Blogging can be hard, especially when trying to create content that references similar subject matter. 

But, this is often a necessary part of maintaining rankings for specific services your business might offer. Regardless of the changes that Google can go through, it always tends to favor seeing fresh, informative, and useful content. 

Consistent blogging on a regular basis is difficult. Plus, this doesn’t even take the other strategies that you may need to use for ranking on a local level into account. Blogging in order to highlight specific locations can feel even harder due to the limited area you are working with. But, with enough creativity, you may be able to find new angles that will allow you to incorporate your local surroundings in a meaningful and relevant way to your ideal client. Today, we are going to explore how to include local elements in your blog content effectively, from brainstorming techniques to using local schema markup.

Keyword Research 

Conducting solid keyword research is the foundation of many good SEO practices, and local blogging is no exception. It is important to research keywords that are relevant and rankings on a local area that may include your city, neighborhood, or service area. In many cases, these will include terms that end in “near me” or the city/town in which your practice is located. Why? Well, this is because of search intent. Folks are more likely to search for services with a qualifier like “near me” to hone in on services close in proximity to where they are searching from. So, it’s important to ensure you are showing up for these terms. But, including terms that are related to specific services you offer can be tricky, especially when trying to link them back to a specific location. 

Brainstorming is your best friend

Creating original, locally-focused content is challenging but achievable with effective brainstorming. This process can spark ideas and help you develop unique content that resonates with your local audience. Here are some key questions to consider during brainstorming:

What pain points do your clients struggle with, and are there places they can go that can help them manage those issues?

Think about the common problems your clients face. Are there local businesses, parks, community centers, or events that could assist them? Writing about these places can provide valuable information and show that you are attuned to the needs of your community.

What local resources are available that you want to reference?

Highlighting local resources can enhance your blog’s value and relevance. These resources could include anything from libraries and educational centers to local experts and organizations that offer services related to your field. By referencing these resources, you can position your blog as a helpful guide for locals.

How can you engage with local content that will be relevant to your local audience?

Engagement is crucial. Consider writing about local events, news, or community projects. Engaging with content from local influencers or businesses can also broaden your reach and establish connections within the community. For instance, interviews with local business owners or reviews of local events can add a unique, personal touch to your blog.

Using tools like ChatGPT can aid in brainstorming and content creation. By adding your ideas and getting instant feedback, you can refine your topics and structure your posts more effectively.

Recognizing Where We Work, Live, and Play

Understanding how different locations can be used for various purposes is essential in creating locally-focused content. Knowing the specific characteristics of the areas where your audience works, lives, and plays can help you tailor your content to their needs.

Highlighting Famous Landmarks/Locally Known Places

Incorporating well-known local landmarks in your blog can significantly boost its appeal and relevance. Photos you’ve taken of these landmarks can enhance your posts, providing visual proof of your connection to the area. This not only helps Google recognize your location but also fosters a stronger connection with your local audience.

For instance, if you’re writing about a fitness regimen or how to manage anxiety symptoms, you could mention popular local parks or hiking trails where people can exercise or feel more at ease with their surroundings. Including personal anecdotes or tips about these places can make your content more engaging and relatable.

Don’t Forget Local Schema Markup!

To ensure that Google understands the local relevance of your content, including local business schema markup can also be a great way to highlight your location. This technical element helps search engines recognize the geographical focus of your business, improving your visibility in local search results.

Local schema markup provides Google with detailed information about your business, such as your address, phone number, business hours, and more. This can enhance your appearance in search results, making it easier for potential customers in your area to find you.

Creating Locally Focused Blogs Isn’t Impossible!

Creating local blogs can take a blend of creativity, strategic thinking, and technical know-how. By brainstorming effectively, recognizing the unique aspects of your local area, and utilizing tools like local schema markup, you can develop content that resonates with your audience and ranks well in local searches.

Remember, the goal is to provide genuine value to your readers. Avoid shortcuts like keyword stuffing, and focus on building a blog that truly reflects the vibrant, unique nature of your local community. With thoughtful planning and execution, your locally-focused blog can become a trusted resource for your audience and a cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy.

Start Receiving Support with Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team of SEO specialists would be happy to guide you in learning more about locally focused content and the best ways to incorporate your surroundings into helpful content. You can start working with the team at Simplified SEO Consulting by following these steps:

  1. Apply to work with us to improve your SEO
  2. Meet with an SEO specialist 
  3. Start improving your SEO rankings!

Other Services Offered with Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team knows there are many aspects of SEO that you may need help addressing on your site. This is why we offer a variety of SEO services. Other services offered include our Done For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses. We also offer a 12-week Done With You Intensive SEO Program. Visit our blog to learn more today!

About the Author

Sterling Humburg-Cage graduated from the University of Missouri with a BA in Psychology in 2020. He has integrated what he learned in school into his work as an SEO Specialist with Simplified SEO Consulting. Sterling prides himself on helping current clients & alumni problems solve difficult SEO issues.  He’s great at giving clients multiple options about how to approach a situation, finding solutions to some of the more technical aspects of SEO, and responding in a timely manner to client concerns.  Since he started, Sterling has met frequently with our alumni and provided them with extra problem-solving support. He now provides additional support with a variety of local SEO services. He often goes the extra mile to do outside research. By doing so, he sure private practice owners have everything they need to rank well on search engines long term for the keywords their ideal clients are using!

When we think of marketing, we often associate it with flashy advertisements and promotional campaigns. Whereas when we think of a law firm, we think of legal documents and courtrooms. For personal injury lawyers, marketing may seem irrelevant and unnecessary. However, in today’s competitive digital landscape, marketing plays a crucial role in the success of any business, including law firms.

Marketing in a law firm is not just about attracting clients, but also about establishing a strong brand. It also helps in building trust with potential clients, and differentiating oneself from competitors with a law firm marketing strategy. So what does marketing do in a law firm?

What Does Marketing Do in a Law Firm? Shows lawyers working on their personal injury lawyer seo. Represents how local seo for lawyers can help them find ideal clients.

In a law firm, marketing’s primary role is to create awareness and build credibility. It aims to position the firm ahead of its competitors by highlighting its unique selling proposition. Whether it be an exceptional legal team, a record of successful case outcomes, or a niche specialization. For instance, if a law firm specializes in personal injury cases, the marketing team may focus on showcasing the firm’s expertise. And maybe include case win rates in this area.

Marketing also involves creating a robust digital presence. A law firm’s website, social media profiles, and online content help demonstrate expertise. It also helps to share knowledge, and connect with potential clients. This digital presence goes beyond just advertising services; it is also about engaging with the audience, answering their questions, and becoming their trusted legal advisor.

Marketing in a Law Firm is Also About Client Relationship Management.

It is about keeping in touch with existing clients, nurturing leads, and turning satisfied clients into firm ambassadors who recommend the firm’s services to others. For instance, a law firm advertising examples include personalized birthday and holiday wishes to clients, sending them newsletters with relevant legal updates, and inviting them to virtual events or webinars on topics of interest. These interactions help maintain strong relationships with clients and ensure they think of the law firm when in need of legal services.

What Are Marketing Objectives for a Law Firm?

The marketing objectives for a law firm are versatile and focus primarily on growth and strengthening the firm’s reputation. It helps to think of marketing objectives in terms of the four P’s – product, price, place, and promotion.


A law firm’s marketing strategy should aim to increase client acquisition by raising awareness about the firm’s services. But also demonstrating its expertise, and positioning it as the go-to choice for legal advice. This can be achieved through effective SEO practices, content marketing, and targeted advertising.

For instance, a well-optimized website with valuable and relevant content can help the firm rank higher in search engine results, making it more visible to potential clients. Similarly, creating targeted social media campaigns highlighting the firm’s unique selling proposition can also attract new leads.


Law firms often have a reputation for being expensive, which may drive potential clients from seeking legal services. Marketing efforts can help combat this misconception by highlighting the value and benefits of using a law firm’s services. The law firm marketing strategy can also involve promoting flexible payment options, such as contingency fees for personal injury cases.


The location of a law firm can impact its visibility and accessibility to potential clients. Marketing efforts can focus on promoting the firm’s physical location through local advertising and community involvement. It can also involve establishing virtual consultations and services to reach a wider audience. For example, if a law firm primarily serves a specific geographic area, it may be beneficial to sponsor local events or advertise in community newspapers or magazines to increase brand awareness.


Promotion is the most commonly associated aspect of marketing. In a law firm, promotion involves crafting compelling messages that resonate with potential clients. This helps to showcasethe firm’s expertise, and building trust. This can be achieved through various channels such as social media, email marketing, public relations, and events.

Why is Marketing Important for Law Firms?Shows a lawyer talking with a new client he obtained using seo for personal injury lawyers. Represents how seo for personal injury law firms can benefit you.

Marketing for law firms is essential when everything is becoming more digital. Without it, law firms risk losing potential clients to competitors. Law firms that invest in marketing efforts can increase brand awareness, build credibility and trust, attract new leads, and retain existing clients. A solid marketing strategy also helps law firms stand out in a crowded market by showcasing their unique strengths and positioning them as the go-to choice for legal services.

SEO marketing for law firms, in particular, is vital as it improves the online presence of a law firm. It ensures that it ranks high on search engine results, and thereby increasing the likelihood of attracting potential clients. A robust SEO strategy can make the difference between a prospective client finding your firm or your competitor’s.

Marketing is Not Just Beneficial for Attracting New Clients

Marketing is also valuable for strengthening relationships with existing clients. By staying in touch and sharing relevant legal updates, a law firm shows its commitment to providing excellent service even after the case has closed. This can lead to satisfied clients becoming vocal advocates of the firm, ultimately bringing in more business through word of mouth.

Furthermore, marketing enables law firms to differentiate themselves in a saturated market. It allows firms to showcase their unique specialties, strengths, and successes, thereby giving potential clients a reason to choose them over their competitors. This is especially helpful since most people find their legal counsel through online research, making a strong digital presence crucial.

Why Do Law Firms Need Content Marketing? Shows lawyers going over theirpersonal injury lawyer seo. Represents how you can use seo for personal injury lawyers to gain new clients.

Content marketing is an important strategy for law firms that are competing for clients in a digital world. It is the practice of creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience – in this case, potential clients. Here are some content ideas for law firms

Legal updates and industry insights

Share articles or blog posts discussing recent legal developments, changes in laws, or insights on specific areas of law that potential clients may be interested in. This not only showcases the firm’s expertise but also keeps clients informed and aware of any relevant legal changes.

FAQs and Resources

Create a section on the firm’s website that addresses frequently asked questions about legal services, processes, or common concerns. This can help educate potential clients and showcase the firm’s expertise. Additionally, provide resources such as templates, checklists, or guides to assist potential clients in understanding legal processes.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Share examples of past successes to illustrate the firm’s track record and build credibility with potential clients. This can include case studies, testimonials from satisfied clients, or awards and recognitions received by the firm. For example, a personal injury law firm can showcase the amount of compensation received for a similar case or highlight positive reviews from previous clients.

Educational Webinars and Events

Organize webinars, workshops, or events that educate potential clients on relevant legal topics. This not only helps to establish the firm as an authority on the subject but also provides an opportunity for potential clients to interact with lawyers and ask questions. Additionally, these events can be promoted through social media and email marketing to attract a larger audience.

Video Content

Video content is a powerful tool for engaging potential clients and showcasing a law firm’s personality. It can be used to introduce lawyers, share insights on legal topics, or even showcase the firm’s charitable work in the community. Video content has been proven to be highly effective in retaining and converting potential clients into actual clients.

Legal Q&A sessions

Conduct live Q&A sessions on social media platforms, where potential clients can ask questions and get answers from a legal expert at the firm. This not only provides valuable information but also allows for direct interaction, building trust and establishing the firm as a reliable source of legal advice. Potential clients can also share this information with their network, further expanding the firm’s reach and potential client base.


Visual representations of complex legal information can be more engaging and easier to understand for potential clients. Consider creating infographics on relevant legal topics to share on social media. This helps to increase brand awareness and educate potential clients in a visually appealing way.

E-Books or Whitepapers

Create in-depth guides or reports on specific areas of law that potential clients may find useful. These can serve as lead magnets and help capture potential clients’ contact information. Additionally, these resources can be used as a tool for email marketing and nurturing leads.

Interactive content

Consider creating interactive quizzes or games related to legal topics to engage potential clients. It helps make learning about the law more fun and approachable. This can also be another way to collect contact information and nurture leads. It will also help to set the firm apart from competitors and showcase its creativity.

Creating all types of content consistently and strategically is crucial for a successful content marketing strategy. For example, a firm specializing in family law could generate content ideas around divorce processes, child custody laws, or estate planning tips, delivering clear, actionable advice to those in need. These content offerings not only increase the firm’s expertise but also answer common queries, making the firm a go-to resource for legal advice. Ultimately, a robust content marketing strategy can drive higher organic traffic, create meaningful client interactions, and differentiate the firm in a competitive legal market space.

Increase Your Law Firms Reach with Seo Marketing for Law Firms Today!

Investing in marketing, particularly SEO marketing, is crucial for law firms looking to expand their reach and attract new clients. A strong online presence can make all the difference in today’s digital landscape. By creating valuable content and utilizing effective SEO strategies, law firms can showcase their expertise, build credibility, and stand out from the competition. At Simplified SEO Consulting, we specialize in providing SEO services tailored for personal injury lawyers who want to increase their online presence and attract more clients.

Our team of SEO specialists will work closely with your law firm to understand your unique goals and create a personalized strategy that drives real results. This is why we have a variety of SEO packages to fit your budget and needs. Plus, we offer DIY resources for those who prefer a more hands-on approach. Want to learn about SEO? Sign up for our SEO Course for Therapists and learn how to use the power of blogs and SEO to reach more clients and grow your practice! Or want to outsource it? Check out our SEO Consulting packages and schedule your consult today! Ready to get started?

  1. Schedule Your Consult
  2. Learn about our team
  3. Invest in SEO marketing for your law firm!

Other SEO Services At Simplified SEO Consulting

If you feel like you know more about SEO, but don’t have the time to implement it into your law firms marketing strategy, let Simplified SEO Consulting do it for you! Our Done for You Program is made for the busy law firm owner who wants someone to take care of all of their SEO marketing needs. But if you’re wanting to learn the ins and outs of SEO, our team also offers other SEO services to help you develop the skills you need to succeed in the digital landscape.

We offer options such as our 12-week trainingsmall group intensives, and courses. Our strategy session  is also a great opportunity for law firms to get a personalized SEO roadmap and ensure they are on track with their marketing goals. Ready to take your law firm’s marketing to the next level? Let Simplified SEO Consulting help you achieve your goals through effective SEO strategies!

About the Author:Lynsey, SEO Content Writer for Simplified SEO Consulting. Providing copywriting for therapists in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and beyond.

Introducing Lynsey, the passionate SEO Content Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting. With a background in mental health and SEO, she combines her love for writing and expertise to help personal injury lawyers grow their online presence. Lynsey understands the unique needs of lawyers and can create SEO strategies that align with their brand and attract their ideal clients. Unlock the power of SEO for your practice and visit our website today to learn more about Lynsey and the rest of our team at Simplified SEO Consulting. Remember, investing in your SEO is investing in the success of your practice. Contact Simplified SEO Consulting today to get started!

The digital world holds immense potential for therapists seeking to expand their reach and impact. An important part of this online presence is SEO (Search Engine Optimization), particularly for therapists with private practices. Whether they are in-person or online. Leveraging SEO effectively, with the help of SEO agencies, can significantly boost your visibility on search engines, helping potential clients find your services with ease. This, in turn, builds your credibility and trustworthiness.

For example, in the field of psychology, people often search for terms like “psychologist near me” or “online therapy.” With the right SEO strategies in place, your website can appear at the top of these search results. Thus giving you an edge over competitors and increasing the likelihood of being chosen by potential clients. This is where working with SEO agencies that understand the unique needs of therapists can be a game-changer. They will optimize your website to rank higher in search results and attract more clients. When done right, SEO for online therapy is not just an investment, but a catalyst for growth.

What Exactly is SEO for Therapists?Shows a therapist working on his seo for online therapy with the support of an SEO agency. Represents how seo for online counseling is beneficial for therapists.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of enhancing your website and its content. All with the goal to improve its visibility in search engine results. When it comes to private practice SEO, the focus is on ranking higher for relevant keywords. These are phrases or terms that potential clients use when searching for therapy services online. By optimizing your website for these keywords, you increase your chances of being found by those looking for what you offer.

But why is this important? Well, consider how many times you turn to Google when in need of a product or service. Most people do the same, including when it comes to therapy. So when potential clients search for phrases like “online counseling” or “psychologist near me,” search engines search many websites to find the most relevant results. SEO for therapists ensures that your website is one of those top-ranking results. Which is done by making you more visible and accessible to those seeking your services.

What is Local SEO and Why is it Important for Therapists?

Local SEO further amplifies this by targeting your SEO efforts to specific regions or areas. This is particularly useful for therapists who wish to serve clients in a certain city or region. For example, if you are a therapist based in Idaho, your private practice may not be relevant to someone searching for “online therapy” in Vermont. Local SEO aims to make your website more visible to those in your area, making it easier for potential clients to find you. It also helps search engines, like Google, understand the location and context of your website.

Furthermore, local SEO is really beneficial for therapists with online counseling services. As the internet allows us to connect with people from all over the world, competition can be high when it comes to ranking for general therapy terms. By focusing on local SEO and SEO for online therapy specifically, you can attract clients from a specific location. This not only makes your SEO efforts more targeted but also increases the chances of potential clients actually becoming your clients.

Challenges Therapists Face without SEO

Marketing strategies are ever-evolving, and the rise of digital marketing has changed the game for therapists. However, you went to school to become a therapist, not a marketing expert. So, many therapists, like you, may not have the time or knowledge to effectively navigate the world of SEO on their own. Yet your website and financial stability depend on it. Without SEO, therapists may face:

Lack of Visibility When It Comes to Potential Clients

With an increasing number of people turning to search engines to help them find the right therapist, not leveraging SEO can leave you invisible to potential clients. This could result in a decrease in inquiries and ultimately, a loss of clients. For example, if a potential client in your area searches for “anxiety therapist in Idaho” and your website is not optimized for this keyword, they may never come across your services.

Relying On Expensive Marketing Strategies

Without SEO or SEO for online therapy, therapists may have to rely on traditional and often costly marketing strategies. This can be strategies such as print ads, referrals from other professionals, or even word of mouth. These methods certainly have their benefits, but they may not be sustainable or effective over time. Especially if you decide to offer new services that may not be reflected in your initial marketing efforts.

These methods can be effective, but they require ongoing investments of time and money. With SEO, however, your website can work for you 24/7. It can help you reach potential clients without the need for constant investment. Additionally, investing in SEO can provide long-term and cost-effective marketing results. You can adjust your SEO strategies as your practice and services evolve, ensuring that your website always reflects the most current version of your private practice.

Losing Clients to Competitors with Strong Online Presence

When you can look for therapists with a few taps of a button, potential clients often have multiple options to choose from. If your competitors have strong SEO strategies in place, they may appear at the top of search results for relevant keywords. This increases their chances of being chosen by potential clients over you. With the growing number of therapists offering online counseling services, it’s becoming even more important to stand out among the competition.

Investing in SEO for online counseling or private practice seo can help you rank higher and establish your authority in the field. By improving your online presence, you can also build trust with potential clients but also search engines! This can lead to more conversions and ultimately, more clients for your practice.

How Investing in an SEO Agencies is Beneficial for Therapists

With all these challenges that therapists face when it comes to SEO, investing in SEO agencies can be a game-changer. They are specialized in optimizing websites for search engines and can help therapists achieve their SEO goals. Often, they also have multiple packages to choose from, making them accessible for therapists with different budgets and needs. So, here are some key benefits of investing in SEO agencies for therapists:

Expertise and Experience in SEOShows a group of SEO Specialists working on seo for online therapy. Represents how psychologist search engine optimization save you time with support.

SEO agencies are made up of SEO Specialists who have the expertise and experience to optimize therapist websites effectively. They are knowledgeable about SEO and the ever-evolving algorithms of search engines. Your SEO specialist will help to ensure that your website stays relevant and visible to potential clients. By utilizing their skills and knowledge, therapists can focus on what they do best: providing therapy to their clients.

At Simplified SEO Consulting, our SEO specialists not only are experts in SEO but also have experience working in the mental health field. We understand the unique needs of this industry, and we use that knowledge to tailor our services to help therapists succeed online. Our specialty is SEO for therapists, and our goal is to help you reach yours.

Saving the Time and Effort for Therapists

As a therapist, your time and energy are valuable resources. Ones that are better used to help your clients. By investing in SEO agencies, like Simplified, you can save yourself the time and effort it takes to navigate SEO on your own. Instead, you can focus on providing quality therapy services and growing your practice.

Your SEO specialist will be in charge of meeting with you, creating a personalized SEO strategy, and implementing it for your website. This allows you to have peace of mind knowing that your online presence is in good hands. It will also help reassure you that your keywords are being targeted, and your website is optimized for maximum visibility.

Long-Term Investment for Sustained Online Presence

Investing in an SEO agency is a long-term investment for therapists. It’s not a one-time fix but rather an ongoing process to ensure that your website remains optimized and relevant to your target audience. With consistent efforts, your website’s visibility can continue to improve over time, leading to a sustained online presence.

For example, blogging is a powerful SEO strategy that can help therapists rank higher on search engines. By creating engaging and informative blog posts, therapists can attract potential clients to their website and demonstrate their expertise in the field. An SEO agency can help you plan, create, and optimize these blog posts to ensure their effectiveness in reaching your target audience. We recommend blogging at least once a week to maintain your online presence and keep your website fresh with relevant content.

You Gain a Competitive Advantage

By investing in an SEO agency, you also gain a competitive advantage over other therapists who are not utilizing SEO. With a strong online presence and optimized website, you can stand out among your competitors and attract more clients to your practice. If your local or online competition is not utilizing SEO for online therapy or private practice SEO, you can gain even more of a competitive edge by investing in these strategies. You will rank higher on search engines, be more visible to potential clients, and ultimately gain a larger client base.

At Simplified SEO Consulting, we not only focus on optimizing your website but also on building a strong online reputation for your private practice. This includes creating content that is in your brand voice, making sure your content is relevant, and even engaging in social media marketing. Our goal is to help you build a strong and trustworthy online presence that sets you apart from other therapists in the field.

The Real Value: Cost vs ROI

As with any business investment, understanding the financial aspects is crucial. Investing in SEO agencies for therapists may seem like an added expense, but the potential returns far outweigh the cost. One way to think about it is every new client you gain through SEO is essentially increasing your return on investment. They are also a long-term source of income for your practice. Plus, with higher visibility and a competitive advantage, you have the potential to gain more high-value clients who are willing to pay for your services.

This is why considering the cost versus the ROI of SEO services is essential. While the initial investment may seem high, the long-term benefits and returns make it a worthwhile investment for your practice. Also, an SEO agency may offer different packages and options to fit your budget and needs, making it accessible for therapists at any stage of their practice. For example, at Simplified SEO Consulting, we work with therapists to help them find a package that fits their budget and goals. We believe in transparency when it comes to cost versus ROI and will work with you to achieve optimal results within your means.

Some Things to Consider:Shows a therapist thinking about the benefits of an SEO agency. Represents how psychologist search engine optimization can be supported with seo for private practices.

When you are considering the cost versus the ROI of SEO services, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, the cost is not just about the monetary aspect but also the time and effort saved for therapists by SEO agencies. This allows you to focus on your clients and grow your practice while leaving the SEO work to experts. Even when deciding between packages, such as Do-It-Yourself or Done-For-You, consider the time and effort you will have to put in versus the potential returns.

Another factor to consider is that SEO supports you in the goal of acquiring new clients through an improved online presence. It is a valuable investment in the growth and success of your practice. By targeting specific keywords and optimizing your website, you can attract potential clients who are actively searching for therapy services in-person or online. This targeted approach leads to higher conversion rates and, ultimately, a greater ROI.

Remember that SEO is an Ongoing Investment into the Future of Your Practice.

As algorithms change and your practice grows, your SEO strategies will need to adapt. From targeting new keywords to updating your website, it’s an ongoing process that requires consistent effort. But the long-term benefits are worth it. By investing in SEO for therapists and SEO agencies, you are investing in the future success and sustainability of your practice.

Invest in Your Success with Simplified SEO Consulting

At Simplified SEO Consulting, we specialize in providing top-notch SEO services for therapists. Our team of SEO specialists will work with you to create a personalized strategy that targets your ideal clients and reflects your brand voice. We understand the importance of SEO in building a successful therapy practice and strive to provide the best results for our clients. This is why we have a variety of SEO packages to fit your budget and needs. Plus, we offer DIY resources for those who prefer a more hands-on approach.

Don’t let your website get lost in the sea of online therapists. Invest in SEO for online counseling, psychologist SEO, and online therapy, and watch your practice grow. Want to learn about SEO? Sign up for our SEO Course for Therapists and learn how to use the power of blogs and SEO to reach more clients and grow your practice! Or want to outsource it? Check out our SEO Consulting packages and schedule your consult today! Ready to get started?

  1. Schedule Your Consult
  2. Learn about our team
  3. Invest in your future success with Simplified SEO Consulting!

Other SEO Services At Simplified SEO Consulting

If you feel as if you know all about SEO or want to learn more about other wonderful services we offer, check out our other SEO services for therapists and online therapy providers. We offer options such as our 12-week trainingsmall group intensives, and courses. Our strategy session can be a great option if you’re just getting started and want to make sure your website is set up for success. We also provide ongoing support with our SEO maintenance packages, perfect for private practice owners who want to ensure their website’s SEO stays optimized. Or, if you’re ready to work with a passionate and skilled team, our Done for You Program is perfect for you. Whatever your SEO needs, Simplified SEO Consulting has you covered. Invest in your practice and your future success with our expert SEO services today!

About the Author:Lynsey, SEO Content Writer for Simplified SEO Consulting. Providing copywriting for therapists in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and beyond.

Meet Lynsey, the passionate SEO Content Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting, who combines her love for writing and mental health to help therapists grow their online presence. With a background in mental health and SEO, she understands the unique needs of therapists and uses her expertise to create SEO strategies that align with their brand and attract their ideal clients. Let Lynsey help you unlock the power of SEO for your therapy practice! To learn more about Lynsey and the rest of our team at Simplified SEO Consulting, visit our website today! Remember, investing in your SEO is investing in the success of your practice. Contact Simplified SEO Consulting today to get started!

As mentioned in previous blog posts, there are many ways you can improve your site’s SEO.

A graphic showing a map for local seo rankings. Learn more about local SEO for therapists by searching for SEO for mental health professionals and local seo for doctors.Some may involve making technical changes to your site. Others may require you to change how you conduct your SEO strategy or go about creating content such as blogs. Local SEO is one avenue that can have many benefits for your practice. But, it may take some getting used to in order to get the most out of it. Today, we are going to be discussing if working to improve your Local SEO is worth the time, and offer tips on how you might be able to do so. 

But First, What Makes Local SEO Different From Your Organic Search?

There can be an overlap between the keywords you want to improve in the organic Google search results and the important terms that folks may be searching for in the areas surrounding your practice. Sometimes, this can include certain keywords like “anxiety treatment near me”, but where we look for these rankings will matter. For the organic search results, it can be difficult to tell what folks are searching for due to how Google decides to show results based on proximity, authority, trust, etc.

Due to this, it can often be more difficult to rank for “near me” and other locally focused keywords in the organic search. However, there is another place that is similar to the organic search results but serves as a more hyper-focused view of the area surrounding your practice and service areas. This place is Google Maps.

Ensuring you rank for locally focused keywords can be an important part of a long-term SEO strategy due to the more competitive nature of in-person services. While online therapy services can occur anywhere, the limited clientele in a given location can make it all the more important to ensure you can connect with those potential clients. It is great to be found by folks outside of city limits or in new locations you previously haven’t reached, but it is still vital for many brick-and-mortar practices to show up for keywords that will connect them with folks in their immediate area. 

Who Can Benefit Most From Improving Local SEO?

A graphic of a person standing facing away from a question mark. Learn how to improve local seo for therapists and other services by searching for SEO help for therapists. Anyone interested in improving their local rankings can benefit from local SEO. But, depending on the nature of your practice, it may or may not be worth the time and effort put into improving your local SEO presence. 

For practices with a physical location, working on your local SEO is a great thing to take into account. However, for practices that are online only or don’t have a physical office, this can be tricky. This is due to the rules Google has in place around listing your practice’s name, address, and phone number. Without a physical location for people to visit, it can make things much harder for Google to recognize where exactly the practice is located. Plus, what service areas they can expect to serve.

Due to issues around this, online-only practice owners may not experience as much of a return on the time spent to improve their local SEO. In most cases, it will likely be more beneficial to focus on organic rankings for different keywords related to online therapy and other services offered via telehealth. Since people can receive the same support regardless of location, it doesn’t make as much sense to try and focus on a specific area.

What If I Have A New Practice?

Improving local SEO may seem like a good idea for a newly established practice looking to get recognized in their town. But, this may be more difficult than one may think depending on your surroundings. In highly competitive areas, it may not be possible to initially break through in the rankings on a local level, especially when there are other more established businesses that may already have a strong presence.

For new practices, it can be good to gradually work on improving local SEO over time. However, it is more important to first establish your practice in the organic search results via high-quality service pages, blogs, and other engaging content.

How Can I Improve My Local SEO?

An image of a perosn lookign at an seo dashboard. Learn more about local SEO for therapists and other services. There are a number of different ways one can go about improving their local SEO. One of the first things to check is ensuring that all your practice information is accurate. This can be the easiest step for many, but ensuring that this info is updated when changes occur can be tricky. This is especially true when your practice info is present on more than one source on the internet. Another impactful step can be building high-quality backlinks over time. Doing so can help improve the authority of your site with Google, and improve the visibility of your site.

In addition to backlinks, starting list management services can also be a great way to improve the visibility of your practice. By doing so, you can ensure the correct practice info is present on a variety of credible directories. You can also keep an eye on how specific keywords are performing on a local level, and get support with responding to reviews, reviewing heatmaps, and more!

Begin List Management Services from Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team knows it can be hard to improve your local SEO. This is why we are happy to offer support with a list management baseline report for your practice. We are also happy to offer a variety of services to support your private practice SEO. You can start your SEO journey with Simplified SEO Consulting by following these simple steps:

  1. Apply to work with us to improve your SEO
  2. Meet with an SEO specialist 
  3. Start improving your SEO!

Other Services Offered with Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team knows there are many aspects of SEO that you may need help addressing to improve your private practice website. This is why we offer a variety of SEO services including our Done For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses. We also offer a 12-week Done With You Intensive SEO Program. Visit our blog to learn more valuable SEO info today!

About the Author

Sterling Humburg-Cage graduated from the University of Missouri with a BA in Psychology in 2020. He has integrated what he learned in school into his work as an SEO Specialist with Simplified SEO Consulting. Sterling prides himself on helping current clients & alumni problems solve difficult issues.  He’s great at giving clients multiple options about how to approach a situation, finding solutions to some of the more technical aspects of SEO, and responding in a timely manner to client concerns.  Since he started, Sterling has met frequently with our alumni and provided them with extra problem-solving support. He now provides additional support with a variety of local SEO services. He often goes the extra mile to do outside research. By doing so, he sure private practice owners have everything they need to rank well on search engines long term for the keywords their ideal clients are using!

SEO can be a great tool for attracting clients from afar. Such as those from a bigger city such as New York or Los Angeles. But for therapists who want to also serve more local clients, it can be a great way to attract individuals who are living nearby. Or those who are simply looking for a therapist in their area.

Local SEO helps you to appear at the top of the search engines for local searches. These can be clients looking for a therapist in “your city” or “therapy in your town.” The key is to ensure that your website and other online content are optimized for local searches. This will then allow you to appear higher up in the search engine rankings. So, in this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of local SEO for therapists. But also how you can use it to help promote your private practice.

What Exactly is Local SEO?Shows a man looking confused at his desk. Represents a therapist thinking "how to rank on google for therapists". Search "local seo for therapists" to learn more!

As I mentioned above, local SEO allows you as a therapist to use more localized optimization to target clients nearby. This involves optimizing both your website and other online content. This can include your blogs and social media profiles so that they appear higher up in local searches. For example, someone types “therapists in Tulsa” into Google’s search bar. You want to make sure that your practice appears at the top of the list.

This will increase your chances of attracting more local clients. The higher up you appear on the search results, the more likely potential clients are to click on your website. The way this works is by including keywords related to your location. This can be the city name, zip code, or neighborhood name. This allows potential clients to find you more easily when they search for “therapists near me.” It also helps them understand that you are located nearby and can offer them the services they need.

How Does Local SEO for Therapists Work?

Local SEO works the same way as SEO for any other type of website, with a few adjustments. You want to make sure that your content is optimized for local searches. Instead of targeting more general keywords or faraway places. This means including keywords related to the area you serve. This can be the city or town name and other nearby places. In blogs, you can include local places such as parks for people to visit. Or even nearby activities for them to do. You can also include local events you are hosting, like workshops or seminars.

It shows your potential client that you know the area. It also shows Google that you know the area as well. This helps you climb higher up in the search engine rankings. You can also optimize your website and include location indicators such as directions from popular locations, nearby landmarks, etc. This will help potential clients understand where you are located and make it easier for them to visit your practice. Plus, let Google know that you are targeting a specific area, which can help you rank higher.

What Key Factors Affect Rankings for Private Practice SEO?

There are a few factors that can affect rankings for a private practice therapist. Especially, who is trying to rank in local searches. Taking this into consideration is important for optimizing your website and content for local SEO.

Quality Content

Quality content is always going to play a big part in your SEO whether it’s local or targeting national rankings. Some ways to do this are by ensuring your content is accurate, targeting the keywords that your ideal clients are looking for, and that your topics are relevant to your ideal clients. These combined can make your website and content more attractive to potential clients, as well as Google.

Location Indicators and PagesShows the Little Rock Nine. Represents how Local SEO for Therapists can use landmarks to show clients you are local. Private practice SEO helps you find your local, ideal client!

If no one knows where you are located, how can they find you? This is why including location indicators throughout your website is important. You can include a page dedicated to your location with directions from popular areas or landmarks. Or even a map of where you are located and more. If you have multiple offices then creating location pages for each area you serve is another great idea for local SEO.

These pages should include information on what services you provide in this area, what schools or universities are nearby for students, and more. This allows you to target local keywords as well as attract potential clients in the area that are searching for therapists nearby.

Optimize Your Website

Having your website optimized for local SEO is just as important as it is for general SEO. You want to make sure that you have included location-based keywords on your website and in your content, such as the city and state name. Including photos of the area or landmarks nearby can also help you stand out in the SERP rankings. Also, including your contact information on each page of your website is a great way for anyone searching to quickly find your practice information.

Local Reviews and Links Matter

Reviews from clients in your area can really make a world of difference. Not only in letting local, ideal clients know that you are a great therapist but also to help your rankings rise on Google. Being proactive when it comes to asking for reviews from clients may feel uncomfortable at first but it can really help you stand out. Letting your client know it’s to help you reach more people in the area that need your services can help them feel more comfortable with leaving a review.

Also, having other websites link to yours is important for SEO as well. This could be anything from a local directory or another therapist’s website linking to your practice page. This shows Google that others are vouching for you and that your website is credible. It can also be local businesses you have partnered with or even local press you have been featured in.

Ways to Attract Local Clients

Local SEO can help you stand out to potential clients in your area, but there are also other ways you can attract local clients. By utilizing SEO, collaborating with local businesses, and providing your services to the local community, you can really make a difference in your local area.

Google Business Profile

You look up businesses in your local area, it pulls up their Google Business Profile. These are essential for local SEO! They are meant for potential clients to see information such as your address, phone number, websites, hours of operation, photos, and more. These are all things that are important to ideal clients but also to Google! It’s almost as if it’s a virtual business card for anyone searching in your area. It’s also good for your NAP (Name, Address, and Phone number) consistency.

Local Citations and Directories

Joining directories that serve your local area is another great way to stand out in local searches. This could include directories that are all about your niche or even just for the area you serve. Some directories give follow-backlinks and others let people leave reviews. Both of these can help your rankings on Google. These links are used by Google to verify the accuracy of your being verified and a part of the directory, plus it shows up when potential clients search for therapists near them.

Local Content MarketingShows a woman writing down something in a notebook. Represents how private practice seo has therapists writing quality content to rank higher on Google. psychologist search engine optimization is important for your private practice!

As a therapist and private practice owner, but also a member of your community, you can use your unique perspective to promote local community events, attractions, and news. This not only allows you to get your name out there but also helps potential clients understand that you are involved in the community.

For example, if you are a therapist who specializes in LGBTQIA+ issues you can have a booth providing information about your services at a local Pride event. Or you can write content about local businesses you think are serving the community in an important way. These are all great ways to not only promote your services but also show potential clients that you are a part of the community and support them too.

Tracking and Analyzing Local SEO Performance

Once you have implemented these strategies it’s important to track and analyze their performance. This includes tracking rankings, looking at any changes in website traffic, and analyzing any changes in leads or conversions. This can help you determine whether the strategies you have implemented are working or need to be changed up.

By tracking your local SEO performance you can see what works for attracting potential clients in your area and keep doing more of that. It’s a great way to ensure that your website is always optimized for local searches and that potential clients can easily find you.

Let’s Get Started Targeting Local Clients with Local SEO for Therapists!

Local SEO is an important part of private practice SEO. At Simplified SEO Consulting, we want to support you in the process of optimizing your website for local SEO. Our team of SEO Specialists who have years of experience in mental health and SEO, understand the importance of local SEO for private practice owners and are here to help you in your journey. This is why we have a series of SEO packages to help you with your SEO journey.

No matter what stage you are in, from starting out to already having a well-optimized website but needing help with creating content. By investing in your website you are also investing in your and your practice’s future. Want to learn about SEO? Sign up for our SEO Course for Therapists and learn how to use the power of blogs and SEO to reach more clients and grow your practice! Or want to outsource it? Check out our SEO Consulting packages and schedule your consult today! Ready to get started?

  1. Schedule Your Consult
  2. Learn about our team
  3. Reach more clients in your area!

Other SEO Services At Simplified SEO Consulting

If you feel as if you are already an expert in SEO but want to see what other services we offer, know that we also provide other services. We offer options such as our 12-week training, small group intensives, and courses. Our strategy session can be a great option if you need support getting started with SEO or doing a site move or redesign. These can also be helpful to find better keywords, evaluating your current SEO performance, and more. Or, if you’re ready to work with a passionate and skilled team, our Done for You Program may be a great following approach.

Lynsey, SEO Content Writer for Simplified SEO ConsultingAbout the Author:

Meet Lynsey, the passionate SEO Content Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting, dedicated to helping therapists excel in local SEO. With a specialization in mental health-related subjects, Lynsey crafts exceptional content that embodies her clients’ brand voice and attracts ideal clients to their private practice. Through her copywriting expertise, she empowers therapists to maximize their return on investment with effective local SEO marketing strategies, especially leveraging the power of blogs. If you’re a therapist looking to enhance your online presence and attract nearby clients, Lynsey and the Simplified team are here to assist you. Discover how local SEO can benefit your practice and schedule your consult if you’re ready to see how Simplified can serve you!

You’ve heard me talking lately about working smarter.

A close up of a screen showing the app icon for Google Business Profile. Learn how this and other therapist directories can offer support with local seo for therapists. Search for "therapist directories" to learn more today.

Now, you may notice I’m not saying “not harder”. Because we’re already working harder! As practice owners, business owners, leaders, parents, caregivers, friends, loved ones…wherever you find yourself in life. If you’re like me, the “harder” probably doesn’t feel like an option right now. So, it’s important to have the right tools to maximize your marketing and SEO efforts. One of the best ways to do this is to make sure your local SEO is shored up. On point. Whatever you want to say.

You’ve heard us talking about Google Business Profiles recently. Of course, nurturing those pages is critical. Another way to take good care of your local SEO is to ensure that your Name, Address, and Phone information (NAP Info) is consistent across the web. Yes, we have a service to assist with this. The incredible and knowledgeable Sterling Humburg-Cage is in charge of our List Management program. He spends time over the course of the 6 months of List Management making sure that the information submitted is not just updated but actually sticks with Google. You know we don’t sell short-term solutions, so we want to make sure Google knows we are serious when these updates are made.

Another piece of the local SEO puzzle is understanding how your business ranks in various parts of your city or local area.

This is where the heatmap comes in. Let’s use Jessica’s private practice as an example. Aspire Counseling of Missouri is located centrally in Columbia, MO. The town she and I both happen to live in. So, if you are in central Columbia, Aspire will show up relatively highly on the “3 pack” or Maps results for Google Places. However, when you go elsewhere in Columbia, other practices that are closer to the search area might show up above Aspire. So, when Jessica searches “Aspire Counseling”, “Counseling Near Me”, or “Trauma Counseling in Mid-Missouri” from her home, her results are going to look different than the results I see when I search for the same keyword or keyphrase from my home.

A person writes in a notebook while a search bar appears over his laptop. Learn how to support local SEO for therapists by searching for therapist directories today.Even though we live in the same town, we are easily a 20-25 minute drive from each other. Of course, you could drive around town having people on different devices search the same keyword and see how the rankings change. If that sounds like a fun Saturday afternoon to you, go for it! No takers? Not shocked. This is essentially what the Heatmap option using the Premium List Management service can provide. The way we track keywords and key phrases in a limited local area using this tool allows us to see what number the practice will show up on the map at any given point. Pretty cool, huh?

How Does the List Management Heatmap Help with Local SEO?

Personally, I always think that knowledge is interesting. I’m a data nerd, and I love to see information. However, I know that this can also be a hindrance if we are not using the data for any real purpose. So, I find the Premium List Management Heatmap when the data is informing your blogging and other active on-page SEO efforts. For example, if I know that a certain keyphrase isn’t ranking highly in a certain zip code, I can pepper that zip code or nods to those local neighborhoods into my blog post writing or other optimization. Being able to peek in on the heatmap for my clients is also helpful in ensuring that they are not only ranking well in the SERP but also climbing up the rankings in the local map pack as well.

So, what’s the bottom line? 10/10 highly recommend it.

A graphic showing different aspects of local seo. Learn how to support local seo for therapists by connecting with therapist directories. Learn more about therapy directories & the support they offer today. Using the heatmap effectively and as a way to inform your optimization is the way to go if you really want to move the Local SEO needle for an in-person therapy office. If you want more information, please let us know! You can apply for a free consultation, or request a quick free baseline SEO report. You can talk with Winnie or Sterling about your List Management options and get started soon!

Start Improving Your Local Rankings With List Management Services from Simplified SEO Consulting

Using a heatmap is a powerful tool for informing practice owners about how their practice shapes up in their surrounding area. This is why our team is happy to offer support with a list management baseline report for your practice. We are also happy to offer a variety of services to support your private practice SEO. You can start your SEO journey with Simplified SEO Consulting by following these simple steps:

  1. Apply to work with us to improve your SEO
  2. Meet with an SEO specialist 
  3. Start improving your in-person SEO presence!

Other Services Offered With Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team knows there are many aspects of SEO that you may need help addressing to improve your private practice website. This is why we offer a variety of SEO services including our Done For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses. We also offer a 12-week Done With You Intensive SEO Program. Visit our blog to learn more valuable SEO info today!

Are you a private practice owner looking to start working on your SEO? SEO is important when it comes to your website as a private practice to help improve your rankings on search engines. With it, your website will be able to rank and your ideal clients will have an easier time finding your site. But did you know there are some common mistakes practitioners make when it comes to their SEO?

Despite how important SEO is, it can be easy for a practitioner to still make common mistakes. These mistakes typically include: ignoring local SEO, neglecting on-page optimization, focusing too much on keywords, and ignoring technical SEO. Follow along to see how you can avoid making these four common SEO mistakes.

Four Common SEO Mistakes by Private Practices

Neglecting Your Private Practices Local SEO

The first mistake practitioners may make when working on their website’s SEO is ignoring local SEO. Local SEO is the practice of targeting and optimizing a website to be found by local clients who are searching for specific therapy or practices in a specific geographic area. An example of this practice could be a potential client searching for, “trauma therapy in Little Rock, AR”. Local SEO is important for practitioners as it helps generate clients for their practice due to clients searching for services in their local area. By optimizing your website and creating a local online presence, you will have a better chance of finding clients in your local area you may be trying to reach and appearing at the top of search results when they search for, “anxiety therapy near me”.

Many private practices may overlook local SEO in favor of broader state or national SEO strategies as well. These can be important but being established locally can be a great start in creating a base for your SEO practice. Some tips on improving your local SEO include optimizing your Google Business Profile if you have one, using local keywords, replying to your reviews, and creating location-specific content. Optimizing your Google Business Profile is absolutely crucial with local SEO and will help establish you with Google. Make sure your Google Business Profile NAP (name, address, and phone number) is complete, accurate, and up to date as it can affect your rankings.

Neglecting On-Page OptimizationPhoto of a woman working on her laptop and smiling while a graphic displaying the word SEO and other website graphics. Are you a private practice owner wanting to improve your private practice SEO? Discover the common mistakes website owner's make when working on their SEO.

The second mistake most private practice owners are making is neglecting their on-page optimization. On-page optimization is important when it comes to your website ranking and getting organic traffic by optimizing various elements on a web page to make it more search engine friendly and relevant to the targeted keywords. Without it, search engines would have a difficult time with the content on your webpage which will then affect its visibility in search results. The most common way to optimize your website is by optimizing page titles, meta descriptions, header tags, URLs, images, and content to provide search engines with relevant information about the web page, which in turn will help it rank higher in search results. 

While many private practice owners might optimize the pages on their websites, some might not put in enough effort in their optimization, thus not generating the traffic they need to their websites. So if private practice owners utilize their on-page SEO strategies, they can improve the relevance and quality of their content, which can ultimately result in higher search engine rankings and more organic traffic.

Focusing Too Much on Keywords

The third mistake private practice owners face when working on their SEO is focusing too much on keywords. Keywords are a critical component of SEO. They are terms and phrases that people use to search for information and services on search engines. By optimizing your content and website for relevant keywords, you can improve your website’s visibility in search engine results pages and attract more organic traffic. Without them, it would be hard to optimize and rank.

But there are dangers in using keywords as well. When optimizing a page or photo you must make sure you are using both relevant keywords and not keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing typically happens when someone excessively adds keywords to a page or photo. Usually in hopes to manipulate the search engine. This can be very harmful to your SEO and result in consequences for the search engine. Thus, causing your website to no longer rank. Be sure your keywords are always used in a natural and relevant way to the page you are optimizing.

Ignoring Your Private Practices Technical SEO

Technical SEO is another important factor in ranking on search engines. A lot of private practice owners optimizing their websites may ignore technical SEO. It’s the process of optimizing a website’s technical side and backend elements. Both will help to improve its search engine visibility and its ability to be crawled. Typical ways you would work on technical SEO include optimizing website speed, mobile-friendliness, and website architecture. Most private practice owners skip this part of optimization.

As they are not well-versed in the technical aspect of their website. But these are important ways to help boost your website’s rankings. Here are some tips on improving the technical side of your SEO: check your page speed (slow loading times can negatively impact user experience and lead to lower search engine rankings), optimize for mobile friendliness, make sure your website has proper site structure and have a clear navigation system so the search engines can easily crawl the pages, don’t use duplicate content as it can lower your rankings, and make sure internal and external links are not broken and link back to a live site.

Photo of two women smiling and celebrating in front of a laptop. Discover the four common mistakes private practice owners make when it comes to optimizing and improving their private practice seo.Invest in Your Private Practices SEO

As a private practice owner, these are all common mistakes that can affect your website’s SEO. If you want your website to rank well be sure you are investing your time and effort into your SEO strategies. This is ideal as it will help improve your online visibility to attract your ideal clients. Remember, optimizing for search engines is like going to the dentist. It may not be the most fun thing in the world, but it’s necessary for a healthy practice!

Apply To Work With Simplified SEO Consulting

Interested in training or getting help with your private practice’s SEO? Our team at Simplified SEO Consulting wants to help you learn the process of SEO and ensure that you can help your website begin ranking. With our guidance and support, you will have the right clients calling your practice to get started with your services. To start your SEO journey with our Simplified team follow these three simple steps:

  1. Apply to work with us on your SEO
  2. Meet with one of our Skilled SEO Specialists
  3. Begin working on improving your SEO skills!

Other Services Offered With Simplified SEO Consulting

Interested in working with our team to help you with your website’s SEO? To help you get your optimize ranking in the search engine results and find your ideal client, we offer support in both our Done For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses. Simplified SEO Consulting also offers a 12-week Done With You Intensive Program. Check out our blog for more helpful tips and guides to SEO!

About The Author

Photo of Brianna Joplin, a mental health SEO specialist who offers SEO for therapists at Simplified SEO Consulting.

Brianna is an SEO Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting, where she enjoys optimizing client websites and interacting with them to help achieve their SEO goals. She has a passion for inspiring clients to learn about their own SEO and takes pride in helping them understand how the SEO process works. Brianna’s top priority is to ensure that Simplified clients not only enjoy their SEO journey but also feel empowered to work on their websites themselves. 

Looking for extra support? Schedule a consult with the consulting team to see who can help you and how.

Maintaining your rankings in Google can take time to achieve lasting success and involve a number of different strategies.

A graphic of a local map with the pin “you are here”. Learn how to rank on Google for therapists and the support a heatmap can offer for private practice SEO today. SEO for private practices can offer support. The same can also be said for supporting your rankings on a more localized level. It’s important to ensure you show up for folks outside of the normal service area that may not find you without the help of Google. But, it is equally important to ensure that the people in your surrounding community can also find your private practice. When you see that your heatmap rankings are dropping, this means your target keywords are dropping in those areas on Google Maps. While this is discouraging, there are a number of things you can do to counteract your target keywords dropping in on your heatmap. So, today we are going to discuss some of the best ways you can bounce back when you experience a dip in your Google Map rankings.

With these tips, I should preface this is assuming that you’ve already optimized your Google Business Profile with all necessary information including NAP info, photos of your practice and team, images representing your practice, etc. Ensuring your GBP is up to date is always a good first step when you experience a change in your data. 

Also, we won’t reference reviews in this blog

This is due to the unique nature of therapy and the relationship between counselor and client. While getting reviews and engaging with them is always great for the health of your Google Business Profile, receiving ethically sourced reviews is most important. Without further ado, let’s get into tips to counteract dropping heatmap rankings.

Create Localized Media

While it can take some time to respond to dropping keywords, one of the best ways to sustain your heatmap rankings is by creating new media that are hyper-focused on specific areas around your practice. When you see that keywords are dropping for a particular location, creating content that is centered around the areas in which data is dropping is a great way to incorporate your target keywords while telling Google where you want to focus on ranking on Google Maps. 

Creating blog posts and other types of content can help you highlight local events, landmarks, and neighboring businesses. These may include videos, social media posts, or Google Business Profile posts, and can allow you to naturally work specific locations into your blogs. For example, a clinician focusing on couples therapy may see their rankings dropping on Google Maps for couples therapy-related keywords on the south side of the town. If so, they may decide to create a post that highlights parks in the area for date ideas. By doing so, the clinician provides information for google describing the keywords they want to rank for (couples therapy), and the location they want to sustain their rankings (south part of town).

You can also make existing blogs more personal!

In addition to creating new localized blogs, you can also optimize existing content on the site as well! Doing so can help you include more location indicators in blog/page titles, headings, subheadings, and content throughout your site. However, it is important to keep in mind how often you are including location info and keywords. Sprinkling indicators where it feels natural are important to remember so you avoid content from sounding artificial or out of place.

A graphic showing interconnected points on a board. This could represent building links to improve heatmap rankings. Learn SEO for private practices by searching for “google business profile in counseling” to learn more. Building Local Links

Another way you can help to counteract heatmap is by working on creating more links to the websites of local businesses or publications in your area. Getting featured in a blog post from another site can also be a great way to support local SEO for private practices. One way you can accomplish this is by reaching out to another local business to see if they would be open to putting links to each other’s sites. This can provide both businesses with a new backlink and can be a win-win in many cases.

Check Out the Competition

An additional tactic you may use is looking at your competitors for ideas on what you may need to change to support your private practice SEO on a local level. This may come in the form of checking out what blog topics are on their site. You can gain new ideas for posts, get a sense of other topics you may not have previously thought of, and learn of adjustments you may need to make for your own local SEO strategy. 

Consider Your Social Media Presence and Keywords

It won’t make sense for every clinician to have a social media presence for their practice. But, for practices that have a more external presence, easier it is to connect and provide regular updates to those around you. This can also help you become more recognizable to those around you as well. 

In addition, it is also worth taking the time to take an inventory of the keywords you are focusing on locally. Some may be hot ticket keywords that everyone wants to rank for like “counseling near me”, and will take a considerable amount of time and effort to rank for. But, others you are focusing on may not be as relevant to the services you want to rank for on a local level. For example, you probably wouldn’t want to show up for something like “online therapy near me” if you only offer in-person services. You likely wouldn’t want to rank for such a keyword due to the nature of online therapy occurring from remote areas, or locations outside your local scope. 

Begin Improving Local SEO for Private Practices with Simplified SEO Consulting

A graphic depicting local SEO including Google Maps. Learn how to rank on Google for therapists and the support heatmaps can offer for private practice SEO today. SEO for private practices can offer support. Our team of caring therapists would be happy to support you in maintaining and sustaining both your Google Search results and Google Maps rankings. We offer a variety of services to support you and help grow your practice on a local level. You can start working with us by following these steps:

  1. Apply to work with Simplified SEO Consulting
  2. Meet with an SEO specialist.
  3. Start improving your local heatmap rankings!

Other Services Offered With Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team at Simplified SEO Consulting is happy to offer support in a number of ways. We can offer support in improving local SEO for therapists as well as DIY Online SEO Courses. We also offer Done For You SEO services, and a Done With You 12-week Intensive SEO program as well. Feel free to visit our blog to learn more today!

About the Author

Sterling smiles while posing for the camera. He offers support in improving local SEO for private practices. Learn more about private practice SEO and improving your Google Business Profile in Counseling today with Simplified SEO Consulting.Sterling Humburg-Cage graduated from the University of Missouri with a BA in Psychology in 2020. He integrates what he learned in school into his work as an SEO Specialist with Simplified SEO Consulting. Sterling prides himself on helping current clients & alumni problems solve difficult SEO issues.  He’s great at giving clients multiple options about how to approach a situation and responding quickly to client concerns.  Since he started, Sterling has met frequently with our alumni and provided them with extra problem-solving support. He often goes the extra mile to do outside research and make sure private practice owners have everything they need to rank well on search engines long-term for the keywords their ideal clients are using!

In the world of SEO, there are many strategies to improve your private practice SEO.

A close up of. aperson typing on thier phone while sitting at their laptop desk. Learn how to imporve private practice seo and local seo for therapists by contacting Simplified SEO Consulting.One of these strategies that has been around for a while is known as list management. It can be an important part of improving your local seo strategy, but what does it actually mean? Today, we are going to discuss what exactly list management is, why it is important, and how it can benefit your private practice.  

What is List Management?

List management involves collecting important information about your site and ensuring it is the same info across the internet. This almost always includes elements like the name, address, and phone number of your practice. But, you can often benefit from including your hours of operation, photos of your practice if applicable, accepted forms of payment, etc.

As you can expect, collecting accurate info about your own practice may not sound like too difficult a task. However, the hard part comes in the form of making sure this information is accurate, regardless of where you see it on Google. In short, list management can help you manage the information of your practice across every directory that has your site’s info. Using a list management tool like SEMRush can help you distribute your practice data across multiple creditable citation websites. List management also involves making sure that there are no duplicate listings, or existing listings with conflicting information.

What Are Citation Sites And Directories?

When talking about list management in relation to SEO, the information gathered from your website is added to sites that contain a list of other websites based on different categories, specialties, or locations. These are directories and “citation sites” that list your business data, and have a wide range of uses. You have likely heard of some of the most popular directories such as Youtube, Postmates, Google Business Profile, Better Business Bureau, and Best Of The Web (BOTW). 

A close up of a phone with the Google Business Profile logo. Learn how to use Google Business Profile for therapists and how it can offer support with local SEO for therapists today.Some directories may be focused on specific services like Uber Eats. But, others are focused on specific geographical locations in order to help local area businesses find potential clients, like Nextdoor. There are many different kinds of directories, but you must also be mindful that not every directory is going to be beneficial for your practice. It wouldn’t make sense for a private practice to be listed on a directory like Postmates, so making sure your practice is listed on a variety of directories that are applicable to the services you offer is important. 

Why Should I Care About List Management?

List management is vital to ensure the information of your business is accurate no matter what site or directory a potential client may find it on. It plays an important role in establishing authority and a positive reputation with Google, which can influence your placement in the search rankings. Plus, many private practice owners likely don’t have the time to ensure their business information is being corrected on each directory their site is listed on. 

As a practice grows along with the number of directories it is listed on, it can become even more difficult to keep up with all the manual changes you would need to make to keep consistent NAP information. Using list management can help reduce the tedium of checking in on each directory. By using a tool like SEMRush, you can ensure that every directory your site is being listed on has the same, updated, consistent information. You can also update your business information in one place, and have it distributed to each directory on your behalf instead of updating each directory yourself.

How can list management help my practice?

While you may have been unfamiliar with what list management is before today, it can still offer support for many private practice owners. Providing accurate information about your practice will help make you more discoverable than other sites with incomplete or inconsistent information. This is why it can be helpful to ensure your practice is listed on both major, trusted directories such as Apple Maps or Facebook and smaller, location focused directories like 2FindLocal and AroundMe. Regardless of the directory, ensuring your information is accurate across all the directories your site is linked to is vital.

List Management and Local SEO

There are many different types of directories, and many can help your practice become more prominent on a local level. However, this is only applicable to practices that offer in-person services, since the service area for online only practice is often harder to pinpoint. Showing up with accurate information on directories such a Google Business Profile for therapists makes it so much easier for potential clients in your service area to find and contact your practice. Having consistent information can also help drive more traffic to your site when people see your directory listing. Plus, it can also 

Finally, it is also worth noting that not all directories are credible. You never want to pay for something that will promise you a large number of high quality backlinks. This could be seen as a black hat SEO tactic which is often seen as unethical. Worse, it could also tank your site’s authority and reputation with Google as well.

Start Improving Private Practice SEO with List Management Services from Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team understands that it can be difficult to keep up with the directories your practice is listed on, let alone start finding directories to list your site on. This is why we are happy to offer support with a list management baseline report for your practice. We are also happy to offer a variety of services to support your private practice SEO. You can start your SEO journey with Simplified SEO Consulting by following these simple steps:

  1. Apply to work with us to improve your SEO
  2. Meet with an SEO specialist 
  3. Start improving your online presence and trust with Google!

Other Services Offered with Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team knows there are many aspects of SEO that you may need help addressing to improve your private practice website. This is why we offer a variety of SEO services including our Done For You SEO Servicesand DIY Online SEO Courses. We also offer a 12-week Done With You Intensive SEO Program. Visit our blog to learn more valuable SEO info today!

About the AuthorPhoto of Sterling, an SEO Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting that specializes in all things technical SEO!

Sterling Humburg-Cage graduated from the University of Missouri with a BA in Psychology in 2020. He has integrated what he learned in school into his work as an SEO Specialist with Simplified SEO Consulting. Sterling prides himself on helping current clients & alumni problems solve difficult SEO issues.  He’s great at giving clients multiple options about how to approach a situation, finding solutions to some of the more technical aspects of SEO, and responding in a timely manner to client concerns.  Since he started, Sterling has met frequently with our alumni and provided them with extra problem-solving support. He now provides additional support with a variety of local SEO services. He often goes the extra mile to do outside research. By doing so, he sure private practice owners have everything they need to rank well on search engines long term for the keywords their ideal clients are using!

Your Google Business Profile (formally Google My Business) offers many ways to inform potential clients about updates to your practice, and is helpful to those that may benefit from your therapeutic services. Thankfully, creating the best Google Business Profile post is easier than you may think. But, it can still take time to highlight each important element of an effective GBP post. In this post, we are going to go through how to write an effective SEO-focused Google Business Profile update. 

Focusing Your Google Business Profile Update

Before even starting your GBP post, you need to have a clear understanding of what the post is going to be about. Google Business Profile updates only allow for a certain number of characters, so brevity is vital. Updates must be under 1,500 characters (not words), which means each post will generally have one main focus. You can first start improving SEO for private practices by highlighting specific topics related to your practice, or services your practice offers. An image of a blank Google Business Profile update. Learn how to improve private practice SEO with updates to your lisitng. We offer support with your Google Business Profile in counseling and more.

Effectively Sharing Information

Google Business Profile updates can be a great way to share information from your blog posts or service pages that can help generate more interest in the content of your site. You can take a little fact or tip from a blog post or page and describe the steps in your GBP update. You can also provide a link to the page you are referring to, and pick out a photo to help catch the viewer’s eye. Or, you may also decide to promote new services you offer and provide more information about your practice.

In addition, you can also use these updates to let folks know about upcoming events your practice may be involved in within your community. Updates that are focused on a specific location can often benefit from references to notable location indicators in the area, such as:

  • Local parks
  • Hiking trails
  • Local landmarks
  • Local structures (banks, hospitals, libraries, post offices, etc.)

It can be difficult to strike the right balance between keeping posts brief but informative. But, writing posts that are under 700 characters can be good practice for getting your point across quickly. Using lists like the one above can be an effective way to cut down on your character count, describe steps to a process, or address multiple points.

Sharing your Surroundings

Not every post may be as focused on location as others. But, working in references using keywords that are location specific can be a great way to incorporate useful local SEO info within your post. This may include keywords such as “anxiety therapist in *insert service area here*”, “trauma therapist near me”, or “eating disorder therapist in *insert service area here*”. The specific keywords will vary based on your private practice SEO goals. But, the general rules still remain the same, and the same precautions must be taken when using keywords. In particular, it can be easy to focus too much on keywords like these, and force them into the post unnaturally.

Including location references to Google Business Profile updates in a natural way can take time.

Creating posts and looking at examples of other similar updates can offer a great way to see what works, and what doesn’t. GBP updates can help Google understand where exactly your practice is located and the services you are focusing your private practice SEO efforts on. Here is an example of a Google Business Profile update that introduces a new therapist while still referencing the location, and the services they offer.

An example Google Business Profile post showing how to improve private practice SEO. Learn more about using your Google Business Profile in counseling today for support.

Choosing the right photo

In this example, it makes sense to include an image of the new clinician. However, when it comes to deciding on the best photo for your post, it is best to choose something that relates to your topic in an uplifting, or outcome-oriented way. Google has strict guidelines it requires posts to follow. Images that depict things that go against their community guidelines may cause your new post to get taken down from your listing. So, it is important to review them to get an idea of what may be seen as prohibited content. 

Addressing Google and Content Guidelines

Sometimes, Google will delete your post due to something going against their guidelines around updates. While this can be discouraging, it shouldn’t stop you from creating new posts. Google loves to see consistent upload schedules, and you can always try to reword the post to exclude the part Google may deem inappropriate. For some therapists, this may be a harder battle than others due to the nature of the services they offer. For example, a sex therapist will have to be more mindful of the language they use in order to establish context for Google to avoid having their GBP updates taken down.

In Conclusion

A message that a Google Business Profile post was taken down suggesting to review the content policy. Learn more about improving SEO for private practices through GBP updates. Simplified SEO Consulting can help address private practice SEO today!Putting each of these pieces together to create effective SEO-focused Google Business Profile updates is easier said than done. But, with time and practice, the process can be a fun and fulfilling way to make the most of updates to your practice. It is also worth stating that linking back to the specific blog or page you’re referring to is a very important part of the process! Make it as easiest as possible for people to reach your site. Doing so will go a long way in helping your practice get discovered on a local level. For most posts, you will likely want to choose the “learn more” button even though it is optional. This will allow you to include the link to the specific page on your site you want to go.

Begin Improving Private Practice SEO with Simplified SEO Consulting

Creating effective posts can take time. Our team of SEO specialists would be happy to offer support in capitalizing on each and every update. All while supporting your organic SEO presence as well. We offer a variety of services to support you and help grow your practice on a local level. You can start working with us by following these steps:

  1. Apply to work with Simplified SEO Consulting
  2. Meet with an SEO specialist.
  3. Start improving Google’s rankings and meet your practice’s goals!

Other Services Offered With Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team at Simplified SEO Consulting is happy to offer support in a number of ways. We can offer support in improving local SEO for therapists as well as DIY Online SEO Courses. We also offer Done For You SEO services, and a Done With You 12-week Intensive SEO program as well. Feel free to visit our blog to learn more today!

About the Author

Photo of Sterling, an SEO Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting that specializes in all things technical SEO!Sterling Humburg-Cage graduated from the University of Missouri with a BA in Psychology in 2020. He integrates what he learned in school into his work as an SEO Specialist with Simplified SEO Consulting. Sterling prides himself on helping current clients & alumni problems solve difficult SEO issues.  He’s great at giving clients multiple options about how to approach a situation and responding quickly to client concerns.  Since he started, Sterling has met frequently with our alumni and provided them with extra problem-solving support. He often goes the extra mile to do outside research and make sure private practice owners have everything they need to rank well on search engines long-term for the keywords their ideal clients are using!