3 Ways My Content Has Been Reused and It’s Been Good for SEO
As a busy business owner looking to scale, your time is very, very valuable. So, when I start talking about creating content to improve SEO it’s not uncommon that people start looking for ways to reuse that content. And I’m supportive of that….as long as it doesn’t hurt your SEO.
I’ve had a few times where people told me they wrote such an amazing blog post that they published it on two different websites they own. Or that they used it as a guest blog post for some big name website AND published the same content on their own website. Unfortunately, neither of these are particularly great for your SEO. Google likes to see fresh, new, relevant content.
But that doesn’t mean all is lost. You don’t have to totally create content from Scratch! Here are three ways content I’ve created has been re-used and it’s been helpful for SEO:
1) The Guest Blog Post that Re-Uses an Old Idea
I often talk about Guest Blog Posting and people start groaning. They worry about having time to write a bunch of unique blog posts. But there ARE some short cuts. One of my favorite things is to come up with a topic that can be applied to several different populations. Then, create an outline that can be reused and write a similar blog post for several different people.
I’ve done this a few times before and recently decided to do it again for this post. So, I found two similar articles I wrote years ago for my own private practice blog and then asked a couple colleagues if I could write a similar blog post but with a focus on a different population for their website. The result? Five different blog posts all talking about how to use the 6 levels of validation I learned back in my comprehensive DBT days but with five different populations. I actually wrote the three new articles in about an hour (even though they’re longer and I think actually better written than my original ones) because I already knew exactly what I was writing about. But none of them are exactly the same, so it should help all of our SEO. Take a look:
- 6 Ways You Can Use Validation to Better Lead Your Employees
- 6 Levels of Validation to Support Anxious Friends
- Six Ways to Validate Your Partner
- 6 Ways You can Communicate Better With Your Teenager Using Validation
- Communicating Effectively With Your College Roommate
2) The Video that Becomes a Blog Post & Social Media Post
This is one of my favorites. As a practice owner, you can create a single video that can be uploaded to Youtube, used to write a summary as a blog post on the topic (make sure to embed the youtube video on the blog post as well) and then shared on Social Media. You only have to come up with the topic and describe it once, but it’s shared across all of these platforms.
3) The Podcast Episode that was Used in Three Places
In October, I spent an amazing few days in a retreat at Lake Lure with my Mastermind group. Four of us spent time doing everything from hiking, to networking, to quick sprints to knock out big projects and supporting each other as we presented at a virtual conference. The last day, my friend Gordon proposed we quickly record a podcast episode. We had a great time chatting about business and especially about how helpful it is to be part of a group like that while growing our businesses.
The other three members of our group each have their own podcast. So, Gordon graciously shared the recording with Whitney & Uriah. In turn, all three turned the recording into a podcast episode. Sure, each created their own introduction, but they didn’t have to recreate the podcast. Then, they each wrote their own show notes. Now, all three have these show notes out on their respective website. And even though it’s describing the same thing and much of their episodes are the same content, this is actually helping all of their SEO because those show notes (while similar and describing the same content) are unique to that specific website.
Want to see how this worked? Check out the show notes on each of their website, and make sure to listen in on our conversation as well!
- The Practice of Therapy – Consultant’s Conversations on the Importance of Building A Community in Private Practice
- The Productive Therapist – The Power of Mastermind Groups
- Faith In Practice
Want to Learn More About Optimizing Your Private Practice Website?
If you’re ready to get serious about your SEO, we want to help you through the process. First of all, we believe that if you survived grad school you can certainly learn the basics of SEO. So, if you’re the DIY sort of person bootstrapping it through building your own business, you may be interested in our DIY SEO Courses or our flagship 12 Week SEO Intensive Program. Or….we just started our very first Small Group SEO Mastermind, but it filled up so quickly we’re already starting a list for people who are interested in joining one this Spring or Summer!
Now…just because we believe you CAN doesn’t mean you want to optimize your own website or even should. After all, we know your time is valuable as the business owner. So, we also offer “Done for You” SEO services. Interested in any of these options? If so, schedule a 30 minute consultation. In this meeting, we’ll chat a bit over Zoom to make sure we’re choosing the option that’s best for the next steps you are taking in your business.
About the Author
Jessica Tappana believes in the power of psychotherapy to transform lives. She’s passionate about the field of mental health. She’s also built two successful businesses-a private practice in Columbia, MO where she still see counseling clients of her own in addition to supporting a team of 9+ clinicians and also Simplified SEO Consulting where she stays actively involved but has an incredible team supporting practice owners all over the world. She sees both of these businesses as contributing to her overall mission of spreading great mental health. Also, she believes that by helping practice owners have full, stable practices they’ll be able to do their very best work by feeling less stressed and being able to focus on working with the clients who fit them the best. She also believes that empowering her clinicians in her practice allows them to do the very best work for her clients.
In addition to running her businesses, Jessica loves to spend time with her family and also connect with other clinicians. In fact, having the opportunity to meet so many clinicians around the country has been one of the best benefits to building her businesses the last few years! The other consultants mentioned above live in Georgia, Tennessee & California. Other practice owners who have become close friends live in Florida, Nevada, Colorado, Kentucky & so many other places. But this passion for the field of mental health and belief that we can grow our impact by growing our businesses has led to the opportunity to form these incredible friendships that she values and learns from every day.
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