Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and data from digital attacks. It involves a range of strategies and technologies designed to protect information against unauthorized users, data breaches, and other threats that could compromise its confidentiality. Cybersecurity stands as the shield that protects your practice’s invaluable digital information. As mental health professionals, personal injury lawyers, and functional medicine doctors, your online presence, client information, and sensitive data are the lifeblood of your practice. Let’s delve deeper into simplified cybersecurity strategies tailored specifically to fortify your practice against potential digital threats. Our SEO specialists at Simplified SEO Consulting are here to help!

Understanding Cybersecurity: Safeguarding Your Digital World

Cybersecurity Basics Simplified:

At its core, cybersecurity involves fortifying your digital boundaries against potential threats. This means protecting your practice’s systems, networks, and the confidential information of your clients from malicious digital attacks. Think of it as establishing a digital fortress—a secure space that defends against intruders.

Secure network background. Make sure you are changing your password to maintain cybersecurity. Contact us today to learn more!

Identifying Common Threats:

Phishing: Guarding Against Deceptive Emails

Phishing attacks often disguise themselves as legitimate emails to deceive recipients into revealing sensitive information. These deceptive emails might appear genuine, but they aim to trick you into clicking on malicious links or providing personal data. Always be cautious of unusual sender addresses, unexpected requests for sensitive information, or messages containing urgent or threatening language.

For instance, a mental health professional might receive an email seemingly from a client, urgently requesting sensitive information. Upon closer inspection, the email address might seem slightly off or unfamiliar, signaling a potential phishing attempt.

Malware: Keeping Your Systems Safe

Malware encompasses many harmful software, including viruses, worms, Trojans, and rootkits. These malicious programs can infect your systems, disrupt operations, and compromise sensitive data. Signs of a malware attack may include slow computer performance, unexpected pop-ups, or sudden system reboots.

For instance, a personal injury lawyer might notice their computer slowing down significantly or encountering unexpected pop-ups while accessing legal documents, indicating a possible malware infection.

Ransomware: Defending Against Data Hostages

Ransomware is a particularly malicious form of malware that encrypts data and demands a ransom for its release. It can bring operations to a standstill and severely impact business continuity. Signs of a ransomware attack include inaccessible files, ransom demands, and system lockout messages.

A functional medicine doctor might encounter a situation where vital patient health records become encrypted and inaccessible, accompanied by a message demanding a ransom for decryption—a clear indication of a ransomware attack.

Social Engineering: Protecting Your Trust

Social engineering involves manipulating individuals to divulge sensitive information. This could include tactics like pretexting, baiting, or making unsolicited calls or emails to extract confidential data. Always be cautious of unsolicited requests for personal or confidential information, especially those accompanied by offers that seem too good to be true.

Consider a scenario where a mental health professional receives an unexpected call requesting sensitive patient information under the pretext of conducting a survey. Such unsolicited calls should raise red flags, indicating a potential social engineering attempt.

SEO Spam: Preventing Online Reputation Damage

SEO spam involves injecting illicit content into websites to manipulate search engine rankings or redirect traffic. Signs of SEO compromise may include sudden drops in website rankings, unknown content or links on the website, or alerts from search engines about potential site compromises.

A functional medicine doctor might notice unexpected changes in their website’s traffic patterns or receive warnings from search engines about the site’s compromised integrity, signaling potential SEO spam attacks.

Cybersecurity on wooden blocks. Uncover the secrets to keeping your website safe! Contact us today to learn more about cybersecurity or SEO.

Understanding the Impact: What Cyber Attacks Mean for Your Practice

Financial Impact:

The financial repercussions of a cyber attack can be substantial. For mental health professionals, personal injury lawyers, and functional medicine doctors, such financial implications could significantly affect the practice’s operations. A cyber attack can result in Immediate financial losses stemming from various factors. These might include the cost of investigating the breach, restoring compromised systems, and potential legal fees incurred in addressing the aftermath. In severe cases, ransomware attacks, where hackers encrypt data and demand payment for its release.

Business Consequences:

Beyond financial losses, cyber attacks can lead to a loss of client trust and credibility, potentially resulting in a decrease in clients or revenue. After a cyber-attack has taken place, there needs to be significant trust gained back with clients. Maintaining trust in mental health, legal services, or medical practice is pivotal for sustaining business operations.

Human Error:

Surprisingly, a considerable 82% of cybersecurity breaches stem from human error. Understanding and mitigating these errors through regular training and awareness can substantially reduce vulnerabilities in your practice.

Tailored Risks for Mental Health Professionals, Lawyers & Doctors

Sensitive Data Protection: For mental health professionals, protecting patient confidentiality is paramount. Similarly, personal injury lawyers handling sensitive legal information or functional medicine doctors safeguarding patient health records must ensure robust security measures to protect this invaluable data.

Website Security: Securing your practice’s website involves implementing measures such as HTTPS encryption, regularly updating plugins and themes, and ensuring robust platform security to prevent potential breaches.

Creating a Cybersecurity Culture: Everyone’s Responsibility

Regular Training: Educating your entire team about cybersecurity measures and best practices is pivotal. Simple training sessions can empower your team to identify and address potential threats effectively.

Establishing Clear Policies: Establishing and reinforcing clear cybersecurity policies within your practice sets a standard for security practices and helps create a unified approach to cyber defense.

A password protection screen. Did you know changing your password could prevent possible hacks or scamming? Learn more tips and tricks from our SEO specialists.

Creating Strong Passwords: Safeguarding Your Online Vaults

Just like protecting your clients’ confidential files, your passwords act as powerful shields safeguarding your online treasures. Ensuring these shields are strong is crucial to keep cyber threats at bay. Here’s how you can craft a robust password that’s tough for cyber intruders to crack:

Uniqueness Matters: Imagine your password as a confidential code that’s uniquely yours. Avoid using common or easily guessed terms like birthdays or simple words. Instead, blend special symbols, upper and lower-case letters, and numbers. You could combine significant dates, personalized phrases, and unique symbols to make it strong and exclusive.

Length and Complexity: Long passwords serve as mighty barriers against hackers. Aim for a password that’s at least 12 characters long. Think of it as your secret formula! Mix in unusual words or phrases that hold meaning for you but remain hard for others to figure out. And remember, each account needs its exclusive key—avoid using the same password everywhere.

Embrace Change: Just as you update your professional skills, refreshing your password regularly adds an extra layer of protection. Changing your password every few months fortifies your accounts against unwanted access.

Want to Learn More Cybersecurity & SEO Tricks?

Your password is the guardian of your digital vault, much like your dedication to protecting your clients’ information. By crafting robust and distinctive passwords, you’re fortifying your online stronghold, keeping sensitive data secure from prying eyes. Want to boost your visibility while keeping your data safe? Explore the powerful synergy of SEO and cybersecurity. Safeguard your website against cyber threats while optimizing it to rank higher in search engines. Follow these steps to get started! 

  1. Schedule a free consultation here. 
  2. Meet with an SEO Specialist.
  3. Keep your accounts safe and rank higher on Google!

Other Services Simplified SEO Consulting Offers:

Simplified SEO Consulting offers a range of services to help you improve your website’s online presence. We offer Done For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses, which are customized to enhance your search engine rankings and attract your ideal clients. We also have a 12-week Done With You Intensive Program for comprehensive training. Our Content Networking service can help you boost your online presence and attract more of your ideal clients. Check out our blog for more tips and guides on SEO.

Olivia Ferguson, Mental Health SEO Specialist

About the Author

Olivia Ferguson graduated from Central Michigan University with her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work. With a prior history in crime victim advocacy, this brought her great knowledge of the legal justice system and the mental health profession. Connecting those tools together, her goal is to help individuals reach their ideal clients by improving their online presence and rankings with SEO.


Before diving into the intricacies of doing SEO independently, let’s revisit why SEO is crucial for therapists, psychiatrists, functional medicine doctors, and other helping professionals. In an era where individuals turn to the internet for mental health support, a robust online presence is essential. SEO enhances website visibility, making it easier for potential clients to find and connect with professionals. It not only increases visibility but also establishes trust, ultimately reaching a broader audience and positively impacting lives.

Understanding the Basics of SEO

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of tweaking a website to boost its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). The primary goal is to increase organic (non-paid) traffic by making the website more relevant to search engines (especially Google).

For therapists, the focus is on heightening visibility in search results for specific keywords related to their specialties or niches. Various elements of SEO help with this, such as content, meta descriptions, headings, photos, and links, to align with search engine algorithms. Although SEO involves activities like keyword research, on-page optimization, and content creation, its successful implementation requires human expertise and continuous adjustments based on data and analytics.

Can I Do SEO on My Own?

In short yes you can do SEO yourself. But it is not as easy as putting a few words here or there. So it is important to look at the pros and cons. As well as determine if the work involved is something you can commit to. First, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of doing SEO Yourself.

Benefits of Doing SEO Yourself

  • Cost Effectiveness: DIY SEO offers potential cost savings compared to hiring professional services, especially beneficial for small businesses or individuals.
  • Personalized Control and Flexibility: DIY SEO provides personalized control and flexibility. You can experiment with strategies, adapt to unique needs, and make real-time adjustments, fostering a deep understanding of your online presence.
  • Immediate Responsiveness: Eliminating the need for a middleman, DIY SEO allows immediate responsiveness to changes or updates, providing agility to adapt promptly.
  • In-Depth Knowledge of Your Business: Leveraging your insider knowledge, DIY SEO enables tailoring strategies that resonate with your target audience, highlighting unique selling points and creating authentic content.
  • Skill Acquisition and Empowermentin
  • hms: Search engines frequently change algorithms. Keeping pace with these changes demands vigilance and adaptability, which DIYers may find challenging, risking a drop in rankings.
  • Limited Expertise and Experience: SEO is a specialized field requiring a nuanced understanding of various elements. Without a solid foundation, DIYers may struggle to implement effective strategies, leading to suboptimal results.
  • The Risk of Making Costly Mistakes: In the intricate world of SEO, errors can be costly. From keyword stuffing to poorly executed backlink strategies, mistakes may undermine goals and have a lasting impact on visibility and credibility.

Despite the challenges, a strategic blend of DIY efforts and professional guidance can navigate the complexities of SEO successfully.

Should You Consider Either SEO Training or Having it Done For You Instead?

While there are distinct advantages of DIY SEO, there are some significant benefits to having an expert handle your website’s optimization. Or you might benefit from the middle ground of doing SEO training with an expert. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons

1. Specialized Knowledge and Expertise: SEO professionals bring in-depth knowledge and expertise to the table. At Simplified SEO Consulting, we stay up to date on the latest industry trends, algorithm changes, and emerging strategies. That way we can ensure that what we are teaching you and implementing is aligned with current best practices.

2. Time Savings: SEO is a time-intensive process. Professionals can efficiently manage the complexities, freeing up your time to focus on your core responsibilities and business operations.

3. Comprehensive Strategy Development: Experts develop comprehensive SEO strategies tailored to your specific goals and target audience. Their strategic approach encompasses both on-page and off-page optimization, ensuring a well-rounded and effective plan.

4. Mitigation of Risks and Mistakes: SEO experts navigate the intricacies of the digital landscape with precision. They mitigate the risks of costly mistakes, such as improper keyword usage or backlink strategies, safeguarding your website’s visibility and credibility.

5. Customized and Data-Driven Solutions: Professionals analyze data and metrics to inform their strategies. This data-driven approach allows for the customization of solutions, ensuring that your SEO efforts align with the unique needs and challenges of your industry and audience.

In considering between DIY SEO, training for search engine optimization, or having a professional do it for you, weighing these benefits against your resources, time, dedication to implementing on-page SEO, and objectives is crucial.

Tips & Resources for DIY SEO

Embarking on DIY SEO as a therapist involves practical strategies, leveraging resources, and recognizing when to seek professional help:

Practical Strategies for Beginners:

Start with the basics which is to understand your ideal clients. Once you know who they are you can properly determine what kind of pages and blogs you need to create. Then as you are creating that content you will want to do extensive keyword research. There are many tools out there that you can use. Personally, one of our favorites that our SEO experts use is Mangools. Another thing you can do as a part of the basics is to ensure that your website structure is user-friendly.

Recommended Resources and Tools:

Doing SEO yourself is going to take time. Even with our 12-week Done-With-You program, we suggest spending 2 to 3 hours a week outside of the training session. So you will want to invest additional time in learning SEO fundamentals. Explore DIY courses and blogs tailored to therapists, such as Simplified SEO Consulting, for valuable insights. Utilize tools like Google Analytics, Google Business Profile, and Google Search Console for informed decision-making.

Knowing When It’s Time to Seek Help From An SEO Specialist:

Recognize when complexity surpasses your expertise. If struggling with advanced technical aspects or minimal results, consider professional assistance for specialized knowledge.

In conclusion, approaching DIY SEO as a therapist involves a combination of practical strategies, leveraging resources, and recognizing when professional assistance is needed. The journey is a transformative opportunity to amplify your impact in the digital realm, with continuous learning and growth.

Navigating Your SEO Journey

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, understanding the nuances of SEO is paramount for therapists and helping professionals. Whether embarking on the DIY route or seeking support from an SEO specialist, the key is to strike a balance that aligns with your goals and resources. As you navigate your SEO journey, remember that it’s not just about optimizing for search engines but, more importantly, about reaching your ideal clients who are searching for support.

Get Support in Your SEO Journey

If delving into the world of SEO for Therapists, and other helping professionals intrigues you, Simplified SEO Consulting can help! Our offerings span from comprehensive do-it-yourself SEO courses to collaborative do-with-you SEO classes and fully managed done-for-you SEO services. Whether you’re eager to master the art of search engine optimization independently or prefer direct collaboration with a Mental Health SEO Specialist, we are poised to elevate your business. Ready to discover the optimal path to showcase your website to your ideal clients? Schedule a complimentary consultation now!

SEO Specialist for mental health therapist websites, Winnie. Copywriting for SEO and trauma specialist for private practice SEO. canAbout the Author, Winnie A Mental Health SEO Specialist

Hi, my name is Winnie and I am a Mental Health SEO Specialist and the Done-For-You Coordinator at Simplified. I find joy in helping therapists, psychiatrists, and functional medicine doctors expand their online presence. It is truly amazing to see individuals start to get calls from their ideal clients. While I specialize in our comprehensive done-for-you services, I am also a part of our consultation team. This has led me to become very accustomed to our DIY and DWY strategies. My overall experience with SEO and mental health has led me to work with many mental health and other helping professionals not only in the United States but also across several countries.

You’re a diligent website owner, dedicated to providing your visitors with the best online experience. One day, you log into your Google Search Console (GSC) to ensure that everything is running smoothly. To your surprise, you spot a mysterious 404 error reported by Google for a page that, as far as you know, never existed on your website. Confusion sets in. How is it possible to have a 404 error for a page that was never there in the first place?

This scenario may seem baffling, but it’s a common issue that many website owners encounter. In this article, we’ll unravel the mystery behind Google Search Console reporting 404 errors for non-existent pages. We’ll dive into the technical intricacies of how Google detects and reports these errors, explore potential explanations for this phenomenon, and provide you with valuable insights to manage and prevent such incidents in the future.

Understanding 404 Errors

Before we delve into the enigma, let’s ensure everyone is on the same page regarding what a 404 error actually is. In the realm of the web, a 404 error, or “Not Found” error, is a standard HTTP response code indicating that the server couldn’t locate the requested webpage. In simpler terms, it’s the digital equivalent of a dead-end road sign. When a user attempts to access a page on your website that no longer exists or has been moved, the server returns this response, signaling that the page is nowhere to be found.

Google Search Console: A Brief Overview

Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, is a free web service provided by Google. It offers a collection of tools and reports that help website owners monitor and optimize their websites’ performance in Google’s search results. Essentially, it’s your backstage pass to the inner workings of Google’s search index as it pertains to your website.

Website owners and marketers use Google Search Console to gain insights into how Googlebot (Google’s web crawling bot) views their sites, identify indexing issues, analyze search traffic data, and receive important alerts and messages from Google regarding their websites’ health and performance.

The Mysterious Case: A 404 Error for a Nonexistent Page

Now, let’s address the perplexing issue at hand. You log into your Google Search Console account, expecting to see the usual metrics and reports. Instead, you’re greeted with an unexpected notification—an alert about a 404 error for a specific page on your website. The catch? This page never existed on your site, at least not intentionally. You rack your brain, trying to recall any recent website changes or updates that might explain this error. Still, you come up empty-handed.

Naturally, you’re puzzled and perhaps a bit frustrated. How can Google report a 404 error for a page that was never there in the first place? Rest assured, you’re not alone in this predicament. Many website owners have faced similar scenarios, and there are logical explanations behind these mysterious 404 error reports.

Digging Deeper: Possible Explanations

To demystify this issue, let’s explore some of the possible explanations for why Google Search Console might report a 404 error for a page that you believe never existed on your website:

1. Old Pages Stuck in Google’s Memory

Imagine your website as a big book, and Google as a tiny robot that reads every page in that book. This robot helps Google understand your website better. However, sometimes, you might have had pages on your website in the past, but you deleted or changed them. The problem is, Google’s robot still remembers those old pages and tries to find them, even though they’re no longer there. It’s like searching for a book in your library that you lent to a friend, but you forgot you lent it out.

The more official term for this is that there is a “cached version of an old page.” In other words, Google’s search index may still have cached versions of pages that you’ve since deleted or renamed. These cached versions could resurface in search results, triggering 404 errors when users attempt to access them.

Honestly, this is one of the most common reasons we see 404 errors. For example, if you have a clinician at your practice who had an “about” page and then they leave your practice. What do you do? Perhaps you delete the page. Now, Google still remembers that page exists. So, for awhile it could still show up in search results, but when someone clicks on it, they’ll get a 404 error.

For this, there’s an easy fix. It’s generally recommended that if you delete a page of your website, you immediately create a redirect so that they’ll go instead to a different page of your website. In the example of a former clinician who has left your practice, you can redirect that old page to instead go to your general “about the team page.”

2. URL Variations and Parameters: Why Is Googlebot Confused?

Okay, imagine your website’s address is like your home address. Sometimes, when you order stuff online or share your address with friends, you might add extra details, like “Apt. 3B” or “Blue House.” These extra details are like URL parameters for websites. They help track things or make special features work.

Now, think of Googlebot as a friendly explorer. It loves visiting websites to learn new things. But sometimes, it gets a little too curious. It might try to visit web addresses with those extra details (URL parameters) that you never meant for people to see. It’s like someone (in this case Google’s bots) exploring parts of your neighborhood that aren’t really meant for visitors. When Googlebot visits these secret spots, it gets confused because they weren’t supposed to be public. So, it tells you there’s an error, even though nothing’s really wrong with your main place (website).

3. Web Scrapers and Bots: The Sneaky Collectors

Now, think of web scrapers and bots like little robots on the internet. They’re like Wall-E, the cute robot who collects things in the movie. These internet robots go around gathering information from websites. They might see words on your website and decide to make up their own web addresses. But sometimes, they make mistakes, just like when you try to build a tower of blocks, and it falls down.

So, these little robots might create web addresses (URLs) that don’t really exist on your website. It’s like them trying to put together words they found on your site and making a new address. When people or other bots try to visit these made-up addresses, they can’t find anything because those pages don’t really exist. That’s when they get a 404 error message, which is like saying, “Oops, this page isn’t here.”

What Can You Do About 404 Errors for Nonexistent Pages?

If you come across this 404 error on your website, don’t panic. It’s a common issue, and you’re not alone. Here’s what you can do:

1. Check Your Website Content:

Go through your website and ensure that all your pages are up to date and relevant. If you have old pages that you no longer need, consider removing or redirecting them to the right pages.

2. Use Redirects:

To prevent users from seeing 404 errors, you can set up redirects. This means if someone tries to visit a page that doesn’t exist, they’ll automatically be taken to a relevant page. Think of it as putting up a sign in your library that directs people to the right section when they can’t find a book.

3. Regularly Update Your Sitemap:

A sitemap is like an index for your website. It tells Google where to find all your pages. Keeping your sitemap updated helps Google understand your website better and reduces the chances of 404 errors.

4. Regular Website Audits

Regular check-ups for your website are super important! It’s like going to the doctor for your site. These check-ups, called audits, help find and fix any problems like broken links or pages that got lost. But don’t worry, you don’t need fancy tools for this – your friendly website expert can do it. And guess what? If you’re working with us, our SEO packages include these check-ups! You’ll see them on your special data dashboard. It’s like having a health report for your website, making sure it’s in tip-top shape!

5. Seek Professional Help From an SEO Agency in Your Niche/Field:

If you’re not comfortable dealing with these technical aspects, consider hiring a web developer or an SEO expert. They can help you identify and fix 404 errors and ensure your website runs smoothly.

Wrapping Up: Navigating 404 Errors on Your Website

In the world of websites, even the pros sometimes get puzzled by 404 errors. It’s completely normal to find this confusing at first. But remember, as a healthcare business owner, you’re a pro at what you do, and you can master this too! So, let’s recap: 404 errors happen for various reasons, like typos or web crawlers gone wild. To fix them, keep an eye on your site, regularly check for broken links, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if needed. You’ve got this! Your website will be running smoothly, helping more patients find you in no time. Keep up the great work!

Professional, Support SEO Help for Private Practices

If you’re a healthcare professional running a therapy or private practice and want to boost your online visibility, Simplified SEO Consulting is here to help. Our team specializes in crafting tailor-made SEO strategies to attract your ideal clients or patients. Say goodbye to 404 errors and hello to a thriving online presence!

With our expertise in the healthcare industry and digital marketing, we’ll guide you through the complexities of SEO, making it easy to understand and implement. Our SEO packages include regular website audits, ensuring your online presence remains top-notch.

Don’t let 404 errors or technical jargon hold you back. Let’s work together to grow your practice and reach more of those who need your services. Schedule a free consultation with us today, and let’s get started on your path to online success. Your ideal clients are just a click away!

You may or may not have heard about the small group SEO training intensive courses that we hold each semester. As a professor for over a decade on university campuses in Missouri, I absolutely love the support and accountability that learning new concepts in a small group setting can provide. Of course, this is also a budget-friendly SEO option for those who want to learn SEO concepts themselves (Hello DIYer!), but also want the support and guidance of an experienced SEO expert. This is the beauty of the small group SEO training intensive program we hold.

Who is a good fit for the small group SEO training course?

Let me be clear, while I love this course, I know it is not going to be the best fit for everyone. Now that we have completed multiple semesters of the small group SEO training intensive, I can help interested practice owners and mental health professionals better determine which SEO option might be best for you. Like all of our training program options, you have to be ready and willing to fit in the work. As a company, we value transparency. We know that determining how to strategically invest your marketing dollars is incredibly important. We get it. As a small business as well, we have to make difficult decisions about how to allocate resources all the time.

Small Group SEO Training: Investment of Time and Money

You may have heard me say before that SEO is an investment of time, money, or a blend of both. This small group SEO training option is where that “blend of both” comes into play. Not only do you have to be willing to put in the work, but you have to have the time to do so. You can have the best intentions, but if the time for applying the concepts isn’t protected, we are unlikely to make this or any other training program worthwhile. Think about it, how many DIY courses or webinars have you purchased and never actually used? You know who you are. I’ve been there too! I don’t want this to be one of those courses. Ever.

What makes the small group SEO intensive different from our other SEO programs?

When motivated and dedicated practice owners are willing to put in the time and work to implement these new SEO concepts during our semester together, the potential for learning and growth for each participant is multiplied! Each active participant makes each active participant that much better. Let me explain.

Shows a therapist wondering about SEO marketing for Therapists. Represents how private practice seo can support therapists with SEO marketing.If you are a trained EMDR therapist in Denver, Colorado, you might choose to optimize a page of your website on virtual EMDR therapy, a page on trauma therapy and PTSD treatment and three supporting blog posts: “Benefits of EMDR for Trauma Therapy”, “EMDR Therapy for PTSD Treatment”, and “Creative Ways EMDR Therapy Can Help Denver, CO Locals”. After going through our Masterclass (the DIY Top of Search Engines Course), you’ll start to implement some of the SEO concepts yourself. Then, during our small group Mastermind sessions, I can pull your website up as an example to provide feedback, live review and what we call “SEO 2.0” for one of those pages. This benefits you AND the trauma therapist in Texas who has recently opened a new Plano location. They are able to take the live review feedback and apply it to their website. And so on, and so on.

Later in the Mastermind session, I might pull up a blog post on Postpartum Depression Treatment for New Moms in New Jersey and adjust some subheadings, finesse photo titles and tweak the call to action. The midwife in Seattle can then use that information to inform the work on their website! See where I’m going with this? And, that’s just the value of one Mastermind session. During the 16-week semester, we will have 8 live Mastermind sessions that will be recorded for all Small Group SEO Training participants in our cohort and posted to a private YouTube playlist that we will all have access to.

Support and Accountability: The Magic of SEO Small Group Training

Photo of an African American man smiling while working on his laptop. Learn tips to improve your rankings and how you can get your practice ranking in the Google 3-pack.Between sessions, I highly encourage participants to get together with other professionals and colleagues from the group for coworking. Apply the concepts from the course together. Live review and feedback is an absolute gift that you can give each other during these times. Is something unclear? Talk about it! Have a suggestion? Don’t hold back. We’re all learning together. So, there’s no fear of looking dumb. No point in holding onto imposter syndrome. We’re all in this together. The other beautiful part of this SEO group training program is that the practice owner doesn’t have to be the person going through the training. You can send a Marketing Manager, a dedicated Virtual Assistant, or another therapist in the practice to learn and implement the concepts. In fact, this has been a wonderfully successful strategy for larger group practices who know they need to step up their marketing and SEO efforts.

You Can Have SEO Success

Basically, I believe that this small group SEO training intensive program can be valuable for highly-motivated lifelong learners who are ready to spend the time investing in marketing efforts that will pay off long term. SEO is a long game. We don’t sell short-term SEO solutions. However, we do firmly believe that anyone can learn SEO. With the right components, you can have SEO success.

Start Your SEO Journey With Simplified SEO Consulting

If you’re ready to dive in, enroll now. You can get started on the Masterclass now in order to spend this time before our first meeting preparing your website for optimization. Simply visit our Small Group SEO Intensive enrollment page to get all of the information you need and register right away. We’d love to talk with you more about the small group SEO intensive. If you’d prefer to have private instruction from me, read about our 12-Week SEO Intensive Training Program. Or, if it all sounds like too much, let our team of amazing SEO experts do it for you. No matter what you choose, we are here for you and want the absolute best for your SEO success. If you are still on the fence about your SEO options, book your free SEO consultation to meet with a member of our team and talk about next steps. We look forward to connecting soon! ~Danica

Danica here, Simplified’s Chief Operating Officer and primary SEO trainer. Perhaps you’ve heard me say before that you have the opportunity to choose how you approach SEO. SEO is an investment of time, money, or a blend of both. But, what do I mean by that? Let’s break it down:

Time Intensive: DIY SEO Options

Learn SEO totally on your own! There are approximately a million SEO resources and tools available for anyone to comb through, digest, and then apply. Some cost money and some are free SEO resources. Some are therapist-focused, and many aren’t. The scope of these resources is vast. Google considers over 200 different ranking factors when determining how to position a single page in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). When learning SEO on your own, you have to determine where to focus your attention and efforts. You can dive into on-page SEO, technical SEO, Local SEO, black hat SEO, and so much more. There is an abundance of information available in various formats on the web and beyond. At this point, you could probably even ask an AI tool like Chat GPT or Bard to create an SEO strategy for your website! (That would certainly be a lot easier than what Jessica did to learn how to do her own SEO for her private practice therapy website.) Of course, I can point out the many, many downsides of using this strategy. When I say “time intensive” I mean it. The SEO literature available these days is vast, complex, and often contradictory. Remember the list of different types of SEO techniques I provided above? They all have a different lens and purpose. So, finding the right mix for your website will take time, energy, patience, and a lot of trial & error. If you’re ready to take that on, enjoy! Feel free to start with our SEO blog posts and free 7-day SEO email course.

Take a DIY SEO Course Online

A woman typing on her laptop in a coffee shop. Looking to learn more about SEO? We can help you learn and understand SEO with a different number of SEO services catered to you.

While still an “unguided” and static option, taking an SEO online course can still save you a ton of time. SEO courses condense the research and recommendations available at the time of their creation. They provide more focused information for you to move through and apply to your website. Of course, I recommend our comprehensive online SEO course for therapists, private practice owners, therapist consultants, mental health professionals, birth workers, SLPs, and other helpers. In January 2023, this DIY SEO training course was overhauled to include more than 10 hours of teaching, examples, and advice from our team of SEO experts. It was already an awesome resource for DIYers, but now it is even better! Of course, you have lifetime access to this course after purchasing, so you’ll be the first to have any future updates as the world of SEO continues to change and evolve. (Note: This online DIY SEO course is also included in some of our Done-With-You SEO Training options, discussed below)

“More Significant Investment”: Done-For-You SEO Options

On the other end of the spectrum is a Done-For-You SEO program. This approach relies on SEO experts to determine the best way(s) to boost your website’s SEO during a contracted period of time. (Hot tip: If someone tells you you’ll need to pay them to do your SEO forever, we recommend moving on to someone else…that’s not how we see it!) Done-For-You SEO appeals to folks for many reasons including convenience, quality, and saving your precious brain space!

When you delegate, you want to know that you are in the best possible hands. So, determining how to choose a company to trust with your SEO strategy is certainly not something to take lightly. If you are considering working with our Done-For-You SEO program, we have a thorough page detailing the ins and outs. There are also quite a few blog posts about SEO Investment and what to expect with Done-For-You SEO. Basically, we believe in transparency and trust throughout the Done-For-You SEO process. Since this is our most expensive SEO option, we want you to feel confident that your investment is taken seriously.

Getting the Most Out of Your Done-For-You SEO Program

One important thing to know is that the Done-For-You SEO option with us is NOT completely hands-off. Since our SEO strategy is based on on-page optimization, we need your voice included. We need your words. Your stories. The examples and perspectives that only you can provide! I often get questions about this and want to be sure I’m clear. We CAN do great things for your SEO without your input, but it isn’t going to maximize your SEO investment. For example, if we write the copy for your website, we want to meet with you and/or get some content (bullet points, video, audio, thorough answers to one of our copywriting questionnaires) from you to work with. Then, our incredible copywriter can put together a service page or blog post that is written with your ideal client in mind. Even if you come to our Done-For-You program with your copy completed, we still may ask for a little more content in order to truly connect with your ideal client where they are already looking for you on the web. This is how to get the most out of the Done-For-You SEO program with Simplified SEO Consulting.

“Blend of Both”: Done-With-You SEO Training Options

Finally, for those who find themselves in the middle of this continuum, let’s talk about SEO training! This is one of my favorite SEO options and the foundation of Simplified SEO Consulting. As I mentioned before Jessica Tappana, founder of Simplified and private pay group therapy practice owner, taught herself SEO to maximize her marketing impact. Then, she started training her friends and colleagues when they asked her how she did it. Meanwhile, I was busy building my birth business and working at our local University as a program director and Adjunct Faculty member. After major life changes and a global pandemic, I get to now spend my days supporting our incredible team of SEO experts and training practice owners around the world to boost their private practice websites with SEO. While I’m a strict instructor, it is because I truly want trainees to get the most out of this experience. Whether through our private SEO training or as part of the Small Group SEO training cohort, I truly believe participants can do their own SEO effectively. Guided SEO training allows you to do so most strategically with support and accountability.

12-Week SEO Training Intensive

Our private, 12-Week, SEO Training Intensive is completely customized to the needs of the individual doing the training. This is the magic of this SEO training option. While I have a general outline of how the weeks can go, that is often thrown out the window in order to focus on what the practice most needs. As I mentioned earlier, you get lifetime access to the comprehensive DIY SEO course and can move through as quickly as you’d like. This option allows you to take the most control over your SEO journey, with maximum support and guidance.

A woman working on a computer with a headset on smiling. Want to learn about SEO and how it impacts a business. We can teach you about SEO and it being an investment to you.

My approach to training is one of individualization and strategic personal (and professional) development. I’ve been known to call what we do “therapy for websites”. This is absolutely true in SEO training, with training alums calling the process “transformative”. The most successful trainees have had intrinsic motivation to move through the concepts. Then, they apply SEO to as much of their website as possible during and after our time together. Of course, you can read all about this on our 12-Week SEO Intensive Training page, but I want you to know what you’re getting into. This option generally requires at least two hours of dedicated work between your sessions. This is separate from the online self-guided SEO course, so you can apply the concepts. Then, we can use our sessions to review your data, review your work with my live editing, answer questions that have come up along the way, and introduce new concepts. Training sessions tend to fly by, so the more you can do outside of our time together the better. SEO training is like the approach most therapists and helping professionals take with their clients: the more you put into the process, the better your outcomes will be. The only downside of this program is that while you have the benefit of my expertise and experience, you would need to find your own colleagues or others to bounce ideas off of. That’s where the Small Group SEO Intensive comes in!

SEO Training in a Small Group Format

Each semester for the last couple of years, we have offered SEO training in a small group format. As a former professor, you know I love this! It’s group accountability and support without the “group work” pressures that many of us are scarred from in academia. (Come on, you know what I’m talking about!) Like the 12-Week SEO Training Intensive, the Small Group SEO Intensive uses the comprehensive DIY SEO course. This allows each participant to learn the SEO concepts at their preferred pace. Small group Mastermind sessions allow for more concrete instruction and application of these concepts. I also spend time answering questions and using participant sites as examples. Between sessions, participants are encouraged to find coworking times and connect with each other to swap ideas. They even sometimes swap blog posts for ethical backlink building! Since we spend an entire semester working through this course, the time commitment can be spread out if needed. Again, all Small Group SEO participants will get out of the experience what they put into it. Those who have been most successful attend all sessions (or review the recording right after), actively participate, do the work between sessions, and ask thoughtful questions. The “syllabus” is rigorous, but worth it! I truly love this program and believe this hybrid education model has the potential to revolutionize the SEO training space. This is also the place where I tend to test out new SEO concepts for folks who want to be a part of the ever-evolving world of SEO trial and pivot. So, it’s a great opportunity to be on the cutting edge of SEO for therapists and mental health websites.

You CAN Learn How to do SEO, If You Want

Phew. Would you believe that was my attempt to keep this short? True story. I could talk about this for days. It’s that important, and I’m so passionate about helping our clients connect with their ideal clients in a way that makes sense for them. Therapists, counselors, birth workers (doulas, midwives, CNMs, etc.), speech-language pathologists (SLP), coaches, mental health consultants, and other helping professionals…the list goes on and on. The final thing I say all the time is “we don’t work with dummies!” You CAN learn to do your own SEO, if you want to. That’s what Simplified SEO Consulting is all about. While learning SEO isn’t easy, we try to make it simple for you. If you want to hear more about who these options are best for, check out the webinar Jasmine and I did last week about SEO Training for Therapists. Then, if you’re ready to talk with one of us about which option will fit your needs best, fill out a pre-consultation application to meet with us! We want to find the best fit for your website’s SEO and maximize the investment you choose to make.

A woman working on a computer with a headset on smiling. Want to learn about SEO and how it impacts a business. We can teach you about SEO and it being an investment to you.

About the Author

Danica Wolf, MSW, is the Chief Operating Officer of Simplified SEO Consulting. She is also the primary trainer for SEO clients who want to learn how to boost their own website SEO. With years of experience as a professor and instructor, and almost two decades of public speaking experience, Danica loves helping to motivate and inspire learners. As a lifelong learner herself, Danica loves diving into SEO concepts and exploring strategic ways to create content creatively. Helping the helpers meet their ideal clients where they are already searching is one of her favorite ways to spend the workday! You may see Danica on Simplified’s social media, working at the Simplified table at a therapist conference, or during one of our Zoom webinars. Be sure to say hi, and ask questions about how to best meet your business goals. She’d love to meet you!

Resource Guide: Photo Alt Text and Title Examples + Inclusive Resources for Photos

I have been very passionate for a while on creating impactful and effective alt text, alt titles, and having inclusive and accurately representative photos. Truly, I really hate looking at a website that has stereotypical and offensive photos that don’t accurately depict people’s struggles, needs, and identity. I know it can be hard to find the right photos at times, but we still have a duty to create content on our websites that allow clients to see themselves and their experiences.

Photo Alt Text, Optimizing Photos, & Titles Examples

Within couples therapy websites there are so many keywords you can use. This is an example of how I would formulate photo text in general. The general format I am looking at is as follows:

Photo Alt Title: Short description of the photo ( *not denoting anything related to mental health) | Keyword | Keyword | Keyword | Zip Code | Zip Code | Zip Code

Know that you can do 3-5 zip codes and keywords. Make sure not to over optimize or keyword stuff.

Photo Alt Text: Semi-longer photo description ( *not denoting mental health). Sentence with keyword about struggle. A sentence with keyword establishing hope. Sentence with keyword establishing next steps.

*When it comes to some websites, their policies include making sure not to negatively attribute the photo or the person in the photo to some “negative” mental health stigma. This is the rules of some websites, not necessarily ours, so make sure to read the fine print when you are getting paid or free photos from sites.

A couple with noses touching embracing while in love. Marriage counseling and couples therapy in Chicago, IL is not a place where relationships go to die. Working with a relationship therapist means you care and want to work on your relationship. Connect emotionally once again in EFT therapy in Illinois today!

Couples Therapy Website

Alt Title: Couple holding on to each other noses touching | Marriage Counseling and Couples Therapy in Chicago, IL | EFT therapy | Relationship Therapist | 60602 |60603 |60604

Alt Text: A couple with noses touching embracing while in love. Marriage counseling and couples therapy in Chicago, IL is not a place where relationships go to die. Working with a relationship therapist means you care and want to work on your relationship. Connect emotionally once again in EFT therapy in Illinois today!

Child curled up into a ball. You never want to see your child hurting. Maybe you've tried child therapy for therapy for teens in Tampa, Fl before and felt it wasn't helpful, but with the right child therapist or teen therapist, it can be. We encourage you to reach out soon!

Child and Teen Therapist

Photo Alt Title: Child curled up into a ball | Child Therapist in Florida | Teen Therapist in Tampa | Therapy for Teens | Child Therapy |  33614 | 33619 | 33610

Photo Alt Text: Child curled up into a ball with parent comforting them. You never want to see your child hurting. Maybe you’ve tried child therapy or therapy for teens in Tampa, Fl before and felt it wasn’t helpful, but with the right child therapist or teen therapist, it can be. We encourage you to reach out soon!

Father in wheel chair hugging smiling daughter in yellow. Our Drug abuse and addictions counselors understand how hard substance abuse is to overcome alone. Substance abuse counseling in Los Angles, CA doesn't need to be a lonely journey. Let our team help you in substance abuse therapy soon!

Addiction Treatment Center

Alt Title: Disabled father hugging daughter | Substance Abuse Therapy | Substance Abuse Counseling in Los Angeles, CA | Drug Abuse Counselor | 90040 | 90058 | 90201 | 90220

Alt Text: Father in wheelchair hugging smiling daughter in yellow. Our Drug abuse and addictions counselors understand how hard substance abuse is to overcome alone. Substance abuse counseling in Los Angles, CA doesn’t need to be a lonely journey. Let our team help you in substance abuse therapy soon!

Woman in black sweater and pink hair talking with doctor on laptop. A pain doctor in Denver, CO can help you with pain and chronic illness management. Our pain management doctors are some of the best in their field. Call now and get support.

Private Medical Practice

Photo Alt Title: Client talking to medical professional | Pain Doctor in Denver, CO| Pain Management Doctors | Chronic Illness Management | 80001 | 80002 | 80003

Photo Alt Text: Woman in black sweater and pink hair talking with doctor on laptop. A pain doctor in Denver, CO can help you with pain and chronic illness management. Our pain management doctors are some of the best in their field. Call now and get support.

Man with his hands up in the air. We all communicate differently, and sometimes with need a speech therapist for adults in Westchester, NY. You are not alone! SLP therapy is meant to help you connect again and feel safe in how you communicate. Start working with a speech therapist in New York today!

Speech and Language Pathologist

Alt Title: A man with his hands up in the air | Speech Therapist in Westchester, NY | SLP Therapy | Speech Therapist for Adults |10701 |10801 | 10573

Alt Text: Man with his hands up in the air. We all communicate differently, and sometimes with need a speech therapist for adults in Westchester, NY. You are not alone! SLP therapy is meant to help you connect again and feel safe in how you communicate. Start working with a speech therapist in New York today!

Plant in foreground and black man in the background. Our team of registered dieticians in Austin, Texas can help you navigate nutritional concerns, eating disordered, health concerns, and more. We offer nutrition therapy and medical nutrition therapy in Texas both in-person or online.


Photo Alt Title: Man in the background with plant | Medical nutrition therapy | Registered Dietician in Austin, Texas | Nutrition Therapy | 78613 | 78610 | 78613

Photo Alt Text: Plant in foreground and black man in the background. Our team of registered dieticians in Austin, Texas can help you navigate nutritional concerns, eating disordered, health concerns, and more. We offer nutrition therapy and medical nutrition therapy in Texas both in-person or online.

Woman with chocolates on table and hands in head distressed. Sometimes we struggle to manage food and body on our own. An eating disorder therapist in Atlanta, GA who offers eating disorder therapy, anorexia treatment, and bulimia treatment can help. Call now and book a free consultation.

Eating Disorder Therapist

Alt Title: Woman feeling distress from chocolate on table | eating disorder therapist in Atlanta, GA| binge eating therapy | anorexia treatment | bulimia treatment | 30002 (Avondale Estates) | 30021 (Clarkston) | 30030 (City of Decatur)

Alt Text: Woman with chocolates on table and hands in head distressed. Sometimes we struggle to manage food and body on our own. An eating disorder therapist in Atlanta, GA who offers eating disorder therapy, anorexia treatment, and bulimia treatment can help. Call now and book a free consultation.

One great website you can use is alt text generator. It doesn’t add in keywords, but if you struggle to come up with the initial photo description, this is a good resource.

Photo Sites and Their Algorithm

One issue that really gets under my skin is how algorithms on websites are created. For example, when I am trying to find natural curly hair or hair routines on Pinterest, usually what happens is that people who look nothing like me show up. Typing in natural on a site often alludes to POC, but algorithms are often white washed by the majority.

So imagine creating a therapy website where photos “appear” diverse enough, but actually don’t show the realistic side of some ones experience. Likewise, if you are an ED therapist and all your photos show angry plus sized people or a black woman eating a salad, or stereotypical person “overeating” photos, that often stigmatized and adds to the stereotype.

One problem with the algorithm is often in order to find representative photos, you have to type in offensive or rude texts in order to find the right content. Honestly, as a therapist that infuriates me. Plus, if you as a mental health professional have a deeper attachment to the issues you work with that can also be triggering to you.

So, how do we get inclusive and representative photos without having work with the algorithm on certain sites? I have created a list of websites that you can use for finding photos that are more inclusive and real.

Where and How to Find Representative, Inclusive, and Diverse Photos ( Free + Paid)

Open AI

This is a great resource if you want to have AI create your photos. Coming up with descriptions for this is hit or miss, but its a great up and coming option. 25 free photos per month

Creative Market

If you like a mix of cartoon animations and site aesthetics, this is a great option. The photos are affordable for a set and once you purchase a commercial license the content can be used in many areas.


This is a paid service, but has a group of wonderfully diverse photos. The categories are based on topics like trust, tradition, tone, and travel, among others.

Gender Spectrum Vice

Let’s face it, finding photos that accurately represent the LGBTQIA+ community are sparse, this is a free site that offers many different options for you to add to your site.


Finding diversity in photos for black and BIPOC individuals is complicated. Luckily nappy is working to make this more accessible.


Black and African culture are not the same, therefore, if you work with African clients, this site is for you. Likewise, being nationally and internationally inclusive is necessary for any clinician.

Big Stock Photos

This is a site the Simplified SEO Consulting using personally and for our Done for you clients. Now, I will admit, it does take a specific strategy to find the photos you need without being stereotypical or stigmatizing. I often say, don’t search for the thing you are looking for and you will find what you need.

So if I type in native women, I am likely to get tribal representations, however if I type in business woman ethic, or indigenous, or sometime similar it will narrow the results. Its unfortunately we have to find what we need inversely, but it is possible.

Flickr (Women in Tech)

Looking for fierce women in tech of all ethnicities, races, religions, and so on? You have found the right site.


This is a paid service with some options for freebies ( which is currently being updated). If you are looking for more representative photos of men, non-binary, and women. Then this is for you.

Wrap Up on Private Practice SEO

You are responsible for allowing clients to see themselves in your website message, photos, and design. User experience and design play a big role on our brand. Try your hands at photo descriptions. Be intentional about the descriptions, and check out these resources, especially if you are struggling to find sites that represent your ideal clients.

Learn How to Begin Optimizing Photos, Descriptions and Choose Inclusive Photos with Our Webinar!

We are hosting a webinar on April 7th for Alt Text and Diversity. We’d love to have you attend. You can also purchase the recording from our website afterwards. In the meantime, if you want support with your SEO, our team of experts will work with you every step of the way. Simplified SEO Consulting can help you begin developing content and best practices for your online and in-person presence. So don’t let confusion stop you from having an effective website – contact us today by following these simple steps:

  1. Apply to work with our team
  2. Once approved schedule your 45-minute consultation
  3. Learn about our team!
  4. Start adding intentional photos and alt text to your site.

Other Services At Simplified SEO Consulting

If you’re looking for other forms of support, we can help! We offer options such as our 12-week trainingsmall group intensives, and courses. Our strategy session can be a great option if you need support getting started with SEO or doing a site move or redesign. Or, if you’re ready to work with a passionate and skilled team, our Done for You Program may be a great following approach.

About the Author

Jasmine is the SEO Training Coordinator and offers free consultations for Simplified’s SEO Consulting on our services. Jasmine is a Clinical Mental Health Counselor and recently earned her degree from Northwestern University. She works to help people with a strategy with national rankings, eating disorder specialties, trauma, sports psychology, postpartum/pregnancy/parenting, high achievers, and much more. Schedule a consult soon!

Are you building a website, doing a redesign, or curious about how to revise your current website for the best website structure for SEO? You are not alone. It’s important for your overall SEO strategy and user experience that your important pages are accessible to your ideal clients.

Know that site structure and what is ideal will look different for every professional depending on your needs. Are you a group, solo, niched, or general? These site layouts will be similar, but not the same.

In this blog post, you will learn which site layout is ideal for your practice and how to effectively implement this on your site to give you the best return.

What is Website Structure?

Website structure or architecture is the way a website is organized. It’s the visual representation of how pages link together and the best practices for navigation on your website. The best practices are to have a top menu that lists services or departments within an organization with drop-down menus linking to key services and/or products.

Important Drop-Downs for Your Website Structure

When an ideal client lands on your website, it should be easy to find the information they are looking for. A best practice is to have key service pages and/or products as drop-down menus from the top menu bar.

For example, a mental health professional who offers counseling services might have a top menu item that says “counseling” with drop-down menus highlighting the best services they offer. These menu items can include individual, family, couples, and group counseling.

Other important pages for your website include your homepage, about or team page, contact, blog, services, and specialties.

What About Your Footer?

In addition to your top menu, the best practice is to have a footer that links directly to important pages on your website. This should include the same service and product information as the top menu with additional contact information, such as social media links, newsletter sign-up forms, etc. You will also want to include a physical address or a keyword such as “online therapy in New York” for local SEO. Additionally, you may have your privacy policy, disclaimers, terms and conditions, copyright, and so on. You may also have a link to your in-person office, resources. Know that your rates/FAQ page, team page, and resources can be placed on the top or the bottom. There is no right place to put them.

Examples of the Best Website Structure for SEO

Best Website Structure for SEO: Solo Clinicians

If you are a solo practitioner, you may want to opt for a minimalist website where all important pages are clearly visible in the navigation bar. This ensures that best practices for SEO and usability are followed.

For example, your top menu should include: Home, About/Team Page (listing who you are and what services you offer), and Services (list best services you offer with a brief overview of what they are about. Make sure to link to their respective page for more details.), Blog, Contact, and Rates/FAQ page (if applicable).

Site Structure Small Group Practice (Niched)

If you are a small group practice with niche services, best practices for website structure include Home, About/Team (list who you are and what services each member offers), Services (list best services you offer with a brief overview of what they are about.

Make sure to link to their respective pages for more details.) Blog, Contact, Rates/FAQ page (if applicable), Specialties (list best specialties within your group practice with a brief overview of what each specialty is about. Make sure to link to their respective pages for more details.), and Resources (this is where you can link any forms, documents, self-help articles, etc. that are relevant to your practice.

Larger Generalist Practice Site Structure


For a larger group practice with generalist services best practices for website structure include: Home, About/Team (list who you are and what services each member offers), Services (list best services you offer with a brief overview of what they are about. Make sure to link to their respective pages for more details.) Blog, Contact, Rates/FAQ page (if applicable), Specialties (list best specialties within your group practice with a brief overview of what each specialty is about.

Online Therapy Practice Site Structure

Online therapy practices will be harder to rank for but in order to rank for this creating an effective home, about, contact, services, and blog page matters. Create blogs related to the benefits of online therapy and make sure you are doing what you can to optimize for local SEO.

Example: Benefits of working with online therapy in San Diego for Busy Moms. In addition, you can also create pages for best practices, teletherapy policies, and tips for online therapy.

Small Niched Group Practice

A small group practice needs to hone in on its strengths and not rank for everything under the sun. Start by creating best practice pages, best services pages, and best specialty pages. This will give you a better chance of ranking for all your niches. Additionally, you may want to add a Resources page with helpful forms, documents, and self-help articles which are related to your practice’s specialties. No matter what type of mental

Want Support for the Best Website Structure for SEO? Our Team is Here!

We know that getting the best website structure for SEO can be tricky. That’s why we are here to help. Our team of experts will work with you every step of the way. While we don’t claim to be website designers, we can support you with the help of a web designer on best site structure practices. Simplified SEO Consulting can also help you begin developing content and best practices for your online and in-person presence. So don’t let confusion stop you from having an effective website – contact us today by following these simple steps:

  1. Apply to work with our team
  2. Once approved schedule your 45-minute consultation
  3. Learn about our team!
  4. Start getting the referrals you are seeking

Other Services At Simplified SEO Consulting

If you’re looking for other forms of support, we can help! We offer options such as our 12-week training, small group intensives, and courses. Our strategy session can be a great option if you need support getting started with SEO or doing a site move or redesign. Or, if you’re ready to work with a passionate and skilled team, our Done for You Program may be a great following approach.

About the Author

Jasmine is the SEO Training Coordinator and offers free consultations for Simplified’s SEO Consulting on our services. Jasmine is a Clinical Mental Health Counselor and recently earned her degree from Northwestern University. She works to help people with a strategy with national rankings, eating disorder specialties, trauma, sports psychology, postpartum/pregnancy/parenting, high achievers, and much more. Schedule a consult soon!

SEO, times they are a-changing!

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of optimizing a website in order to improve its ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). When people think of traditional SEO they generally think about optimizing your pages for specific keywords. These then show up in SERPS when people search for them. This mindset leans less toward content and more toward strategic placement of keywords in headings, subheadings, and other areas of the page in order to get Google’s attention.

While this straightforward approach has worked well in the past, times are certainly changing! More and more Google is turning its focus away from standard keyword use. It’s now about looking at the content itself to determine if there is useful and helpful information being presented along with those keywords! In effect, you need to show Google and its users that YOU are a content area expert with the information you are presenting on your site. At Simplified SEO Consulting, we understand this process and our skilled team is here to help you tap into your huge professional potential. Let’s dive in!

Photo of a cartoon with characters climbing on the letters SEO. Discover what page depth is and how it might be affecting your SEO.

Become a content area expert in your field!

One developing way to improve a website’s SEO is to position your site and yourself as a content area expert.

This can be done by creating high-quality, informative content that is relevant to the target audience and using keywords that are relevant to the site’s subject matter. Additionally, it’s important to make sure the site’s technical elements, such as its structure and code, are optimized for search engines. Building backlinks and social signals also play a role in SEO.

Becoming a content area expert in a particular field or industry takes time and effort but is well worth it.

Here are a few steps you can take to establish yourself as a content area expert:

Build knowledge:

Stay up-to-date with the latest trends, news, and developments in your industry by reading relevant publications, attending conferences, and networking with other experts in your field.

Create high-quality content:

Share your knowledge and expertise through blog posts, articles, whitepapers, videos, and other types of content that provide value to your target audience.

Promote your content:

Share your content on social media, through email marketing, and by reaching out to influencers and other experts in your industry to get your content in front of more people.

Engage with your audience:

Respond to comments and questions on your blog and social media accounts and participate in online communities related to your industry.

Continuously learn and improve to maintain your status as a content area expert:

Keep updating your knowledge and skills, and use feedback from your audience to improve your content and approach.

Being a content area expert can be beneficial for your SEO in numerous ways as well. When you position yourself as an authority in your industry and create high-quality, informative content that provides value to your target audience, it can help to improve your website’s visibility and search engine rankings.

Computer screen with SEO graphics surrounding it representing the positive SEO growth that can come with being a content area expert in you field.

Here are a few ways that being a content area expert can benefit your SEO:

Increased website traffic:

By creating valuable content that is relevant to your target audience, you can attract more visitors to your website, which can help to improve your search engine rankings.

Improved engagement:

When you provide valuable information, your audience will be more likely to engage with your content by sharing it on social media, leaving comments, and linking to it from their own websites.

Established authority:

When you position yourself as an authority in your industry and consistently produce high-quality content, it can help establish your website as a trusted and respected source of information, which can improve your search engine rankings.

Better backlinks:

When other websites and authorities in your industry see that you’re a content area expert and link to your content, it can help to improve the authority and trust of your website, which can have a positive impact on your search engine rankings.

Long-term benefits of being a content area expert:

Building a reputation as a content area expert takes time but it’s a long-term strategy that can continuously benefit your SEO and online presence.

By positioning yourself as a content expert and creating high-quality content, you can improve your website’s visibility and search engine rankings, which can ultimately drive more traffic and leads to your site.

Laptop with graphs surrounding it demonstrating the upward trajectory of SEO statistics when you become a content area expert in SEO.

General guidelines for optimizing your content as a content area expert.

Lastly, here are some general guidelines for optimizing your content in the most effective way. Optimizing your content for SEO involves several steps, and these include:

Keyword research:

Identify the keywords that are relevant to your content and that your target audience is searching for. Use these keywords in the title, headings, and body of your content.

On-page optimization:

Use proper formatting, such as headings, lists, and images, to make your content easy to read and scan. Use alt text to describe images and videos.

Meta tags:

Add meta tags such as the title and meta description tags to your content, which summarize the content for search engines and help them understand the context.

Quality content:

Create high-quality, informative, and engaging content that provides value to your target audience. The more valuable and informative your content is, the more likely it is to be shared, linked to, and rank well in search results.


Link to other relevant pages on your website within your content. This will help to improve the user experience and also help search engines understand the structure of your site.


Reach out to other websites and ask them to link to your content. The more high-quality backlinks you have pointing to your site, the more likely it is to rank well in search results.

Social sharing:

Encourage your readers to share your content on social media. Which can help increase its visibility and drive more traffic to your site.

Closing thoughts about SEO content area experts.

By following the steps listed here you can help search engines understand the context and more importantly, the value of your content and improve its chances of ranking well in search results and demonstrating to not only Google but also potential clients that YOU are an expert in your field!

Become a Content Area Expert with Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team works closely with therapists nationwide to optimize their SEO based on analytical metrics! If you have been searching for an SEO company that understands analytics and its real-world applications, you’re in the right place. Our wonderful team of mental health SEO specialists at Simplified SEO Consulting would love to talk strategy with you and help you get connected with the best service for you. To get started with our service follow these simple steps:

  1. Apply to Start SEO Services
  2. Learn more about our talented team of mental health SEO Specialists
  3. Start learning SEO for Mental Health Professionals!

Other Services offered by Simplified SEO Consulting

Simplified SEO consulting offers a wide range of services that can help you begin working with your people. We offer Done for You SEO Service packages, online courses, and SEO training opportunities. Our most popular course includes our “Top of Google” online course, and we have 12 weeks of intensive SEO for those who want to learn with a guide. For those looking for a more specialized package, we also offer an SEO strategy package. To get started, fill out our application to start SEO services today!

Picture of the author. Simplified SEO Consulting is here to help you navigate the world of Analytics and SEO. Learn more here.

About Mary, the Author of this SEO Article!

Mary is one of the members of our dedicated and knowledgeable SEO Specialists here at Simplified SEO Consulting. She brings with her certification in Google Analytics (Google Analytics IQ Certification). And she also understands the importance of analytics and their application. She loves staying up to date on all things analytical in order to bring clients the most informed service possible.

If you are ready to start your analytical SEO journey with us, fill out our application to start SEO services with us now. Mary and the rest of our team are ready to support you!

In this day and age where we are bombarded with YouTube videos and Instagram reels, some of you may be wondering if blogging is still a worthwhile endeavor. Sometimes it seems so much easier to just record a quick video than commit the time to sit down and create new content by writing a blog.

The truth is, blogging is more important now than ever. Google wants to see new content that demonstrates your expertise and knowledge and blogging accomplishes this far better than a YouTube video.

With that being said, it is not to say that YouTubing is not important. Realistically the two platforms work together in sync to reach the widest audience possible. Let’s take a look at the importance of blogging and how it can work in conjunction with YouTube to grow your exposure on the web exponentially!

Pink table with a laptop and pink flowers on it representing the importance of blogging to improve SEO.

Is blogging still worth it from an SEO perspective?

Blogging Provides Content For Search Engines

Blogging provides content that search engines can index and use to understand the topic and context of a website. Regularly publishing high-quality, relevant blog posts can help increase a website’s visibility in search engine results, attract more traffic, and establish a website as a credible source of information in its niche.

Blogging Allows You to Perform On-Page SEO

In addition, blog posts can target specific keywords and provide opportunities for internal linking to other pages on a website, both of which can improve a website’s SEO.

Allows You to Attract and Engage Users

Overall, blogging can still play an important role in a comprehensive SEO strategy, providing valuable content that can attract and engage users, and improve a website’s visibility in search engines.

Blogging is also a valuable tool for content creators in the YouTube world because it offers the following:

Increased visibility:

Blogging allows creators to reach a wider audience beyond just their YouTube subscribers. People who stumble upon a blog post can then discover the creator’s YouTube channel.

Better search engine optimization (SEO): Blog posts allow for more specific keywords to be targeted, which can increase a content creator’s visibility on search engines such as Google.

Deeper engagement with the audience:

Blogs provide an opportunity for creators to share longer-form content and dive deeper into topics they cover on YouTube. This can help foster a deeper connection with their audience and keep them engaged.

Monetization opportunities:

Blogs can be used to promote products and services, including those related to the YouTube channel. This can provide an additional revenue stream for creators.

Improved brand image:

Blogging can help establish a content creator as a thought leader in their niche, improving their brand image and reputation.

Gray table with a laptop, coffee and flowers on it representing the process of blogging to improve SEO.

Now You May Be Wondering… Is blogging more important than posting YouTube videos?

It depends on the goals and target audience of the content creator.

Blogging and posting YouTube videos both have their own unique benefits and drawbacks.

Blogging allows for longer-form, in-depth content and can provide better SEO benefits. However, video content is often more engaging and can reach a wider audience.

For content creators whose goal is to build a strong personal brand and establish themselves as a thought leader in their niche, blogging might be more important. However, for a content creator whose goal is to entertain and engage with a wider audience, posting YouTube videos might be more important.

Blogging is important to maintain SEO for several reasons:

Fresh content:

Search engines favor websites that regularly publish fresh, relevant content. Blogging provides an opportunity to publish new content on a consistent basis.


Blogging allows for targeting specific keywords and topics relevant to a website, improving its relevance in search engine results.

Long-tail keywords:

Blogging provides an opportunity to target long-tail keywords, which are more specific and have less competition, improving a website’s visibility in search results.

Internal linking:

Blogging provides opportunities for internal linking, which can help distribute link equity and improve the overall SEO of a website.


A blog provides an opportunity to engage with users and build a community, which can improve a website’s relevance and visibility in search results.

Regularly publishing high-quality blog posts can play an important role in maintaining and improving a website’s SEO. It provides fresh content, relevance, opportunities to target long-tail keywords, internal linking, and engagement with users.

On the other hand…

YouTube can be important for SEO for several reasons:

Video content:

Video content is highly engaging and can attract a large audience. This can drive traffic to a website and improve its visibility in search results.


YouTube videos can be optimized with relevant keywords and descriptions to improve their relevance in search engine results.


YouTube videos can include links back to a website, providing valuable backlinks that can improve a website’s SEO.

Social signals:

YouTube is a social platform, and the engagement and shares a video receives can provide valuable social signals that search engines take into account when ranking a website.

User engagement:

Engaging and relevant YouTube videos can encourage users to spend more time on a website, which can improve its relevance and visibility in search results.

While YouTube is primarily a video platform, it can play an important role in a comprehensive SEO strategy. By providing engaging video content, relevant keywords, backlinks, social signals, and user engagement, YouTube can help improve a website’s visibility in search engine results.

Ultimately, both blogging and posting YouTube videos have value!

The most effective content strategy is likely to involve a combination of both. It’s important for content creators to assess their goals, target audience, and strengths, and then develop a content strategy that leverages both blogging and video content.

White table with a laptop and yellow flowers sitting on it representing the importance of blogging to improve SEO.

Here are a few ways to effectively use blogging and YouTube together:


Promote each other’s content on both the blog and YouTube channels. For example, include a call-to-action in a YouTube video encouraging viewers to check out a related blog post.

Repurpose content: Convert popular blog posts into YouTube videos, or take key points from YouTube videos and expand upon them in a blog post.

Use blog posts to complement videos:

Use blog posts to provide additional information, background, or context for a topic covered in a YouTube video. You can take this one step further and embed your YouTube video at the top or bottom of the page. And then create a blog on the same page that summarizes the video. With this method, you get twice the return on your investment and twice the exposure!

Optimize for SEO:

Optimize both blog posts and YouTube videos with relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and tags to improve search engine visibility.

Build a community:

Encourage audience engagement through blog post comments and YouTube video comments, and respond to comments on both platforms to build a loyal community.

By using blogging and YouTube together, content creators can reach a wider audience, provide deeper engagement with their audience, and improve their overall online presence.

In Conclusion, Blogging is Still a Key Piece of the SEO Puzzle!

Blogging is still definitely a key factor in the success of your business and its growth. Creating new content for Google and other search engines to index demonstrates your expertise, knowledge, site structure, and visibility on the web.

Blogging may seem like a huge time investment, but it really can be made easy! At Simplified SEO Consulting, we have blogging courses, blogs about blogging, and blogging retreats all geared toward making the process as painless as possible! Reach out to us to learn how these services and resources can help you become the best blogger you can be.

Be The Best Blogger Possible with Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team works closely with therapists nationwide to optimize their SEO based on analytical metrics! We offer support and resources to help you understand the need for blogging, which topics are relevant based on data, and how to harness your knowledge to create fantastic blogs. Our wonderful team of mental health SEO specialists at Simplified SEO Consulting would love to talk strategy with you and help you get connected with the best service for you. To get started with our service follow these simple steps:

  1. Apply to Start SEO Services
  2. Learn more about our talented team of mental health SEO Specialists
  3. Start learning SEO for Mental Health Professionals!

Other Services offered by Simplified SEO Consulting

Simplified SEO consulting offers a wide range of services that can help you begin working with your people. We offer Done for You SEO Service packages, online courses, and SEO training opportunities. Our most popular course includes our “Top of Google” online course, and we have 12 weeks of intensive SEO for those who want to learn with a guide. For those looking for a more specialized package, we also offer an SEO strategy package. To get started, fill out our application to start SEO services today!

Picture of the author. Simplified SEO Consulting is here to help you navigate the world of Analytics and SEO. Learn more here.

About Mary, the Author of this SEO Article!

Mary is one of the members of our dedicated and knowledgeable SEO Specialists here at Simplified SEO Consulting. She brings with her certification in Google Analytics (Google Analytics IQ Certification). And she also understands the importance of analytics and their application. She loves working with our clients to create content that is relevant to their individual needs and especially loves watching them reap the rewards of their hard work!

If you are ready to start your analytical SEO journey with us, fill out our application to start SEO services with us now. Mary and the rest of our team are ready to support you!

Another Great Consideration is Where will I get the most out of My SEO: Doing it Myself or Delegating?

Pros and Cons of Learning SEO Yourself

Some individuals really thrive when it comes to learning SEO for themselves. If you are debating on investing in SEO these are some things you should consider:

I personally know some mental health professionals who do their own SEO and get some clients. They have had great success, but also recognize the investment of time and money it takes to understand the elements and then implement them. Let’s look at the pros and cons of each:Cartoon rocket blasting off next to the words SEO. This photo represents how seo training for therapists can help you reach more ideal clients.

Pros of Doing SEO Yourself:

  1. You save money knowing exactly how to do things.
  2. It helps you create content and optimize it in the way you want them to be for your site and brand.
  3. You’ll be an informed consumer of marketing strategies and an understanding of Google.

Cons of Doing SEO Yourself:

  1. SEO requires upkeep ( but not to the extent of needing to live on your site daily)
  2. You may end up spending hours learning how to do your SEO correctly
  3. What a skilled team can do you may not be able to replicate as easily.
  4. Staying up on Google algorithm changes and shifts in the market is a must.
  5. This will take time away from your clinical practice. Is this something you are willing to compromise on?

Do I work with an SEO Company?

Delegating is often one of the best things clinicians in the mental health profession can do. However, it’s not for everyone. So if you are wondering if this is a great choice for you, consider these points. SEO team. If you are looking for a skillful team to do your SEO, we can help as you being to invest in SEO. If you wonder how much you should be spending on SEO, this blog helps to answer that in general.


  1. If you choose a company, you don’t have to do too much work. The goal of SEO companies is to maximize your results, while also recognizing that SEO takes time.
  2. You’ll be able to do so much more clinical work and invest in your clients over the long term.


  1. SEO is often one of the biggest investments that mental health professionals make. It is worth the investment long term, but our company completely understands the financial faith and sacrifice you have to make before seeing a return on your investment. This can be truly terrifying whether you are a seasoned professional or fresh out of getting your full license.
  2. We can’t promise results. While we understand how to connect with the Google algorithm, there are some nuances, that no one knows. With that being said, we don’t promise that rankings equal conversations. We have seen that be the outcome in most cases, but know that you can do everything right and still not fully connect with your ideal clients. That may be based on geography, market, location, competition, relevance, authority, and so on.

What we do know about investing in SEO over time

By investing in SEO, mental health professionals can greatly improve their visibility, reach more potential clients, and increase revenue. Taking the time to plan ahead and consider all of the factors mentioned above will help you determine how much investment is necessary for your practice. With the right investment, you can start to see results quickly and keep growing in the long run. SEO does work, it’s just a matter of time, investment, and intentional strategy.

Wrap up on Investing with SEOCartoon woman pondering. If you are thinking about investing in SEO, then you are in the right place. We have training and Done for you SEO services. If you are seeking SEO for mental health professionals, our team can help.

Truly if you are looking for a concrete answer, we recommend pages on a case-by-case basis. For example, if you are a general practice in New York, our platinum package is going to be useful, but you will have to niche down. If you are a trauma-focused practice in New York, you are going to want to do our platinum as well. If you are in Ohio and you are a generalist, a Gold or Platinum can work for you depending on how specific or broad you want to go niche and location-wise. I could keep going, but everything is so nuanced.

So if you want concrete support from our team, booking a consult is going to be your best bet. Additionally, if you are wanting to learn from our team, again it depends on what you are capable of. Some people love working with a group. Therefore our small group intensive over a semester is fantastic for some.

Others work better with one on one support and that’s where a 12-week training can help. If you are just looking for some guided getting-started support a strategy session could be just what you need.

Are you ready to make your SEO invest for 2023?

Our team would love to consult with you. If you want to learn more, you are in the right place. Contact us today to learn more about our services and start growing your private pay clients today! To start with our SEO Specialists and Trainers, follow these simple steps:

  1. Book a Consult with a Member of Our Consultation Team
  2. Learn About Our Skilled SEO Specialists and Trainers
  3. Begin Reaping the Rewards of Your Marketing Efforts

Other Services at Simplified SEO Consulting

Jasmine, an SEO training coordinator. If you are looking for SEO for mental health professionals. Why not learn from a clinical mental health counselor or social worker at SImplified SEO consulting. Learn more about investing in SEO soon!

If you’re looking for other forms of support, we can help! We offer options such as our 12-week trainingsmall group intensives, and courses. Our strategy session can be a great option if you need support getting started with SEO or doing a site move or redesign. Or, if you’re ready to work with a passionate and skilled team, our Done for You Program may be a great following approach.

About the Author

Jasmine is the SEO Training Coordinator and offers free consultations for Simplified’s SEO Consulting on our services. Jasmine is a Clinical Mental Health Counselor and recently earned her degree from Northwestern University. She works to help people with a strategy with national rankings, eating disorder specialties, trauma, sports psychology, postpartum/pregnancy/parenting, high achievers, and much more. Schedule a consult soon!