They didn’t teach us this stuff in grad school, but we CAN learn it. Trust me SEO marketing for therapists can be learned! Many therapists throughout the United States & abroad learn to implement these techniques with this course right here! Simplified SEO Consulting has seen firsthand how powerful SEO can be in growing a group practice and solo practice. Our team wants to make this easier than ever for YOU to learn as well.

Why Learn Private Practice SEO?Online courses on a blue and white tablet. Having SEO private training in New York, Florida, LA, Colorado, and internationally has provided value to many. SEO Marketing for Therapists doesn't need to be confusing, you just need the time and drive to learn and apply. Learn about private practice SEO now.

When you learn SEO for your private practice, it can help you more effectively market yourself and your services. SEO (or Search Engine Optimization) can help your website rank higher on search engine results pages, leading to increased visibility and more clients. It is also cost-effective, as you can get more leads without having to spend money on expensive ads. SEO is also a long-term investment, as it builds over time with content and backlinks.

What WIll I learn in the Course?

In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to have an impactful and effective SEO strategy. Including:

  1. Keyword Research
  2. Meta Descriptions/Titles
  3. Content Creation
  4. On-Page Optimization with demos (internal/external links, photo alt text/title, subheadings/headings, readability
  5. Building and Obtaining High-Quality Backlinks
  6. Monitoring Results, Analyzing, and Understanding Data ( with Sterling)
  7. Implications of the ACA Compact and PsycPact
  8. Strategy for Multiple Locations and Online Therapy
  9. Blogging ( with Lynsey and Danica)
  10. Bonus Content

Who Should Learn SEO Marketing for Therapists Independently?

This SEO course is designed specifically for therapists looking to grow their private practice. Whether you are a solo clinician, a group practice, an integrated practice, working in therapy, or an adjacent field. If you are highly motivated, love to learn, and have the time, and resources to commit to learning, understanding, and implementing SEO, then this is for you. SEO is a long-term investment and this course will get you ready for SEO success.

It Starts With You.

There is no right or wrong SEO strategy. SEO is highly personalized and based on the individual’s business goals, market conditions, audience types, location, etc. That is why learning SEO as an individual is so important. SEO is a dynamic business discipline and no two SEOs will have the exact same approach. By taking this SEO course, you will be able to develop SEO strategies that are tailored to YOUR business and YOUR goals.

What Kind of Commitment Am I Looking At?

At Simplified SEO Consulting, our SEO courses are designed to be engaging and effective. For the SEO course, you will need to devote between 10-12 hours of your time over the length of the course. If you want some additional support, you can schedule paid strategy sessions throughout the course to help you stay on track, clarify your strategy, and help you better implement the material. SEO can be an overwhelming topic, but with the right guidance and support, you can learn SEO in no time.

Will It Be As Effective Hiring an SEO Company?

We believe that SEO can be as effective if you learn SEO on your own. By taking this course, you will gain an understanding of SEO principles and SEO strategy. That knowledge will allow you to make informed decisions when it comes to SEO for your private practice. SEO is an ever-evolving field. What is great thing is that for as long as you have the course you will have the most up-to-date information on SEO, as we learn new information, we update the course accordingly.

Additionally, our team uses these same techniques. We believe SEO optimization is more of an art than a science, so it’s individualized, but you are learning the same things we implement on a daily basis.

How Do I Get The Most Out of SEO Marketing for Therapists Courses?

What I recommend is to take one module at a time and begin to implement these changes you are seeing. It can be really overwhelming to see all the information at once and It’s best to understand each concept, apply it and then come back to the next module. Over time, as you understand SEO and your strategy, it won’t require so much step-by-step focus, it will become more integrated and make more sense. If you are unsure, schedule a strategy session with me! I’m here to help you every step of the way.

Signs Learning From Course is Right for You!Image of a person typing on a laptop & holding a cell phone. We provide SEO services for private practice websites. We can help you identify your mental health SEO keywords. Start SEO training for therapists. Call today.

  • You are highly motivated and determined to start private practice SEO.
  • In fact, you have the time and resources to commit to an SEO course for therapists
  • You are ready to take SEO into your own hands
  • Maybe, you are interested in SEO as a long-term investment for growing your practice.
  • You genuinely enjoy learning SEO and want to stay up-to-date on the latest SEO strategies.
  • Perhaps, you are open to investing in SEO training and consulting.
  • You are a team player and willing to collaborate with SEO experts.

If this sounds like you, then the SEO course for therapists is the perfect fit! We can’t wait to help you get your SEO strategies up and running! SEO will take time and effort, but it is well worth the investment. Our SEO course for therapists will get you ready

Schedule Your Strategy Session or Start Learning Using Our Top of Search Engine SEO Course for Therapists!

If you can say “yes” to the points above, then SEO marketing for therapist courses are right for you. SEO is a powerful way to make your private practice more visible online and generate leads so you can grow your business. SEO requires commitment and consistency but with the right SEO course, you can learn SEO on your own and become an SEO expert. By investing in SEO training and consulting, you can get the most out of SEO for your private practice.

So, don’t wait any longer – sign up for our SEO Course for Therapists and start achieving SEO success! Our SEO course will provide you with the knowledge and strategies needed to get TOP of search engine positions for your practice. With SEO, you’ll be able to reach a wider audience, increase visibility and grow your private practice. So, why wait? Get SEO training and consulting for your private practice today!

In order to schedule your strategy session:

  1. Please apply to work with us
  2. Learn about our team
  3. Start learning!

Other Services At Simplified SEO Consulting

If you’re looking for other forms of support, we can help! We offer options such as our 12-week trainingsmall group intensives, and courses. Our strategy session can be a great option if you need support getting started with SEO or doing a site move or redesign. Or, if you’re ready to work with a passionate and skilled team, our Done for You Program may be a great following approach.

About the AuthorJasmine Jaquess at her recent Northwestern University graduation. Jasmine is a valued SEO training coordinator who revamped the Top of Search engines course, if you are looking for private SEO training or need to learn SEO marketing for therapists, the courses, a strategy session, or our one on one or small group intensives can help.

Jasmine is the SEO Training Coordinator and offers free consultations for Simplified’s SEO Consulting on our services. Jasmine is a Clinical Mental Health Counselor and recently earned her degree from Northwestern University. She works to help people with a strategy with national rankings, eating disorder specialties, trauma, sports psychology, postpartum/pregnancy/parenting, high achievers, and much more. Schedule a consult soon!

As a speech therapist in private practice, creating effective headings and subheadings for your website is crucial for attracting and retaining clients. Not only do headings and subheadings help organize your content, but they also play a key role in search engine optimization (SEO). In this article, we will discuss the best practices for writing headings and subheadings for speech therapists in private practice.

Use Short and Descriptive Headings

Your headings should clearly and concisely summarize the main topic of your page. Keep in mind that many users will skim your page, so make sure your headings stand out and capture their attention.

Essentially, a potential client or caregiver should be able to easily scan your page and know what the page is about. From there, they can choose to read the sections most relevant to them in more depth.

Use Proper Heading StructureScreen shot of a blog post we've written pointing to H2, H3 and H4 level headings to demonstrate how we use higher level headings to make main points and for keyword placement

Use only one H1 tag per page, as this is the most important heading and should only be used for the main topic. Use H2, H3, and so on for subtopics. This creates a clear hierarchy of information for both users and search engines.

I often see private practice owners overlook this. They think the H1 style on their website settings looks nice so they use way too many H1s. In fact, I see website developers even do this sometimes. But it causes problems for some individuals using screen readers. And as an SLP, you want to be especially sensitive to communication concerns and communication devices. So, please be on the lookout for this issue.

Similarly, I’ve seen people skip H2s because they feel like they are too big. If you don’t like the look of your H2s, work with your website developer to change the settings. Getting this heading and subheading structure correct will not only help your SEO but be important for giving your clients a great experience on your website.

Incorporate Long-Tail Keywords

Using long-tail keywords in your subheadings can help improve your website’s SEO. Long-tail keywords are more specific phrases that are less competitive in search rankings, allowing you to target a more niche audience.

Read more about long tail keywords here.

Keep It Simple

Avoid using complex language in your headings and subheadings. Use simple and easy-to-understand words that your target audience will recognize and relate to.

Readability matters when it comes to SEO. Even if you have educated clients. Even if you’re describing something complex. People want to be able to read pages of your website simple.

Be Creative in Your Subheadings

While it’s important to keep your headings and subheadings descriptive and straightforward, you can still be creative with your language. Use puns, metaphors, or other language techniques to make your headings more memorable and engaging.

Use Proper Capitalization

Follow standard capitalization rules for headings and subheadings. Capitalize the first word, proper nouns, and the first letter of each word in a hyphenated phrase.

And I’ll go ahead and say it here….this one’s a huge challenge for me. So…this is a “do as I say, not as I do one.” Sorry ahead of time for all the issues you’ll now see with my capitalization!

Use Active Voice

Use active voice in your headings and subheadings to make them more engaging and effective. This helps users understand the action they should take and what benefits they will receive. If you struggle to identify active voice in your writing, I love using Hemmingway Editor to find passive voice and change it.

Optimize Website Pages for SEO

Incorporate short-tail keywords in your headings and subheadings to optimize your website for search engines. Short-tail keywords are more general phrases and are often more competitive, but can still be effective when used strategically. Many people work hard on adding great content, but forget to optimize individual website pages for SEO.

Use Subheadings to Organize Your Content

Use subheadings to break up your content into easily digestible sections. This not only makes your content more readable for users, but it also helps search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your page.

Effective Subheadings are Important

In conclusion, effective headings and subheadings are crucial for speech therapists in private practice looking to attract and retain clients. By following these tips, you can create headings and subheadings that not only help organize your content but also improve your website’s SEO and engagement metrics. Remember to keep your language simple, use active voice, and incorporate both short and long-tail keywords strategically.

Still Overwhelmed? SEO Help for Your Private Practice Website

Looking to improve your SEO but feeling overwhelmed? Simplified SEO Consulting offers expert guidance and tailored strategies to help Speech therapists in private practice achieve their SEO goals. Our services include SEO Strategy sessions, a small group mastermind to teach you to optimize, a personalized 12 week individual SEO training program and our ever popular “done for you” SEO program if you’re looking to outsource. Contact us today and apply for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help your website rank higher and attract more clients.

Do I have any other Story Brand fans out there?  If you haven’t read Donald Miller’s book “Story Brand” yet, I highly encourage you to pause for a moment and go purchase it on Amazon.  I’ve read through it 3 times myself, participated in a small group study where we went through it together, and created several versions of a brand script.  It’s just an all-around great book for every business owner to read.

*pausing now so you can purchase the book*

Ok, hopefully, you’re continuing to read because you’ve now purchased this wonderful marketing book.

In general, Story Brand has great advice for therapists.

Now, hopefully, I’ve made it clear that I REALLY like Story Brand and I think Donald Miller’s marketing advice is generally golden.  Some of my favorite things I’ve learned from Story Brand:

  • As a business owner, you are the guide in your marketing, not the hero.  Our customers are the hero.
  • Keep your messaging simple.  This is especially true on websites.  We want a client to be able to immediately tell what service we offer when they land on our website (Donald Miller calls this the caveman test), so I often work with SEO clients on simplifying their language in their writing, adding a clear call to action button and even simplifying the navigation bar so people can easily navigate a website.
  • Your website should have a clear, short statement explaining what you do “above the fold” or before someone scrolls down.
  • A website needs clear calls to action.  It shouldn’t be difficult for a client to figure out what to do next or how to get ahold of you.
  • Paint a clear picture of how your service will help the client.  On a website, it’s important to do this through having positive, outcome-based pictures.  Photos quickly convey how someone will feel after working with you.

Anyways, I could go on and on about all the things he got very right in his book.

There is one place I disagree with Donald Miller’s advice….

There’s just one place I disagree.  And I know I might ruffle a couple of feathers by disagreeing with such a genius marketer.  But I can’t help it….

At one point in the book (page 154 in my well loved copy), Donald Miller recommends that you delete half the content on your website. In fact, he says your website should have “very few words.”


In fact, this is something I’ve heard Donald Miller repeats when he speaks and that he’s very, very critical of websites (like mine) with a large amount of content. As someone who helps therapists, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals with their SEO every single day, I disagree.  

Why do I disagree?

Because if you delete half the content on your website it will be much more difficult to get your website to the top of search engines.

Google needs your website to have enough content that it can figure out what your website is about. It can’t rank you for the searches your ideal clients are doing unless it realizes that you have information bout that topic!  You may have heard the phrase, “Content is King.”  This is SOOO

500 Word Minimum for Therapist Blog Posts | Simplified SEO Consulting true when it comes to SEO.  I’ve told you before that Google likes lots of content.

It is well established in the world of SEO that Google ranks sites with more words higher.

Google assumes that if you have the word “divorce” on your page you know what the word means.  If you have a paragraph about “divorce” on a page all about life transitions you may know a little about the topic.  But if you have a whole page with lots (500+) of words? Wow, Google now assumes you’re an expert. When someone is searching for tips for getting through a divorce, Google now understands that your website has the information that person is looking for!!

So, how do we stay (mostly) true to Story Brand while also getting great SEO?

Question mark and man to show how this post answers several questions about SEO & Storybrand for therapist & private practice websites.I believe it’s possible to both stay true to Story Brand and create a well-ranking website with tons of content.  We use your brand script to make sure we really understand your services.  Then, we sprinkle the phrases you’ve used throughout your site as we optimize.

Most importantly, we simplify your message by using your brand script when we write headings and subheadings on your page.  We know nobody reads big blocks of text on a website.  But they do scan the page.  Therefore, the subheadings are what people are most likely to read on your page.

We use this knowledge to our advantage.  Subheadings on your page absolutely need keywords in them. However, they also need to be written more carefully than anything else on your page because they are what your clients are most likely to read.  So, the subheadings should be very easy to understand and clear.  In other words, they should be written with your brand script in mind.

Can I still use the Storybrand wireframe and rank well on Google?

Absolutely!  I’ve seen several website that use the Storybrand wireframe and just add more content.  I also think it’s ok if your home page has fewer words.  That is, after all, the page most people will see.  I recommend people prioritize design & carefully chosen wording on their home page.  Then, you have some carefully chosen service pages explaining that you are an “expert” on treating your ideal clients.  These service pages should use Storybrand but will likely have more words on the page than Storybrand recommends.

So, don’t throw the recommended wireframe out just because you are adding more content to your site.  Just know, at least on some pages, you’re likely adding more words than a Storybrand professional would recommend.

Content still needs to be quality content

Now, I don’t want you to misunderstand me here and think I’m just telling you to go add a couple thousand words of text to every page of your website.  Content for content’s sake is not necessarily good. A huge part of what my staff does is help our clients strategically choose content that will both be very useful to your clients and improve your SEO.  And when you’re creating content, you still want to keep in mind the principles of Storybrand.

For example, I strongly recommend blogging regularly as part of your SEO Strategy.  You can write excellent, really informative blogs that provide some great tips to your ideal clients. In fact, I often assign my old blog posts as homework to clients or my client care coordinator will send out an old blog post for someone to read while they wait for their first appointment! However, I think you’ll write even better blog posts if you remember that even in those you’re setting the client up as the hero. In the blog you’re saying, “Here is a tip that will help you conquer your anxiety dragon. It’s a tool that will help you on this quest.” Not, “I’m so smart that he’s a magic technique that will solve your problems for you.”

Content is only one part of good SEO strategy

Now, just because I’m talking about how I recommend adding more content to your website than Donald Miller recommends does NOT mean I’m saying adding a bunch of content should be the focus of your SEO Strategy.  First of all, content that isn’t carefully chosen isn’t helpful.

However, it’s also important to note that content is only one piece of the puzzle.  You also want to address technical issues on your site, have a secure website, make sure you’re using the type of words your ideal clients might use, build lots of backlinks to your website and so much more.

So please, know that you need to add content to your website if you’re created a website that follows Storybrand closely but isn’t ranking well. But also know that just word dumping on your website won’t alone get you great SEO.

Our SEO consultants love to work with Story Brand fans!

The truth is, my favorite new trend with SEO clients is that many are sending us their brand script!  This is so flipping cool.  It makes our day. Or week. Or month.

If you do the hard work of reading Story Brand and creating a brand script, it helps us clearly understand your message. This helps us be more clear as we optimize your page.  It informs everything from your meta descriptions to the internal links we place on your site.  Most importantly, we try to incorporate elements of your brand script when we’re writing subheadings on your page.  This way, your website does a better job of converting when people do a quick scan of your page!

Have your brand script ready and want to start focusing on SEO for your website?

You’ve read Story Brand, have a clear picture of how to describe your services and have even made some changes to your website. Now you’re just ready to get that website in front of more people while still maintaining a clear message.  That’s where we come in!

Search Engine Optimization helps you get your website out there in front of more people.  At Simplified SEO Consulting, we offer several options to help you do this.  If you’re the DIY type, we have online SEO courses including a comprehensive one that takes you step by step through our favorite SEO techniques.  We also have a 12 week SEO intensive if you’re looking for support and guidance to optimize your site. On the other hand, if you find your just too busy to worry about SEO yourself, our staff can optimize your site for you with our “Done for You” services.  Even with this option, you’re welcome to send us your brand script and we’ll do our best to incorporate the simple messages you’ve come up with as we optimize your site.

How to start working on your SEO

We help therapists, psychiatrists, counselors other small business owners (generally in the health and wellness industry) get their websites ranking well on google.  Getting started is easy!

  1. Set up a free 30 minute Zoom appointment to talk to one of our SEO specialists about which service is the best fit for your needs.
  2. Begin learning to do SEO yourself or working with our staff through a monthly “done for you” package.
  3. Watch your website begin moving toward the first page of Google.

You have Google Analytics installed for your counseling website.  In fact, you’ve even looked at Google Analytics a few times.  But what do all those numbers mean?  How do you actually USE any of the data?  Every time you look at Google Analytics you just feel overwhelmed and to be honest a little annoyed.

You’re a therapist. You are good at connecting with people. Crunching numbers and pouring over random pieces of data on the computer just doesn’t sound appealing.

I get it.  There’s a TON of data on Google Analytics.  And the truth is that some of it is more helpful than other pieces of information on there.

How to Start Using Google Analytics Data

I’d love to help simplify things a bit and break down just a couple of pieces of information you can find on Google Analytics that might be helpful.  Here are a few questions that Google Analytics can help you answer:

How many people are coming to your site?Two happy people looking at a website. Simplified SEO Consulting offers monthly SEO packages for counseling practice owners.

A great place to start on your Google Analytics account is the top of that main page after you login.  This has some great basic information.  First up, the number of users is exactly what you suspect-the number of people (or devices) that have viewed your site in the given amount of time that you’ve chosen. Sessions is slightly different, because it takes into account that the same person may look at your site several times before calling, so your number of “sessions” is typically higher than users.

While there really isn’t a magic number of website visitors or sessions you want to aim for, you do want to look at this number occasionally. In general, you want to see that as you’re improving your counseling website’s search engine optimization, the number of people visiting your site is increasing.

Where are people finding your website?

You can also use Google Analytics to figure out where website users are coming from. Google Analytics shows you how many clients come to your site directly (they just typed in your web address), through clicking on your link from social media, or another referral (usually through a backlink on another site). After I post a new blog post to my social media sites I sometimes check in real quick to not just see how many people went to the blog post, but how many found it through my social media sites to help me determine if it’s really worth putting these things on my social media pages. Google Analytics can provide you this information for each day.

Additionally, Google Analytics can show small business owners where their website visitors are located.  This has some value in that you want the bulk of your website visitors to be people who can actually use your services.  While there are some valid reasons for people out of state (or even out of the country) to look at your website, the bulk of your visitors should probably be from the state where your practice is located.

What is Your Bounce Rate & Is that OK?

Bounce Rate refers to people who only look at one page on your site.  It’s actually very common for people to only look at one page on your site.  For instance, if they are searching Google for a specific issue, click the link and read one of your blog posts and then leave your site.  Why? Because your post answered their question.  That’s a great reason to have internal links on your site-to show them what other valuable information your site has to offer! But I’ll save that for a future post…

A big question people ask is what is a “good” bounce rate.  I don’t have a super specific answer here.  I’ve heard that in general it’s really hard to get a bounce rate before 40.  Another site said that around 50% is average. In general, the consensus seems to be that you want to aim for below 70.  But that is for websites in general. I will say that most therapist websites I’ve seen the data for are between 50-70%. I’ve seen some as low as mid 40s or as high as 80%. My best suggestion is to know what the “average” is for your website. When your website seems to be performing worse than usual, re-evaluate and make changes.

Picture of Google Analytics Top of Page. Begin SEO Consulting Services for Therapist Private Practice Owners

This is an example of some of the basic data you’ll see first when you open Google Analytics. You’ll notice that the bounce rate is right at the top.

Which Pages on my Site Need Editing?

Near the bottom of the main page you can click on “pages report.”  I love this feature!  It allows a small business owner to see some great information about specific pages on your website. As counseling practice owners, our home page will typically be the most visited.

The next most popular on a counseling website is generally the “Our Team” page or the owner’s “About Me” page.  But there’s a LOT of great data if you click on the actual page report. Some of the things I like to check out include which of my therapists pages do people go to the most and stay on the longest?  Do any of my therapist’s “about” pages have high bounce rates?  If one page people stay on shorter times and tend to exit off of, I look at if we need to change the picture, add more text, personalize the page with a favorite quote, etc.

Similarly, I look at my service pages….if one has a higher exit rate or people spend less time on the page, I look at that page to see if I can make it more informative, more inviting, add more internal links directing them to other pages, etc.  I see my service pages as some of the most important on our site, because they’re our way of really communicating to potential clients that we understand their specific concerns and really winning them over. Therefore, I pay closer attention to the statistics on these pages compared to others.

Don’t worry about a high bounce rate on your “contact” page or rates page.  After looking at these pages, people have often found the information they need and are either going to

1) Decide they can’t afford you

2) Call your office

3) Fill out and submit the contact form to get ahold of you.

Looking for Help Using this Data to Improve Your Counseling Website SEO?

As a group psychotherapy practice owner myself, I understand the importance of having a well ranking website. One that consistently brings in new clients. I love helping other therapy practice owners. Helping them to experience the excitement of an increase in phone calls once their website is ranking well! My SEO consulting services can help your counseling practice in several different ways.  One way is, I have a secret Facebook group for my SEO Consulting clients.

Practice owners who have purchased an SEO package (whether DFY or DIY) have access to this group on Facebook. This is where I do Facebook lives, share how-to videos and post random SEO tips.  For almost two weeks recently I did a mini series on Google Analytics to help people learn how to use Google Analytics data to make a plan of action for improving search engine rankings.  It has sparked some good conversation in the group with practice owners even sharing specific tips with one another about their unique website platforms (GoDaddy vs. Weebly vs. Square Space, etc).

Simplified SEO Consulting Logo: Improving Search Engine Rankings for Private Practice Owners.If you are a group practice owner ready to really focus on getting your website found, book a free consultation to discuss how my SEO services might be able to help!

I provide SEO Consulting services to therapists and other small business owners interested in optimizing their websites for search engines.  I offer monthly SEO packages where I provide work on your website for you (keyword research, adding alt text to photos, meta descriptions, headings/subheadings, etc.). Or, I offer SEO Training services where I “teach a man to fish” and teach you the skills you’ll need to keep your website ranking well for years to come!  If you’re ready to get started, book a free 30 minute SEO consultation over Zoom video chat.  We’ll discuss your business and which SEO services would help you reach your goals!