What is Page Speed and How Can it Affect Your SEO?
What is Page Speed?
Can you think of a time that you’ve searched for something online and clicked on a website where the content on the page loaded slowly? Or maybe you clicked on a website that loaded immediately. Page speed is known as the time it takes for your website to upload content on a specific page. When a user clicks on your website from the search results page they expect a page to load fairly quickly. If the page is taking it’s time to load the user will more than likely return to the previous search results page and find a site that will load faster. Our goal with SEO is to ensure that users stay on your website, so when page speed is slow or lagging, users are less likely to stay.
Page speed will always be one important factor when it comes to users navigating your site easier. If users continually leave your website page due to slow uploading of content, you’re not going to have many users that will stick around and read your helpful content.
How Page Speed Affects Your SEO
When a user accesses your website to visit a certain page that has appeared in their search results, they expect the page to load at a fast rate. If your page isn’t loading properly the user will more than likely return to the search results page and find another link for another website that will load faster.
This can affect your SEO as having a slow page speed also creates a higher bounce rate. The bounce rate happens when a user lands on a specific page but returns back to the search engine results page without doing anything on your site. When a page is too slow this is where the user will want to return to the search results to find what they are looking for.
Another way the slow speed can affect your SEO is when your pages are being crawled by search engines. Having a slow page speed will have search engines crawl less of your pages. This can impact the way you index your pages.
How To Improve Page Speed
A few ways you can easily improve your page speed are by compressing your photos, reducing the number of redirects on a page, and being sure to cache the pages on your site. Each of these is important to fix when it comes to your website’s performance.
Compressing and Optimizing Photos
When compressing and optimizing your photos you’re increasing the quality of the content on your page. Images also help with the appearance of your pages. If a photo hasn’t been compressed it will more than likely keep your page from loading as fast as it should. Compressing your photos is a super easy way to help with page speed. By using tinypng.com you can start compressing your photos more easily.
Reducing The Number of Redirects on a Page
When a page has many redirects, it can cause your page to load slowly. A redirect is typically used when a website owner needs the content from one website to be moved to another. For example, a therapist might change their practice name and have to create a whole new domain. The therapist might want to use the content from the old domain and link to it from their new domain. In this case, redirects may be necessary for your website.
Caching Your Website Pages
By caching you can ensure that the content on your website will load quickly. Caching stores data so that when using a page the server is able to access all the content quickly. When you have multiple copies of the same data, you start taking up space on your server and your website starts to slow down. By deleting the duplicate caches you are freeing up data on the server and your server begins to load the final result of the page content without going through so many steps.
How To Measure Your Page Speed
An easy way to check your page speed is to view the results with Page Speed Insights. By simply copying and pasting your URL in the box at the top of the page and analyzing the site, you can see your results for the specific page. This page is super helpful and offers insight into both Mobile and Desktop versions of your pages. The further you review, Page Speed Insights suggests to you the causes of your page lagging. It also gives suggestions to get the page to load faster. This is a helpful tool as it can quickly diagnose your page speed problems.
Page speed can be really beneficial to your SEO. By improving your page speed you will create a better user experience to keep and maintain the users on your website. Improving the speed of your page isn’t difficult. It is something that needs to be checked on and fixed when necessary.
Learn More SEO Basics With Simplified SEO Consulting
Our team at Simplified SEO Consulting wants to help you learn the right SEO basics to help you get the right clients to view your website. With our guidance and support, you will have the right clients calling your practice. To start your SEO journey follow these three simple steps:
- Apply to work with us on your SEO
- Meet with one of our Skilled SEO Specialists
- Begin SEO Services for Therapists
Other Services Offered With Simplified SEO Consulting
Looking for a different way we might be able to support you? Our team at Simplified want to support you no matter what your SEO journey is. We offer support in both our Done For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses. Simplified SEO Consulting also offers a 12-week Done With You Intensive Program. Check out our blog for more helpful tips and guides to SEO!
About The Author:
Brianna is a Mental Health SEO Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting. As an SEO Specialist, Brianna enjoys optimizing client websites and interacting with them to help them achieve their SEO goals for their website. Her main goal while working with Simplified clients is to ensure they enjoy their SEO journey as well as to help them understand how the SEO process works.
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