Entries by Sterling Humburg-Cage

Google Algorithm Leaks and AI Overviews

This year has seen a number of new SEO developments. Some of these announcements were intended. Others, not so much. There has been no shortage of big news this year in the realm of SEO. Whether it be the rise of E-E-A-T or the increased adoption of AI tools, things always seem to be changing […]

Creating Site Schema for Blog Posts

Understanding Site Schema  On-page SEO is a vital part of the ranking process, but it is only one facet of a comprehensive, sustainable plan. Off-page and technical SEO is also an indispensable part of SEO that can often be overlooked. Things like site schema, which is the code added to web pages that help search […]

Why It is Unethical To Pay for Backlinks

Gaining high-quality backlinks can be a difficult task While there are many ways to gain backlinks, only a portion of them will help you achieve the goals of long-term SEO success. The goal of achieving higher rankings and increased online visibility has led some to explore shortcuts that, while seemingly promising, tread on shaky ethical […]


Is Doing Local SEO Worth It?

As mentioned in previous blog posts, there are many ways you can improve your site’s SEO. Some may involve making technical changes to your site. Others may require you to change how you conduct your SEO strategy or go about creating content such as blogs. Local SEO is one avenue that can have many benefits […]