Entries by Winnie Youger-Rash

Can Zip Codes Really Help With SEO?

The answer is yes they can help us target the right audience so you are not just getting clients you are getting the right clients! There are several factors that go into establishing a location with Google. Such as: Putting location indicators in headings and links Having your address in the footer (if you have […]

How Do Law Firms Get Google Reviews?

As you might be aware the online reputation of law firms is significantly influenced by client reviews. Understanding the intricate process of acquiring Google reviews is not only about building credibility but also about navigating the complex realm of online visibility. All of which is a part of strategic SEO for Personal Injury lawyers. How […]

What Are Marketing Objectives for a Law Firm?

In the intricate world of legal services, navigating the dynamic landscape of online visibility has become increasingly critical. Law firms, particularly those specializing in personal injury, are recognizing the pivotal role of SEO in their marketing strategies. As we delve into the core objectives, explore the importance of marketing in the digital age, and uncover […]


Can I Do SEO on My Own?

Before diving into the intricacies of doing SEO independently, let’s revisit why SEO is crucial for therapists, psychiatrists, functional medicine doctors, and other helping professionals. In an era where individuals turn to the internet for mental health support, a robust online presence is essential. SEO enhances website visibility, making it easier for potential clients to […]

Footer SEO for Mental Health

So much of our time is spent focusing on optimizing service pages and blogs but what about the other parts of SEO? For example, the footer can have an impact on SEO. While it is not the most important factor when working on SEO for your site it is still good to know about it […]


SEO for Psychiatrists: Ideal Clients, Service Pages & Keywords

Identifying the ideal clients for your private practice website is an important first step when starting SEO for psychiatrists. This step can look a little different for psychiatrists compared to therapists. When we ask therapists about their ideal clients the answers often include things like college-age students, couples, or young business professionals. Additionally, this list […]