential visitors. Are clients coming from referrals or google searches? This helps determine if your SEO is driving your target customers to your brand through organic search or other sources.


Analytics help determine which keywords you should attempt to rank your private practice for.

Analytic tools can tell you the monthly search volume of the keyword, ranking difficulty, and where you are ranking for that keyword. Analytics also monitor your movement up or down in rankings, so you know which keywords need more optimizations!

Progress tracking made easy

Analytics help you track your overall progress with your website’s optimizations through a number of key metrics listed below:

Organic traffic

This is any traffic that comes to your website that originates from a search engine. Organic traffic is not paid for.

Bounce rate

This tells you the number of visitors to your website that leave after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate could indicate a problem with the user experience on your site that needs to be addressed.

Returning Visitors vs. New Visitors

This metric tells you how many new individuals are visiting your page versus visitors that have been there before (such as an existing client). The more new users the better as this means you are more visible on the internet.

Page load speeds

This refers to the amount of time it takes for your webpage to fully load for your users. Slow load times not only drive clients away from your page but also negatively impact your SEO results with Google. Statistics state that if a page takes longer than 3 seconds to load, more than1/4 of all users will click away from your site.

Conversion rates

This is the percentage of people who visit your site and complete the desired task before leaving. For example, say your goal is to get people to fill out the online contact form. Conversion rate can measure the percentage of visitors to your site who complete this task. This allows you to see how compelling and successful the SEO work on your site is.

Click through rate (CTR)

This last metric measures the number of people who see your result on the search engine result page (SERP) such as the Google search results and actually click on the link to go to your page. The more people clicking to your page the better! This is where your meta descriptions come into play. A great meta description will draw people to your site because they want to learn more. Learn more about writing the perfect meta description here.

Return on Investment

Lastly, and maybe most importantly, analytics help you measure your return on investment (ROI). When you look at all the combined analytics listed above together, they paint a picture of how well your SEO work, applications, and optimizations are working together to drive your ideal client to your site. This lets you see in real-time on a regular basis how effective your monthly SEO spend is and what needs improvement.

 Free Analytics Tools for SEO:

There are a wide variety of options available on the internet for gathering your analytical information that are free. Below is a list of some available tools for you to explore and use:Two hands doing data analysis on a virtual dashboard. Analytics provide important insights into the health of your SEO optimizations. Simplified SEO Consulting is here to help you. Learn more here.

Closing Thoughts

Here at Simplified SEO Consulting, we consistently use analytics to inform our decision-making when it comes to optimizing your web pages and blogs. In fact, all of our clients have access to a customized Data Dashboard pulling the metrics we most want to target to track SEO success and ROI. We know that these tools give us a greater understanding of how best to serve our clients and help them achieve their business goals. We also encourage you to get familiar with these tools! Understanding analytics gives YOU greater control and insight into helping your business reach its goals on the path to becoming everything you dreamed it could be, now and into the future.


Begin Improving Your SEO and Analytics Understanding with Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team works closely with therapists nationwide to optimize their SEO based on analytical metrics! If you have been searching for an SEO company that understands analytics and its real-world applications, you’re in the right place. Our wonderful team of mental health SEO specialists at Simplified SEO Consulting would love to talk strategy with you and help you get connected with the best service for you. To get started with our service follow these simple steps:

  1. Schedule a consult with our Consultation Team
  2. Learn more about our talented team of mental health SEO Specialists
  3. Start learning SEO for Eating Disorder Therapists that align with your brand!

Other Services offered by Simplified SEO Consulting

Simplified SEO consulting offers a wide range of services that can help you begin working with your people. We offer Done for You SEO Service packages, online courses, and SEO training opportunities. Our most popular course includes our “Top of Google” online course, and we have 12 weeks of intensive SEO for those who want to learn with a guide. For those looking for a more specialized package, we also offer an SEO strategy package. To get started, schedule a consultation with our Client Success Specialist today!

About the AuthorPicture of the author. Simplified SEO Consulting is here to help you navigate the world of Analytics and SEO. Learn more here.

Mary is one of the newest members of our dedicated and knowledgeable SEO Specialists here at Simplified SEO Consulting. She brings with her certification in Google Analytics (Google Analytics IQ Certification) and understands the importance of analytics and their application. She loves staying up to date on all things analytical in order to bring clients the most informed service possible.

If you are ready to start your analytical SEO journey with us, schedule your free 30-minute consultation with us now. Mary and the rest of our team are ready to support you!