Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential digital marketing tool that boosts the visibility of your private practice website online. As a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) running a private practice, it’s important to ensure that your website is optimized for search engines to attract more clients. However, getting your SEO right can be a challenge, especially if you aren’t familiar with the best practices. In this post, we’ll highlight five common SEO mistakes that SLPs in private practice often make and provide some tips on how to fix them.

Not having a technically sound websiteAnimated photo showing different SEO trends. Learn how seo coaching can help you improve your website rankings.

First, it’s important to have a mobile-optimized website. With more people using their mobile devices to search for services and products online, having a website that isn’t optimized for mobile can negatively affect your website ranking on search engines. To fix this, ensure your website is responsive and easy to navigate on all devices.

Second, I more often these days see private practice owners with a lot of 404 errors on their website. These pesky errors can be a big problem. Website visitors get annoyed when they’re constantly taken to the dreaded “404 error” page. And, Google starts to take notice if you’re website has a lot of errors that start impacting the user experience.

Overuse of keywords

While it’s important to include relevant keywords in your website content and meta descriptions, overloading your website with keywords can hurt your SEO. Search engines can flag your website as spammy, and your website may appear lower in search results. Ensure that you use keywords appropriately and naturally within your content.

Not optimizing page titles and meta descriptions

Page titles and descriptions play a crucial role in optimizing your website for search engines. They offer a summary of the content of a page to search engines and potential visitors. Using clear, concise titles and descriptions that include relevant keywords can boost your website’s ranking in search engine results pages.

Photo of a computer screen with a map on it and a pin showing location representing the importance of Local SEO for optimizing a private practice website.Neglecting the importance of local SEO

As an SLP in private practice, you’re likely serving clients in a specific geographic area. Neglecting the importance of local SEO means you’re missing the opportunity to attract local clients. Ensure that your website includes local search terms and that your Google Business Profile is complete and accurate.

Not optimizing images on your website

Images on your website can make your content more engaging and attractive, but they can also slow down your website’s loading speed. Slow loading speed can negatively affect your website’s SEO. So, optimize your images by compressing them, using appropriate alt text, and choosing appropriate file formats.

You absolutely CAN optimize your own websitePhoto of a person taking notes on paper while looking at a computer screen representing how SLPs can learn to optimize their own websites by attending our small group mastermind SEO trainings or doing our DIY SEO courses.

Optimizing your website for search engines can be a daunting task, but avoiding these common SEO mistakes can help you rank higher on search engine results pages, attract more local clients, and grow your private practice. By having a mobile-friendly website, using keywords appropriately, optimizing page titles and descriptions, prioritizing local SEO, and optimizing your images, you’re well on your way to improving your SEO and getting more clients through your website. Embrace these tips, and don’t hesitate to reach out to a digital marketing expert if you need further guidance.

I know it can seem overwhelming to work on optimizing your private practice website. But you CAN do this. Personally, I’m not very tech savvy at all. Truly, I’m not. But when I started my private practice, I was absolutely determined to make it work. So, I learned how to do this stuff as part of that business building phase. Now, I have an incredible team of SEO specialists at Simplified so I honestly outsource much of the SEO work for my own practice to them. But I realized long ago that if I of all people can do SEO, so can other private practice owners. That’s why often my favorite part of the job is when I wear my training hat and help teach other private practice owners the things I”ve learned.

Next Steps for Optimizing Your Private Practice Website

So, if these are the things you shouldn’t be doing, what SHOULD you do to optimize your website? You can read more about our SEO Services for SLP Private Practice Owners or move on to these “next steps:”

Headshot of Jessica Tappana showing her in a green dress with the ocean in the background. She owns a private pay psychotherapy practice that relies heavily on SEO marketing. She is also an international speak on SEO for private practice owners having spoken in Kentucky, California, Spain, Colorado and Georgia.About the Author:

Jessica Tappana owns a 12 clinician private pay psychotherapy practice in Missouri specializing in anxiety and trauma. Additionally, she started helping other therapists with their SEO about 5 years ago. She strongly believes she does her best work when she’s working with clients who are a great fit and able to say no to not-so-great fits because she knows more calls will come. So, she also believes other healthcare professionals do their best work in similar situations. Therefore, she founded Simplified SEO Consulting to support healthcare professionals in the private practice world. And, she’s grown a team of incredibly talented individuals who are all much more tech-savvy than she is!

Looking to get your website to the top of Google searches? Ranking with Google might seem intimidating and really makes you question, “Where do I even begin?”. With this blog post, you’ll be able to learn a simple way to help boost your website and start helping you rank higher on Google. 

With SEO optimization there are many ways you can keep someone interested in your website. One important way to do so is by adding internal links. By adding internal links you are helping the viewer navigate your site and keeping them within your site domain. Read on to learn what internal links are and how you can use them!

What Are Internal Links?

Internal Links are hyperlinks added to specific keyword-rich anchor text so that when clicked, it can direct someone to another part of your website relating to said anchor text. As a website owner, internal links are something you are easily able to control. 

By using the internal links you can ensure that when someone clicks on it and it will take your viewer to another one of your pages within the domain. You want to make sure that viewers have the ability to relocate to a new spot on your website and stay interested in the content you are providing.

What is an Anchor Text?

Anchor text is the text on your page most relevant to what you will be hyperlinked back to another place on your website. One good practice to have is to ensure that your anchor text is keyword-rich. Make sure you are using a keyword specific to the page you are on and the page you want to link to so your viewer can see it.Photo of a desk with the words SEO written on it and different terms pointing to it reading content, strategy, traffic, social media, web, links, and keyword. This photo represents the work that goes into SEO. By adding internal links you can make your page relevant to Google.

Common Places to Fit Internal Links 

Inserting internal links into a page can be pretty simple. But it may also be a challenge at times to decide where you can fit internal links. The first place internal links can naturally be linked in a page is in your Call to action and Other services sections. In these sections, you have the easy opportunity to insert internal links. In your call to action, you will typically have the opportunity to link to your home page, about page, and team member pages. 

This is also a great place to insert your contact page so potential clients can reach out to you. In the other services section, you are able to link your other services offers (i.e. anxiety treatment, therapy for depression, trauma therapy, etc.). Within the text of your page, you are able to link other service pages relating to what you are talking about. This also includes linking relevant blog posts if you have them.

Examples of Internal Links

So we know internal links are hyperlinks that take a viewer back to your website, but what do they look like? Typically internal links are linked to a blog post, a service page, team information, etc. There is usually always a spot to add an internal link. When adding the internal link, always ensure you put a link on relevant anchor text so it makes sense to the viewer.

  • If you have a blog mentioning anxiety and its symptoms, you should be able to link the post to an anxiety page, or another anxiety blog. Using the keyword anchor text of anxiety symptoms would ensure that the viewer understands they will be linked to something describing anxiety symptoms. This describes to viewers on your site what you’re linking to, as well as telling Google what you’re linking.
  • Another option is linking your ideal viewer back to your team page. On one of your service pages, you might be describing your “Caring Therapists”. You are then able to hyperlink the word therapist back to your team page that displays all of the members of your team.

How Internal Links Affect Google

Adding internal links to your site provides Google the knowledge of what your site and the pages on it are about. Google discovers the links on your website and begins to rank your pages and website in the search results. Google will begin crawling the pages to better understand your content. 

When crawling pages and finding links that link back to your site, it reassures Google that your pages have helpful information and links. Google will begin indexing your pages at this point. So when someone searches for specific keywords relating to your page, Google will be more inclined to pull the page up to the top of the search results. 


Photo of people sitting beside each other with cartoon of things linking to each other. This photo represents how internal links can connect you to other parts of a website.

Don’t feel discouraged when it comes to your website’s ranking and how long someone navigates your website. Internal links provide an easy but effective way to get your website moving. Google takes its time crawling your pages so it can learn to understand your site and deem what’s important to show at the top of the search results. Working with Google can seem challenging, but with a little time and effort, you can begin to boost your SEO in no time!

Learn How To Start Boosting Your SEO With Simplified SEO Consulting 


Our team at Simplified SEO Consulting wants to guide you in the right direction when it comes to boosting your SEO. Having guidance in your SEO journey is important for your website’s journey and we understand. To start your SEO journey follow these three simple steps:

  1. Apply to work with us on your SEO
  2. Meet With One of Our Skilled SEO Specialists
  3. Begin SEO Services for Therapists

Other Services Offered With Simplified SEO Consulting

Looking for a different way we can support you? Simplified wants to support you no matter what your SEO journey is. We offer support in both our Done For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses. Simplified SEO Consulting also offers a 12-week Done With You Intensive Program. Check out our blog for more helpful tips!

Photo of Brianna Joplin, a mental health SEO specialist who offers SEO for therapists at Simplified SEO Consulting.

About the Author:

Brianna is a Mental health SEO Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting. At Simplified, Brianna enjoys optimizing websites and interacting with clients. Her goal while working with our clients is to ensure they enjoy their SEO journey and understand how the SEO process works.


Looking for extra support? Schedule a consult with the consulting team to see who can help you and how.

Let us start with the basics of what a meta description is really for. The short answer is that it gives both Google and potential clients a snapshot of your page. The tricky part is that you have to summarize your 500+ word page within a certain amount of characters. All while making sure the meta description positively affects your SEO.

In order to fully utilize your meta descriptions it must fulfill its two main jobs. The first job of the meta description is to help improve search engine rankings. So that your page will appear in Google searches for your ideal clients. Its second job is to navigate people from their search and onto your page. Thus improving your “click through rate”.

Tips for Writing A Good Meta Description for Your About Page

Image of a mental health professional in a white shirt reaching out her hand. Showing how meta descriptions for therapists "about" pages can help them connect with clients. If they learn how to write a meta description for a private practice website.For service pages, the meta descriptions highlight that specific therapy technique or service page that you offer. While on blog posts they display the topic of the post and your expertise on the subject. However, your meta description on your about page should specifically showcase your area of expertise and your specific niche. That being said you know what you are offering to your clients better than anyone. This means you basically have everything that you need to write the meta description for your about page. However, these guidelines can make crafting it a little easier.

Picking the Right Keywords

The best keywords for your about page are normally going to be general “counselor”, “therapist”, or “psychologist” type keywords. However, if you specialize in one specific area then you might have a more specific keyword. For example, if you are a counselor who focuses mainly on trauma, PTSD, CPTSD, and emotional abuse recovery then your main keyword might be “trauma therapist”. Another example is if one therapist in a group practice only offers couples or marriage counseling. The main keyword on their about page might be “marriage counselor” or couples therapist”.

Keep It Unique

If you are the only therapist at your practice then keeping your “About” page meta description unique will be fairly simple. It will already stand apart from your service pages because you are highlighting yourself as a counselor/therapist/psychologist. However, if you have a group practice you will want to make sure that you have unique metas for each of the therapists. Tailor the meta descriptions on their pages to their unique skills, strengths, and niches. One of the ways to do that is to highlight different keywords for each person’s page when appropriate.

Not Too Short & Not Too Long

Watch the length of your meta description carefully. To start you want to make sure that it is over 120 characters but do not want it to go over 155 characters. If you go over the 155 then you risk the text getting cut off. However, if you are under 120 characters then your meta description might not be picked up by Google at all and they will just pick a snippet from your page. In order to get full use of it I like to make meta descriptions as close to 150-155 characters as possible. Honestly, I rarely find it hard to meet the 120-character minimum. Instead, I sometimes struggle to keep it under 155. In these cases, I will reword sentences or change out phrases until I get a combination that meets all the guidelines listed above.

Image of a man in a blue shirt in a wheelchair typing at a computer. Showing the type of clients you can reach when you invest in SEO for therapists and mental health professionals. Where you can learn to where to use keywords within your meta description on your about page.Other Things To Consider

  • If there is room at the end include a call to action. Such as:
    • “Learn more now”
    • “Call today to learn more”
    • “Read on”
  • When you can include a location within the meta description

Examples of Meta Descriptions for Therapist “About” Pages

Mary Smith | Trauma Therapist | Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0X3

Mary Smith is an expert EMDR & trauma therapist in Winnipeg. She specializes in treating emotional abuse, CPTSD, & PTSD. Call to learn more!

Dr. Kent | Psychologist | Little Rock, Arkansas 72002

Learn more about Dr. Kent who is a Psychologist in Little Rock, AR. He provides counseling for general anxiety, agoraphobia, panic attacks & more. Read on!

Jane Foster | EMDR Therapist | Dublin, IE D07 V57C

Jane Foster is an understanding EMDR therapist at Example Therapy Services. She specializes in trauma recovery with children, teens, & adults.

Final Thoughts on Writing Meta Descriptions for Therapist “About” Pages

Search engine optimization is not always an exact science. It’s a dance of balancing what Google wants, maintaining your voice or vision, and appealing to your ideal clients. This means you might find yourself needing to rewrite your meta description and that’s alright. When optimizing your about page try starting with the meta description. Then after optimizing the page go back to the meta description and see if you want to make any changes to it. Another time you might end up rewriting the meta description is if you are not seeing the “click through rate” that you are wanting. For example, if Dr. Kent, from the meta description above, is ranking well for “psychologist in Little Rock, AR” but isn’t seeing a lot of clicks then it might be time to do a rewrite.

Learn More About SEO for Therapists & Mental Health Professionals

If you are interested in learning more about SEO for Therapists, Psychiatrists, or Psychologists then Simplified SEO Consulting can help guide you.  We offer services that range from completely do-it-yourself SEO courses to done-with-you SEO classes to done-for-you SEO. Whether you want to learn how to do search engine optimization yourself or if you are looking to work directly with a Mental Health SEO Specialist we can help you grow your business! Ready to find the best way to get your website in front of your ideal clients? Then book a free consult today!

SEO Specialist for mental health therapist websites, Winnie. She specializes in helping therapists to understand where to put keywords on their websites. Including how to incorporate them within a meta description.About The Author

Winnie is a Mental Health SEO Specialist who enjoys helping private practice owners grow their websites and their businesses. Her primary focus is working with therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and functional medicine doctors who choose our done-for-you services. She has written meta descriptions for home pages, about pages, service pages, and blogs for mental health professionals across the United States and in Canada.

You’re feeling uninspired. Thinking that you’re only blogging for SEO or to boost your rankings. I know I’ve caught myself thinking I’m only writing blogs for SEO and SEO-targeted keywords. However, it’s not true! Blogs are not just for SEO. They have many different purposes and can be used in many ways at your practice! From writing about topics you’re passionate about to addressing questions you’re asked about daily in therapy, blogs can cover a lot of territory. SEO-wise and topic-wise!

Shows a woman thinking. Represents how Simplified SEO Consulting can help you with your blogging needs

Blogging About Frequent Questions From Clients

As a therapist or counselor, I’m sure you’ve noticed clients coming in and asking about the same things. Topics like “How do I know I have Anxiety?” or “How Do I Know if I’m HSP?”. Aside from answering them in therapy, wouldn’t it be cool to have something written all about what they’re asking? That’s where a blog can come in handy! You can write blogs for your clients about topics you hear about frequently. It can come from questions you’ve been asked or you can blog about struggles your clients have been going through. For example, you can write about “How to Navigate Going Back to Work Postpartum: Tips from a Therapist”. Not only can you pack in SEO keywords, but you can also write to inform your clients about topics they are currently going through or could go through in the future.

Shows a man meditating. Represents how Simplified SEO Consulting can help you start blogging about your services

Start Blogging About Your Services

This may sound cliche, but you can write about topics that connect back to your services! This way your clients or potential clients will know what your practice offers. For example, you may have a client who is already seeing you for one service. Then they read your blog about your mindfulness classes and ask to join those! Or, someone finds your blog about mindfulness. The one where you talk about how your practice offers them. Then they contact your practice to start. It can also just be a random person on the internet who appreciates the ways mindfulness can ease anxiety.

These blogs can be a great way to give insight to your clients about the services they may be taking part in. But, it can also give insight into the other services you offer. Like your approach to therapy for anxiety and depression. They can also just help others by looking for information from a reliable source. They can now do this without seeking contact with actual people. This may seem small but to a client who is looking for a therapist to trust with their mental health, this is a big win!

Write Blogs About Events Important to Your Practice

When blogging, you might think you can only write about topics you deal with inside your therapy sessions. However, you can blog about what your practice finds important outside of those, too! For example, if your practice sponsors or takes part in any runs/walks or fundraisers for any awareness campaigns. For example, the “Out of the Darkness Walks” that is organized by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

This can be a great blog topic to let clients know what your practice is involved in. It’s also a different way to give information about a topic. This can also let clients know how your practice is giving back to the mental health community outside of therapy. It also helps your clients find a community- if they resonate with this cause or foundation. They might enjoy getting involved and knowing that someone they trust is already there. It can also show that your practice is involved in the mental health community and trying to raise awareness about the struggles you’re working to address.

You Can Write Blogs About What You’re Going ThroughShows a family with a paper house. Represents how Simplified SEO Consulting can get you started blogging about thing you're going through

This may seem a little confusing at first because it’s not like clients come to therapy to hear about your problems. But, if you’re an anxiety therapist who also has anxiety, it can be helpful to write blogs about situations that you’ve been in. For instance, if you’re an anxiety therapist who has anxiety, you could write about times your anxiety has been triggered and what you did about it. Like when you were moving and how you coped, or how you went to a holiday party and suffer from social anxiety. Or, if you’re someone who is a highly sensitive person, which I feel not everyone talks about enough, you can talk about your experiences.

Blogging about how to cope with certain situations you’ve been through or potential situations that bring you stress will probably help some of your clients or potential clients. Maybe even random people on the internet! Also, it’s more than likely your clients have also been in these situations or will benefit from these tips in the future. Plus, it makes them feel seen knowing even their therapist has been in a situation where their anxiety was a struggle.

Are you Interested in Learning More About Blogging?

At Simplified SEO Consulting we offer a variety of options that includes blogging. This is to teach therapists (and their team members) how to improve or maintain their online rankings. If you’re looking for a small group setting then our Small Group SEO Intensives would be a good place to start. Or, if you’re wanting a more personalized approach, then our one-on-one SEO trainings may be the best option for you. Perhaps, you’re looking for a more affordable option to get started, we have several DIY online courses that cover different SEO strategies too!

There are several options! So, you may be wondering what choice is best for your practice’s needs. That’s why we offer free video consultations. A member of our team would be happy to learn more about your practice and your SEO goals and give you their suggestions on what makes the most sense for you.

Other SEO Services Offered at Simplified SEO Consulting

As I mentioned, we realize that training and DIY options aren’t suitable for all practices. Or at least, they may not be suitable for your practice at this moment. So, for those who want to outsource, we offer Done-For-You SEO services at different levels. Or, if you’re still considering SEO then you may want to start learning a bit more with our free 7-day SEO email series. You can also check out our other blogs on SEO as well to gather more information on how SEO can benefit your practice.

About the Author:Lynsey, SEO Content Writer for Simplified SEO Consulting

Lynsey is an SEO Content Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting. At Simplified, Lynsey enjoys writing about different content topics for clients. She also realizes how important these topics are to the client, their practice, and their clients too! Especially, if the content is being used as a resource within the mental health field. Her goal is to always create content that resonates with the client and learn as much as she can along the way. She is passionate about providing copywriting services for psychiatrists and therapists.

Apply to work with us if you’re ready to see how Simplified can serve you!

Keywords are the foundation of effective SEO strategies, helping your functional medicine practice or healthcare service stand out in online searches. Let’s dive into the world of SEO keywords and discover how they can elevate your online presence. 

What are SEO Keywords?

SEO keywords are specific words or phrases that people use in search engines to find information, products, or services related to their needs. When it comes to healthcare SEO keywords, these keywords reflect the terms patients commonly use when looking for holistic care, integrative medicine, or specialized treatments.

What is a Keyword List?

A keyword list is a curated collection of relevant words and phrases that resonate with your practice’s offerings. This list serves as a guide for optimizing your website content, ensuring that you address the concerns and queries of potential patients.

What is the Easiest Way to Find Keywords?

The simplest way to discover valuable keywords is to pay attention to your patients. Listen to the words they use during their initial appointments – these are often the same words they’ll type into search engines. By incorporating these patient-centric phrases, you align your content with their needs and improve your chances of being found online.

How Do I Generate Keywords for SEO?

To generate effective keywords, consider the following:

  1. **Relevance:** Think about terms directly related to your practice and the services you offer.
  2. **Search Volume:** Choose keywords with a decent search volume to maximize visibility.
  3. **Competition:** Aim for keywords with moderate competition – not too broad or too specific.
  4. **Intent:** Understand user intent – are they seeking information, services, or products?
  5. **Long-Tail Keywords:** These are longer phrases that reflect more specific queries. They can be highly targeted and effective.

Understanding Keyword Difficulty

In the world of SEO, not all keywords are created equal. Some are relatively easy to rank for, while others present more challenges. This is where the concept of keyword difficulty comes into play. Keyword difficulty refers to how hard it is to rank for a specific keyword based on factors like competition, search volume, and the quality of existing content.

When selecting keywords for your functional medicine practice’s website, it’s important to strike a balance between high search volume and manageable keyword difficulty. While targeting keywords with massive search volumes might seem tempting, they often come with fierce competition, making it difficult for your website to appear on the first page of search results.

Tools like KWFinder can provide insights into keyword difficulty, helping you identify keywords that strike the right balance for your practice. This strategic approach ensures that you’re optimizing your website for keywords that offer a good chance of ranking well and driving relevant traffic to your site.

OK, But How Do I Find Unique Keywords for SEO?

Unique keywords can give you an advantage for SEO. It can be helpful to find “hidden gems” or keywords that few of your competitors are searching for. Often these have less search volume (fewer patients are using those terms) but a lot less competition. So, you’re more likely to rank for those.

Leveraging Paid Keyword Research Tools for Targeted SEO

A tablet with the words SEO on a table next to objects. Looking to learn what Healthcare SEO can do for your medical practice? We can teach you the skills to have successful SEO strategy for the healthcare industry.

While there are various ways to generate keywords for your functional medicine practice’s SEO, using paid keyword research tools can significantly enhance your keyword strategy, particularly if you’re looking for those more unique keywords. Our team at Simplified SEO Consulting highly recommends leveraging tools like KWFinder by Mangools, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz to streamline the process and gain valuable insights. 

Paid keyword research tools offer a multitude of benefits, including accurate data on keyword search volume, trends, and competition level. These insights guide your SEO efforts, ensuring you target keywords that align with your practice’s unique offerings and resonate with your target audience.

By using paid tools, you can make informed decisions about the keywords you prioritize, ultimately attracting the right patients to your functional medicine practice. Our Done for You clients benefit from our comprehensive approach, which involves using a combination of 2-3 different keyword research tools. KWFinder is by far our favorite keyword research tool, but we’ve found it’s useful to also look at the data on a couple of other tools as it often looks a little different or offers other kinds of insights. This approach allows us to uncover hidden opportunities and tailor your keyword strategy for optimal results.

How Do I Find Keywords for Free?

Even if you’re on a budget, there are ways to find keywords without spending money:

  • Google’s “Questions People Ask”: When you search on Google, scroll down to the “People Also Ask” section for ideas.
  • “Answer the Public”: This tool generates questions related to a keyword, helping you understand what users are seeking. At the time of this writing, you typically get one free search per day but that one search will give you TONS of great ideas for long-tail keywords you can use.
  • Your own clients: As I mentioned earlier, listen closely to the terms your clients are using during their first appointment to explain why they’re coming to see you. These are likely similar to the searches they’re doing online.

The Art of Keyword Placement

Once you’ve compiled a list of targeted keywords, the next step is to strategically incorporate them into your website’s content. This process is known as keyword placement, and it’s a critical aspect of optimizing your website for search engines.

Effective keyword placement involves naturally integrating keywords into your content while maintaining readability and user experience. Overstuffing your content with keywords can have a negative impact on user engagement and may even result in search engines penalizing your site. Instead, focus on placing keywords in the following areas:

  • Title Tags: Use your primary keyword in the title tag of your web pages to provide a clear indication of what the page is about.
  • Headers and Subheadings: Incorporate keywords into headers and subheadings to guide both users and search engines through your content.
  • Body Text: Integrate keywords naturally throughout the body of your content, ensuring that it flows smoothly and provides value to your readers.
  • Meta Descriptions: Craft compelling meta descriptions that include relevant keywords, enticing users to click through to your site.
  • URLs: Where possible, include keywords in your URLs to provide a clear URL structure and improve search engine visibility.

By thoughtfully placing keywords throughout your website, you’re signaling to search engines that your content is relevant and valuable to users searching for specific topics related to functional medicine.

Common Keyword Research Mistakes Practice Owners Make When Learning SEO

  1. Overthinking: Don’t get caught up in overanalyzing keywords. Keep your focus on providing valuable content.
  2. Excessive Time Spent on Keyword Research Research: Balance your time between research and content creation – both are essential. We’ve seen a number of medical professionals get so caught up in keyword research that they spend very little time actually optimizing their website.
  3. Content Mismatch: Craft content that addresses patient questions rather than solely relying on keywords. Quality content is more important to Google than using the perfect phrase a couple of times on your website
  4. Not Understanding User Intent Neglect: Consider the intent behind keywords. Are users looking for information, solutions, or services?
  5. Ignoring Location: For local healthcare services, incorporating geographic keywords is crucial.

By understanding the world of SEO keywords and avoiding common mistakes, you’ll enhance your functional medicine practice’s online visibility and attract patients who align with your patient-centered approach.

Ready to Elevate Your Functional Medicine Practice’s SEO Strategy?

Now that you have a better understanding of how SEO keywords can play a pivotal role in boosting your functional medicine practice’s online visibility, it’s time to take action. Harness the power of strategic keyword research to connect with patients seeking your specialized care.

At Simplified SEO Consulting, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. We specialize in healthcare SEO. More specifically, we are passionate about offering SEO for functional medicine doctors who we have seen offer incredible care to people who have struggled for years with not feeling like the root of their medical issues was treated by the traditional medicine system. Our SEO team of experts understands the unique challenges and opportunities that functional medicine doctors like you face in the digital landscape. We specialize in crafting tailored SEO strategies that align with your practice’s goals and resonate with your target audience.

Are you ready to unlock the potential of your practice’s online presence? Let’s connect and explore how our proven SEO solutions can drive traffic, enhance your authority, and help you attract more patients who are seeking your integrative approach to healthcare. Schedule a free Zoom consultation with our experienced team members today. Together, we’ll pave the way to a brighter and more successful future for your functional medicine practice.

Google and the tools used to track essential website metrics have evolved a lot over the years, and one of the biggest upcoming transitions will take place on July 1st, 2023. That change is the discontinuing of Universal Analytics and migration to exclusive use of Google Analytics 4 for all Google Analytics properties. This may sound Greek to you. But, today we are going to be talking about some of the key differences between the two, and what you need to understand before this transition. 

Data Collection Changes

A close up of a phone screen with the word “analytics”. Learn how Simplified SEO consulting can offer SEO services for therapists and help improve private practice SEO today.Historically, Universal Analytics has used a session-based data model that makes use of different “hit types.”

Google defines hits as “an interaction that results in data being sent to Analytics.” There are a variety of hit types, such as social interactions, a user loading a new page, or clicking on a link. Google reports these interactions by breaking them down into categories, actions, and labels. Universal Analytics collects and processes data based on the number of sessions on your site. Due to how the data is collected, the same person may visit the site more than once, but it will count as multiple sessions, even though it’s just one person visiting your site multiple times. As a result, tracking sessions can sometimes report less accurate data in terms of understanding how many users are actually viewing your site.  

Understanding Categories, Actions, and Labels

Universal Analytics reports different kinds of events on your site by breaking them down in a way that separates them into different categories, actions, and labels. Because of this, it can become difficult for the average user to understand how to track the correct categories, actions, and labels so they can capture the specific data they want from their site. An example of this could include a clinician wishing to track every time a visitor clicks on the “contact” button, or visits their scheduling page. Generally, more technical knowledge is required to create triggers to get the data you want since these are not automatically captured by Universal Analytics.

Google Analytics 4, everything is an event

As previously mentioned, of the biggest changes in how Google Analytics 4 approaches capturing data. Google Analytics 4 uses machine learning and automated data collection. It also uses a different model from Universal Analytics that is centered around events rather than sessions. Everything is seen as an event; every page view, every time a person loads up a new page, every click on a link, etc. By transitioning to this approach, things become a bit more streamlined when tracking important data, and setting up other triggers to track additional events. Instead of having to remember each category, action, and label for each event you want to track, there are now four main types of events that can be tracked within Google Analytics

The first set of events is automatically collected events

 These are events that are automatically recorded by GA4 once they occur on your site. These events may include:

  • When users click on an ad
  • Loading up a new page
  • Starting a new brand new session on the site 
  • Users the bottom of the page for the first time
  • A variety of other collected events

The second type of event is enhanced measurements

A graphic of a laptop screen with the text “web analytics” representing how to rank on Google for therapists. Learn more about private practice SEO and SEO for psychotherapists today.These are measurements for more specific things you want to track on your site. This could include events like when someone downloads a file from your site. Or, clicks on an external link leading to another site. With Universal Analytics, only page views were tracked originally, and capturing other important events would be something that must be set up using categories, actions, and labels. But with GA4, this process is automatic, so you don’t have to worry about setting it up yourself! You can simply choose to enable Enhanced Measurement when creating a data stream (which we will get to in just a bit).

Next, we have recommended events

Events of this type are those that Google suggests you implement on your site. Events like these often need a bit more background information to implement fully, which is why they are recommended by google instead of automatically recorded. Adding these can provide additional features and extra data on reports. Google will offer a predefined name for specific events that are common, such as when a user submits a form or requests information. In this case, Google would likely recommend setting up an event that is titled “generate_lead.”

Finally, we have custom events

These are events that you define. This means that you must set up the parameters to collect information yourself. As a result, it can be a bit harder to implement properly. These types of events won’t usually show up in most standard Google Analytics reports, so you will need to take a few extra steps to set up custom reports with this data.

Data Tracking Changes

Both Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4 use properties. Properties are websites, mobile apps, blogs, etc. with a unique tracking ID. For both UA and GA4, you will have to add this unique id in order to start tracking data on your site. But, tracking the data will differ for each. With Universal Analytics, data is tracked using a “view”, which is a set of specifications for tracking traffic on your site. You can set up multiple views in order to filter out data, track certain data, or set up different goals. 

Google Analytics 4: Goodbye views, hello data streams

Unlike views in Universal Analytics, Google Analytics 4 uses data streams. Views are no longer used in GA4, which means you can’t create new views to filter your data. Instead, data streams are used to allow you to collect data from multiple sources in the same property. Unlike in Universal Analytics where you would have to have multiple properties to track data from your site and a companion app, you can instead create data streams for both your site and app to track each of them on the same property. For most private practice owners, you likely won’t have to worry about including apps with Google Analytics. But, it is still worth knowing how things are changing between UA and GA4. 

Data Metric Changes

Finally, we are going to address how metrics have changed between UA and GA4. In Universal Analytics, you are likely familiar with the metrics “bounce rate”, “pages per session”, and “average session duration”. Bounce rate is the rate at which people only visit one page of your site before ‘bouncing’ off your site. Since GA4 has moved away from a model centered around sessions and page views, these metrics haven’t been available until recently. Instead, new metrics have been implemented to track how engaged users are with your site. 

A hand points to a graphic that reads “analytics”, surrounded by technical symbols. Learn how to rank on google for therapists by contacting Simplified SEO Consulting. We offer seo services for therapists and other services.The new metrics used with GA4 won’t show you data like how long someone is staying on your site. Instead, these metrics aim to focus on how engaged users are with your site. One of the main metrics is “engaged sessions”, which are the number of sessions that:

  • Have lasted longer than 10 seconds,
  • Have a conversion,
  • Or have had 2 or more screen/page views

Other related metrics include “engaged sessions per user,” “engagement rate”, and shift the focus from “how fast are people leaving my site” to “how long are people staying on the site”. In essence, the engagement rate is essentially the inverse of the bounce rate. But, it can still tell us vital info about how engaged people are with your site. using 

Why these changes matter

The upcoming migration to Google Analytics 4 isn’t something that can be avoided. As a result, SEO specialists and therapists alike must understand how things are changing to accurately collect, track, and report site data. Taking the time to understand how to adapt to the new processes implemented in Google Analytics 4 will be vital in continuing to keep track of important data. Our team is here to offer support during this transition.

Begin Improving Private Practice SEO with Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team is preparing for the upcoming transition, and honing in on the data we need to focus on most. By doing so, we hope to ensure we are providing the best insights for our clients. We would be happy to offer support in cultivating your site’s SEO and helping you get to the first page of Google. To start your journey with Simplified SEO Consulting, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Apply to work with Simplified SEO Consulting
  2. Meet with an SEO specialist
  3. Begin SEO services for therapists

Other Services Offered with Simplified SEO Consulting

SEO is an ever-changing field. This is why we are happy to offer a number of services in support of your private practice. We are happy to offer support with our Done For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses. We also offer a 12-week Done With You Intensive SEO Program as well. Please visit our blog to read other informative posts today!

About the Author

Photo of Sterling, an SEO Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting that specializes in all things technical SEO!

Sterling Humburg-Cage graduated from the University of Missouri with a BA in Psychology in 2020. He integrates what he learned in school into his work as an SEO Specialist with Simplified SEO Consulting. Sterling prides himself on helping current clients & alumni problems solve difficult SEO issues.  He’s great at giving clients multiple options about how to approach a situation. And, responding in a timely manner to client concerns.  Since he started, Sterling has met frequently with our alumni and provided them extra problem-solving support. He now provides additional support with a variety of local SEO services. He often goes the extra mile to do outside research. By doing so, he sure private practice owners have everything they need to rank well on search engines long term for the keywords their ideal clients are using!

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, where digital presence is increasingly vital, mastering the art of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become paramount for medical practices. As a healthcare professional, you understand the importance of reaching your ideal patients effectively. After all, you can’t treat patients until they reach out and ask for or at least accept your care. That’s precisely where SEO steps into the spotlight. 

Welcome to our comprehensive guide, “SEO for Medical Practices.” In this journey, we will navigate the intricate realm of healthcare SEO, unraveling its significance, best practices, and actionable strategies. Whether you’re a functional medicine doctor, a family medicine doctor, a chiropractor, a speech-language pathologist, or any other healthcare specialist with a private practice, this guide is your compass to enhancing your online visibility, building trust with your patients, and empowering your practice to thrive in the digital age. So, let’s embark on this transformative SEO journey, where your medical practice’s success is the ultimate destination.

What is SEO and how does it works?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a digital marketing strategy aimed at improving a website’s visibility on search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Basically, anything you do on or off your website to try to help it show up more often in search results counts as “SEO.”

The goal of healthcare SEO is to increase organic, non-paid traffic by optimizing various elements on your website, so it ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO involves a series of strategies and techniques that help search engines understand the content and relevance of your website, ultimately leading to better rankings.

Is SEO Free on Google?

While SEO refers to organic rankings, making it technically free in terms of ad spend, it often requires a significant investment of time and/or money to achieve substantial results. Achieving high rankings for relevant keywords can be complex and competitive, necessitating a well-thought-out strategy, quality content creation, and ongoing optimization efforts to attract your ideal patients consistently. Investing in SEO tools and expertise, or even partnering with a healthcare SEO agency, is essential and can promote and produce more efficient and sustainable results. 

What is local SEO for doctors?

Local SEO is a subset of SEO that focuses on optimizing a healthcare practice’s online presence to attract local patients. It’s crucial for medical professionals with physical locations, such as doctors’ offices, clinics, or healthcare facilities. Local SEO ensures that your practice appears in local search results when patients in your area search for services related to your specialty. It involves strategies like optimizing your Google My Business listing, local citations, and creating location-specific content to establish your practice’s presence within the community.

What does a local SEO company do?

Local SEO companies specialize in helping healthcare providers enhance their visibility in local search results. They achieve this by ensuring that your practice’s name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistently and accurately listed across various online directories and platforms. They also identify opportunities to optimize your website’s content to make it more location-specific, increasing your chances of ranking higher for local search queries.

Is doing local SEO worth it?

Absolutely. Local SEO can significantly benefit healthcare practices with physical locations. However, on its own, it may not be sufficient to achieve high rankings. An effective SEO strategy typically involves a broader approach, including comprehensive keyword research, content strategy, on-page SEO, and, most importantly, local SEO. This combination builds trust with search engines like Google, contributing to overall SEO success.

What are some examples of SEO?

A woman's hand writes SEO and other words with chalk on a chalkboard. Want to learn about SEO for medical practices? Our services offer SEO strategy for healthcare industry and we can help you!

SEO encompasses various strategies and practices that work in harmony to enhance your online presence and reach. Examples of SEO components include on-page SEO, off-page SEO (link-building), technical SEO (website structure and performance), and local SEO. Each element plays a crucial role in improving your website’s visibility and ranking on search engines. When all these elements work together seamlessly it ultimately attracts more patients and establishes your practice as a trusted authority in your medical field. 

What is an example of on-page SEO practice?

On-page SEO involves optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. It includes practices such as specifying an SEO meta description, optimizing images, integrating keywords, using keyword-rich subheadings, implementing schema markup, and including internal links to relevant pages on your website. These strategies collectively enhance the visibility of your healthcare practice online.

What is the SEO strategy for Healthcare industry?

Because there are over 200 factors search engines like Google will consider when they’re trying to decide how to rank your website on Google, the truth is that there are a lot of different ways you can craft your SEO strategy. 

And the truth is that every website should have a unique SEO strategy crafted based on the specific needs of your practice. But we have found that a successful SEO strategy for healthcare professionals involves several key components:

  • Technical Soundness: Start with a technically sound website that accurately represents your practice’s brand.
  • Quality Content: Create high-quality content that demonstrates your expertise and addresses your ideal patients’ questions and concerns.
  • On-Page SEO: Optimize your web pages with relevant keywords and on-page SEO techniques to establish a strong foundation for search engines.
  • Regular Blogging: Maintain a consistent blogging schedule to provide fresh, informative content that appeals to both patients and search engines.
  • Local SEO: Optimize your online presence for local searches to build trust with search engines, especially if you have a physical location.
  • Building Backlinks: Acquire high-quality backlinks to establish authority and credibility within your healthcare niche.

What are the best practices for healthcare SEO?

To excel in healthcare SEO, prioritize the needs of your patients and create informative content for your medical website that is easy to understand. In addition to following Google’s guidelines, consider conducting regular website audits to identify technical issues or areas that might affect user experience. Mobile optimization and fast page loading times are critical factors to ensure your website caters to the needs of users. Also, staying updated with industry changes involves keeping an eye on emerging healthcare trends and adapting your content strategy accordingly which can help maintain your healthcare SEO’s effectiveness. Ethical, patient-focused SEO practices are not only the key to long-term success but also help build strong patient relationships and promote your medical practice as a trusted authority in the healthcare field. 

Why is medical SEO important?

Medical SEO is crucial because it helps healthcare professionals attract and engage with their ideal patients online. And these days, your patients are looking for you online. That’s simply where people look for healthcare providers these days. Even if they’re getting recommendations from someone else, they may still do a Google search. And when they find your practice online easily, it helps confirm that you are indeed the practice they should reach out to. In other words,  by optimizing their digital presence with effective SEO in the healthcare industry, practitioners can build trust, credibility, and visibility within their field. This is where experienced medical SEO companies come into play, offering specialized expertise to ensure your practice’s online success. Medical SEO is a powerful tool for staying competitive in the healthcare industry, ultimately empowering practices to grow and serve their patients effectively. 

Can I do SEO on my own for free?

Yes, you can learn and implement SEO on your own, even on a limited budget. However, be prepared for a significant time investment and a learning curve. While it’s possible to start with minimal expenses, you may need to invest some money in resources like books, webinars, or tools. 

In fact, I initially did my own SEO for my business. I’m the founder of Simplified SEO Consulting and also own my own group private pay mental health counseling practice, which allowed me to apply these SEO strategies directly into my own clinical practice. I started learning SEO on my own. And I did invest some money in books and some paid webinars. But it was pretty minimal. I will tell you I spent hours and hours every week for months to start moving the needle on my SEO, but it worked. And it worked on a budget. It wasn’t easy, but it absolutely worked.

If this is where you are, take a look around our website. We have a ton of helpful information on here completely free! Join our mailing list. You’ll get free tips for 7 days and then a few times a month we’ll send you free SEO tips. Put those into practice and it’s a great starting place. We also offer SEO training options such as working 1:1 with our team for 12 weeks of completely individualized SEO training and support.

On the other hand, many people do find the process overwhelming. This is NOT because you can’t do it. It’s because your time is simply too valuable to spend the hours and hours it takes to effectively learn and implement a good SEO strategy. In that case, outsourcing becomes important.

How do I find a good company for SEO?

When selecting an SEO company, consider factors such as their understanding of the healthcare field, their clear optimization plan tailored to your practice, their receptiveness to your needs, budget alignment, and realistic timeframes for results. Simplified SEO Consulting specializes in SEO for healthcare professionals, providing expertise and tailored strategies to help you succeed.

Honestly, I always recommend talking to at least two different companies so you have a couple of options.  Here are some questions you may want to ask as you speak to them:

  • Does this SEO company understand the healthcare field?
  • Do they have a clear plan for optimizing your website that will help you grow your business?
  • Are they listening to you when you describe your work and your ideal patients?
  • Are they within your budget?
  • Can you commit to the timeframe they’re saying it will take to get results?

Simplified SEO Consulting as an SEO Agency for Small Businesses in the Healthcare Industry

Our journey into the realm of SEO for functional medicine doctors and healthcare professionals is driven by a passion deeply rooted in our understanding of the healthcare landscape. From our inception, we’ve been dedicated to crafting digital strategies tailored to small healthcare businesses, with a primary focus on mental healthcare services. Our commitment extends beyond mere technicalities; it’s about nurturing the profound impact your practice has on the lives of your patients.

Over the years, we’ve proudly extended our expertise to an array of healthcare providers. We’ve worked with a variety of healthcare providers including psychiatrists, speech-language pathologists, and various other professionals in private practice.  This diversification allowed us to appreciate the unique nuances of different healthcare fields while harnessing the common thread that unites them all – the dedication to helping people live healthier lives. As a dedicated healthcare SEO agency, we are committed to tailoring our strategies to each healthcare specialty, ensuring that your practice succeeds in the digital landscape. 

What Makes Simplified SEO Different as a Medical SEO Agency?

What sets us apart in the realm of SEO for functional medicine doctors and other healthcare experts is our unwavering commitment to ethical, effective, and results-driven strategies. We don’t just aim to boost your online visibility; we aim to connect you with the patients who genuinely need your expertise and care. Our approach to SEO for small local businesses is equally reliable, ensuring that your practice thrives within your local community.

At Simplified SEO Consulting, we’re not just an agency; we’re your partners in success. We understand that your mission is more than just a business; it’s a calling to serve your community. Together, let’s embark on a journey to reach the pinnacles of search engine rankings, attract the right patients, and make a lasting impact in the healthcare industry. Join hands with us as we empower you with SEO strategies that align perfectly with the heart and soul of your healthcare practice.

SEO for Medical Practices with Simplified SEO Consulting

Now that you’ve uncovered the essential insights into SEO for medical practices, as well as learned about some SEO for medical practice examples, it’s time to take the next crucial step towards enhancing your online presence and patient outreach. At Simplified SEO Consulting, we’re not just passionate about optimizing your digital strategy. We’re dedicated to helping your healthcare practice flourish through offering effective SEO services.

Our specialized expertise in SEO for functional medicine doctors and healthcare professionals places us at the forefront of the industry. We’ve crafted tailored solutions that resonate with the unique needs of healthcare businesses. So, whether you’re a mental health counselor, a psychiatrist, or any other healthcare provider in private practice.

With us, you’re not just a client – you’re a valued partner in your journey towards online success. We prioritize your goals, ensuring that every aspect of our strategy aligns perfectly with your practice’s ethos and mission. Together, we’ll harness the power of ethical, effective SEO to connect you with the patients who truly need your services.

Don’t miss the opportunity to transform your healthcare practice and reach new heights of visibility and patient engagement. Take action today, and embark on a seamless SEO journey with Simplified SEO Consulting. It’s time to let your practice shine and empower more individuals with your invaluable healthcare services. Set up a free Zoom consultation with one of our team members now to begin your SEO services and witness the remarkable growth of your healthcare business.

Looking for help with keyword research as an SLP? As a speech therapist in private practice, keyword research is a vital aspect of your SEO strategy. Proper keyword research ensures that your website and content are found by your target audience, leading to more traffic, higher conversions, and better ROI. Here are some tips on how to conduct effective keyword research for your speech therapy practice.

Understand Your Target Audience

Before you start researching keywords, it is essential to understand your target audience. Who are your ideal clients? What are their needs and pain points? What are their goals and motivations? Knowing your target audience will help you identify the right keywords to use in your marketing efforts.

Brainstorm Relevant Topics for Keyword Research

Once you have a clear idea of your target audience, brainstorm topics that are relevant to your practice. For example, if you specialize in pediatric speech therapy, relevant topics might include language development in children, speech delays, or phonological disorders. These topics will help guide your keyword research.

Use Online Keyword Research Tools

There are many online tools available to help you with keyword research. Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs are all popular options. These tools provide valuable information such as search volume, competition, and related keywords. Use these tools to identify high-volume, low-competition keywords that are relevant to your practice.

My personal favorite keyword research tool is Mangool’s KWFinder. I like that I can choose to look at a specific area. I usually look state wide at keyword data even if I’m targeting a more specific part of the state. Occasionally, I’ll use another tool and I’ve tried out tons of other tools. My second favorite is probably SEMRush, but it’s honestly a lot steeper learning curve to get to where you really use that one effectively.

Understand the competition

Analyzing the top-performing websites in your niche will give you an idea of the kind of content they are ranking for, the keywords they are using, and the level of competition. Use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz to get detailed information about your competitors’ strategies. Mangools also has some helpful tools for this competitor research such as their SERP Checker & Link Miner.

Analyze and evaluate your keywordsPhoto of a desk with the word "keywords" in the middle and related words around representing the importance of keyword research in working on SEO

Keyword research isn’t a one-time activity. Keep evaluating the performance of your keywords, and keep an eye on how your website is ranking for them. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to measure your website’s traffic and monitor your keyword rankings.

One really important thing to keep in mind is the user intent of specific keywords. Sometimes, you may find that lots of people are searching for a keyword related to your topic. However, you may realize that they aren’t very likely looking for your services if that’s the keyword they’re using. So, use common sense. And when you identify a keyword to target ask yourself what the person who searches for that is most likely really looking for.

Optimize your website for long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are phrases that contain three or more words and are highly specific. They have lower search volume than short-tail keywords, but they also have lower competition. Use long-tail keywords in your website content to target a more specific audience and improve your chances of ranking for those keywords.

Long tail keywords are essentially golden opportunities. These lower volume but easier to rank for keywords are often your perfect next client. Why? Because they know what they’re looking for. Their language is more specific in their query. These clients are more often really ready to get started.

Use location-specific keywords

If you’re targeting a local audience, use location-specific keywords in your website content. Include the name of your city or region in your keyword research to improve your chances of ranking for location-based searches.

Local SEO is becoming more and more important for private practices. If you’re anything like me, you may have searched a number of times recently for a keyword and a specific location. For example, I asked Siri this evening for the 10 day forecast in Barcelona, Spain because I’m planning a trip and wanted to know the weather in that specific place. And over the weekend, I asked Siri for the best restaurants in the Topeka, KS area when I was going to be traveling through.

This isn’t uncommon for your potential new clients either. So, read some of our blog posts about local SEO and find ways to target location-specific keywords as well.

Use keyword variations

People use different variations of keywords to search for information online. Use keyword variations in your website content to capture a broader audience. You can also use keyword variations to optimize your website for voice search.

Using keyword variations involves using synonyms, related words, and long-tail keywords, which are phrases containing three or more words. For instance, instead of just “speech therapy,” you can use long-tail variations such as “speech therapy exercises for children,” “speech therapy for adults with autism,” or “speech therapy for stroke patients.” By using different keyword variations, you increase your chances of appearing in voice search results and attract more potential clients to your private practice.

Illustration of a person copywriting on a computer. Including an "about the author" section can help SEO for therapists. This is part of what we suggest including them in blogs when doing SEO for private practices. Contact us today to learn more about therapist SEO.Create quality content

No matter how much keyword research you do, it won’t matter if your content isn’t high quality. Focus on creating informative, engaging, and unique content that resonates with your target audience. Make sure your content is easy to read, well-structured, and free of spelling and grammatical errors. This means having service pages that clearly lay out your services and any specialties you may have. And, it generally means blogging regularly as well.

Use keywords naturally

When incorporating keywords, write for your audience, not just for search engines. Use variations throughout your content. Consider the user’s intent when optimizing your page for a particular keyword. Do not stuff your content with keywords, or it may be penalized. Ensure your content is high-quality, relevant, and engaging. Utilize related terms and synonyms to support the primary keyword instead of saying the same word over and over again.

Keep track of your progress

Monitor your website’s ranking and traffic regularly to see the impact of your keyword research efforts. Keep tweaking and adjusting your strategy based on the results you see.

I can’t emphasize this enough. So, so often I see private practice owners tell me they’re working so hard and not seeing any SEO results. They’ve been reading our blog posts and my emails and trying to follow along but are frustrated it’s not working. Then, I ask about how they’re currently ranking and how they’re tracking their rankings. Quickly they sheepishly say that they aren’t tracking their rankings.

Tracking your rankings is SO important. It’s the first sign SEO is working. Often, you’ll rank for a term for weeks before enough people start landing on the website that you have a noticeable increase in calls. Without tracking your progress, you could get discouraged that it’s “not working.” In fact, it is working and you are ranking. OR you can see that you’re moving up and what you’re doing is working but you’re still on that annoying page 2 or 3. So, you know to keep it up until you get to that page 1 spot.

Don’t Overlook Keyword Research…But Don’t ObsessA close up of a person typing on a laptop with the term "keywords" shown nearby. Learn how Simplified can help with your keywords for SEO. Either

Keyword research is an essential part of SEO, and it’s very helpful for speech therapists in private practice to use it to their advantage. By understanding your target audience, analyzing your competition, and optimizing your website content, you can improve your website’s visibility and attract more clients to your practice.

However, keep in mind that keyword research is an ongoing process. It requires constant monitoring and adjustment to stay relevant. And, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. As helpful as I think Keyword Research is when you’re doing super intense optimization, if you find it overwhelming then start with just writing really great, client-focused content. You’ll naturally use some keywords. Or just pick one keyword you *think* people are using even if it’s not perfect.

Imperfect action is certainly better than no action when it comes to SEO!

Your Next Steps Optimizing Your Private Practice Website

Read more about our SEO Services for SLPs in private practice or move on to one of these next steps:

You may wonder what a local blog is and why we would suggest writing one. Local blogs are not as hard to write as blogs about treatments or mental health struggles, but they are equally beneficial for your SEO! So, what does writing a blog about your locations and places around it do for SEO? Actually, a lot!

They Tell Google Where Your Therapy Practice Is to Boost SEO

Writing local blogs can help you to tell Google where your therapy practice is located. Writing these blogs that are centered around your location, lets Google know where you’re practicing therapy and providing services. This allows Google to use that knowledge to suggest you and your services to people in your area. Especially ones that are searching for a therapist or other related services that you provide.

 For example, if you’re writing a blog about “Places to Relax in Little Rock, AR for People with Anxiety”, make sure to fit “AR” and “Little Rock” in the blog as much and as naturally as you can help Google realize that you are IN FACT in Little Rock, AR. 3D illustration with the words "You are Here" on a map. This represents how blogging about local locations can help therapists boost their SEO.

Demonstrate Your Knowledge of the Area 

For local blogs, you’re also going to want to use locations that are local to your area. So, if you are writing that blog about “Places to Relax in Little Rock, AR for People with Anxiety” you can mention specific parks in parts of Little Rock that are peaceful and great to go to if you’re wanting to get away when feeling overwhelmed by your anxiety. 

Adding additional locations that are located near the places you are writing about is a great way to show clients that you know the area. It also gives them an idea of where this place is but also shows Google that you know the area because you’re located there. 

For example, you can write about the War Memorial Park in Little Rock, AR. When writing, you can mention that it’s close to highway 630 and right by the Little Rock Zoo. This demonstrates your knowledge of the area, highlights other places near there, and shows the client where this place is. This also allows Google to know where you’re talking about, as well.

Back-Up that Knowledge and Add External Links for SEO

Another benefit of writing these location blogs is that it makes it easier for you to fit in external links. Putting links to the websites of the locations you use will help boost your SEO and credibility. By linking to the location’s website, it gives the client more information about the location but shows Google verifies that the place you are talking about is located near you and that you’re someone who might be an expert on the area.

A close up of a person typing on a laptop with the term "keywords" shown nearby. Learn how Simplified can help with your keywords for SEO.

Local Blogs Help Target Keywords for Your Practice’s Therapy Services

These blogs are also great and a somewhat easy way to boost rankings for keywords you are targeting for your mental health services. You will easily be able to mention “couples” and “couples therapy” or “anxiety” and “anxiety therapy” when writing a blog about “6 Romantic Locations for Couples to Reconnect in Ontario” or “5 Calm Places in Ontario for People with Anxiety”. 

When writing about those locations, you can talk about what makes them great for couples to reconnect with each other or what makes the locations calming for people with anxiety. These are easy ways to drop keywords naturally while still stating information that is relevant. Plus, it will show Google you know something about couples and anxiety but also show that same knowledge to potential clients.

Segue Into Your Therapy Services for an SEO Boost

When wrapping up the blogs, you can always talk about the services you offer. Such as, mentioning how these locations may help them and their partner focus on themselves but if there are deeper struggles that couples therapy may be something they may consider. 

Then, of course, you include your information on how to go about setting up a consultation and starting therapy. Or, for anxiety, you can talk about how these calm places are great to reduce stimuli that can make anxiety even more overwhelming. But, adding in if it’s affecting their everyday life they may need to consider anxiety therapy in Ontario, Canada. 

Local Blogs Will Help Target Your Preferred Audience Three young therapists sitting around a computer and one therapist with an iPad. This represents how learning about local blogs can help you target the clients you want and boost your SEO.


Lastly, writing local blogs will show Google where you are wanting to see clients, which is a vital part of building your Local SEO presence. It will let Google know that you are practicing in Little Rock and probably would prefer clients near this area. Of course, that will be different if you are offering online therapy for the whole state or are solely offering online services, so your targeted audience may be broader. 

Being specific about locations in your area will help Google know to show your information to people searching for services or therapists in your area. This will help ensure that at least two check boxes for these clients are checked: they are located in your area and are looking for therapy or services.

Let’s Get Started Writing Your Local SEO Blogs

Are you a private practice owner looking to improve your online presence and attract more clients? At Simplified SEO Consulting, we understand how important it is to have a strong SEO strategy. That’s why we recommend incorporating local SEO blogs into your website. By writing blog posts that target your local area, you can improve your search engine rankings and attract clients in your community who are searching for therapy services. Don’t worry if you’re not a confident writer – we’re here to help! Our team is here to support you in writing SEO-friendly content that resonates with your audience. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you improve your online presence and attract more clients to your private practice!

  1. Please apply to work with us
  2. Learn about our team
  3. Begin writing local blogs today!

Other SEO Services At Simplified SEO Consulting

If you feel as if you need more support, there are other services you can use as well! We offer options such as our 12-week trainingsmall group intensives, and courses. Our strategy session can be a great option if you need support getting started with SEO or doing a site move or redesign. These can also be helpful to find better keywords, evaluating your current SEO performance, and more. Or, if you’re ready to work with a passionate and skilled team, our Done for You Program may be a great following approach.

About the Author:Lynsey, SEO Content Writer for Simplified SEO Consulting

Lynsey is an SEO Content Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting. At Simplified, Lynsey enjoys writing content that is beneficial for the clients but also writing about important topics. Especially when they are used as resources within the mental health field. Her goal is to create quality content for clients to use as resources to help potential patients and learn as much as she can along the way. She is passionate about providing copywriting services for psychiatrists and therapists.


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In today’s digital age, the success of a healthcare private practice often depends on its online presence. One crucial aspect of that digital presence is optimizing your website and content to rank well on search engines like Google. This process is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and at its core are keywords. Keywords are the words and phrases that people type into search engines to find information, products, or services.

For healthcare private practice owners, understanding how to research and use keywords effectively is essential for attracting potential patients. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of healthcare keywords, providing an overview of how to conduct keyword research as a practice owner, and offering sample keywords tailored to different types of healthcare professionals who might have a private practice.

Keyword Research Basics

Before we dive into specific healthcare SEO keywords, let’s grasp the fundamentals of keyword research. Keyword research involves identifying the words and phrases your potential patients are likely to use when searching for healthcare services online.

Starting Your Keyword Research Journey

Keyword Research means trying to figure out what words the patients you are trying to help are typing into search engines. When they need your help, what terms are they using? What do they think they’re looking for?

This may seem simple at first. However, the truth is that patients aren’t always searching for what we as healthcare providers think they are. I know this is true for me as a mental health professional. I went to school for years and learned a lot of terms related to specific mental health disorders and types of treatments. So, those are the terms I think in. But the patients I help think in terms of their pain. And so do yours.

So, to really know how to optimize your website, we need to understand what your patients are thinking, feeling, and saying when they go to look for a new healthcare provider.

Understanding Your Niche

Your healthcare private practice likely specializes in a particular area of medicine or therapy. The truth is that most medical providers, but especially those in private practice, tend to have their favorite types of clients or, issues or ailments that they work the best with. There are certain things that you are just really knowledgeable about, really compassionate in treating, or just have more experience around. Most likely, these things are your niche. Identifying your niche is crucial because it helps you tailor your keywords to match your practice’s specialties.

List of Keywords: Examples of Keywords for Doctors & Other Healthcare Professionals in Private Practice

In all honesty, I don’t love giving people sample keywords.  I feel like when I do this, people just go with these lists and don’t do enough research on their own. But I also get asked things like, “What are some keywords for health and wellness” a LOT. So, I’m going to give you some sample lists to give you an idea of the type of things your patients might be looking for. But please view these lists as a starting place, not a final destination. I’m not considering your specific area of expertise, the location of your practice, etc. when I write this list. I highly recommend diving a lot deeper into the needs of your own patients when you determine what words to target on your own website, especially if you’re looking for what keywords are trending now. Because relevancy at the moment matters when it comes to SEO. These are simply marketing keyword examples for the healthcare field.

A woman looks up thinking about the words SEO next to her. Looking to understand SEO for medical practices? Our services can help you improve your healthcare SEO. Contact us today!

Sample Keywords for Family Medicine Doctors

If you’re a family medicine doctor, your target audience is diverse, ranging from children to seniors. Therefore, the keywords you might target can vary a great deal as well. So, please keep in mind that any keyword list I could create for family medicine doctors is really just the tip of the iceberg. But if you’re looking for SEO keyword examples, I wanted to list at least a few. 

Here are some sample keywords that can resonate with potential patients seeking family healthcare:

  • Family doctor near me
  • Family practice near me
  • Family medical center
  • Primary care physician
  • Primary care doctor
  • Family physician near me
  • Wellness check-up
  • Pediatric care
  • Geriatric medicine

Sample Keywords for Pediatricians

Pediatricians cater specifically to children’s healthcare needs but still offer help for a wide range of health concerns. Here are some sample keywords to attract parents and caregivers looking for pediatric services:

  • Pediatrician in [Your Location]
  • Pediatrician near me
  • Pediatric doctor near me
  • Pediatric clinic 
  • Private pediatrician near me
  • Pediatric dr near me
  • Pediatric care
  • Natural pediatrician
  • Child vaccinations
  • Infant healthcare

Sample Keyword List for Chiropractors in Private Practice

Chiropractic care is another important area of the healthcare field and chiropractors are turning more and more to SEO for their marketing. What this means is that SEO is getting to be more competitive for chiropractors To attract individuals seeking chiropractic services, consider these keywords:

  • Chiropractor near me
  • Family chiropractic
  • Walk-in chiropractor near me
  • Chiropractic adjustment
  • Prenatal chiropractor near me
  • Pediatric chiropractor
  • Back pain relief
  • Spinal adjustment
  • Holistic chiropractic care
  • Chiropractic wellness center

Sample Keywords for Speech-Language Pathologists

Speech-language pathologists help individuals with communication disorders. I previously wrote a longer blog post specifically with ideas for long tail keywords for SLPs, or here are more examples of some shorter tail keywords for SLPs: 

  • Speech therapist in [Your City]
  • Language disorder treatment
  • Speech therapy for children
  • Stuttering therapy
  • Communication skills improvement

Sample Keywords for Acupuncturists

Acupuncturists offer alternative medicine therapies. To attract those interested in acupuncture, consider these keywords:

  • Acupuncturist in [Your Location]
  • Traditional Chinese medicine
  • Acupuncture for pain relief
  • Holistic healing center
  • Acupuncture therapy session

Sample Keywords for Holistic Medicine Doctors

Holistic medicine doctors focus on whole-body health. These keywords can engage holistic healthcare seekers:

  • Holistic doctor near me
  • Integrative medicine practitioner
  • Natural healing therapies
  • Mind-body wellness
  • Holistic health assessment

Sample Keywords for Massage Therapists

Massage therapists provide relaxation and pain relief services. Optimize your keywords for individuals seeking massage therapy:

  • Massage therapist in [Your City]
  • Deep tissue massage
  • Swedish massage spa
  • Sports injury therapy
  • Relaxing massage session

Keyword Implementation Strategies

Once you’ve identified your keywords, it’s time to incorporate them into your online content strategically. Ensure that your content remains valuable and patient-centric while optimizing for keywords.

Monitoring and Adapting

Keyword research is an ongoing process. Regularly monitor the performance of your selected keywords and be prepared to adapt your strategy based on real-world results.

Keyword Pitfalls to Avoid

While keywords are essential, healthcare private practice owners must avoid common keyword research mistakes, such as overthinking it, spending more time researching than optimizing, and not considering user intent.

In conclusion, effective keyword research is the foundation of successful SEO for healthcare private practices. By understanding your niche, selecting relevant keywords, and implementing them strategically, you can improve your online visibility and attract more potential patients.

Keyword Research as a Journey

The keywords I included here are great examples. But that’s all they can be – a few health-related keywords to get you started. I can’t even claim they’re the most searched health keywords on Google, because that list will constantly change. So doing up-to-date keyword research to see what the current Google trends are related to your specific niche and in the area you practice is really important. 

SEO for Your Healthcare Practice with Simplified SEO Consulting

Ready to take your healthcare private practice’s SEO to the next level? Want to learn more about SEO for functional medicine doctors? Contact us at Simplified SEO Consulting for personalized guidance and comprehensive SEO solutions. Schedule a free Zoom consultation with our team today, and let’s grow your practice together.