In the rapidly evolving world of digital marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and storytelling have emerged as two pillars of successful brand promotion. While SEO helps improve a website’s visibility on search engines, storytelling captivates audiences. It engages them emotionally and helps build relationships between your brand and its customers.

So, what happens when we combine the power of SEO with effective storytelling? The answer is simple – there is potential to create compelling narratives that will help your website gain higher search rankings. This can be particularly beneficial for therapists. Since there is a great deal of competition in the therapeutic space, having an effective SEO-storytelling strategy can help therapists stand out from the crowd and rank high on search engine results pages.

This blog will delve deep into how the principles of Storybrand can be used to enhance SEO efforts, leading to improved Google rankings for therapists.

The Foundation of Storybrand

Storybrand is a framework that was created by Donald Miller. It utilizes the power of storytelling to create compelling brand narratives. The framework contains the components of character, problem, guide, plan, call to action and success. Let’s take a closer look at these core components of Storybrand and see how they can be used to improve SEO rankings for therapists on Google.

Character: The HeroShows a superhero holding a briefcase looking over the city. Represents how SEO and storybrand can enhance how to rank on google for therapists.

The first component in the Storybrand framework is the character or hero, which in this case would represent your client. The character is often depicted as someone who is struggling with a problem. But by the end of their journey, they have found a solution and experienced success. So, they are the hero of the story.

When using SEO with a storybrand approach, therapists can utilize the narrative that their client is the hero of the story. This helps to captivate and engage their target audience. Which can lead to longer web visits, more page views, and higher rankings on search engines.

Problem: The Conflict

The next component of Storybrand is the problem or conflict that the character faces. You could even paint the problem as a villian the character must defeat. This helps to create a sense of urgency and helps the audience feel seen. But also they feel the need to act and overcome the problem. This can represent any struggles, challenges, or obstacles that your client may encounter on their therapeutic journey.

For example, it could be anything from struggling with anxiety and depression to relationship issues. By recognizing and acknowledging the problem, the potential client can more easily relate to the story and see how therapy could help them. This can benefit your SEO as a therapist. You can craft compelling stories that target keywords relevant to your therapeutic practice and use them to rank higher on Google.

Guide: The Mentor

This is the part where you come into the story. As the therapist, you serve as the guide who helps the character along their journey. Showing them that there is a better solution to their problem and helping them find it. You are the mentor of the story, providing support and insight into how they can make positive changes in their lives for long-term success.

This role plays into SEO as well. Through your stories, you can demonstrate that you are an expert in the field of therapy and can provide valuable guidance to potential clients. This helps to create trust and build credibility with search engines, which can lead to higher rankings on Google. It shows Google you’re an expert on the topic and that you are a reliable source of information. But also does this in an emotion-driven way that resonates with potential clients.

Plan: The Action Plan

As your role as the guide in this story, you can provide the character with a plan. This could be anything from creating a roadmap for recovery to offering advice on how to make positive changes in their life. The plan should address the problem and offer solutions that will lead to success.

With an effective SEO and storybrand strategy, you can use this concept to craft stories that target keywords relevant to your therapeutic practice. This story will not only help boost your rankings on Google but will also help to engage and captivate potential clients. It shows them that you have the knowledge, expertise, and experience to help them make positive changes in their life.

Call To Action: The Invitation

Once they have the plan, it’s time to invite them to take action. This is where the potential client, or also known as the hero of this story, has decided to trust in the mentor and take their advice. This is where you can call for them to act on your plan by inviting them to contact you through email, book a session, or follow your social media accounts.

For SEO purposes, this is where you have a call to action that links to your website and tells your hero to click and learn more. It also tells them how to progress their journey with you, which can help to draw in potential clients. You can also use this to track the results of your storybrand and SEO efforts by tracking conversions from the call to action. This metrics will show you how effective your stories are in engaging potential clients and where you need to make improvements.

Success: The Achievement

For the finale of this story, it’s important to demonstrate the success of your hero. This could be anything from overcoming their problem and achieving a better life or finding a solution to their issue. It should show that they have found success through the guidance of yourself as the mentor and that you were able to help them achieve their goals.

For SEO purposes, this is where you can highlight the success of your hero. This can look like customer reviews, or testimonials from clients who have experienced success from your help. This can help to boost your credibility with not only potential clients but also with search engines. It shows them that you are an expert in the field and that your brand can offer valuable results for those who choose to work with you.

Staying Ahead in Therapist SEOShows a piece of paper saying "Stay ahead of the curve" with a thumbtack holding it up. Represents how SEO and storybrand can help therapist seo stay ahead of changes.

The world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is ever-evolving. Google’s algorithms, the complex systems used to retrieve data from its search index and instantly deliver the best possible results for a query, are continually updated. This is where the importance of an adaptive SEO strategy comes in.

Adapting an SEO strategy isn’t a one-and-done task. It is a continuous process. One that you have to keep testing, tracking, and adjusting. You have to learn and understand how search engines like Google work. But more importantly, how they’re constantly changing. This involves staying up-to-date with the latest SEO news and Google updates. It also means testing out different SEO techniques, and constantly adjusting your SEO strategy based on the results. For example, trying out storybrand as a new SEO strategy to help boost your rankings and draw in potential clients.

For Therapists, This Could Involve Experimenting.

Not only with different keywords but also with on-page optimization techniques, or backlink strategies. This can help you see what works best for helping your website and pages rank on Google. Using tools like Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into how well your SEO efforts are performing and where improvements can be made.

However, while SEO is critical, it’s also important not to lose sight of the potential client and their journey. Remember, your end goal isn’t just to rank high on Google, but to attract and engage potential clients. Combining the Storybrand framework with a dynamic SEO strategy, you can ensure that you’re not just reaching your target audience but also connecting with them in a meaningful way. Which leads to higher conversion rates and client satisfaction.

Merging SEO and StoryBrand: A Powerful Combination for Therapists

The relationship that SEO and Storybrand share is a powerful one. By merging these two approaches, you can create content that not only resonates with your potential clients but show Google that you’re an expert in the field. This can be achieved by taking components of SEO like keywords and content creation and aligning them with the characters, problems, and solutions presented in your story.

Selecting Your Keywords

When thinking about and creating your Storybrand narrative, think about what your potential clients are facing and what keywords they may be using when searching for help. Consider what solutions would be best for them and how you, as the guide in this story, can help. Then align your keywords you are targeting with the story. This can help you create a narrative that is both meaningful to potential clients and search engine friendly.

Creating Your Content

The goal of Storybrand is creating a story that is engaging and value-driven. One that your potential clients can see themselves in and learn from. Your story should address their problem and how you can help. It should also be clear, concise, and easy to comprehend.

By creating content that is both search engine friendly and flows with the narrative of your story, it will make it easier for potential clients to follow. But it will also be more likely to show up in search results. Additionally, focusing on high-value keywords within your content can help to boost your SEO by enticing potential clients to click on the link.

Include On-Page Optimization

The narrative doesn’t stop at the content on the page. To maximize your SEO efforts, you need to ensure that all elements of your website are optimized for search engines. This can include meta titles and descriptions, headers, image captions, and more. Injecting storytelling elements into these components can help make them more meaningful and search engine friendly.

Each page should tell a part of your story, guiding potential clients through their journey and encouraging them to take the next step. For example, meta titles and descriptions should address the problem, solutions, and how you can help. Headers should be structured to flow with the narrative instead of merely listing topics. This ensures that your potential clients understand what they are reading about and how it relates to them.

Gain Backlinks

Backlinks are gold when it comes to therapist SEO. They are a powerful tool for driving more traffic to your website and boosting your rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). To gain backlinks, you’ll need to create content that is shareable and resonates with people. And since storytelling can be an incredibly powerful way of engaging potential clients, it makes sense to leverage the Storybrand framework.

If a client or colleague reads your content and finds it particularly helpful or interesting, they may share it with their own networks. This would give you a backlink. Or otherwise known as a link from another website that links to yours. Storybrand can help make this process easier by creating content that resonates with potential clients or colleagues who might be willing to link to your website.

Think About User ExperienceShows a woman smiling at a computer. Represents how therapist seo can be more client focused with SEO and storybrand.

One of the main points of the Storybrand framework is creating a cohesive experience for the reader. This means that it isn’t just about crafting great content, but ensuring that each page provides value to the user’s journey. Your therapy website may do well with just implementing SEO, but Storybrand can help take your website to the next level.

Potential clients want to feel like they are being heard, which is why it’s so important for therapists to prioritize their experience when designing and optimizing their website. This could involve ensuring the website is easy to navigate, or adding visuals that tell a story. It can also include breaking up large chunks of text with images or videos. All these elements help create a cohesive narrative experience for potential clients as they click through your webpages which keeps them engaged and interested in what you have to offer.

Don’t Ignore Technical SEO

What happens when a movie buffers or the story ends on a cliffhanger? Most people don’t stick around to watch it. The same goes for your website pages. If the user experience is hindered by technical issues, potential clients are likely to leave and not come back anytime soon.

Technical SEO helps ensure that visitors have a smooth and uninterrupted experience when visiting your website pages. This could involve making sure your page loads quickly, that there are no broken links, or other technical issues can detract from the story you’re trying to tell. Because it can negatively impact your SEO ranking but also disrupt the user experience. Checkin in on your technical SEO on a regular basis to make sure your website is running as it should.

Therapist SEO Takes Time and Dedication.

As with any story collection or on going series, therapist SEO takes work and dedication. It also takes time. Making SEO a long-term strategy and journey that can help ensure that you continuously make progress towards gaining more website traffic and potential clients. Yet it might take some time before you start seeing results.

However, by utilizing SEO and Storybrand together, you can create a strategy that is both meaningful and engaging to potential clients. This could help to boost your website rankings, engagement rates, and even backlinks. And most importantly, it will help ensure that the story you tell resonates with those who need it the most.

We Can Help You Write Your Narrative With SEO and Storybrand!

At Simplified SEO Consulting, we understand the power of storytelling and SEO. So, if you’re struggling to create a narrative-driven therapy website that is SEO friendly, we can help. Our team of experts will work with you to craft an SEO strategy and content that capitalizes on the Storybrand framework. We believe storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to engage potential clients and build trust. No matter if you’re a beginner or already have a well-optimized website but require help with content creation, we have the ideal solution for you. By investing in your website, you’re investing in the future of your practice. Curious about SEO and want to learn for yourself? Sign up for our SEO Course for Therapists and learn how to use the power of content and SEO to reach more clients and grow your practice! Or want to outsource it? Check out our SEO Consulting packages and schedule your consult today! Ready to get started?

Other SEO Services At Simplified SEO Consulting

If you feel as if you are already an expert in SEO but want to see what other services we offer, know that we also provide other services. We offer options such as our 12-week training, small group intensives, and courses. Our strategy sessioncan be a great option if you need support getting started with SEO or doing a site move or redesign. These can also be helpful to find better keywords, evaluating your current SEO performance, and more. Or, if you’re ready to work with a passionate and skilled team, our Done for You Program may be a great following approach.

About the AuthorLynsey, SEO Content Writer for Simplified SEO Consulting. Providing copywriting for therapists in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and beyond.

Meet Lynsey, the passionate SEO Content Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting, dedicated to assisting therapists in excelling with local SEO. With a specialization in mental health topics, Lynsey creates compelling content that embodies her clients’ brand voices and attracts ideal clients to their private practices. Her expertise in copywriting empowers therapists to maximize their ROI through effective SEO marketing and storytelling, with a focus on leveraging the power of blogs. If you’re a therapist aiming to enhance your online presence and attract clients, Lynsey and the Simplified team are ready to help. Discover the benefits of  SEO and Storybrand for your practice and schedule a consultation to see how Simplified can serve you!

In today’s digitally driven world, where information is at our fingertips, healthcare providers need to adapt and embrace the power of the internet to reach their patients effectively. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes into play, helping healthcare professionals enhance their online presence and connect with those seeking their services. But what exactly is SEO, and how is it used in the healthcare industry? Let’s embark on a journey to demystify SEO and explore its pivotal role in healthcare marketing.

What Does SEO Mean in Simple Terms?

To grasp the significance of SEO in healthcare, we must first understand the basics. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of improving your website’s visibility on search engines like Google. In simpler terms, it’s about making sure your website shows up when people search for healthcare services you offer.

SEO Terms for Beginners: Key Definitions

  1. Keywords: These are the words or phrases people type into search engines when looking for information. For instance, “family dentist in Boston” is a keyword.
  2. Ranking: This refers to where your website appears on the search engine results page (SERP). Being on the first page is often the goal.
  3. Algorithm: Search engines like Google use complex formulas to determine how websites rank. Understanding these algorithms is vital for effective SEO.
  4. Backlinks: These are links from other websites to yours. They can improve your website’s credibility in the eyes of search engines.
  5. SERPs: Search Engine Results Pages are the lists of websites that appear after a search. The higher your site ranks, the closer to the top of the SERPs it will be.

How SEO Works in Simple Words:

SEO involves optimizing your website to meet the criteria search engines use to rank websites. By doing so, you increase the likelihood of your website showing up when potential patients search for healthcare services you provide.

The Role of SEO in Healthcare

In the vast landscape of healthcare, where patients are increasingly turning to the internet for answers, SEO plays a pivotal role. It acts as a bridge connecting healthcare providers with individuals seeking their expertise. But how exactly does SEO benefit healthcare practices?

Understanding the Healthcare Landscape:

In a world where people ‘Google’ their symptoms before visiting a doctor, being present and visible on search engines is crucial for healthcare providers. Patients often rely on online resources to find healthcare professionals near them.

How SEO Benefits Healthcare Practices:

SEO helps your practice appear prominently in search results when patients look for relevant healthcare services. It not only increases visibility but also builds trust as patients tend to associate top-ranking websites with credibility.

SEO Agencies: Your Healthcare Marketing Allies

Managing SEO on your own can be challenging, especially in the highly competitive healthcare sector. SEO agencies specialize in optimizing your online presence, ensuring that your practice is visible to those who need it most.

Local SEO for Doctors

Local SEO, a subset of SEO, holds particular importance for healthcare providers. It’s all about optimizing your online presence for a local audience, making sure nearby patients can easily find your practice.

The Significance of Local SEO

As a healthcare professional, your patients typically come from a specific geographic area. Local SEO ensures your practice appears in local searches, such as “family doctor near me.”

The Impact on Medical Practices

Local SEO can significantly impact medical practices by driving more foot traffic to your clinic. When patients search for services like “pediatrician near me,” you want your practice to be at the top of the results.

Local SEO Strategies for Healthcare Professionals:

  1. Google My Business Optimization: Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing to provide essential information, such as your address, phone number, and operating hours.
  2. Location-Based Keywords: Incorporate location-specific keywords in your content to signal to search engines where your practice is situated.
  3. Patient Reviews and Ratings: Encourage satisfied patients to leave positive reviews. High ratings and reviews can improve your local search ranking.

The SEO Content Connection

Creating engaging, informative, and patient-focused content is the heartbeat of successful healthcare SEO. It’s not just about having a website; it’s about delivering valuable information to your audience.

Crafting Engaging Healthcare Content on Your Private Practice Website

Content should be tailored to your patients’ needs, answering their questions and concerns. When patients visit your website, they should find articles, blog posts, and resources that speak directly to their health issues, providing guidance and reassurance.

Integrating On-Page SEO Techniques

While crafting content, incorporate relevant keywords naturally. Keywords are the words and phrases patients are likely to use when searching for healthcare information. By strategically placing these keywords within your content, you increase the chances of your website appearing in search results.

Blogging for Healthcare SEO

Maintaining a blog on your website allows you to continuously provide fresh, informative content to your patients. It can also improve your search engine rankings. Regularly publishing blog posts about health-related topics not only keeps your website current but also positions you as an authoritative source in your field. Your patients will appreciate the valuable insights, which can lead to increased trust and loyalty.

Technical SEO Essentials

While you may not see them, the technical aspects of SEO are crucial. They ensure your website is search engine friendly and can be easily indexed.

Behind-the-Scenes SEO: This includes optimizing your website’s code, tags, and meta descriptions to improve search engine visibility.

Site Structure and Navigation: A well-structured site with intuitive navigation helps both search engines and patients find what they’re looking for.

Mobile Optimization: As more users access websites via mobile devices, ensuring your site is mobile-friendly is essential.

Page Speed and Performance: Slow-loading pages can harm your SEO. Optimizing for speed ensures a better user experience and higher search rankings.

Patient-Focused SEO Strategies

Effective healthcare SEO goes beyond technical aspects; it’s about understanding patient needs and providing solutions.

Aligning with Patient Needs: SEO should align with what patients are looking for, providing them with valuable information and answers to their healthcare queries.

Healthcare FAQs: An SEO Goldmine: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sections can be a treasure trove of SEO opportunities. By answering common patient questions, you enhance your website’s relevance.

Voice Search and SEO for Healthcare: With the rise of voice-activated devices, optimizing your content for voice search can give you an edge in healthcare SEO.

Measuring SEO Success in Healthcare

Determining the effectiveness of your SEO efforts is essential to refine your strategy continually.

Setting the Right Metrics: Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) like website traffic, patient inquiries, or appointment bookings to measure your SEO success.

Monitoring and Analytics Tools: Use tools like Google Analytics to track your website’s performance and gather data on patient behavior.

Adjusting Your SEO Strategy: Regularly review your SEO strategy and make necessary adjustments based on performance data. SEO is an ongoing process.

Ethical SEO Practices in Healthcare

Ethical SEO is vital for healthcare providers, as it builds trust and credibility with patients.

Trust and Credibility: Patients trust healthcare providers with their well-being. Ethical SEO practices align with these values, ensuring honest, accurate, and patient-centric content.

White-Hat SEO Techniques: Stick to ethical, white-hat SEO techniques to maintain your practice’s reputation. Avoid shortcuts or black-hat tactics that could lead to penalties.

Avoiding SEO Pitfalls: Be aware of common SEO pitfalls, such as keyword stuffing or duplicate content, and steer clear of them to maintain a strong online presence.

SEO Challenges in Healthcare

The healthcare sector comes with its unique set of challenges in the world of SEO.

Navigating the HIPAA Landscape: Compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a must. Ensure patient data privacy and security on your website.

Competition in the Healthcare Sector: Healthcare is a highly competitive field. Standing out requires a well-thought-out SEO strategy and patient-focused content.

Dealing with Negative Reviews: Negative online reviews can impact your practice. Respond professionally and consider ways to improve patient satisfaction.

Future Trends in Healthcare SEO

The world of SEO is ever-evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is essential for healthcare providers.

Staying Ahead of the Curve: Keep an eye on emerging trends in healthcare SEO and adapt your strategy accordingly.

AI and Healthcare SEO: Artificial intelligence is changing the SEO landscape. Embrace AI tools and strategies to stay competitive.

Voice Search Evolution: With more patients using voice search, optimizing for voice commands will become increasingly important.

Should You Pay Someone for SEO?

Now that we’ve explored the fundamentals of SEO in healthcare, you might wonder if it’s worth paying someone to handle your SEO efforts. After all, the world of SEO techniques can be complex, and staying on top of the latest trends and algorithms can be overwhelming. Here are a few key reasons why investing in professional SEO services might be a wise choice for your healthcare practice:

Expertise in SEO Techniques: SEO agencies specialize in understanding the intricacies of search engine optimization. They keep up with the ever-evolving SEO landscape, ensuring that your website follows best practices and employs the latest SEO techniques.

Time and Resource Efficiency: Managing your SEO in-house can be time-consuming and may divert your attention from patient care. By outsourcing your SEO efforts to experts, you can focus on what you do best—providing healthcare services to your patients—while leaving the technical aspects of SEO to professionals.

Optimal Results: SEO agencies have experience in optimizing healthcare websites for search engines. They can conduct thorough keyword research, analyze your competition, and implement effective SEO strategies to improve your online visibility and drive more traffic to your website.

Measurable ROI: When you invest in SEO services, you can track the impact of your investment through various analytics tools. SEO professionals can provide you with detailed reports on your website’s performance, helping you measure the return on your SEO investment.

While some healthcare professionals choose to handle SEO on their own, many find that partnering with an experienced SEO agency yields the best results. It’s a strategic investment that can help your practice stand out in the competitive online healthcare landscape.

Enhance Your Healthcare Practice with Functional Medicine SEO

As you dive into the realm of SEO for functional medicine doctors, you might feel like you’re exploring uncharted waters. However, with the right guidance and ethical strategies, you can unlock the potential for greater visibility and stronger patient connections. SEO isn’t a final destination; it’s an ongoing journey, a commitment to providing value and optimizing your online presence. In the digital age of healthcare, this journey is vital for your practice’s growth.

And Simplified SEO Consulting has developed a solid SEO strategy for the healthcare industry. We work best with healthcare professionals who take a holistic view of mental and physical wellbeing and enjoy working with everyone from psychologists to psychiatrists, SLPs, functional medicine doctors, chiropractors and other related professionals.

To boost your functional medicine practice’s online presence, consider partnering with Simplified SEO Consulting. Our comprehensive SEO packages include regular checks in with our staff and frequent data reviews, ensuring your practice remains visible and accessible to those actively seeking your services. Together, we can elevate your healthcare practice in the world of functional medicine SEO. Connect with us today to schedule a free consultation and embark on this transformative journey toward success.

Have you ever received a random email out of the blue from someone telling you how bad your SEO is?

A close-up of a magnifying glass next to the letters SEO. Learn how to improve SEO for counselors by searching for how to build SEO for therapists today.Emails like this are common, so you may get them before you have done any SEO. A large number of these are often SEO scams. But, many of our clients report these more frequently after doing some initial SEO work with us. While it can be equally surprising and worrying to receive cold call emails from SEO companies you don’t know, this can sometimes serve as a sign you are doing something right. Most of the time, it is best to just ignore requests such as these. But, you can still take events like these as opportunities to self-reflect on your SEO efforts. By doing so, you can learn more about what is and is not working for your site. Today, we are going to be addressing why being told your SEO is bad from unprovoked emails can actually be seen as a good thing.

They May Say Your SEO Sucks, But They Found You, Didn’t They?

It can be scary to get messages that tell you that your SEO isn’t where it needs to be. The SEO landscape is very competitive, and it can feel imperative to get any kind of edge you can to ensure you are found in Google’s search results. But, in order to even send this message to private practice owners in the first place, they must have been able to find your site or email in order to contact you. While this isn’t directly stating it, this is still an acknowledgment that your site is being noticed in the search results. Being noticed is a sign that you are in fact doing the right thing from an SEO perspective. Otherwise, how would SEO companies find your site to reach out to you in the first place?

The Importance of Self-Reflection in SEO

A woman looks off with a pensive look. This could represent the questions brought up by improving private practice SEO. Learn how to build SEO for therapists today.So you’ve received an email telling you what is wrong with your SEO. It’s best to ignore it, right? In most cases, yes. But, you can still use this as a chance to reflect on what elements of your SEO strategy are contributing to your success, and what can potentially be changed. Your improving SEO was how other companies found you in the first place, and the SEO advice offered in these emails may actually be beneficial when searching for the next ways to improve your SEO. These can often include tips on how to improve the speed of your site, different forms of content to create, or other technical improvements.

There are a number of tools that can help you better understand how your site is performing. Some of the most useful tools include the likes of the WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool, and Google Pagespeed Insights. Other tools can also show you how to improve the overall health of your site via a site audit. Making use of tools like these can reveal much more information about your site than what a single email can tell you. But, using cold emails as reminders can still offer occasional insight into what to address on your site. 

Be sure to also ask yourself, is this worth the trouble?

It goes without saying that it is important to know how you can improve your site. But, it’s equally important to ask if the changes you’re making are actually worth the time you are putting into them. There are so many things that you can do to support your SEO on the client-facing and technical sides. Yet, not every change will affect your SEO in the same way, or have the same results. While something mentioned in a cold email may be made to sound like a high-priority situation, it may not actually be worth the time and effort put into fixing it. 

A man smiles while looking at his laptop and coffee cup. This could represent learning how to build seo for therapists. Learn to support your private practice seo today.
Messages may include references to how low your rankings are and how they can support you to improve them. Emails may seem more urgent and warn of something you’re doing wrong. For example, you may receive an email that tells you how your SEO is suffering due to not having enough backlinks. In an event like this,  they may suggest that you purchase links through them in order to help improve your SEO. However, the links you would likely receive from something like this are more than likely going to be scammy, and not the high-quality links that will help your practice. In a case like this, it is actually seen as an unethical SEO practice that can actually do more harm than good to your SEO. 

In Conclusion

Receiving cold emails can be seen as unwelcome for a variety of reasons. But, these emails can occasionally provide insights into what you may be able to improve on your site. They can also serve as a jumping-off point for improvements you can capitalize on yourself. So, next time you receive an email like this, feel free to delete it but take a moment to reflect on your site as well.

Improving Private Practice SEO with List Management Services from Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team is happy to offer support with growing your SEO and supporting your practice. An SEO specialist would be happy to provide support across the country. You can start your SEO journey with Simplified SEO Consulting by following these simple steps:

  1. Apply to work with us to improve your SEO
  2. Meet with an SEO specialist 
  3. Start improving your online presence and trust with Google!

Other Services Offered with Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team knows there are many aspects of SEO that you may need help addressing to improve your private practice website. This is why we offer a variety of SEO services including our Done For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses. We also offer a 12-week Done With You Intensive SEO Program. Visit our blog to learn more valuable SEO info today!

About the Author

Sterling Humburg-Cage graduated from the University of Missouri with a BA in Psychology in 2020. He has integrated what he learned in school into his work as an SEO Specialist with Simplified SEO Consulting. Sterling prides himself on helping current clients & alumni problems solve difficult SEO issues.  He’s great at giving clients multiple options about how to approach a situation, finding solutions to some of the more technical aspects of SEO, and responding in a timely manner to client concerns.  Since he started, Sterling has met frequently with our alumni and provided them with extra problem-solving support. He now provides additional support with a variety of local SEO services. He often goes the extra mile to do outside research. By doing so, he sure private practice owners have everything they need to rank well on search engines long term for the keywords their ideal clients are using!

Do you struggle to create content that’s easy for users to read when they come to your website? Want to learn how to make sure your content is easy to read and speaks to users who may convert to potential clients? In this post, you’ll discover what readability is and its importance in SEO. As well as how to ensure you are implementing effective readability practices.

What is Readability?

When adding content to your website, you want the content to be of good quality and easy to read for users. This is where readability comes in. Readability refers to the ease with which users can easily read and understand information. Readability is measured by the clarity and simplicity of the language. As well as sentence structure, and overall presentation of information provided. It essentially determines how accessible and comprehensible a text is for your intended audience. 

Readability is extremely important for SEO. As search engines aim to provide the best possible user experience to their users. So, when a search engine evaluates the quality of a web page, one of the key factors it considers is how user-friendly and understandable the content is for your intended audience. If the content isn’t user-friendly, this is one reason why search engines may not bring up your website in search results or be on the front page creating organic traffic

Photo of an African American woman smiling and working on her laptop. Discover how to help your private practice SEO with ensuring your content is easy to read for users visiting your website. Learn about readability here!

How Search Engines Assess Readability

Search engines typically assess readability by looking at the language and structural features of your content. Search engines typically look at factors such as sentence length, how complex words are, and the use of transition words to gauge the readability level of your content. Additionally, search engines also consider the presence of headings, subheadings, and bullet points. As they help organize content and make it more scannable for users. Using images also influences readability. Search engines want to deliver content that is clear, concise, and easy to comprehend for users. Which then improves the user experience and helps enhance a webpage’s chances of ranking higher in search results.

Factors Affecting Readability

There are many factors that affect readability. Anything from sentence length to using complex language can affect readability. As well as how users and search engines react to your website. 

Perfecting Your Sentence and Paragraph Length

One factor that affects readability may be your sentence length. The optimal sentence length for readability purposes is considered to be around 15 to 20 words. Sentences within this range are easier for readers to process and understand. But anything longer can be considered difficult. With sentences this length, they help maintain a smooth flow of information without overwhelming the reader with excessive complexity or lengthy pauses. Shorter sentences can sometimes be used for emphasis or to convey concise ideas. While longer sentences used in website content are typically created for more detailed explanations. Keeping a balance is crucial for optimal readability for users visiting your website and hoping to explore your content.

Another important aspect of your content to pay attention to when focusing on readability is to watch out for lengthy paragraphs. Lengthy paragraphs can be daunting and discourage readers from engaging with your content. Be sure to break up large blocks of text into smaller paragraphs. Typically containing 3 to 4 sentences each. This helps make it easier for readers to digest the information you provide. Additionally, starting a new paragraph when introducing a new idea or transitioning to a different aspect of the topic helps maintain clarity and keeps the reader’s attention.

Using Subheadings and Bullet Points

Subheadings can be invaluable for organizing your content and guiding users through your writing. They help provide a clear overview of the structure and content of the text, making it easier for readers to locate specific information they may be looking for. Subheadings also improve navigation and allow users viewing your website to skim the text to find the sections most relevant to their interests or needs.

Another way to help with readability is by adding bullet points to your content. Bullet points are an effective way to help users scan and break down information into easily digestible portions. They typically work well for presenting lists, key points, or concise information. Bullet points will also help draw attention to important details and provide a clear and concise snapshot of the content, making it more appealing to users who are looking to quickly grasp the main ideas or takeaways when reading the content on your website.

Double Checking Your Vocabulary and Language Complexity

One very important thing affecting readability is the use of vocabulary that your users may not understand. Using jargon and technical terms that are specific to your profession, can alienate readers who are not familiar with the specialized language. To improve understanding and accessibility, it is essential to avoid or explain technical terms, acronyms, and therapy-specific jargon. By doing so, you can ensure your content is approachable and inclusive to a wider audience.

Another thing to double-check when writing content is to use plain language. Using plain language will help make content more accessible to a broader audience. Clear and straightforward language reduces uncertainty and ensures that what your content is saying is understood by people with varying levels of expertise. So, by avoiding unnecessary complexity and using more common terms, your content can engage readers from diverse backgrounds and knowledge levels.

Photo of a smiling Asian man holding a piece of paper and smiling. Learn what readability is and how you can edit your content to help with readability. Begin working to help your private practice SEO.

Readability Tools and Techniques

Online Tools For Calculating Readability

Online tools for calculating readability are valuable resources that help writers and content creators assess the readability of their content. These tools analyze factors such as sentence length, word complexity, and paragraph structure to determine the text’s reading level. When checking your readability there are many resources available online that can help you determine if your content is easy to read.

Websites like Hemingway App and Grammarly can help you create content that is easy for your users to understand. By providing insights into the text’s readability, these tools can help you when optimizing your content for your specific target audience, ensuring it is clear, engaging, and easily understood. With feedback from readability tools like Hemingway and Grammarly, you can make necessary adjustments to improve your content’s readability.

Tips For Improving Sentence Structure and Coherence

Another important aspect of readability is incorporating visual elements to enhance the readability and overall appeal of your website’s content. Firstly, use images, infographics, and videos that can provide additional context to what your content is referring to. These visuals can break up text and make difficult subjects easier to grasp. Secondly, employing formatting techniques like appropriate font size and spacing can significantly impact readability. Be sure to select legible fonts and maintain sufficient spacing between lines and paragraphs to ensure that users visiting your website can comfortably follow the text without feeling overwhelmed. 

Benefits of High Readability for Your Private Practice SEO

Ensuring your content is easy to read creates many benefits for both you and the users visiting your website. When your content is easy to read, it brings several advantages for both you and the users who visit your website. First, users are more likely to stay engaged and spend more time on your site, reducing the number of people who leave right away. Second, when your content is clear and understandable, users tend to stick around longer. Which improves the chances of them taking action, like signing up for a consult.

Third, having easily readable content can encourage others to share it on social media and link back to your site. Thus, boosting your online presence. Last but not least, making your content accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities, is not just kind—it also benefits your website’s overall performance. So, by focusing on high readability, you’ll make both users and search engines happy!

Ready to Begin Improving Your Readability?

In conclusion, creating content that’s easy for users to read is essential for a successful website. By focusing on readability, you can ensure that your content speaks directly to your target audience and keeps them engaged. Search engines also value readability, as it enhances the overall user experience. Thus, leading to higher rankings in search results. Factors like sentence and paragraph length, the use of subheadings and bullet points, and avoiding complex language all play a role in improving readability.

Incorporating visual elements, such as images and videos, further enhances the appeal and comprehension of your content. By employing online tools like Hemingway App and Grammarly, you can assess and fine-tune your content for maximum readability. So, don’t hesitate to implement effective readability practices. Your users and search engines will thank you for it!

Book Your SEO Consultation With Simplified SEO Consulting

Join Simplified SEO Consulting for improved rankings and work to improve your content! Our expert team is dedicated to teaching you the ins and outs of SEO, empowering your website to rank higher and attract your ideal clients through natural traffic. With our unwavering guidance, your practice will receive calls from the right clients eager to avail of your services. Begin your SEO journey with us by following these three easy steps:

  1. Book your SEO consultation
  2. Meet with one of our skilled SEO specialists
  3. Begin creating content that’s easy to read for both users and search engines!

Other Services Offered With Simplified SEO Consulting

Apart from assisting with your website’s SEO, our team offers support in both Done For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses, tailored to optimize your search engine rankings and attract your ideal clients. Additionally, we present a 12-week Done With You Intensive Program for comprehensive assistance. Don’t forget to check out our blog for more invaluable tips and guides on SEO!

About The Author

Photo of Brianna Joplin, a mental health SEO specialist who offers SEO for therapists at Simplified SEO Consulting.

At Simplified SEO Consulting, Brianna serves as a Mental Health SEO Specialist, taking pleasure in optimizing client websites and engaging with them to accomplish their private practice SEO objectives. Her enthusiasm lies in motivating clients to delve into their own SEO and she takes pride in imparting a clear understanding of the SEO process. Brianna’s foremost concern is to ensure that clients not only relish their SEO journey but also gain the confidence to independently work on their websites and witness a significant boost in rankings!


If you require additional assistance, feel free to schedule a consultation with our consulting team to explore how we can assist you.

SEO can be a great tool for attracting clients from afar. Such as those from a bigger city such as New York or Los Angeles. But for therapists who want to also serve more local clients, it can be a great way to attract individuals who are living nearby. Or those who are simply looking for a therapist in their area.

Local SEO helps you to appear at the top of the search engines for local searches. These can be clients looking for a therapist in “your city” or “therapy in your town.” The key is to ensure that your website and other online content are optimized for local searches. This will then allow you to appear higher up in the search engine rankings. So, in this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of local SEO for therapists. But also how you can use it to help promote your private practice.

What Exactly is Local SEO?Shows a man looking confused at his desk. Represents a therapist thinking "how to rank on google for therapists". Search "local seo for therapists" to learn more!

As I mentioned above, local SEO allows you as a therapist to use more localized optimization to target clients nearby. This involves optimizing both your website and other online content. This can include your blogs and social media profiles so that they appear higher up in local searches. For example, someone types “therapists in Tulsa” into Google’s search bar. You want to make sure that your practice appears at the top of the list.

This will increase your chances of attracting more local clients. The higher up you appear on the search results, the more likely potential clients are to click on your website. The way this works is by including keywords related to your location. This can be the city name, zip code, or neighborhood name. This allows potential clients to find you more easily when they search for “therapists near me.” It also helps them understand that you are located nearby and can offer them the services they need.

How Does Local SEO for Therapists Work?

Local SEO works the same way as SEO for any other type of website, with a few adjustments. You want to make sure that your content is optimized for local searches. Instead of targeting more general keywords or faraway places. This means including keywords related to the area you serve. This can be the city or town name and other nearby places. In blogs, you can include local places such as parks for people to visit. Or even nearby activities for them to do. You can also include local events you are hosting, like workshops or seminars.

It shows your potential client that you know the area. It also shows Google that you know the area as well. This helps you climb higher up in the search engine rankings. You can also optimize your website and include location indicators such as directions from popular locations, nearby landmarks, etc. This will help potential clients understand where you are located and make it easier for them to visit your practice. Plus, let Google know that you are targeting a specific area, which can help you rank higher.

What Key Factors Affect Rankings for Private Practice SEO?

There are a few factors that can affect rankings for a private practice therapist. Especially, who is trying to rank in local searches. Taking this into consideration is important for optimizing your website and content for local SEO.

Quality Content

Quality content is always going to play a big part in your SEO whether it’s local or targeting national rankings. Some ways to do this are by ensuring your content is accurate, targeting the keywords that your ideal clients are looking for, and that your topics are relevant to your ideal clients. These combined can make your website and content more attractive to potential clients, as well as Google.

Location Indicators and PagesShows the Little Rock Nine. Represents how Local SEO for Therapists can use landmarks to show clients you are local. Private practice SEO helps you find your local, ideal client!

If no one knows where you are located, how can they find you? This is why including location indicators throughout your website is important. You can include a page dedicated to your location with directions from popular areas or landmarks. Or even a map of where you are located and more. If you have multiple offices then creating location pages for each area you serve is another great idea for local SEO.

These pages should include information on what services you provide in this area, what schools or universities are nearby for students, and more. This allows you to target local keywords as well as attract potential clients in the area that are searching for therapists nearby.

Optimize Your Website

Having your website optimized for local SEO is just as important as it is for general SEO. You want to make sure that you have included location-based keywords on your website and in your content, such as the city and state name. Including photos of the area or landmarks nearby can also help you stand out in the SERP rankings. Also, including your contact information on each page of your website is a great way for anyone searching to quickly find your practice information.

Local Reviews and Links Matter

Reviews from clients in your area can really make a world of difference. Not only in letting local, ideal clients know that you are a great therapist but also to help your rankings rise on Google. Being proactive when it comes to asking for reviews from clients may feel uncomfortable at first but it can really help you stand out. Letting your client know it’s to help you reach more people in the area that need your services can help them feel more comfortable with leaving a review.

Also, having other websites link to yours is important for SEO as well. This could be anything from a local directory or another therapist’s website linking to your practice page. This shows Google that others are vouching for you and that your website is credible. It can also be local businesses you have partnered with or even local press you have been featured in.

Ways to Attract Local Clients

Local SEO can help you stand out to potential clients in your area, but there are also other ways you can attract local clients. By utilizing SEO, collaborating with local businesses, and providing your services to the local community, you can really make a difference in your local area.

Google Business Profile

You look up businesses in your local area, it pulls up their Google Business Profile. These are essential for local SEO! They are meant for potential clients to see information such as your address, phone number, websites, hours of operation, photos, and more. These are all things that are important to ideal clients but also to Google! It’s almost as if it’s a virtual business card for anyone searching in your area. It’s also good for your NAP (Name, Address, and Phone number) consistency.

Local Citations and Directories

Joining directories that serve your local area is another great way to stand out in local searches. This could include directories that are all about your niche or even just for the area you serve. Some directories give follow-backlinks and others let people leave reviews. Both of these can help your rankings on Google. These links are used by Google to verify the accuracy of your being verified and a part of the directory, plus it shows up when potential clients search for therapists near them.

Local Content MarketingShows a woman writing down something in a notebook. Represents how private practice seo has therapists writing quality content to rank higher on Google. psychologist search engine optimization is important for your private practice!

As a therapist and private practice owner, but also a member of your community, you can use your unique perspective to promote local community events, attractions, and news. This not only allows you to get your name out there but also helps potential clients understand that you are involved in the community.

For example, if you are a therapist who specializes in LGBTQIA+ issues you can have a booth providing information about your services at a local Pride event. Or you can write content about local businesses you think are serving the community in an important way. These are all great ways to not only promote your services but also show potential clients that you are a part of the community and support them too.

Tracking and Analyzing Local SEO Performance

Once you have implemented these strategies it’s important to track and analyze their performance. This includes tracking rankings, looking at any changes in website traffic, and analyzing any changes in leads or conversions. This can help you determine whether the strategies you have implemented are working or need to be changed up.

By tracking your local SEO performance you can see what works for attracting potential clients in your area and keep doing more of that. It’s a great way to ensure that your website is always optimized for local searches and that potential clients can easily find you.

Let’s Get Started Targeting Local Clients with Local SEO for Therapists!

Local SEO is an important part of private practice SEO. At Simplified SEO Consulting, we want to support you in the process of optimizing your website for local SEO. Our team of SEO Specialists who have years of experience in mental health and SEO, understand the importance of local SEO for private practice owners and are here to help you in your journey. This is why we have a series of SEO packages to help you with your SEO journey.

No matter what stage you are in, from starting out to already having a well-optimized website but needing help with creating content. By investing in your website you are also investing in your and your practice’s future. Want to learn about SEO? Sign up for our SEO Course for Therapists and learn how to use the power of blogs and SEO to reach more clients and grow your practice! Or want to outsource it? Check out our SEO Consulting packages and schedule your consult today! Ready to get started?

  1. Schedule Your Consult
  2. Learn about our team
  3. Reach more clients in your area!

Other SEO Services At Simplified SEO Consulting

If you feel as if you are already an expert in SEO but want to see what other services we offer, know that we also provide other services. We offer options such as our 12-week training, small group intensives, and courses. Our strategy session can be a great option if you need support getting started with SEO or doing a site move or redesign. These can also be helpful to find better keywords, evaluating your current SEO performance, and more. Or, if you’re ready to work with a passionate and skilled team, our Done for You Program may be a great following approach.

Lynsey, SEO Content Writer for Simplified SEO ConsultingAbout the Author:

Meet Lynsey, the passionate SEO Content Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting, dedicated to helping therapists excel in local SEO. With a specialization in mental health-related subjects, Lynsey crafts exceptional content that embodies her clients’ brand voice and attracts ideal clients to their private practice. Through her copywriting expertise, she empowers therapists to maximize their return on investment with effective local SEO marketing strategies, especially leveraging the power of blogs. If you’re a therapist looking to enhance your online presence and attract nearby clients, Lynsey and the Simplified team are here to assist you. Discover how local SEO can benefit your practice and schedule your consult if you’re ready to see how Simplified can serve you!

You may or may not have heard about the small group SEO training intensive courses that we hold each semester. As a professor for over a decade on university campuses in Missouri, I absolutely love the support and accountability that learning new concepts in a small group setting can provide. Of course, this is also a budget-friendly SEO option for those who want to learn SEO concepts themselves (Hello DIYer!), but also want the support and guidance of an experienced SEO expert. This is the beauty of the small group SEO training intensive program we hold.

Who is a good fit for the small group SEO training course?

Let me be clear, while I love this course, I know it is not going to be the best fit for everyone. Now that we have completed multiple semesters of the small group SEO training intensive, I can help interested practice owners and mental health professionals better determine which SEO option might be best for you. Like all of our training program options, you have to be ready and willing to fit in the work. As a company, we value transparency. We know that determining how to strategically invest your marketing dollars is incredibly important. We get it. As a small business as well, we have to make difficult decisions about how to allocate resources all the time.

Small Group SEO Training: Investment of Time and Money

You may have heard me say before that SEO is an investment of time, money, or a blend of both. This small group SEO training option is where that “blend of both” comes into play. Not only do you have to be willing to put in the work, but you have to have the time to do so. You can have the best intentions, but if the time for applying the concepts isn’t protected, we are unlikely to make this or any other training program worthwhile. Think about it, how many DIY courses or webinars have you purchased and never actually used? You know who you are. I’ve been there too! I don’t want this to be one of those courses. Ever.

What makes the small group SEO intensive different from our other SEO programs?

When motivated and dedicated practice owners are willing to put in the time and work to implement these new SEO concepts during our semester together, the potential for learning and growth for each participant is multiplied! Each active participant makes each active participant that much better. Let me explain.

Shows a therapist wondering about SEO marketing for Therapists. Represents how private practice seo can support therapists with SEO marketing.If you are a trained EMDR therapist in Denver, Colorado, you might choose to optimize a page of your website on virtual EMDR therapy, a page on trauma therapy and PTSD treatment and three supporting blog posts: “Benefits of EMDR for Trauma Therapy”, “EMDR Therapy for PTSD Treatment”, and “Creative Ways EMDR Therapy Can Help Denver, CO Locals”. After going through our Masterclass (the DIY Top of Search Engines Course), you’ll start to implement some of the SEO concepts yourself. Then, during our small group Mastermind sessions, I can pull your website up as an example to provide feedback, live review and what we call “SEO 2.0” for one of those pages. This benefits you AND the trauma therapist in Texas who has recently opened a new Plano location. They are able to take the live review feedback and apply it to their website. And so on, and so on.

Later in the Mastermind session, I might pull up a blog post on Postpartum Depression Treatment for New Moms in New Jersey and adjust some subheadings, finesse photo titles and tweak the call to action. The midwife in Seattle can then use that information to inform the work on their website! See where I’m going with this? And, that’s just the value of one Mastermind session. During the 16-week semester, we will have 8 live Mastermind sessions that will be recorded for all Small Group SEO Training participants in our cohort and posted to a private YouTube playlist that we will all have access to.

Support and Accountability: The Magic of SEO Small Group Training

Photo of an African American man smiling while working on his laptop. Learn tips to improve your rankings and how you can get your practice ranking in the Google 3-pack.Between sessions, I highly encourage participants to get together with other professionals and colleagues from the group for coworking. Apply the concepts from the course together. Live review and feedback is an absolute gift that you can give each other during these times. Is something unclear? Talk about it! Have a suggestion? Don’t hold back. We’re all learning together. So, there’s no fear of looking dumb. No point in holding onto imposter syndrome. We’re all in this together. The other beautiful part of this SEO group training program is that the practice owner doesn’t have to be the person going through the training. You can send a Marketing Manager, a dedicated Virtual Assistant, or another therapist in the practice to learn and implement the concepts. In fact, this has been a wonderfully successful strategy for larger group practices who know they need to step up their marketing and SEO efforts.

You Can Have SEO Success

Basically, I believe that this small group SEO training intensive program can be valuable for highly-motivated lifelong learners who are ready to spend the time investing in marketing efforts that will pay off long term. SEO is a long game. We don’t sell short-term SEO solutions. However, we do firmly believe that anyone can learn SEO. With the right components, you can have SEO success.

Start Your SEO Journey With Simplified SEO Consulting

If you’re ready to dive in, enroll now. You can get started on the Masterclass now in order to spend this time before our first meeting preparing your website for optimization. Simply visit our Small Group SEO Intensive enrollment page to get all of the information you need and register right away. We’d love to talk with you more about the small group SEO intensive. If you’d prefer to have private instruction from me, read about our 12-Week SEO Intensive Training Program. Or, if it all sounds like too much, let our team of amazing SEO experts do it for you. No matter what you choose, we are here for you and want the absolute best for your SEO success. If you are still on the fence about your SEO options, book your free SEO consultation to meet with a member of our team and talk about next steps. We look forward to connecting soon! ~Danica

In the realm of SEO, there are different kinds of links and backlinks. Not all will benefit you in the same way, but can still help improve your SEO over a longer period of time. To help clarify, today we are going to discuss the difference between “Follow” and “No Follow” links. We will also talk about some of the best ways to ethically source backlinks as well.

Follow vs No Follow LinksA graphic of a magnifying glass over a link pyramid. This could represent improving private practice SEO with backlinks for therapists. Learn how to improve therapist SEO by visiting our guide to earning backlinks.

Even though you likely have links on every page of your site, they aren’t all the same. You may not have known, but while most links will help improve SEO for therapists, others may not. Links on your site, whether internal or external, are automatically generated as Follow links. When links from other internal or external pages point back to a webpage, that target page becomes more authoritative due to the outside source referencing it. Google recognizes the quality and quantity of these links through a metric known as PageRank. This algorithm was created to help Google determine how much SEO juice a given page has, and what order the pages should be ranked in the search engine. This helps ensure that pages with helpful and trusted information are more likely to rank well in the search results. 


However, there are other types of links that exist that don’t really contribute towards SEO & PageRank.

These are known as “No Follow” links, and while they can appear as normal links on the front end of your site, they can be harder to identify. Normally, links are automatically created with the “Follow” tag in the HTML code on the backend of the site. However, these types of links have an extra piece of HTML code that marks it as a No Follow link. Thus, keeping it from contributing to the PageRank and overall rankings of your site. No Follow links are often used when a site wants to link to another site but doesn’t necessarily want to be affiliated with the source page. 

In summary, most links will help to improve your site rankings. When links point back to a webpage, this helps show Google that the page has helpful content and gives it more SEO juice. The more SEO juice a page has, the more likely it will rank well in Google. But, this history isn’t the case with No Follow links. These links don’t have the same weight, and won’t contribute to how well your site ranks in the search results. However, No Follow links can still support your site in different ways. This is due to more recent changes Google has made in the past few years.

A graphic representing an SEO funnel with different terms going into it including “follow, links, bot, html, and backlinks”. This could symbolize improving private practice SEO by gaining new backlinks for therapists. Learn more about improving therapist SEO today.

How Does Each Help SEO For Therapists?

As previously mentioned, Follow links help to improve rankings because Google takes them into account when deciding how much SEO juice a page has. These links help improve how well a page performs in the search results but can be more difficult to source in organic or ethical ways. However, there are a variety of methods for therapists to source high-quality, ethical backlinks that will support the SEO of your site. One effective method involves having guests like fellow therapists post guest blogs to your site, and vice versa. This gives you an opportunity to include links to and from your site, while still focusing on content that will resonate with your ideal client. Therapists can also appear as guests on podcasts, reach out to a reporter via HARO, or maybe create helpful infographics that help inform others. 

No Follow links historically haven’t helped to improve SEO. But, Google has made changes in the last few years that signal these links actually have more weight than they have in the past.

Instead of having no weight in Google’s search algorithms, they now act as hints to help Google better understand how to analyze and use links in their system. This makes them a bit more valuable than they were in the past. Now, Google may potentially give them more SEO juice spending on the content of the link. Sadly, there isn’t a tool that can tell you which No Follow links will help and which won’t. But, knowing that they can offer more support for your site is worth sourcing them. One of the best ways you can do this is by submitting your practice’s information to creditable directories related to the services your practice offers. Making sure the correct information about your practice is consistent across different directories will help establish authority with Google. While this may not necessarily help with boosting your SEO directly, having backlinks to your practice on other sites will help increase your exposure & make it easier for people to find your practice.

In Conclusion

A graphic of two people linking a chain, representing building links to improve private practice SEO. Learn how to gain high quality backlinks for therapists by searching for a guide to earning backlinks today. Links are the foundation of connecting the internal pages of a site as well as external websites. Follow and No Follow links are very similar, but Follow links are more valuable for improving SEO for therapists. However, Google has started to put more emphasis on No Follow links. Thus, making them more valuable for growing your practice. Both can contribute to your practice in different ways which makes attaining both an important part of your overall SEO strategy.

Start Improving Private Practice SEO with List Management Services from Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team knows it can be difficult to keep up with all the external links that may point to your site. This is why we are happy to offer support with a list management baseline report for your practice. We are also happy to offer a variety of services to support your private practice SEO. You can start your SEO journey with Simplified SEO Consulting by following these simple steps:

  1. Apply to work with us to improve your SEO
  2. Meet with an SEO specialist 
  3. Start improving your SEO!

Other Services Offered with Simplified SEO Consulting

Our team knows there are many aspects of SEO that you may need help addressing to improve your private practice website. This is why we offer a variety of SEO services including our Done For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses. We also offer a 12-week Done With You Intensive SEO Program. Visit our blog to learn more valuable SEO info today!

About the Author

Sterling Humburg-Cage graduated from the University of Missouri with a BA in Psychology in 2020. He has integrated what he learned in school into his work as an SEO Specialist with Simplified SEO Consulting. Sterling prides himself on helping current clients & alumni problems solve difficult issues.  He’s great at giving clients multiple options about how to approach a situation, finding solutions to some of the more technical aspects of SEO, and responding in a timely manner to client concerns.  Since he started, Sterling has met frequently with our alumni and provided them with extra problem-solving support. He now provides additional support with a variety of local SEO services. He often goes the extra mile to do outside research. By doing so, he sure private practice owners have everything they need to rank well on search engines long term for the keywords their ideal clients are using!

As a private practice owner, you hope that your website is being found organically by potential clients. You want these potential clients to find you through organic search. As it shows that your website is helpful for users. But what happens when your organic traffic begins to drop and how can you fix it? Read on to learn what organic traffic is and what might be causing the drop. 

What is Organic Traffic?

Organic traffic is important for private practices. Especially when it comes to relying on finding potential clients. Organic traffic typically is known as the visitors that come to a website through natural search engine results. These are from unpaid visitors specifically searching for the keywords they’ve put in. It is the opposite of paid traffic. Which attracts visitors through advertising or sponsored placements. Organic traffic is highly driven by search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Your website’s content, structure, and other factors are optimized to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results.

When you notice your organic traffic stop, either gradually, or suddenly, it can be from multiple factors. In this blog, you’ll learn the many factors that can be affecting your website’s organic traffic and how you can begin addressing those issues.

Potential Causes of Declining Organic Traffic

Photo of a woman on her phone with heart emojis. Discover how you can begin maintaining your SEO and organic traffic with the help of Simplified SEO Consulting.When it comes to declining organic traffic, there can be many reasons involved. Things like technical errors, algorithm updates, or a decline in website content quality can easily affect the traffic coming to your website. When this happens it’s helpful to take a look at all of the factors to help eliminate what might be the problem.

Identifying Any Technical Issues

Slow Page Speed

The first thing you will want to explore when organic traffic begins to decrease is whether or not there are any technical issues. It’s important to inspect any technical issues that may be affecting your websites and fix them as soon as possible. One technical issue could be slow page speed. Slow page speed refers to how slowly your website may load when a user visits. When a page is slow a user will more than likely jump back off the site and find another page in the search results. 

Broken Links

Another technical issue there are broken links. When you insert links into your content for users to utilize but they end up not working the user will become frustrated and leave your website. Broken links can also affect your website’s crawling and indexing capabilities. When search engines notice these broken links on your site they may keep your website from ranking higher as they want any technical errors to be addressed so users will have a great experience.

Missing Meta Tags

Another important thing to note is ensuring that every page on your website has meta titles and descriptions. Meta tags are important as they help users and search engines understand more about your page and what it’s about. These meta tags should always be unique and specific to each page letting the user visiting your site know what the page is about.

Unfriendly Mobile Design

Most users are using their phones to access most websites. When optimizing your pages you should take care to make sure you are optimizing for mobile users as well. Websites can look drastically different on mobile devices compared to desktop versions. With poor mobile optimization, your website might not have improved rankings or might provide a poor user experience.

Photo of an upward graph with cartoon characters. learn how to track your organic traffic and begin ranking higher on search engine results with SEO.Algorithm Updates

Another reason for a decline in organic traffic may be due to an algorithm update. An algorithm update may alter the way search engines evaluate and rank websites. The update may introduce new ranking factors or place more emphasis on existing ones, making previously optimized websites less relevant or authoritative in the eyes of the search engine. This can result in lower search result rankings and reduced visibility, leading to a decline in organic traffic. Algorithm updates may also penalize websites that employ spammy or unethical practices, further diminishing their visibility and traffic.

Content Quality and Relevance

When adding content to your website you will also want to make sure that the content is relevant to what users are searching for as well as creating quality content. Relevant and quality content plays an important role in organic traffic. Search engines often prioritize delivering the most valuable and relevant content to users that is easy to read. By creating content that addresses the needs, interests, and search queries of your ideal client, you increase the likelihood of appearing in relevant search results.

Engaging, informative, and well-structured content not only attracts and retains visitors but also encourages them to share and link to your content, enhancing its visibility and authority. Over time, this can lead to increased organic traffic as search engines recognize the value and relevance of your content, resulting in higher rankings and improved visibility in search results. Ultimately, creating relevant and quality content helps establish your website as a reliable and trusted resource, driving organic traffic and fostering long-term audience engagement.

Increased Competition

Increased competition can have a significant impact on organic traffic to someone’s website. As a private practice, you may be facing competitors for certain services if you are in a large city or highly competitive state such as Florida or California. When more websites vie for attention within the mental health field, such as anxiety therapy, the online landscape becomes crowded, making it harder for any single website to stand out.

With more competitors targeting similar keywords and topics, search engine rankings become more competitive, resulting in reduced visibility and lower organic traffic for individual websites. The increased competition also leads to the need for more strategic and aggressive SEO efforts, content creation, and marketing campaigns to maintain or improve organic traffic levels. Websites must continually adapt and optimize their content and online presence to stay relevant and attract the attention of search engines and users in a highly competitive environment.

Changes in User Behavior

Another important aspect of organic traffic is user behavior. User behavior is how individuals interact with search engines, consume content, and engage with websites. If there is a shift in user preferences or habits, it can significantly influence the organic traffic a website receives.

For example, what happens if users in Little Rock, AR favor mobile device searches over computer searches for things like “anxiety therapy in Little Rock, AR”?  Then the website they click on is not optimized for mobile devices. That website might have fewer visitors. It’s important to stay on top of the ever-changing user behaviors. As it can help keep organic traffic flowing to your private practice website.

How to Stay on Top of Organic Traffic Declines

As a private practice website, you should now understand what organic traffic is and what potential causes are that may harm the flow of organic traffic. But what are some possible ways you can fix or lessen these issues? Maintaining organic traffic and modifying potential causes such as technical issues, algorithm updates, content quality and relevance, changes in user behavior, and increased competition requires a comprehensive approach.Photo of a bar graph showing different rankings. With the help of Simplified SEO you can begin learning to maintain your SEO.

What to Maintain Organic Traffic

It’s important to regularly monitor your private practice website’s performance and addressing any technical issues or errors is essential. You should always be sure you are conducting regular site audits, optimizing your site speed, and ensuring mobile-friendliness. These can help maintain optimal user experience and help you maintain your standing in search engine results. Keeping up-to-date with algorithm updates and adapting SEO strategies accordingly is also crucial to stay relevant in search results.

Also, be sure to continuously evaluate and improve content quality and relevance. You can do so by conducting keyword research, producing valuable and engaging content, and addressing user needs. As these can help attract and keep organic traffic. Be sure to remain attentive to changes in user behavior. Such as preferences for voice search or new content formats, and incorporating them into content and marketing strategies can help adapt to evolving user trends. Finally, staying aware of the competitors, conducting competitor analysis, and differentiating oneself through unique branding and marketing efforts can help the impact of increased competition and retain organic traffic.

Organic traffic is important when it comes to ideal clients finding your website. By understanding what issues may arise you can be better prepared for a decline in organic traffic. As well as use the strategies in place to best manage a decline. So, do you struggle with maintaining SEO? If you have trouble getting users to find your website organically, then Simplified SEO Consulting can help!

Book Your SEO Consultation With Simplified SEO Consulting

Looking to improve your rankings and have your ideal clients find you organically? Our team at Simplified SEO Consulting wants to help you learn the process of SEO and ensure that you can help your website begin ranking and finding your ideal clients through organic traffic. With our guidance and support, you will have the right clients calling your practice to get started with your services. To start your SEO journey with our Simplified team follow these three simple steps:

  1. Book your SEO consultation
  2. Meet with one of our Skilled SEO Specialists
  3. Begin seeing improvement in your organic traffic!

Other Services Offered With Simplified SEO Consulting

Are you interested in working with our team to help you with your website’s SEO? To help you get your optimize ranking in the search engine results and find your ideal client, we offer support in both our Done For You SEO Services and DIY Online SEO Courses. Simplified SEO Consulting also offers a 12-week Done With You Intensive Program. Check out our blog for more helpful tips and guides to SEO!

About The AuthorPhoto of Brianna Joplin, a mental health SEO specialist who offers SEO for therapists at Simplified SEO Consulting.

Brianna is an SEO Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting, where she enjoys optimizing client websites and interacting with them to help achieve their private practice SEO goals. She has a passion for inspiring clients to learn about their own SEO and takes pride in helping them understand how the SEO process works. Brianna’s top priority is to ensure that Simplified clients not only enjoy their SEO journey but also feel empowered to work on their websites themselves and begin seeing their rankings boost!

Looking for extra support? Schedule a consult with the consulting team to see who can help you and how.

It’s almost unheard of for anyone to not have social media or form of online presence in this day and age. It has even become essential for mental heal professionals to establish a strong online presence. Not only on search engines but on social media. The internet has completely changed the way people look for information and connect with services. Even mental health support. As a therapist, especially one with their own private practice, it’s crucial to recognize the significance of maintaining an active and visible online presence. This way you are able to reach those who may be in need of your expertise.

As a mental health professional, having a large online presence has a lot of benefits. It allows you to reach your ideal clients that don’t necessarily live within walking or driving distance. Now, how do you enhance your online presence during this time when individuals often turn to the internet for information and resources? Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, can help! In this blog, we are going to talk about the intersection of social media and SEO for mental heal professionals.

How SEO Can Improve Your Rankings and Social Media Visibility
Shows someone searching for information. Represents how seo for therapists can support therapists to rank higher on Google

Whenever you have a question about something, where do you turn? More than likely it’s to Google or another search engine of your choice. Just like you, that’s what your potential and ideal clients do, too! That’s why having a large online presence is beneficial as a mental health provider. You want your ideal client to type in keywords you rank for and your website to pop up with the answers they are looking for. Or, even enough to support them until they can see you for therapy.

This Can Be The Same Way For Social Media! 

Social media is a great opportunity to connect with potential clients and build meaningful relationships. Your platforms allow you to share valuable content such as information about the types of therapy that you offer or mental health buzzwords that are popular in mainstream media. This allows you to engage in conversations, and establish yourself as a trusted authority in your field. All of the content that you post can even reach individuals who are not actively seeking therapy but could still benefit from your posts.

Using Social Media as a Mental Health Provider

You may be thinking “But there are so many options! Which platform should I choose? Or which platform is better for what?” Those are great questions to ask! Take into consideration the goal for the platform and your audience.


Facebook is a platform that allows you access to a diverse range of users and to users far and wide. Making a profile for you as a provider or your practice isn’t too complicated and it allows you to create groups and events. This platform can make it easier for you to build up your community of clients, clinicians, and even mental health advocates in your area.


This platform is mostly known for its graphics and now reels (the internet has really evolved, hasn’t it?). It’s ideal for sharing content that is engaging and often targets a younger audience. Not quite Tiktok young, but close. On this platform, you will see inspirational quotes, reels about what a day at a therapist’s office looks like, cute infographics, etc. It helps to show off your or your clinic’s personality while also providing content that is engaging and informational. Or just fun!


This platform is a newer one that professionals have been joining. Whether it’s to weigh in on weird trends or to make videos giving information about various topics. For example, ADHD TikTok is a huge part of the mental health side of Tiktok where mental health providers talk about symptoms, etc. It not only targets a younger audience but allows for your practice to make informational videos and reach many potential clients.


LinkedIn is more for connecting with professionals and networking. It can be valuable for mental health professionals to connect with colleagues, share industry insights, and establish professional credibility. It’s also a great place to share blogs, published articles, or even research papers you have written to establish credibility.

 Incorporating SEO techniques on social media platforms

Shows the word "Keyword" with a magnifying glass over it. Represents how seo for mental health supports using keywords on both your website and social media.

As you would for your website, you can implement SEOtechniques with your social media. You can use your keyword research to search for relevant hashtags and keywords to use for your social media posts. To work smarter and not harder, you can even use some of the keywords that you use for your website! It will help increase your visibility so that your content will reach more people.

Another way to implement SEO practices is to optimize your posts as you would your website. Ensure your content is visually appealing but that it also showcases your expertise, services, and important information. Making sure that your profile, bio, and any other content area that can be optimized have targeted keywords in it. This also includes when you are creating posts. Use relevant keywords in your captions and even your hashtags.

User Reviews

As a therapist or practice owner, you have probably encouraged or asked a client to leave a review. Maybe not quite outright but maybe subtly. Through social media, you can encourage your followers to share their experiences at your clinic, a time when they attended therapy with you as their therapist, etc. With users sharing their positive feedback, it can boost your credibility and attract more potential clients

Another way to gain engagement is to ask your followers to share their experiences in general of times they’ve gone to therapy and it was great or a time when their therapist made them feel validated. Then thanking those who respond whether it’s a positive review or just with an experience can foster a positive relationship within this community.

Integrating SEO and Social Media

To maximize your online presence as a mental health professional, it’s important to implement your SEO strategies on both your website and social media. By integrating these two powerful marketing tools, you can significantly enhance your visibility, engage with a wider audience, and attract more potential clients. Here are some ways you can go about that!

Integrating Your Keywords and Optimization

Making sure your SEO strategies are the same on both your websites and social media when it comes to your keywords and content optimization is important. It allows your online presence to appear cohesive and allows your SEO efforts to be effective across the board. By identifying keywords that resonate with your target audience and incorporating them in not only your website’s copy and blogs but also your social media posts. By consistently optimizing your content for search engines like Google, you increase the likelihood of being discovered by individuals seeking mental health services.

Promoting Between Your Website and Social MediaShows a therapist writing a blog. Represents how seo for mental health professionals recommends crossposting content to increase website traffic.

Promoting your content on both your social media accounts and your website can be beneficial. It can help them complement and reinforce each other but also your credibility. You can promote your blog posts or resources from your website on your social media and then encourage your followers to visit your website for more information. But also to explore your services or learn more about the topic of the post! By doing this, you’re not only driving traffic to your website and social media but strengthening your branding.

Use Social Media to Your Advantage

Social media allows you to see what your audience’s preferences are, their behaviors, and even their engagement patterns! For example, Meta Business Suite even analyzes your audience’s patterns and will tell you when to schedule posts based on user engagement. Using this data to your advantage will help you learn more about your ideal clients and target them. From what type of content they engage with and what platforms they prefer. By integrating this information with your SEO strategy, you can target your website’s content, keywords, and optimization to better resonate with your ideal clients.

Collaborate with Other Professionals

The best part of having an online presence is the ability to make connections with other professionals in your industry or industries that work alongside yours. By collaborating with other mental health providers and professionals, you can increase your reach online and your credibility. Seeking out opportunities for collaborations, such as guest blogging or participating in podcast interviews with other experts in the mental health field. These collaborations can introduce you and your brand to a new audience, drive traffic to your website, and enhance your reputation. Additionally, professionals in complementary fields can provide valuable backlinks to your website, which can improve your SEO rankings.

Let Us Help You With SEO For Mental Health


At Simplified SEO Consulting, we are dedicated to supporting mental health professionals like you in optimizing your online presence and reaching your ideal clients. Our team of experts specializes in SEO for mental health professionals. Ensuring that your website and content are effectively indexed and ranked to enhance your visibility throughout the year. To assist you on your SEO journey. Whether you’re just starting out or already have a well-optimized website but need assistance with content creation, we have the perfect solution for you. Investing in your website means investing in the future of your practice. Want to learn about SEO? Sign up for our SEO Course for Therapists and learn how to use the power of blogs and SEO to reach more clients and grow your practice! Or want to outsource it? Check out our SEO Consulting packages and schedule your consult today! Ready to get started?

Other SEO Services At Simplified SEO Consulting

If you feel as if you are already an expert in SEO but want to see what other services we offer, know that we also provide other services. We offer options such as our 12-week training, small group intensives, and courses. Our strategy session can be a great option if you need support getting started with SEO or doing a site move or redesign. These can also be helpful to find better keywords, evaluating your current SEO performance, and more. Or, if you’re ready to work with a passionate and skilled team, our Done for You Program may be a great following approach.

Lynsey, SEO Content Writer for Simplified SEO ConsultingAbout the Author:

Lynsey, an SEO Content Specialist at Simplified SEO Consulting, is passionate about crafting exceptional content that embodies her clients’ brand voice and practice. With expertise in mental health-related subjects, she understands the impact of high-quality content on therapists’ search engine rankings and attracting ideal clients. Lynsey’s primary objective is to leverage her copywriting expertise to assist therapists in maximizing their ROI by harnessing the power of blogs as effective tools in SEO marketing strategies.


Schedule your consult if you’re ready to see how Simplified can serve you!


In the competitive landscape of private practices, professionals such as mental health practitioners, coaches, consultants, and attorneys face the challenge of attracting and retaining clients. In the digital age, content marketing has emerged as a powerful strategy to not only promote services but also enhance the client experience and build credibility. This blog post will explore the significance of blogs and service pages in content marketing for private practices, specifically in the context of mental health professions, coaches, consultants, and attorneys.

Enhancing the Client Experience through Blogs

Blogs serve as a valuable tool for private practice professionals to engage with their audience and provide them with valuable insights, education, and support. Here’s how blogs contribute to enhancing the client experience:

Education and Information:

Blogs allow practitioners to share their expertise, provide educational resources, and offer insights into various topics related to their field. By creating informative and well-researched blog posts, professionals can address common client questions, provide guidance, and share valuable information that empowers their audience.

Personal Connection:

Blogs provide an avenue for practitioners to showcase their personalities, values, and approach to their work. Sharing personal anecdotes, stories, and perspectives helps clients connect with the practitioner on a deeper level. This connection fosters trust and encourages clients to engage further with the practitioner’s services.

Emotional Support:

Clients often seek support and validation when facing challenges. Blogs offer a platform for practitioners to provide emotional support, reassurance, and encouragement through their writing. Sharing strategies, coping techniques, and stories of resilience can be comforting to clients and help them feel understood and supported.

Building Marketing and Credibility through Services Pages

Services pages are an essential component of a private practice website. These pages outline the specific services offered and provide important information to potential clients. Here’s how services pages contribute to marketing and building credibility:

Clear Service Offerings:

Services pages provide a comprehensive overview of the specific services offered by the practitioner. Clearly articulating the services, their benefits, and the target audience helps potential clients understand how the practitioner can meet their needs. This clarity enhances the marketing efforts by attracting clients who are seeking the specific services offered.

Demonstrating Expertise:

Services pages allow practitioners to highlight their expertise and showcase their qualifications, certifications, and relevant experience. Presenting this information in a concise and organized manner builds credibility and establishes the practitioner as a trusted authority in their field.

Establishing Trust:

Services pages also play a crucial role in building trust with potential clients. Including testimonials or client success stories on these pages demonstrates the practitioner’s track record of helping others. Additionally, providing transparent information about the practitioner’s background, approach, and values helps potential clients feel confident in their decision to engage with their services.


Services pages should include a clear and compelling call-to-action that prompts potential clients to take the next step, such as scheduling a consultation or contacting the practitioner. A well-designed call-to-action helps convert website visitors into actual clients, supporting the practitioner’s marketing efforts.


In the world of private practices, content marketing has become an invaluable strategy to attract and retain clients. Blogs provide a platform for practitioners to educate, connect, and support their audience, enhancing the client experience and fostering long-term relationships. On the other hand, service pages play a critical role in marketing and building credibility by clearly communicating service offerings, demonstrating expertise, establishing trust, and prompting potential clients to take action. By incorporating engaging and informative blogs and well-crafted service pages into their content marketing strategy, mental health professionals, coaches, consultants, and attorneys can effectively reach their target audience, showcase their expertise, and build a strong online presence that cultivates trust and credibility among clients.