Summer can often bring a noticeable “summer slowdown” for many businesses, including those in the mental health field. With vacations, holidays, and a general shift in routine, it’s common to see a dip in client inquiries and engagement. This seasonal lull presents a perfect opportunity to focus on strengthening your online presence through strategic SEO efforts.

One of the key components of SEO is building backlinks. Backlinks, also known as inbound links, are links from one website to another. However, not all backlinks are created equal. Ethical backlink building is essential to ensure that your SEO efforts are sustainable and effective in the long run. Building backlinks ethically means earning them through high-quality content and genuine relationships, rather than resorting to shortcuts that can harm your site’s reputation and rankings.

Let’s dive into the essentials of building backlinks ethically and effectively, helping you make the most of the summer slow down to enhance your SEO and prepare for the busy seasons ahead.

A notebook with "Link Building" written in black marker, sitting on a work desk. If you want to learn more about link building, get started with Simplified SEO Consulting today! Contact us now.

Do Backlinks Still Matter in SEO?

Yes, backlinks are still a crucial factor in SEO. They act as endorsements from other websites, signaling to search engines that your content is valuable and trustworthy. When a reputable site links to your content, it can boost your search engine ranking and increase your visibility. However, it’s important to focus on quality over quantity. High-quality backlinks from authoritative sites can significantly impact your SEO more than numerous low-quality links. In the changing world of SEO, backlinks continue to be a key component in building a strong online presence on Google.

How Many Backlinks Do You Need for SEO?

At Simplified SEO Consulting, we recommend aiming for at least 100 backlinks to start with. That might sound like a huge number and feel a bit overwhelming at first. Yes, 100 is a lot of backlinks. However, it is very attainable for most websites and a great place to start!

To put things into perspective, many of you reading this will actually need significantly more than 100 backlinks. But don’t be discouraged; building backlinks is a gradual process. If this sounds overwhelming, schedule a strategy session with one of our skilled specialists. We also have numerous other blogs that can guide you to ethically build backlinks.

Creating a plan that works for you and your practice is essential. Start by setting SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-specific). Look at your schedule and see where you can dedicate time to building backlinks.

For example, set a goal to build one backlink every week for a month. This way, you can gradually build up your backlink profile without feeling overwhelmed.

Is it OK to Pay for Backlinks?

While it might seem that paying for backlinks can expedite your SEO efforts, it’s not a recommended practice. Paying for backlinks can be seen as a shortcut, but it doesn’t align with Google’s goal of providing the most helpful and relevant search results. Instead, it artificially boosts your site’s authority, which Google frowns upon.

Paying for backlinks comes with significant risks. Search engines like Google strive to deliver high-quality and relevant content to users. When backlinks are bought, they disrupt the natural link-building process, promoting content that might lack authenticity or real value.

Content circled in white chalk on a blackboard with arrows pointing to it. If you want to learn more about creating content, contact us for a free consultation. Get started on your SEO today!

How to Get Backlinks for Free?

Instead of paying for backlinks, there are several ethical strategies to build high-quality backlinks this summer:

  • Create Valuable Content: Publish informative and engaging content that naturally attracts backlinks from other websites.
  • Guest Blogging: Write guest posts for reputable websites in your niche, including a link back to your site.
  • Build Relationships: Network with other professionals and therapists in your industry to earn backlinks through collaborations and mentions.
  • Podcast Guesting: Participate as a guest on relevant podcasts. Share your insights and expertise, and in return, the podcast host often links back to your website in the show notes.
  • Guest Speaking: Offer to speak at webinars, online conferences, or industry events. These platforms typically promote their speakers, providing you with backlinks from their event pages or promotional materials.
  • List in Therapist Directories: Ensure your practice is listed in reputable therapist directories. These directories often provide a backlink to your site, increasing your visibility and authority.

Final Thoughts from an SEO Specialist

Implementing ethical backlink strategies requires commitment and patience, but the rewards are well worth the effort. By avoiding shortcuts like paying for backlinks and instead focusing on creating high-quality content, guest blogging, networking, and engaging with industry communities, you can build a strong backlink profile that will benefit your site in the long run. These strategies not only improve your site’s SEO but also enhance its overall reputation and authority.

While the temptation to take shortcuts can be strong, it’s important to remember that ethical practices ultimately yield the best results. By prioritizing quality over quantity and focusing on genuine, value-driven content, you can achieve sustainable SEO success that withstands algorithm changes and maintains your site’s integrity.

A black man sitting on a couch while typing on a laptop. To build ethical backlinks, consider writing a guest blog for a colleague. Start building your SEO today.

Start Ethically Building Backlinks Today!

Building a list of high-quality backlinks that will enhance your practice’s online presence takes time and effort. At Simplified SEO Consulting, we understand the challenges you may encounter on this journey. Our team is dedicated to providing the support you need to overcome these obstacles and achieve improved SEO rankings. Here’s how you can get started on your SEO journey with us:

  1. Schedule a free consultation with us to share your SEO goals.
  2. Start implementing effective backlink strategies to boost your site’s authority and search engine ranking.
  3. Watch your site climb its way to the first page of Google!

Other Services We Offer:

We recognize that SEO encompasses a wide range of elements that you may need assistance with on your site. That’s why we offer a comprehensive suite of SEO services designed to address all your needs. Our Done For You SEO Services allow our experts to handle all aspects of your SEO, from keyword research to content optimization and backlink building, so you can focus on your practice. If you prefer a more hands-on approach, our DIY Online SEO Courses let you learn the fundamentals of SEO at your own pace, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to manage your own SEO. For a more intensive and guided experience, our 12-Week Done With You Intensive SEO Program offers close collaboration with our team, combining hands-on training with expert guidance to significantly improve your SEO in just 12 weeks.

About the Author

Olivia Ferguson, Mental Health SEO Specialist

Olivia graduated from Central Michigan University with a bachelor’s degree in Social Work. Combining her deep understanding of social work principles with her expertise in SEO, she is dedicated to empowering therapists to connect effectively with their ideal clients. Through strategic SEO techniques, Olivia enjoys helping therapists enhance their online visibility and attract clients who can benefit most from their services. Her goal is to bridge the gap between mental health expertise and digital marketing, ensuring that therapists can focus on what they do best – providing compassionate care – while reaching those in need through effective online presence.

Gaining high-quality backlinks can be a difficult task

While there are many ways to gain backlinks, only a portion of them will help you achieve the goals of long-term SEO success. The goal of achieving higher rankings and increased online visibility has led some to explore shortcuts that, while seemingly promising, tread on shaky ethical ground. So, today we are addressing a controversial practice that has been the subject of many debates — paying for backlinks. As websites vie for the top results in search engines like Google, the allure of expediting the process through purchased endorsements has become increasingly tempting. However, beneath the surface of this seemingly innocuous strategy lies a moral dilemma.

Gaining High-Quality Backlinks for Therapists 

First off, we are going to talk about some of the best ways to gain backlinks ethically. Then, we will compare how these differ from more concerning methods. Luckily, we have already created blog posts in the past on this very topic, so there is a wealth of information to draw from!

When it comes to ethically gaining backlinks, there are several ways to go about doing so. Some of the best ways we suggest folks start this process include:

  • Being listed on relevant therapist directories
  • Acting as a source of information for reporters and media (HARO)
  • Writing guest blog posts 
  • Being a guest on a podcast
  • Public speaking  

None of these require a dime from your part and act as organic ways to build authority with your practice. While not all backlinks are going to be treated as equal (depending on the trustworthiness of the site in question), these are still great ways to help improve the online exposure of your practice over time. However, putting in the work and finding the best organic backlinks for your practice can be a time-consuming process. Due to this, many people may try to find other methods to build their list of backlinks. 

Can I Pay for Backlinks to Speed This Process Up? 

In short, we don’t recommend it. While it may seem that paying for backlinks for therapists can be a way to shortcut the process, it doesn’t help accomplish Google’s goals of helping the best, most helpful search results show up first in the search results. Instead, paying for backlinks acts as a way to artificially boost the authority of your site, which is frowned upon in Google’s eyes. While the temptation to purchase backlinks may arise from a desire to expedite SEO results, it undermines the fundamental concept of merit-based search results. 

The Real Cost of Paying for Backlinks 

A graphic of people buliding links on a webpage. Learn how tips for improving backlinks for therapists by searching for "therapist SEO". You can also learn more from our guide to earning backlinks!

Search engines, like Google, continuously strive to provide users with the most relevant and high-quality content. When individuals or businesses pay for backlinks, they disrupt the natural progression of link-building. This can potentially lead to the promotion of content that lacks authenticity or true value. This practice not only compromises the integrity of search engine results but also fosters an environment where success is determined by who pays the most for credibility rather than the inherent quality of information. Thus, eroding the trustworthiness of search results. 

Understanding Therapist Directories

Paying for backlinks from unrelated sites can do much more harm than good for your site. However, there are citation sites that can offer support depending on the nature of your practice and the services you provide. For practices that have more niche services or offer support for particular populations, it can sometimes be harder to find the exact type of client you hope to support. However, directories like Therapy for Black Girls can help provide a resource to help facilitate getting therapists connected with their ideal clientele. While this particular directory does have a monthly membership fee, this is a bit different from the type of links that are created when making deals with sites that only work to artificially boost your rankings. 

With therapist directories, there are a wide number of free options available. However, some of these will have paid membership options that may have other benefits for therapists. Of course, not paying for these directories is still the most economical option. But, choosing some that will help your practice accomplish your overall goal of getting connected with your ideal client can be worth the investment if the need arises. 


In conclusion, pursuing high-quality backlinks for therapists demands ethical considerations and strategic choices. Gaining organic backlinks through methods like being listed on relevant therapist directories, contributing to media outlets, and engaging in guest appearances can be time-consuming. But, they stand as pillars of authentic authority building. Paying for backlinks, though tempting for its perceived expediency, defies the essence of merit-based search results. It risks compromising the integrity of the online ecosystem.

A top down view of the word SEO on a desk surrounded by different SEO elements. Learn tips for improving backlinks for therapists by searching for a guide to earning backlinks todayThe real cost of these practices is in the erosion of search result trustworthiness and the promotion of content that lacks authenticity. Understanding therapist directories, with their potential to support specific practices, emphasizes the importance of discernment in link-building endeavors, distinguishing between authentic support and artificial attempts to manipulate search engine rankings. Ultimately, investing time and effort in ethical backlink strategies proves to be the sustainable path toward long-term SEO success for therapists.

Start Improving Backlinks for Therapists with Simplified SEO Consulting

It can take time to build a list of high-quality backlinks that will benefit the standing of your practice. Our team understands the obstacles you may run into along the way. We are happy to offer support for building backlinks and cultivating improved SEO rankings. Start your SEO journey with Simplified SEO Consulting by following these simple steps:

  1. Apply to work with us to improve your SEO
  2. Meet with an SEO specialist 
  3. Start building better backlinks!

Other Services Offered with Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team knows there are many aspects of SEO that you may need help addressing on your site. This is why we offer a variety of SEO services. Other services offered include our Done For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses. We also offer a 12-week Done With You Intensive SEO Program. Visit our blog to learn more today!


About the Author

Sterling Humburg-Cage graduated from the University of Missouri with a BA in Psychology in 2020. He has integrated what he learned in school into his work as an SEO Specialist with Simplified SEO Consulting. Sterling prides himself on helping current clients & alumni problems solve difficult SEO issues.  He’s great at giving clients multiple options about how to approach a situation, finding solutions to some of the more technical aspects of SEO, and responding in a timely manner to client concerns.  Since he started, Sterling has met frequently with our alumni and provided them with extra problem-solving support. He now provides additional support with a variety of local SEO services. He often goes the extra mile to do outside research. By doing so, he sure private practice owners have everything they need to rank well on search engines long term for the keywords their ideal clients are using!

An SEO agency is a specialized company that helps improve the online presence and visibility of businesses. They do this through search engine optimization techniques. These techniques involve optimizing a website’s content, structure, and other factors to increase its ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a strategic process to improve your private practice or law firms’s online presence. It ensures your website appears at the top of search engine results when potential clients search for relevant keywords. These can be keywords such as “private practice SEO” or “SEO for online therapy.”

For counselors, SEO is not just about appearing in search results but appearing in the right ones. Those that prospective patients are actively searching for. By utilizing keywords specific to your practice and niche, an SEO agency can help attract targeted traffic to your website and ultimately increase the number of clients for your private practice. But it’s not just about gaining leads! It’s also about converting those leads into actual clients. A good SEO agency will work with your website’s structure and call to action, making it easier for potential clients to contact you. In this blog, we’ll discuss the importance of SEO for therapists and how an SEO agency can help you achieve your business goals.

Understanding SEO Basics for TherapistsShows a therapist working on their private practice SEO. Represent show seo for online therapy can be supported with seo keywords for therapists.

Before diving into the specifics of how an SEO agency can help you, it’s important to understand some SEO basics. Let’s start with keywords and key phrases. These are the exact terms clients search for or even relative terms Google (and other search engines) uses to determine the relevance of your website. For example, if you’re a therapist in Arkansas, a potential client may search for “therapists in Arkansas.” In this case, “therapists” and “Arkansas” are the keywords and they should be included in your website’s content.

Another crucial aspect falls under On-Page Optimization. This process involves refining elements on your website to make it more attractive to search engines. Some examples of these are meta descriptions and title tags. These should be crafted to be compelling and keyword-rich, while the focus of your content should be on header tags, content structure, and relevance to your potential client. These elements provide cues to search engines about the hierarchy and relevance of your content. Using proper header tags (H1, H2, H3) can make it easier for search engines to understand what your website is about and improve your ranking.

Finally, we have Off-Page Optimization.

Off-Page Optimization includes strategies to enhance your website’s reputation and authority when it comes to search engine ranking. One way to achieve this is through backlinks, which are links from other websites that lead to your website. Search engines see backlinks as a vote of confidence for your website and view it as a credible source to display on their results pages.

This involves building quality backlinks. Backlinks are links from other websites to yours. They are a significant factor in how search engines rank your site. Social media signals, such as shares and likes, can also contribute to your site’s ranking. These signals can also play a significant role in Off-Page Optimization. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter (now known as X) can help drive traffic to your website. But also boost engagement and build relationships with potential clients.

The Role of an SEO Agency in Private Practice SEO

Working with an SEO agency, such as Simplified SEO Consulting, can significantly enhance your private practice’s visibility online. In today’s world, most people turn to search engines to find therapists. This is why it’s crucial that your practice appears in relevant search results. Here’s how we can support you:

Market Research and Keyword Analysis

We start by identifying and analyzing relevant keywords for your practice. For example, we target keywords that align with your niche and services, such as “counselors for anxiety” or “online therapy for depression.” Our team uses advanced tools to discover the terms potential clients use when searching for therapy services. We also conduct in-depth competitor analysis to understand what keywords your competitors are using and how to differentiate your practice from theirs.

Website Auditing and Recommendations

A part of our service is that we perform a comprehensive audit of your website from an SEO perspective. This is where we pinpoint areas where improvements can be made on your website. This includes a technical SEO assessment to ensure search engines can effectively crawl and index your site. For example, we check for broken links, duplicate content, and page load speed. We also focus on improving the user experience by making your website more accessible and easy to navigate.

Content Strategy and CreationShows a therapist writing content. Represents how private practice seo needs content to enhanceseo for online therapy.

If you are an avid Simplified blog reader, you will know we love to remind our clients and potential clients that content is king in SEO! This is why we place a strong emphasis on content strategy and creation. We work with you to develop engaging, SEO-optimized content that resonates with your target audience.

Our experienced copywriter creates content that balances information and marketing, so your website not only ranks well but also converts visitors into clients. This is done by highlighting the unique aspects of your practice while also providing valuable insights for potential clients.

Link Building and Outreach

Lastly, a service that we may offer in the future is ethical link-building practices. This involves us helping your website build relationships with reputable sites in your niche. This can be done by earning backlinks through guest posts, mentions, and collaborations. We understand the importance of using ethical techniques for link-building to ensure long-term success for your website.

By leveraging these strategies, our aim is to maximize your online visibility and attract more prospective patients to your practice. SEO for online therapy is not just about driving traffic, it’s about attracting the right traffic. Potential clients who are genuinely interested in and in need of your services.

SEO Reporting and Analytics for Therapists

SEO for online therapy is not a one-time strategy. It requires constant monitoring and adjustments to stay ahead of the competition and in front of potential clients. This is where SEO reporting and analytics come into play. These tools and techniques allow you to measure the success of your SEO efforts and make data-driven decisions. This way you can improve your private practice’s online visibility.

Tracking Keyword Rankings

An important aspect is knowing where your website ranks for specific keywords. This is crucial. Utilizing tools such as Google Analytics and other advanced SEO software, we monitor your keyword performance regularly. This reveals trends in your website’s visibility and identifies areas for improvement in your SEO strategy. By tracking keyword rankings, we can also identify which keywords are converting into actual appointments for your practice. As part of our service, we provide regular reports on your keyword rankings and offer advice on how to improve them.

Monitoring Traffic and Conversions

Additionally, traffic to your website is another important part of the equation. What visitors do once they arrive on your website is another. Engagement metrics, such as the number of pages viewed per visit, bounce rate, and time spent on your website, are critical indicators of your site’s performance. But our primary focus lies in conversion tracking. This is specifically, how many visitors book an appointment with your practice.

Through tracking and analytics, we can understand user behavior on your website better. This data helps us optimize your website to improve user experience, increase engagement, and importantly, convert more visitors into clients. Through utilizing SEO reporting and analytics, we can continuously refine your website to ensure it appeals to both search engines and potential clients.

DIY vs. Hiring an SEO Agency: Pros and Cons for Private Practice SEO

When it comes to search engine optimization for counselors and online therapy providers, there’s a common question: should you take a DIY approach or hire an SEO agency? Luckily for you, Simplified SEO Consulting supports both options as we have DIY courses and services for private practice owners, as well as full-service SEO support. Here are some pros and cons to consider:

Advantages of Hiring an SEO Agency for Done-For-You ServicesShows a therapist working with an SEO agency on their private practice SEO. Represents how seo for online therapy is beneficial.

  • Expertise and industry knowledge: As an SEO agency, we have a team of professionals who specialize in search engine optimization. They are up-to-date with the latest trends, algorithms, and strategies to help your practice rank higher on search engines.
  • Time-saving and focus on core services: As a private practice owner, your time and energy are best spent focusing on providing quality therapy. By hiring an SEO agency, like us, you can leave the technical aspects of SEO to SEO specialists and have more time to focus on your core services.

What Considerations to Keep in Mind for DIY SEO

  • Time commitment and learning curve: DIY SEO requires a significant time commitment. You also will need a willingness to learn and stay updated on best practices. As a private practice owner, you may not have the luxury of time to dedicate to learning SEO. However, the benefit of learning and implementing SEO is that you can maintain your website’s SEO in the long run.
  • Initial costs vs. long-term benefits: DIY SEO may have lower upfront costs, but it requires a consistent investment of time and effort to see results. You also need to consider that if you do not have the expertise, you may make costly mistakes that can harm your website’s SEO in the long term.

Remember, the decision to utilize DIY SEO or hire an SEO agency for Done-For-You services is not one-size-fits-all. It depends on your available time, budget, and comfort level with SEO. Whichever path you choose, remember that SEO is a critical part of attracting and retaining clients for your therapy practice.

Ultimately, Make Informed Decisions for Your Practice

At Simplified SEO Consulting, our goal is to empower therapists with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about their private practice’s online presence. We hope this blog has provided valuable insights into the world of SEO for therapists and online therapy providers. Whether you choose to explore DIY resources or hire an SEO agency for full-service support, we encourage you to take action based on informed choices.

Remember, your website is often the first impression potential clients have of your practice. So investing in SEO can greatly benefit your online visibility and attract more clients. Ones who are genuinely interested in and in need of your services. To take the next step towards improving your private practice’s SEO, we recommend contacting an SEO agency (like us!) for a consultation or exploring our DIY resources for private practice owners.

Consider Hiring an SEO Agency Like Simplified SEO Consulting for Your Private Practice SEO!

At Simplified SEO Consulting, we specialize in providing effective search engine optimization services for therapists and online therapy providers. We understand the unique needs of private practice owners and tailor our services to help you attract clients and grow your business. Our team of SEO specialists stays updated on best practices and works closely with you to improve your website’s online visibility. We have a variety of SEO packages to fit your budget and needs. Plus, we offer DIY resources for those who prefer a more hands-on approach.

No matter what stage you are at in your private practice journey, we have the tools and expertise to support your SEO needs. Want to learn about SEO? Sign up for our SEO Course for Therapists and learn how to use the power of blogs and SEO to reach more clients and grow your practice! Or want to outsource it? Check out our SEO Consulting packages and schedule your consult today! Ready to get started?

  1. Schedule Your Consult
  2. Learn about our team
  3. Improve your website’s SEO, attract more clients, and grow your business with Simplified SEO Consulting!

Other SEO Services At Simplified SEO Consulting

If you feel as if you are already an expert in SEO, or you want to know more about the other services we provide, check out our other SEO services for therapists and online therapy providers. We offer options such as our 12-week trainingsmall group intensives, and courses. Our strategy session can be a great option if you’re just getting started and want to make sure your website is set up for success. We also provide ongoing support with our SEO maintenance packages, perfect for private practice owners who want to ensure their website’s SEO stays optimized. Or, if you’re ready to work with a passionate and skilled team, our Done for You Program is perfect for you. Whatever your SEO needs, Simplified SEO Consulting has the resources and expertise to help you achieve your online goals.

About the Author:Lynsey, SEO Content Writer for Simplified SEO Consulting. Providing copywriting for therapists in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and beyond.

Meet Lynsey, the passionate SEO Content Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting, who has a knack for transforming technical SEO language into engaging and informative content. With experience in both the mental health industry and SEO, Lynsey loves helping therapists and online therapy providers grow their businesses through effective SEO strategies. When she’s not writing or optimizing content, you can find her spending time with her family, exploring the outdoors, or reading a book. To learn more about Lynsey and the rest of our team at Simplified SEO Consulting, visit our website today! Remember, investing in your private practice’s SEO is an investment in your business’s growth and success. Contact Simplified SEO Consulting today to learn more about how we can help you elevate your private practice’s online presence!

Getting the word out about your practice is accomplished in many ways.

A close-up of a person typing on their phone. This could represent searching for a therapy directory. Learn more about Learn more about the best therapist directories by searching for "therapist directory" today. Having your practice present in therapist directories is a great way to accomplish just this. We know therapists aren’t made of money, which is why we always want to be aware of what free therapist directories are out there. But, being listed on paid therapist directories can be a great way to help expand the digital presence of your practice, especially if you offer more niche services or serve specific communities. We have previously created a more comprehensive list of directories, but today we are going to take a deeper dive into five directories that can offer great value. 

Introducing our first therapist directory, Therapy For Black Girls

This directory is for therapists that specifically cater to supporting the mental health needs of Black women and girls. This directory was created by licensed psychologist Dr. Joy Harden Bradford as a resource to help private practice owners connect with individuals in the Black community and help overcome the stigma around mental health. Black women can get connected with therapists that offer support with a variety of mental health topics including anxiety, relationships, trauma, and more.

Therapy for Black Girls allows for both solo and group practices to create profiles with detailed info about their background, areas of expertise, practice information, and location. It is one of the most expensive mentioned on this list at a cost of $300 per year. But, the support offered by this directory can pay off in terms of the potential leads generated. In addition to the directory, Therapy for Black Girls offers an informative blog, a podcast, and an online community. Here, Black women can connect, share their stories, and support each other. It is a valuable resource for Black women seeking culturally responsive therapy and a supportive community.

Inclusive Therapists

This is a directory that provides equitable access to radically affirming, culturally responsive mental health care. This platform focuses on connecting individuals from marginalized and underrepresented communities with therapists who are culturally competent and affirming. Inclusive Therapists welcomes individuals of all backgrounds, including those who identify as LGBTQ+, people of color, individuals with disabilities, and more. This was created by Melody Li with the goal of amplifying the voices of marginalized communities. It works to expand culturally affirming and responsive care, decolonizing mental health care, and more. 

A group of people makes a heart with their hands. Learn more about the best therapist directories by searching for "therapist directory" today.  
Therapists looking to create a listing on this directory can expect a $30 membership fee each month for a basic directory profile. But, there are a number of other membership options depending on the practice, but this space goes beyond the directory by actively advocating for social justice and working to dismantle systemic barriers to mental health care. They offer resources, events, groups, and educational materials to promote understanding and inclusivity in therapy. Inclusive Therapists is a valuable resource for individuals seeking therapists who are dedicated to providing affirming and inclusive care.


The EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) is one you’ve likely heard of if you offer trauma therapy services. It is a specialized therapist directory headquartered in Austin, TX focused on connecting individuals with therapists trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. EMDR is an evidence-based treatment approach that helps individuals heal from trauma, anxiety, phobias, and other mental health issues. This is accomplished by targeting and processing distressing memories using bilateral stimulation. EMDRIA features a wide range of licensed mental health professionals who have completed EMDR training and are members of the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). Users can search for therapists by location, specialization, and preferred language. Each therapist’s profile provides detailed information about their training, experience, and contact details. 

For therapists to be listed in this directory, they must be licensed mental health professional in their state and have completed EMDRIA Approved EMDR Training. This includes 20 hours of instruction, 20 hours of practice, and 10 hours of consultation. There are levels of membership, with the full membership coming in at $180 a year. With this cost comes a variety of member benefits including professional development, discounts, and access to an online community. 

Therapy for Latinx

Therapy for Latinx is a therapist directory that focuses on the mental health needs of the Latinx community. The platform aims to address the unique challenges faced by Latinx individuals. This occurs by connecting them with therapists who understand their cultural background, values, and experiences. It was founded by Brandie Carlos, who was actually inspired by Therapy for Black Girls and Dr. Joy!  

The fee for this directory comes in at $19 a month or $140 annually, depending on the plan you go with. The directory features a diverse network of mental health professionals who are fluent in Spanish and have experience working with Latinx clients. Users can search for therapists based on their location, specialties, and preferred language. Each therapist profile includes detailed information about their training, approach, and areas of expertise. Therapy for Latinx goes beyond the directory by providing resources and articles that explore mental health topics relevant to the Latinx community. The platform also strives to promote mental health awareness and reduce stigma within the community.

Open Path Collective

Open Path Collective is a unique therapist directory. Unlike the previously mentioned therapist directories, this one is free! The free membership is in line with its focus on making mental health care affordable and accessible, regardless of a person’s financial situation. The platform connects individuals with therapists who offer reduced-rate sessions. Thus making therapy more financially feasible for those who may not have insurance or are unable to afford traditional therapy fees. Open Path Collective features a network of mental health professionals committed to providing affordable and inclusive care. Users can search for therapists based on their location, specialties, and preferred fee range. Each therapist profile provides comprehensive information about their background, services offered, and contact details.

A close up of a person offering their hand in support to another. Learn more about the best therapist directories by searching for "therapist directory" today.  
In addition to the directory, Open Path offers resources, articles, and a supportive community to help individuals navigate their mental health journey. The platform promotes the belief that everyone deserves access to quality mental health care, regardless of their socioeconomic situation. Open Path Collective is a valuable resource for individuals seeking affordable therapy options. By connecting them with therapists who offer reduced-rate sessions, the directory helps bridge the gap between those in need of mental health support and the professionals who provide it.

Begin Improving Your SEO With Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team of SEO specialists would be happy to offer support to improve counselor SEO and help you expand your practice’s reach. To start your SEO journey with Simplified SEO Consulting, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Apply to schedule a consultation
  2. Meet with an SEO specialist
  3. Begin SEO services for therapists

Other Services Offered with Simplified SEO Consulting

There are so many aspects that go into a successful SEO strategy in addition to analytics. This is why we are happy to offer a number of services in support of your private practice. We are happy to offer support with ourDone For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses. We also offer a 12-week Done With You Intensive SEO Program as well. Please visit our blog to read other informative posts today!

About the Author

Sterling Humburg-Cage graduated from the University of Missouri with a BA in Psychology in 2020. He integrates what he learned in school into his work as an SEO Specialist with Simplified SEO Consulting. Sterling prides himself on helping current clients & alumni problems solve difficult SEO issues.  He’s great at giving clients multiple options about how to approach a situation. And, responding in a timely manner to client concerns.  Since he started, Sterling has met frequently with our alumni and provided them extra problem-solving support. He now provides additional support with a variety of local SEO services. He often goes the extra mile to do outside research.

Of the many things that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) brings, confusion is definitely one of them while how backlinks work… is not. 

Photo of Laptop and Glasses. Representing a mental health professional looking to research about backlinks and learn seo online If you are looking for help, click here!

What are Backlinks? Understanding How Backlinks Work. 

Whether you’re linking to another website or your own site is being linked to, linking is a critical part of search engine optimization (SEO). Backlinks result from a website linking to your website. In most cases, if you’re mentioned in a blog post or a web article, your website will link back to it. This is usually because the two websites are somehow connected. For example, they may be related based on the content they provide.

More Information About How Backlinks Work. 

An authoritative, trustworthy source provides information regarding a topic through a backlink. Consequently, the website becomes more reliable and a ‘backlink’ is created. It’s important to know how backlinks work to determine a website’s credibility and trustworthiness. 

As a mental health professional, it is important to portray the quality of care provided to clients through your website. That may be their first impression of your business, and the deciding factor as to whether they would like to backlink to your site. Consequently, your site will receive a lot more traffic as well as improved ranking for various keywords in search engine results because Google knows it is trustworthy.

Photo of a laptop with SEO requirements. Are you overwhelmed by trying to understand how backlinks work? Learn SEO for online therapist websites here!

What type of backlinks does a site need?  

Getting effective backlinks becomes more challenging as backlinks come in different quality levels. While it is true, you want more backlinks. However, Google is more likely to trust a quality backlink from a news site or a university website than a link from a new site. 

It is easy to get confused when it comes to the difference between follow and Nofollow links. How a website treats those links is also crucial since it can determine how search engines will treat those links. The focus here is on the relationship between Follow and Nofollow links and your site.

What are Follow links? How are they impacting your SEO?

The use of follow links is one of the best ways to improve a website’s domain authority or domain rating which in turn, enhances keyword ranking. This is accomplished by passing the authority of the origin site to the destination site.

Fun Fact: In the web world, this passing of authority is known as “link juice.”

What are NoFollow links? Do they do anything to your SEO?

Nofollow links do not help rankings and don’t pass authority on to the website they are linking to. These links do not benefit SEO. Examples of these links are ones that are posted on Facebook posts. 

However! It’s normal for a site to have a healthy mix of both types of backlinks and that’s what Search Engines look for, the useful, normal sites that people are more likely to search for. Having NoFollow links is still a great way to connect with potential clients. 

What is the purpose of a NoFollow link in How Backlinks Work?

Getting NoFollow links isn’t a bad thing! Despite not giving you SEO benefits like Follow links, you can get traffic to your website and diversify your backlink portfolio with NoFollow links. 

Hyperlinks with the rel=”NoFollow” attribute are not indexed in Google results if they have this attribute. But, this isn’t a negative vote for the site. Instead, it is a way to prevent other people from attempting to raise their own search engine rankings by commenting on related blogs.

Fun Fact: Google implemented this as a response to website owners’ complaints about comment spam and unfair SEO tactics in September 2005.  


How can you tell if a link is either Follow or NoFollow?  

Short Answer? You can’t unless you’re looking at the HTML coding itself. 

The easiest way to determine if a link is follow or nofollow is to inspect the link in the browser and check the HTML code within the link.

Infographic of Follow and NoFollow Links. Confused about how backlinks work? Read more here to get your SEO training for your mental health private practice!

A Follow link looks like this:

<a href=””>Simplified SEO Consulting</a>

A NoFollow link looks like this:

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Simplified SEO Consulting</a>

How do I find the HTML coding?

You can perform this task by right-clicking on the link anchor text of that link and selecting “Inspect element” or “Inspect” (depending on your browser). 

If you’re using Chrome, you can press Ctrl+Shift+I when you are at the URL you are investigating. 

Lastly, there are options for applications that you can add to your web browser to reveal what links are Follow or NoFollow. 

What types of content are generally NoFollow?

Any type of content can be NoFollow if the HTML coding is adjusted to make it do so.
However, these inbound links below tend to be NoFollow: 

  • Social Media Posts and Comments
  • Forum Post Links (User Generated Content etc) 
  • Press Releases 
  • Widget links 

And, these outbound links usually are NoFollow too: 

  • Wikipedia
  • Youtube
  • Reddit

Fun Fact: Any paid backlinks should be NoFollow according to Google’s Search Central Guidelines.

The Summary of How Backlinks Work

As far as SEO is concerned and how backlinks work, Follow links provide authority to a website, whereas NoFollow links do not. Having both types of links within the content is expected for a site to be considered genuine. Search engines will look at sites that lack that healthy balance and perhaps take them offline if they find their backlink tactics suspicious. Finding other mental health sites that relate to your content is an important tactic for Search Engine Optimization.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed reading this, we can help! We will lead you through navigating the world of the internet as you build a private practice therapy office. Our team of highly skilled mental health SEO specialists can take care of all the things you need to do for SEO.

SEO Marketing for Therapists & Counselors Made Simple!

To begin working with Simplified, follow these three simple steps:

  1. Book a Session with Simplified SEO Consulting
  2. Learn about SEO Consulting for Therapists
  3. Take a breath and relax, knowing your SEO is handled!

Other Services at Simplified SEO Consulting:

We can also help if you need other types of support! We offer a variety of training options to meet your needs, including a 12-week training programsmall group intensives, and courses. If you are ready to start using SEO, or you are planning to move your site or redesign your site, then the strategy session may be a great option for you. We can also assist you with our Done for You Program if you are looking to work with a dedicated and skilled team of professionals.


About the Author

Amber has a BA in Psychology and is currently working towards her MA in Psychology while working with the best team in the world, Simplified SEO Consulting. She is a mother, animal enthusiast, public relations volunteer at a fine arts nonprofit who enjoys helping others succeed.

In the world of Search Engine Optimization, there are so many terms that are thrown around. 

There is a lot of lingo surrounding search engine optimization. In fact, there is so much that it can sound like a different language without having prior knowledge. So today, we are going to discuss common SEO terms and their place in the grand scheme of things.

The word keywords is surrounded by the terms concept, web, sem, content, words, and seo. Learn how we can offer SEO help for therapists at Simplified SEO Consulting. We offer support for counselor SEO and more.

What Are Long-Tail and Short-Tail Keywords?

Keywords are the terms that we chose to focus on and include in content to better show up for those terms. When it comes to short-tail keywords, these are phrases such as “anxiety treatment” that only have one to two words that make up the keyword. Long-tail keywords however can have four or more. 

Short-tail keywords often overlook long-tail when it comes to search volume. Since these keywords are shorter and more general, they are often searched for by a larger number of people. On the other hand, long-tail keywords are usually more specific due to the longer nature of the phrase. Thus, making them easier to rank for while helping focus in on a specific niche or topic. There are pros and cons of using each, which is why it’s important to use each when optimizing for specific search terms you’d like to rank for.

What Does HTML Mean?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. This is a basic markup language for documents used by web pages across the internet. HTML is used to tell web browsers what elements are present on a given page and make up the backbone of what you will see on a webpage. Every element is represented somewhere in the HTML of the page. While you may not be able to see it without a bit of technical knowledge, it still serves an invaluable purpose in SEO and web design as a whole.

What Does SERP Stand For?

This stands for search engine result page. When you search for something on Google, this is the page you see with all the possible search results related to your inquiry. The factors that determine where pages fall in a SERP can be difficult to understand, especially with the ever-evolving nature of Google’s search algorithm. But, understanding the major updates that may occur can help improve your SEO efforts in a variety of ways. 

What Is a Meta Description?

A meta description is a short paragraph that appears on SERPs and summarizes what the page is about. Normally Google will automatically create these based on the content of the page. But, these are rarely as effective as if you were to manually create your own. Writing your own meta descriptions for each of your web pages will allow you to also work in crucial keywords you are hoping to improve rankings for, thus helping google better understand the focus of the page and what you are hoping to rank for. 

A hand writes on a chalkboard with the word SEO circled. We offer support for therapist SEO and more.What Is the Difference Between Crawling, Indexing, Rendering, and Ranking?

Crawling refers to when robots (crawlers) for a search engine discover new pages on your site, and the links they have to other existing pages, which is why internal links are so important. After a robot crawls a site, it can index the crawled pages. Indexing is when these pages are recorded by the search engine, analyzed, and sorted based on the content of the page.

Rendering occurs when search engines take the HTML of your page, and use it to understand the structure of the page. It is the process of compiling the code of your site in order to better understand what an actual person will see when they visit the page. Finally, ranking is what private practice owners work to improve through SEO! Your ranking is where your site falls in the SERP, and this constantly changes due to other competitors working to climb to the top of the search results.

What Is a Sitemap?

A sitemap acts as, well, a map of your site! This helps search engines organize the pages on your site to crawl and index the content of your website. Without submitting your sitemap to something like Google My Business, SERPs may have a harder time understanding the type of content on your site, whether that be a video, image, or article. Plus, sitemaps also provide crawlers with another way to discover each page of your site. As a result, you don’t have to worry as much about isolated pages being looked over due to a lack of links. Your sitemap will take notice of them even if they’re not linked to any other page. 

What Are Alt Text and Alt Titles?

These are unseen additions to photos and other graphic elements on a page that help improves accessibility and provide content for search engines. The text and titles added to photos help search engines index pages correctly. These often include descriptions that explain the content of the photo and can provide a great chance to also rank for your focus keywords. These alt attributes can be added to the HTML of your site in different ways. Including them also helps toward improving how well you rank on Google. 

What Are Internal Links, External Links, and Backlinks?

Internal links are the embedded links on your website that connect each page to one another. External links are similar, but they link to external sites independent of your site. Backlinks is a type of external link in which another site creates a link that returns back to your site. Internal linking is an essential part of your site structure. External and backlinks are invaluable as well. They can help to improve the authoritativeness of your site. But, be careful, not all sites may be as reputable as others, meaning the wrong link can actually hurt the credibility of your site. 

What Is Black Hat & White Hat SEO

These are the methods in which you try to rank better on SERPs like Google. Black hat SEO tactics are those that can help you improve your rankings, but are often unethical and go against SERP guidelines in the process. In short, you want to avoid black hat SEO practices. Instead, white hat SEO practices are ethical methods to help improve your search engine rankings. 

A hand holds a magnifying glass looking at the letters SEO. We offer support for counselor SEO and more.

What Is a Featured Snippet?

These are becoming more important as Google continues to make finding the right answers more convenient for those searching for them. These are the small bits of text that often appear at the top of Google’s search results that are meant to offer quick answers to an inquiry. These make it easier for searchers to find answers without having to sift through an entire page. They also help capture attention and can improve the chances people will visit your site for more useful answers to their questions.

Begin Improving Counselor SEO With Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team of SEO specialists is experienced in offering support to improve the SEO of therapists nationwide. We offer a number of services that can help you improve your practice, and find your ideal client. If you are ready to start your SEO journey with Simplified SEO Consulting, please follow these simple steps: 

  1. Apply to start improving your SEO
  2. Meet with a member of our team of SEO Specialists
  3. Start ranking higher on Google and meeting with your ideal client

Other Services Offered With Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team of mental health SEO specialists is happy to offer a number of services to support your SEO efforts. We offer Done For You SEO packages as well as online courses, SEO training, Done With You 12-week intensive, and strategy sessions. We would be happy to start working with you by scheduling a free 30-minute consultation. Learn more by visiting our blog or visit our services page today.

About the Author

Photo of Sterling, an SEO Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting that specializes in all things technical SEO!Sterling Humburg-Cage graduated from the University of Missouri with a BA in Psychology in 2020. He integrates what he learned in school into his work as an SEO Specialist with Simplified SEO Consulting. Sterling prides himself on helping current clients & alumni problems solve difficult SEO issues.  He’s great at giving clients multiple options about how to approach a situation and responding quickly to client concerns.  Since he started, Sterling has met frequently with our alumni and provided them extra problem-solving support. He often goes the extra mile to do outside research and make sure private practice owners have everything they need to rank well on search engines long term for the keywords their ideal clients are using!

Image of multiple hands fist bumping representing the teamwork needed to boost your backlinks for therapists on your website. Learn more about backlinks for therapists at Simplified SEO Consulting today!You know you need to get backlinks to improve your SEO, however. . . you simply don’t have time for all that! It sounds overwhelming. There are so many different tactics and methods and a quick Google search leaves your head spinning. You’re a busy private practice owner, and managing a website and blogging is more than enough. Getting other sites to link to you as well. Ugh. It’s all just too much.

I totally get it. Being busy building a private practice therapy office is difficult enough. Add in trying to optimize for SEO and blog and wow, it’s simply overwhelming. You didn’t get into psychology to write and strategize, you got into therapy to help people! Now you feel like all your time is being eaten up by trying to find clients instead of helping the clients you have! Now you have to try and get backlinks for therapists? Oh goodness. Luckily for you, I have a few tips up my sleeve to help you improve your backlink game, with minimal effort on your part. At Simplified SEO Consulting, we get that you’re a busy private practice owner. We want to take SEO for psychologists off your plate!

To begin, we’re going to talk a little about what backlinks are in the first place! Then we’ll talk about why they are important and finally we’ll rock out some tips on how to get backlinks with minimal effort!

What are backlinks for therapists?

To put it super simply, backlinks for therapists are links on other websites which go to your site. Therefore, if you are mentioned in a blog post or a web article, a link is often included back to your website, which not only helps drive traffic, it also improves your SEO because Google knows that your page is more legit. There are different levels of quality of backlinks which adds another layer to building a solid backlink game. You want to get more backlinks, yes. However, quality backlinks for therapists from established news sites and .edu websites carry more weight with Google than other early-stage websites.

How to get good backlinks for therapists, (relatively) easily:

Backlinks are important because they are a vote in your favor in Google’s eyes. They see you as more reputable if you are linked to by an already established website. Here are my 5 favorite ways to get backlinks with minimal effort!

Guest post

happy man is writing a guest post to get backlinks for therapists to improve SEO for psychologists. Learn more about SEO from a SEO specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting.The most common way to get backlinks as a therapist is to do some outreach and guest post on others sites. Yes, you do have to spend some time writing and potentially even come up with a pitch. But the research and time spent has a great return. Writing a quality guest post for another website is good for your SEO and gets your name out into the world! I recommend coming up with a few ideas for blog posts and researching websites in your field who might benefit from your voice. Then it’s just a simple email and you’re (hopefully) on your way to getting a solid backlink!


Have I mentioned I love HARO? I LOVE HARO! HARO stands for Help a Reporter Out” and is a site that allows you to be considered as a source for major publications. It’s as easy as reading an email once to three times a day and replying with a pitch, or your take on what they are asking about. I personally check HARO for my business and see requests for mental health professionals almost daily. Take 10-30 minutes a day and reply to appropriate requests and you just might find yourself being linked to in a high-flying publication!

Request to be on a College’s Resource list

If you are in a university town, consider reaching out to the school’s LGBTQ Center or Women’s Center (or appropriate center for your niche) and ask to be included on a resource page. This gives you a high-quality backlink and can add clients through the college having you listed as a resource!

Podcast guest

My last and personal favorite way to get backlinks for therapists is to guest on podcasts. This can be as easy as asking around in your network who has a podcast and asking to be on it. On a more complicated level, consider which podcasts you enjoy listening to in your niche and make the ask! Pitching can be scary, but the payoff can be tremendous! Podcast guesting is great! Because once you land the gig, it is literally at most an hour and a half of your time. It also gets you great promo and publicity from the owner of the podcast.

Happy man at his computer smiles as he meets with a group of therapists for a 12-week SEO mastermind with Simplified SEO ConsultingConsider Done for You SEO with Simplified SEO Consulting

If you still find yourself overwhelmed with the prospect of doing ALL the things for SEO, consider hiring us to do your on-page SEO for you! Our team of highly skilled mental health SEO specialists are here to help you navigate the wild world of the internet as you build your private practice therapy office.

How to begin improving your SEO in 3 easy steps:

You might be thinking “Oh em gee. . . how am I supposed to do ALL the things for SEO?!” Well, the honest answer is that SEO is a lot. It takes know-how and time. The good news is that here at Simplified SEO Consulting, we have a team of rockstar SEO specialists who are here to help you rank at the top of Google as a therapist! 

To begin working with Simplified, follow these three simple steps:

  1. Book a Consult Call with our Consult Specialist
  2. Learn about SEO Consulting for therapists
  3. Step back and relax, knowing your SEO is handled!

Other Services at Simplified SEO Consulting

If Done for You SEO isn’t striking your fancy at this time, consider signing up for a DIY SEO Course or joining an SEO training! There are many ways Simplified can help support you as you go on the journey of improving your SEO.

About the Author

Photo of Mason, SEO Content Writer for Simplified SEO Consulting, holding a butterfly on his arm.Mason Aid (They/He) is a Mental Health SEO Copywriter at Simplified SEO Consulting. They love solving the puzzle of fitting the right keywords into your copy so you attract your dream clients. They have their bachelor’s Degrees in Sociology and a continued interest in advocating for marginalized people and mental health.

Did you know that one of the most effective ways to improve your search engine rankings is to earn backlinks to your site? In fact, building backlinks is arguably one of the top 2 or 3 things you should do when optimizing your website for search engines long term. Having legitimate backlinks will help you rank higher in search engines, which means more traffic and clients for your practice. In this article, we will explore what backlinks are, why they are important for your website’s SEO, and how you can go about earning them for your private practice website.

What are Backlinks?

Simply put, backlinks are links from other websites that point to your website. These links act as “votes” for your site, telling search engines that other websites find your content valuable and relevant. The more high-quality backlinks you have, the more likely search engines are to view your website as an authority in your field, which can improve your rankings in search results.

Why Backlinks are Important for Your Private PracticeMan who looks like he's speaking with random letters coming our representing an adult with a speech or communication disorder requiring speech therapy. Website

Backlinks are an important factor in determining your website’s authority and relevance to search engines. In fact, they’re arguably one of the top few most important things you can do to improve SEO. I think they’re particularly critical to have when you’re looking at doing a website redesign or making significant changes on your site.

When a search engine sees that other websites are linking to your content, it assumes that your website must be providing valuable information. This is why websites with a large number of high-quality backlinks tend to rank higher in search results than websites with few or no backlinks.

In addition to improving your search engine rankings, backlinks can also drive traffic to your website. When people see links to your site on other websites, they may click through to your site to learn more about your services. This can help you attract new clients and grow your private practice.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a great way to earn backlinks while also getting your expertise out there. This is where you write a blog post for someone else’s website, and they include a link to your website in the post. It’s a win-win situation, as they get to publish great content, and you get a backlink.

To start, look for websites in your niche that accept guest posts. Research and brainstorm post ideas that align with your expertise and the website’s audience. Make sure your bio includes a call to action and a link to your website. Then reach out to the website owner and pitch your blog post idea. Remember that most sites have guidelines for guest blogging, so make sure to follow them. You can read more tips for guest blogging here.

I will add here that often “cold emailing” doesn’t work so well. Most people don’t want to post a blog post for someone they know nothing about. So consider starting with reaching out to other SLPs you know in private practice. Or agencies in your area that typically service children who would benefit from your services. Or mental health professionals who work with stressed-out caregivers. Maybe a physical therapist that you frequently refer to. Just think of who in your network has an audience that would benefit from your expertise. Once you have built up a few relationships, it will be much easier to get those backlinks.

Lastly, if you’re one of our clients we highly encourage you to post on our closed Facebook group that you’re willing to write a guest blog and offer a few topics you could easily write on. Remember, you don’t want to offer multiple other websites the exact same blog post. However, you could offer a similar topic that is tailored to their audience.

Resource Lists

Another way to earn backlinks is by getting added to resource lists. A resource list is a page on a website that lists out helpful resources for a specific topic. For example, a website that focuses on speech disorders may have a resource list for SLPs in private practice. To get on this list, you need to reach out to the website owner and ask if they will include your website as a resource. Make sure your website will be a valuable resource for their audience.

I’ll add here that often the same types of websites you offer a guest blog post to may also have a resource list you could be added to. However, I recommend casting an even wider net when asking to be added to resource lists. Think school resource lists, physician resource lists, hospital resource lists, etc.

Being a Media Source

Being a media source means that reporters or journalists can reach out to you for quotes or information for their stories. This can be a great way to not only earn backlinks but also to establish yourself and your practice as an authority in your field.

One way you can start increasing your reach in this area is creating a media page on your website that includes a bio, headshot, some topics you have particular expertise to talk in and contact information. Then start building relationships with reporters and journalists in your industry. Follow them on social media, engage with their content, and eventually, reach out to them to let them know that you’re open to being a source. I’ve also been known when there’s a media story related to one of my expertise to reach out to a reporter I know writes those types of stories and offer up a story or to provide my expertise. That one works out less often, but at least once I got an incredible backlink from it.

HARO Inquiries

One of my personal favorite ways to get great, high quality backlinks is responding to Help a Reporter Out (HARO) inquiries. HARO is a service that connects reporters with sources. You sign up to receive 3 emails a day full of different media inquiries from all sorts of topics. You can then respond directly to the reporter’s inquiry and if they pick your response you could get featured in the article and earn that sweet, sweet backlink.

Press Releases

Press releases are a great way to get backlinks, as well as generate some media coverage for your business. Writing and distributing press releases can help you reach your target audience and increase brand awareness. When writing a press release, make sure it is newsworthy, follow the correct format, and include relevant keywords. Then use a service to distribute it to the right outlets for maximum exposure.

Writing Amazing Content People Want to Link to

One of the easiest ways to earn backlinks is by creating valuable and shareable content that people want to link to. This can include blog posts, infographics, videos, and other media that is helpful, informative, and shareable. When creating content, make sure it’s unique, well-researched, and offers something of value. Then use social media and outreach to promote your content to your audience and potential linkers.


Directories are a great way to get backlinks and improve your Local SEO. This includes listing your website on local directories, like Yelp or Google My Business, as well as industry-specific directories, like the ASHA directory. Many list management services (like ours) can help with this, and optimizing your listings can help you rank higher in search engines.

Participate in online communities

Join online communities related to your field and participate in discussions. When you provide helpful advice and insights, people are more likely to link to your website as a source of valuable information. This also helps to build relationships, which can lead to more backlinks.

Create and share infographics

Infographics are a great way to present complex information in a visually appealing format. When you create and share infographics, people are more likely to link to them and share them on social media.

You are an expert at what you do and have so much information the general public doesn’t understand about communication. If you can break down one of those things into an easy to understand infographic that can be really valuable information people want to link to! You have extensive knowledge of various speech and language disorders, treatments, and techniques. Creating an infographic that visually represents this information could be a powerful tool for earning backlinks to your website. For example, you could create an infographic that breaks down the components of a stutter, including potential causes, common characteristics, and evidence-based treatment strategies. You could also create an infographic that outlines the various stages of language development in children, complete with age-appropriate milestones and red flags for potential delays or disorders.

By creating visually appealing and informative infographics that relate to your field (especially to your niche or favorite population to work with), you have the potential to attract links from other websites that are looking to share valuable resources with their readers. Just make sure you condense the graphics before putting them on your website. This can help you build authority and increase visibility in search engine results pages. Additionally, infographics have the potential to go viral on social media, which can further increase the number of backlinks and referral traffic to your website.

A word of caution: Great backlinks are earned, not bought

Never use any link-building tactics that violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. This includes buying backlinks, link farms, article spinning, and participating in any other sketchy practices. As you start to rank better, you’ll likely start to get emails that your SEO is horrible. As odd as it sounds, this could be a sign you’re getting closer to your goal of improving SEO and ranking higher in search engine results pages.

Some of those cold emails will offer to sell you backlinks. Maybe they’ll even say that you can buy backlinks with at least a specific “domain authority.” Know that domain authority isn’t a metric used by Google. It’s an algorithm created by Moz to measure link popularity. It’s not a reliable gauge of quality and can, in fact, be gamed.

Furthermore, know that buying backlinks specifically violates Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and can result in your website being penalized or even de-indexed. If you’re ever in doubt about the source of a link, do some research before accepting it!

Link Building Can Sound Intimidating at First, but IS Possible

By following ethical SEO tactics and honing your skills in content creation, you can build a solid foundation for improving the SEO of your private practice website. With the right strategy, it is possible to earn backlinks that will help you rank higher in search engine results pages, drive more traffic to your website, and improve visibility for potential clients. Good luck!

Earning backlinks as an SLP in private practice isn’t rocket science, but it does take effort and strategy. I’ve shared lots of specific strategies here. It’s normal if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed reading the whole list. I recommend starting with one link-building strategy at a time. Remember that it’s not just about getting backlinks, though. It’s about creating valuable content for your audience and becoming a trustworthy source in your industry. By doing this, you’ll not only earn backlinks, but you’ll also attract more traffic and clients to your private practice.

Professional Support for SEO for Speech Therapists in Private Practice

If you’re still feeling overwhelmed by the idea of improving SEO on your own, my team is here to help. At Simplified SEO Consulting, we specialize in supporting helping professionals such as speech therapists in private practice with their SEO and digital marketing strategies. We offer a wide range of SEO services for speech therapists including a DIY online SEO course specifically for backlinks and another one step by step guide going over many other components of SEO. Yet, our most popular service is our “done for you” program where we work really closely with practice owners but do the bulk of the work. You give us some info about your niche and we’ll take it from there!

If you want to learn more about how Simplified SEO Consulting can help you improve your SEO and get more clients, contact us today. We’d love to discuss how we can support you and your private practice!

About the Author

As an experienced private practice owner and SEO specialist, Jessica Tappana has been providing expert guidance to private practice owners for over five years. Her belief that helping professionals do their best work when they have a steady stream of the clients they work the best with led her to found Simplified SEO Consulting, where she leads a team of talented professionals specializing in SEO for healthcare providers. With a private psychotherapy practice of her own and years of experience working with mental health therapists, Jessica has honed her skills in driving traffic and boosting online visibility.

Now, she is excited to extend her expertise to SLPs in private practice, offering customized SEO services to help them reach new clients and grow their businesses. With her extensive knowledge of SEO, Jessica enjoys creating insightful content and delivering valuable tips to empower speech therapists to take control of their online presence. Keep an eye out for more helpful insights from Simplified SEO Consulting!

Okay, if you haven’t heard from Simplified and our Mental Health SEO Specialists, external links are greaaaat for SEO. Have we told you yet? Maybe a couple times?

The beauty behind valuable external links is that their presence makes Google trust you more. Providing references from your site to other credible sites boosts your site’s credibility, letting Google know that you know your stuff. 

First off, what is an external link?

An external link has a multitude of names. We know, how confusing. External links can sometimes be referenced as outbound links, backlinks, or hyperlinks. You may also hear “internal link”, we’ll get to that.

Let’s clarify. 

An external link is a hyperlink that forwards the user to a different page.

So, if you have an external link to Webster Dictionary for a definition of some sort, once a user clicks that external link, they will be redirected to the Webster Dictionary page. 

A couple things about external links:

  1. Internal links are also valuable for SEO. An internal link is when you are referencing another page on your own site. Whenever you use an internal link, you’re telling Google that you are competent in multiple things!
  2. External links can be placed in text, or within images! Most likely, you will want to stick an external link into the standard text.
  3. Simplified recommends that you have an external link pop up in a new tab. We recommend this because it leaves more time for the potential client to stay on your site.

Like I said before, external links are good for SEO. BUT, we want to make sure these links are credible. If they’re not credible, Google’s trust in your site will go down. It’s like a research paper, but for your site! How exciting.

When you’re considering credibility, consider these things:

1. Check the sources!

Does the site you’re linking to have it’s own research process? Does it reference a different research process? Are there any articles or studies or authors listed?

2. Double check the domain of the website

Domains say a lot about a site. In summary, .com, .net, .org, .gov, .edu are primarily credible domains. Secondly, io, .biz, .cn, .surf, are primarily not credible domains. Double check any information coming from these sites.

3. Screening Process for Submissions

Sometimes, websites have submissions available for tweaking information on the site. This is not inherently bad, but keep a look out on who is able to create submissions, and how many times. What does the screening process look like for them? Wikipedia is one of these tricky sites, allowing multiple submissions with a lack of screening. Sometimes, well-meaning users introduce inaccuracies. Double check any information coming from a site like this.

4. Search for information to back up what you’ve found

Verify a site’s legitimacy by comparing it to other sites. If you find a source that contradicts your original source, you may want to further investigate!


Great! If you’ve vetted your external link through this process, get that external link on your page for some SEO juice!

About the Author

Jewel is currently part of the Simplified team as a Mental Health Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting. She helps private practice owners find their ideal client by optimizing their websites and providing direct support to clients. Jewel loves the gratification when she sees a therapist’s data increasing and their phones buzzing. As a person who values mental health amongst other things, she loves knowing that Simplified’s services help therapists and patients find each other to improve mental health in the world.

Jewel is currently in her Master’s in Social Work program at the University of Kansas School of Social Welfare. She also interns every week at a Kansas City psychiatric hospital. When she has the time, she loves to read, volunteer, spend time with friends, and travel.

As a busy business owner looking to scale, your time is very, very valuable. So, when I start talking about creating content to improve SEO it’s not uncommon that people start looking for ways to reuse that content.  And I’m supportive of that….as long as it doesn’t hurt your SEO.

I’ve had a few times where people told me they wrote such an amazing blog post that they published it on two different websites they own.  Or that they used it as a guest blog post for some big name website AND published the same content on their own website.  Unfortunately, neither of these are particularly great for your SEO.  Google likes to see fresh, new, relevant content.

But that doesn’t mean all is lost.  You don’t have to totally create content from Scratch!  Here are three ways content I’ve created has been re-used and it’s been helpful for SEO:

A keyboard with a person typing and a pad with the words "new blog post" representing how you can create new blog posts on similar topics to improve your SEO through backlink building1) The Guest Blog Post that Re-Uses an Old Idea

I often talk about Guest Blog Posting and people start groaning. They worry about having time to write a bunch of unique blog posts.  But there ARE some short cuts. One of my favorite things is to come up with a topic that can be applied to several different populations. Then, create an outline that can be reused and write a similar blog post for several different people.

I’ve done this a few times before and recently decided to do it again for this post.  So, I found two similar articles I wrote years ago for my own private practice blog and then asked a couple colleagues if I could write a similar blog post but with a focus on a different population for their website.  The result? Five different blog posts all talking about how to use the 6 levels of validation I learned back in my comprehensive DBT days but with five different populations. I actually wrote the three new articles in about an hour (even though they’re longer and I think actually better written than my original ones) because I already knew exactly what I was writing about.  But none of them are exactly the same, so it should help all of our SEO.  Take a look:

2) The Video that Becomes a Blog Post & Social Media Post

This is one of my favorites. As a practice owner, you can create a single video that can be uploaded to Youtube, used to write a summary as a blog post on the topic (make sure to embed the youtube video on the blog post as well) and then shared on Social Media.  You only have to come up with the topic and describe it once, but it’s shared across all of these platforms.

3) The Podcast Episode that was Used in Three Places

Photo of a microphone and headphones with the words "new podcast episode" representing how these three podcasts created a "new" episode from the same recording in a way that was good for SEO

In October, I spent an amazing few days in a retreat at Lake Lure with my Mastermind group. Four of us spent time doing everything from hiking, to networking, to quick sprints to knock out big projects and supporting each other as we presented at a virtual conference. The last day, my friend Gordon proposed we quickly record a podcast episode. We had a great time chatting about business and especially about how helpful it is to be part of a group like that while growing our businesses.

The other three members of our group each have their own podcast. So, Gordon graciously shared the recording with Whitney & Uriah.  In turn, all three turned the recording into a podcast episode. Sure, each created their own introduction, but they didn’t have to recreate the podcast. Then, they each wrote their own show notes. Now, all three have these show notes out on their respective website. And even though it’s describing the same thing and much of their episodes are the same content, this is actually helping all of their SEO because those show notes (while similar and describing the same content) are unique to that specific website.

Want to see how this worked? Check out the show notes on each of their website, and make sure to listen in on our conversation as well!

Want to Learn More About Optimizing Your Private Practice Website?

If you’re ready to get serious about your SEO, we want to help you through the process. First of all, we believe that if you survived grad school you can certainly learn the basics of SEO. So, if you’re the DIY sort of person bootstrapping it through building your own business, you may be interested in our DIY SEO Courses or our flagship 12 Week SEO Intensive Program. Or….we just started our very first Small Group SEO Mastermind, but it filled up so quickly we’re already starting a list for people who are interested in joining one this Spring or Summer!

Now…just because we believe you CAN doesn’t mean you want to optimize your own website or even should. After all,  we know your time is valuable as the business owner. So, we also offer “Done for You” SEO services. Interested in any of these options? If so, schedule a 30 minute consultation. In this meeting, we’ll chat a bit over Zoom to make sure we’re choosing the option that’s best for the next steps you are taking in your business.

Casual photo of Jessica Tappana, a mental health private practice owner as well as the founder of Simplified SEO ConsultingAbout the Author

Jessica Tappana believes in the power of psychotherapy to transform lives. She’s passionate about the field of mental health. She’s also built two successful businesses-a private practice in Columbia, MO where she still see counseling clients of her own in addition to supporting a team of 9+ clinicians and also Simplified SEO Consulting where she stays actively involved but has an incredible team supporting practice owners all over the world. She sees both of these businesses as contributing to her overall mission of spreading great mental health. Also, she believes that by helping practice owners have full, stable practices they’ll be able to do their very best work by feeling less stressed and being able to focus on working with the clients who fit them the best. She also believes that empowering her clinicians in her practice allows them to do the very best work for her clients.

In addition to running her businesses, Jessica loves to spend time with her family and also connect with other clinicians. In fact, having the opportunity to meet so many clinicians around the country has been one of the best benefits to building her businesses the last few years! The other consultants mentioned above live in Georgia, Tennessee & California. Other practice owners who have become close friends live in Florida, Nevada, Colorado, Kentucky & so many other places. But this passion for the field of mental health and belief that we can grow our impact by growing our businesses has led to the opportunity to form these incredible friendships that she values and learns from every day.