Did you know that one of the most effective ways to improve your search engine rankings is to earn backlinks to your site? In fact, building backlinks is arguably one of the top 2 or 3 things you should do when optimizing your website for search engines long term. Having legitimate backlinks will help you rank higher in search engines, which means more traffic and clients for your practice. In this article, we will explore what backlinks are, why they are important for your website’s SEO, and how you can go about earning them for your private practice website.

What are Backlinks?

Simply put, backlinks are links from other websites that point to your website. These links act as “votes” for your site, telling search engines that other websites find your content valuable and relevant. The more high-quality backlinks you have, the more likely search engines are to view your website as an authority in your field, which can improve your rankings in search results.

Why Backlinks are Important for Your Private PracticeMan who looks like he's speaking with random letters coming our representing an adult with a speech or communication disorder requiring speech therapy. Website

Backlinks are an important factor in determining your website’s authority and relevance to search engines. In fact, they’re arguably one of the top few most important things you can do to improve SEO. I think they’re particularly critical to have when you’re looking at doing a website redesign or making significant changes on your site.

When a search engine sees that other websites are linking to your content, it assumes that your website must be providing valuable information. This is why websites with a large number of high-quality backlinks tend to rank higher in search results than websites with few or no backlinks.

In addition to improving your search engine rankings, backlinks can also drive traffic to your website. When people see links to your site on other websites, they may click through to your site to learn more about your services. This can help you attract new clients and grow your private practice.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a great way to earn backlinks while also getting your expertise out there. This is where you write a blog post for someone else’s website, and they include a link to your website in the post. It’s a win-win situation, as they get to publish great content, and you get a backlink.

To start, look for websites in your niche that accept guest posts. Research and brainstorm post ideas that align with your expertise and the website’s audience. Make sure your bio includes a call to action and a link to your website. Then reach out to the website owner and pitch your blog post idea. Remember that most sites have guidelines for guest blogging, so make sure to follow them. You can read more tips for guest blogging here.

I will add here that often “cold emailing” doesn’t work so well. Most people don’t want to post a blog post for someone they know nothing about. So consider starting with reaching out to other SLPs you know in private practice. Or agencies in your area that typically service children who would benefit from your services. Or mental health professionals who work with stressed-out caregivers. Maybe a physical therapist that you frequently refer to. Just think of who in your network has an audience that would benefit from your expertise. Once you have built up a few relationships, it will be much easier to get those backlinks.

Lastly, if you’re one of our clients we highly encourage you to post on our closed Facebook group that you’re willing to write a guest blog and offer a few topics you could easily write on. Remember, you don’t want to offer multiple other websites the exact same blog post. However, you could offer a similar topic that is tailored to their audience.

Resource Lists

Another way to earn backlinks is by getting added to resource lists. A resource list is a page on a website that lists out helpful resources for a specific topic. For example, a website that focuses on speech disorders may have a resource list for SLPs in private practice. To get on this list, you need to reach out to the website owner and ask if they will include your website as a resource. Make sure your website will be a valuable resource for their audience.

I’ll add here that often the same types of websites you offer a guest blog post to may also have a resource list you could be added to. However, I recommend casting an even wider net when asking to be added to resource lists. Think school resource lists, physician resource lists, hospital resource lists, etc.

Being a Media Source

Being a media source means that reporters or journalists can reach out to you for quotes or information for their stories. This can be a great way to not only earn backlinks but also to establish yourself and your practice as an authority in your field.

One way you can start increasing your reach in this area is creating a media page on your website that includes a bio, headshot, some topics you have particular expertise to talk in and contact information. Then start building relationships with reporters and journalists in your industry. Follow them on social media, engage with their content, and eventually, reach out to them to let them know that you’re open to being a source. I’ve also been known when there’s a media story related to one of my expertise to reach out to a reporter I know writes those types of stories and offer up a story or to provide my expertise. That one works out less often, but at least once I got an incredible backlink from it.

HARO Inquiries

One of my personal favorite ways to get great, high quality backlinks is responding to Help a Reporter Out (HARO) inquiries. HARO is a service that connects reporters with sources. You sign up to receive 3 emails a day full of different media inquiries from all sorts of topics. You can then respond directly to the reporter’s inquiry and if they pick your response you could get featured in the article and earn that sweet, sweet backlink.

Press Releases

Press releases are a great way to get backlinks, as well as generate some media coverage for your business. Writing and distributing press releases can help you reach your target audience and increase brand awareness. When writing a press release, make sure it is newsworthy, follow the correct format, and include relevant keywords. Then use a service to distribute it to the right outlets for maximum exposure.

Writing Amazing Content People Want to Link to

One of the easiest ways to earn backlinks is by creating valuable and shareable content that people want to link to. This can include blog posts, infographics, videos, and other media that is helpful, informative, and shareable. When creating content, make sure it’s unique, well-researched, and offers something of value. Then use social media and outreach to promote your content to your audience and potential linkers.


Directories are a great way to get backlinks and improve your Local SEO. This includes listing your website on local directories, like Yelp or Google My Business, as well as industry-specific directories, like the ASHA directory. Many list management services (like ours) can help with this, and optimizing your listings can help you rank higher in search engines.

Participate in online communities

Join online communities related to your field and participate in discussions. When you provide helpful advice and insights, people are more likely to link to your website as a source of valuable information. This also helps to build relationships, which can lead to more backlinks.

Create and share infographics

Infographics are a great way to present complex information in a visually appealing format. When you create and share infographics, people are more likely to link to them and share them on social media.

You are an expert at what you do and have so much information the general public doesn’t understand about communication. If you can break down one of those things into an easy to understand infographic that can be really valuable information people want to link to! You have extensive knowledge of various speech and language disorders, treatments, and techniques. Creating an infographic that visually represents this information could be a powerful tool for earning backlinks to your website. For example, you could create an infographic that breaks down the components of a stutter, including potential causes, common characteristics, and evidence-based treatment strategies. You could also create an infographic that outlines the various stages of language development in children, complete with age-appropriate milestones and red flags for potential delays or disorders.

By creating visually appealing and informative infographics that relate to your field (especially to your niche or favorite population to work with), you have the potential to attract links from other websites that are looking to share valuable resources with their readers. Just make sure you condense the graphics before putting them on your website. This can help you build authority and increase visibility in search engine results pages. Additionally, infographics have the potential to go viral on social media, which can further increase the number of backlinks and referral traffic to your website.

A word of caution: Great backlinks are earned, not bought

Never use any link-building tactics that violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. This includes buying backlinks, link farms, article spinning, and participating in any other sketchy practices. As you start to rank better, you’ll likely start to get emails that your SEO is horrible. As odd as it sounds, this could be a sign you’re getting closer to your goal of improving SEO and ranking higher in search engine results pages.

Some of those cold emails will offer to sell you backlinks. Maybe they’ll even say that you can buy backlinks with at least a specific “domain authority.” Know that domain authority isn’t a metric used by Google. It’s an algorithm created by Moz to measure link popularity. It’s not a reliable gauge of quality and can, in fact, be gamed.

Furthermore, know that buying backlinks specifically violates Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and can result in your website being penalized or even de-indexed. If you’re ever in doubt about the source of a link, do some research before accepting it!

Link Building Can Sound Intimidating at First, but IS Possible

By following ethical SEO tactics and honing your skills in content creation, you can build a solid foundation for improving the SEO of your private practice website. With the right strategy, it is possible to earn backlinks that will help you rank higher in search engine results pages, drive more traffic to your website, and improve visibility for potential clients. Good luck!

Earning backlinks as an SLP in private practice isn’t rocket science, but it does take effort and strategy. I’ve shared lots of specific strategies here. It’s normal if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed reading the whole list. I recommend starting with one link-building strategy at a time. Remember that it’s not just about getting backlinks, though. It’s about creating valuable content for your audience and becoming a trustworthy source in your industry. By doing this, you’ll not only earn backlinks, but you’ll also attract more traffic and clients to your private practice.

Professional Support for SEO for Speech Therapists in Private Practice

If you’re still feeling overwhelmed by the idea of improving SEO on your own, my team is here to help. At Simplified SEO Consulting, we specialize in supporting helping professionals such as speech therapists in private practice with their SEO and digital marketing strategies. We offer a wide range of SEO services for speech therapists including a DIY online SEO course specifically for backlinks and another one step by step guide going over many other components of SEO. Yet, our most popular service is our “done for you” program where we work really closely with practice owners but do the bulk of the work. You give us some info about your niche and we’ll take it from there!

If you want to learn more about how Simplified SEO Consulting can help you improve your SEO and get more clients, contact us today. We’d love to discuss how we can support you and your private practice!

About the Author

As an experienced private practice owner and SEO specialist, Jessica Tappana has been providing expert guidance to private practice owners for over five years. Her belief that helping professionals do their best work when they have a steady stream of the clients they work the best with led her to found Simplified SEO Consulting, where she leads a team of talented professionals specializing in SEO for healthcare providers. With a private psychotherapy practice of her own and years of experience working with mental health therapists, Jessica has honed her skills in driving traffic and boosting online visibility.

Now, she is excited to extend her expertise to SLPs in private practice, offering customized SEO services to help them reach new clients and grow their businesses. With her extensive knowledge of SEO, Jessica enjoys creating insightful content and delivering valuable tips to empower speech therapists to take control of their online presence. Keep an eye out for more helpful insights from Simplified SEO Consulting!

As a Speech Therapist (SLP) and a business owner interested in SEO, you understand that using the right keywords is crucial for your clients to find your private practice online. However, it can be challenging to know what those keywords are. Honestly, I find keyword research to be the most challenging SEO concept we teach. This blog post will provide you with specific advice on keywords that clients with communication issues are looking for, along with short and long-tail keyword examples for different types of SLPs. 

Keywords for SLPs Specializing in Pediatrics:

Pediatric SLPs need to be familiar with keywords that will help them connect with parents online who may be seeking help for their child’s communication issues. Some short-tail keywords that parents would likely search for include “pediatric speech therapy,” “speech delay,” “late talker,” and “language development.” Long-tail keywords that may be more specific to certain conditions or strategies could be “tongue tie speech therapy,” “autism speech therapy,” “augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) therapy for nonverbal children.”

Keywords for SLPs Specializing in Stuttering:Photo of toy figures staring at the words "what makes you unique" through a magnifying glass. This photo represents how adding your unique approach to therapy can help you when using your website to market to a private practice speech therapy niche.

If you specialize in stuttering, you may want to focus on keywords that specifically target people searching for stuttering therapy. Short-tail keywords could be “stuttering therapy,” “stuttering treatment,” or “speech language pathologist stuttering.” Long-tail keywords may include “fluency shaping therapy for stuttering,” “stuttering modification therapy,” or “stuttering therapy for adults.”

Keywords for SLPs Specializing in Voice Disorders:

SLPs focusing on assisting individuals with voice disorders need to use keywords that highlight specific voice disorders such as hoarseness, vocal nodules, or laryngitis. Common short-tail keywords include “speech therapy for hoarseness,” “voice therapy for vocal nodules,” “speech treatment for laryngitis.” Long-tail keywords may include “laryngitis speech therapy exercises,” “vocal cord dysfunction speech therapy,” or “vocal therapy for singers.”

Keywords for SLPs Specializing in Dysphagia:

Dysphagia is a condition that affects swallowing, and it can be challenging to find information on therapists that work with patients who have this condition. Short-tail keywords that could help patients find your private practice include “speech therapy for swallowing difficulties” and “dysphagia speech therapy.” Long-tail keywords that may be more specific to certain treatments can be “vitalstim therapy for dysphagia,” “myofascial release dysphagia exercises,” or “McNeill dysphagia treatment.”

Keywords for SLPs Specializing in Accent Modification:

Accent modification is something that many people look for, especially if they are non-native English speakers. Short-tail keywords that people may search for include “accent modification therapy,” “speech therapist accent reduction,” or “accent modification training.” Long-tail keywords may include “foreign accent reduction therapy,” “accent modification for career growth,” or “accent modification therapy for actors.”

Keywords for SLPs Specializing in Autism

Parents or caregivers of children with autism might use keywords such as “speech therapy for autism,” “SLP for non-verbal children,” “language development in autistic children,” or “social communication skills in autism.” Long-tail keywords could include “SLP for children with Asperger’s syndrome” or “communication therapy for high-functioning autism.”

Keywords for SLPs Specializing in Brain injury

Clients who have suffered a traumatic brain injury may search for “speech therapy for brain injury,” “communication therapy for stroke patients,” “SLP for aphasia,” or “language rehabilitation after brain injury.” Long-tail keywords could include “SLP for head trauma patients” or “speech therapy for post-concussion syndrome.”

Great SEO Starts With Identifying Keywords

In conclusion, understanding which keywords to use when marketing your private SLP practice is crucial for clients to find your services online. Keyword research is essentially the first step in a well-rounded SEO strategy for your private practice. Notably, by catering to the specific needs and niches of communication disorders, you are more likely to attract the right clients to your practice. You may even want to target keywords that are common questions people ask you. These can help you show up more often in voice search results.

To recap, some of the essential short and long-tail keywords for SLPs include pediatric speech therapy, speech delay, late talker, language development, stuttering therapy, stuttering modification therapy, speech therapy for hoarseness, voice therapy for vocal nodules, speech therapy for swallowing difficulties, accent modification therapy, and foreign accent reduction therapy. Incorporating these targeted keywords into your website, social media, and advertising can help improve your online visibility and attract more clients.

Photo of small boy looking at mirror representing a boy who's pediatric speech therapist has done excellent keyword research and used both long tail keywords and short tail keywords as part of their overall SEO strategy.SEO Help For Speech Therapists in Private Practice

Looking to improve your SEO efforts for your speech therapy private practice? Simplified SEO Consulting has got you covered. We offer a range of SEO services for speech therapists including small group and individual training sessions, as well as our popular “done for you” SEO service. Our team of professionals has extensive experience in SEO strategy for helping professionals in private practice. Therefore, we know what it takes to get your website to the next level. Contact us today. We’ll help you learn more about how we can help increase your online visibility and attract more potential clients. Let’s work together to achieve your business goals!

About the Author, Jessica Tappana MSW, LCSW

As the founder of Simplified SEO Consulting, I have honed my skills in developing effective keyword research strategies over the years. I have a passion for the “game” of identifying relevant and high-traffic keywords that can help SLPs in private practice grow their business. While my background is in social work, I have found great satisfaction in using my skills to help SLPs connect with the clients who need them most. With my team of skilled SEO professionals, we are ready to help you take your private practice to the next level with effective keyword research and other SEO techniques.

Search engine optimization is a critical component of running a successful private speech therapy practice these days. So many people are looking for services online. And, even when they receive a specific recommendation from their PT or OT or physician they’ll still likely look you up online. SEO helps you improve your visibility in search engine results and drive traffic to your website. One of the most effective ways to optimize for search engines is by targeting long-tail keywords. And that starts with doing some keyword research. In this blog post, we’ll dive into what long-tail keywords are, why they’re important, and how you can use them to improve your SEO and attract more clients.

What are Long-Tail Keywords?

Long-tail keywords are phrases that are highly specific and usually longer than two words. They are more specific queries that are less frequently searched for, but highly relevant to a user’s search intent. The competition for these keywords is lower than for broader search terms. For example, “speech therapy for children with autism” is a long-tail keyword, whereas “speech therapy” is a broad search term.

Why are Long-Tail Keywords Important for SLP SEO?

Targeting long-tail keywords can help you stand out from competitors and increase your chances of appearing in search engine results for relevant queries. Because these keywords are more specific, they can help you attract people who are actively searching for your services. Long-tail keywords also tend to have a higher conversion rate, meaning that people who are searching for these terms are more likely to make a booking or purchase.

Examples of Long-Tail Keywords:

Here are some examples of long-tail keywords that might be relevant to SLPs:

  • Speech therapy for children with apraxia
  • Pediatric speech therapy in [city name]
  • Articulation therapy in [city name]
  • Speech therapy for stuttering in adults
  • Accent reduction therapy for professionals

Should I do keyword research for short or long-tail keywords first?

Most businesses ultimately hope to rank well for some short tail keywords. For instance you might want to rank for “Speech therapy near me.” However, it’s generally much easier to rank for longer tail keywords like, “Can speech therapy help someone who has a TBI” or “Why did the doctor talk recommend a speech therapist for my infant?”

Since those long tail keywords are easier to rank for, I always suggest going after some of those first. Then, the more long-tail keywords you rank for the more Google will trust you. Now, you can start trying to land those “bigger fish” in the form of those shorter phrases.

How to Find Long-Tail Keywords:

One of the best ways to find long-tail keywords is through keyword research tools. Honestly, my favorite keyword research tool (KWFinder from Mangools), is good for long-tail keyword but when specifically looking for long tail keywords I often look other places as well. Google Ads’ Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest and SEMRush are popular options that can help you uncover relevant long-tail keywords. These tools have similar results/limitations to KWFinder.

There are plenty of other options to help you  identify long-tail keywords that can be really helpful. One is to look at the frequently asked questions related to speech therapy on social media platforms and forums, and then create content that addresses those queries. Additionally, you can look at your website’s analytics to see what queries people are already using to find your site. Answerthepublic can be a good tool as well-you just enter a 2-3 word “short tail” keyword phrase and then it tells you tons of questions people are asking about that topic. Lastly, I like to simply look at client’s intake paperwork. What do your clients or their caregivers give as the reason they’re coming into speech therapy? A friend of mine told me she finds herself answering the same questions over and over again and started writing blog posts for each of those common questions. Those questions themselves then acting as the long-tail keywords.

Why are Long-Tail Keywords Relevant to Speech Therapy?

Speech therapy is a highly specialized field. Therefore, patients are likely to use specific phrases while searching for relevant services online. So, long-tail keywords are very important for creating content that is targeted to your specific audience. For example, you can use long-tail keywords like “speech therapy for children with autism” or “speech exercises for adults with aphasia” to create content that is specific to that condition. This type of specificity can help you rank higher in search results, which can have a positive impact on the traffic you receive.

How to Find Long-Tail Keywords

There are various ways to find relevant long-tail keywords for your speech therapy practice. First, you can use tools such as Ubersuggest, Google Keyword Planner, or Ahrefs to find popular search terms relevant to your field. These tools will help you analyze your potential keywords in terms of search volume, competition, and relevance. Secondly, you can conduct surveys or polls to find out the specific phrases that your audience searches for. You can leverage social media channels or email campaigns to gather this important information.

Long-Tail Keywords are much easier to rank for

This is the most obvious benefit to using long-tail keywords. Because these phrases are more specific, they will have lower search volume and therefore less competition. This makes them easier to rank for compared to more general keywords which can be very competitive. Even though the individual search volumes of long-tail keywords may be low, over time the total amount of traffic you receive from all your targeted keywords adds up and can make a significant impact on your website’s visibility.

Long-tail keywords are especially important when you’re first optimizing your website and building Google’s trust, as it can be difficult to rank for more general and competitive terms. Ultimately, using long-tail keywords is an effective way to help you stand out from your competitors and attract the right people to your website who are looking for your services. With a little bit of research and planning, you can find relevant long-tail keywords that will help bring more traffic to your site and increase conversions.

Clients searching for long tail keywords are more likely to be your ideal client

Because the keywords are more specific that you are providing information about, you are more likely to attract clients who are looking for exactly what you can offer. This can help to ensure that your leads are high quality and from people who need the services that you provide. Knowing this, it’s worth taking the time to research relevant long-tail keywords for your practice so that you can reach the right people and maximize conversions.

Benefits of Long-Tail Keywords for SLPs: Featured Snippets

One of the key benefits of targeting long-tail keywords for your speech therapy practice is the potential to rank for featured snippets. Featured snippets are blocks of content that appear at the top of the search engine results page, even ahead of the top-ranked result. Featured snippets are the boxes that often appear at the top of search results, providing quick answers to search queries. If you structure your content to match long-tail keyword queries, you are more likely to secure a featured snippet, which can help your content to appear even more prominently in search results and drive more traffic to your site.

For example, if someone searches for “speech exercises for preschoolers,” your content may be featured in a paragraph at the top of the search engine page. Perhaps you wrote a blog where you gave simple exercises parents can do at home to help their preschoolers reach their speech goals more quickly. Somewhere in that blog you had a simple list of all the exercises you are describing. It was probably just the list that showed up as the featured snippet, but there would be a link to your entire blog post below people could click on to get more details.

Featured snippets provide you with higher visibility and credibility to potential patients, driving more traffic to your website. Additionally, when users click on the link to your website from featured snippets, they are likely to have higher quality traffic because their query was very specific and targeted. This means that visitors are more likely to engage with your content or even contact you for services.

Long-tail keywords help you reach more potential patients

In conclusion, targeting long-tail keywords is a smart strategy for SLPs who want to improve the SEO for their private practice. These specific queries have high conversion rates, are less competitive than broad search terms, and are more likely to lead to quality leads. Follow the practical tips we’ve discussed in this article to find relevant long-tail keywords and ensure your content is structured and optimized effectively to attain featured snippets in search results. By doing so, you can attract more clients, increase bookings, and ultimately grow your private speech therapy practice.

Help Improving Your Private Practice SEOGraphic demonstrating the positive impact of marketing SEO for SLPS - enhance your reputation and build trust with potential clients

Looking to take your private practice to the next level? Simplified SEO Consulting is here to help! Our team offers a range of SEO services specifically designed for speech therapists and other helping professionals. From small group training to one-on-one sessions, we have everything you need to optimize your website and reach more clients. Our popular “done for you” SEO service takes the stress out of SEO so you can focus on what you do best: helping your clients. Plus, with affordable DIY courses and even an upcoming SEO training cruise in July 2023, there’s something for everyone!

Next Steps Toward Better SEO

Here are a few specific next steps you can take toward improving the SEO for your private practice:

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you increase your visibility online and grow your practice. Get started with us and start seeing results!

About the Author

Jessica Tappana, MSW, LCSW, is the founder and owner of Simplified SEO Consulting. She may not be an SLP, but she appreciates the incredible impact that speech therapists have on their clients. She’s passionate about helping SLPs grow their private practices through effective SEO strategies. And, she has gathered a team of professionals who share that passion.

As a speech therapist, you understand the importance of communication. You work hard to help your clients communicate effectively, but how do you communicate with potential clients and promote your private practice? One excellent way is through guest blogging. If you’re not familiar with this practice, don’t worry! In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of guest blogging and how it can improve your private practice’s SEO.

What is guest blogging?

Guest blogging is the practice of writing a blog post for someone else’s website. This method is powerful because you can tap into the audience of an already established website. However, it is essential to emphasize that guest blogging is not about submitting the same content to multiple sites. This practice will only harm your online presence instead of enhancing it. Instead, target different websites with unique content to avoid duplication.

We’ve talked before about the power of guest blogging to build backlinks and authority for mental health clinicians. And we’ve written tips for guest blogging. But we thought at this point, our speech therapist practice owners might appreciate a blog post with examples relevant to your field as well.

Now, why should you give guest blogging a try?Photo of a private practice speech therapist helping a little girl.

First and foremost, it helps you to get backlinks. These are links from other websites that point to your website, signaling to search engines that your website is credible and trustworthy. With enough high-quality backlinks, your website will rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). With guest blogging, you’ll have an opportunity to include a backlink to your website, which will boost your SEO efforts.

Tips for SLPs Building Backlinks Through Guest Blog Posts

Guest blogging isn’t the fastest way to build backlinks. But it’s one of the best. It’s ethical. It’s helpful to both you and the person you are writing for. And if you’re guest blogging for websites that are remotely related to your own it’s especially helpful.

Choose Websites that Make Sense

When guest blogging, choose websites that match your niche. You want to target an audience that would be interested in your services. Identifying websites that match your niche makes it easy to generate content that attracts potential clients. If you’re struggling to find suitable websites to guest blog for, look for Facebook groups or communities where you can connect with other bloggers or guest post opportunities.

You may want to guest blog post for related professionals. For example, write a guest blog post on social communication for a therapist. Or, write a guest blog post for a pediatrician on things to consider when your baby has difficulty swallowing. Other related professionals may include PTs, OTs, learning specialists or tutors, education advocates or even nursing homes. Another great option is to guest blog for other SLPs.

Photo of a computer with the word "blog" on the screen pulled up an a person typing representing a private practice owner who is working on writing blogs.Tips for Pitching Your Guest Blog Post

When reaching out to the preferred website, be sure to pitch a relevant topic. Social media groups have helpful networking opportunities to connect with other bloggers who can accept or recommend your guest post to others. Make sure your pitch is personalized and targeted toward their audience. Communicate your areas of expertise and highlight how your guest post will be beneficial to their readers.

If you’re a current client of Simplified SEO Consulting, you can pitch an idea in our Facebook group. We’ve had a number of people do that and get some great backlink opportunities.

Writing Guest Blog Posts Efficiently

Speed up the process of writing guest blogs. One way to make it easier and more efficient is to maintain a running list of potential guest post topics. Write down anything that comes to mind and prioritize those that are the most relevant and most likely to attract backlinks. Also, create a writing schedule that works for you, and stick to it. Set aside some time each week to write a guest blog that will improve your SEO and attract potential clients.

Lastly, my favorite way to write guest blog posts for multiple websites is to take a single topic and write several guest blog posts on that topic. You can write one article, then completely rewrite it to say similar things on the same topic. There are various ways to do this. The kind of tried-and-true way is to write a blog post on X topic. Then go to a totally new screen and write a blog post on the exact same topic. Compare the two. You’ll use some similar phrases but chances are they’re actually pretty different in terms of the exact wording.

Final Tips for Guest Blogging to Build BacklinksShows a woman writing a blog for her private practice's website. Symbolizes how Simplified SEO Consulting can give mental health professionals seo private training to help with their SEO.

When writing a guest post, make sure it is informative, entertaining, and unique. Provide value to the reader and show your expertise in your field. By showcasing your knowledge, you’ll build your reputation as a reputable speech therapist, and you’ll ultimately attract more clients. Ensure your guest post is authoritative and provides valuable advice or information. Doing this increases your chances of earning backlinks from the website you’re guest posting on.

Guest blogging is an effective strategy to improve your private practice’s SEO and bring potential clients to your website. Remember, guest blogging is not about submitting the same blog post to multiple websites. Instead, target different websites with unique content to avoid duplication. Choose websites that match your niche, and be sure to pitch a relevant topic for their audience. Remain active and creative, producing quality content that resonates with your readers. Through diligent guest blogging, your private practice’s SEO will become strong, and your reputation as a speech therapist will flourish.

Your Next Steps for Improving Private Practice SEO

There are lots of options for your next SEO steps. Read more about our SEO services for Speech Therapy practices or move on to one of these next steps:

Headshot of Jessica Tappana showing her in a green dress with the ocean in the background. She owns a private pay psychotherapy practice that relies heavily on SEO marketing. She is also an international speak on SEO for private practice owners having spoken in Kentucky, California, Spain, Colorado and Georgia.About the Author:

Jessica Tappana owns a 12 clinician private pay psychotherapy practice in Missouri. Then, she started helping other therapists with their SEO about 5 years ago. She strongly believes she does her best work when she’s working with clients who are a great fit and able to say no to not-so-great fits because she knows more calls will come. So, she also believes other healthcare professionals do their best work in similar situations. Therefore, she founded Simplified SEO Consulting to support healthcare professionals in the private practice world. And, she’s grown a team of incredibly talented individuals who are all much more tech-savvy than she is!

As a speech language pathologist, you understand the importance of providing valuable information to your patients and their families. However, if your website isn’t optimized properly, it may not reach its full potential in terms of attracting new clients. On-page optimization is a critical component of any SEO strategy, and it involves making changes to your website that will help it rank higher in search engine results. In this article, we’ll discuss some on-page optimization tips and tricks for SLP websites.

What is On-Page SEO?

On-Page SEO refers to optimizing individual web pages to rank higher in search engines. Think of it as a house’s foundation – without it, the house (website) won’t stand. On-Page SEO factors include content quality, keyword usage, and technical aspects like meta tags and internal links. The goal is to make it easy for search engines to understand and crawl your site. By focusing on On-Page SEO, you improve the user experience and increase your website’s chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Optimizing the core pages of your website is like creating a solid foundation for a house. It’s essential for a stable structure. While other SEO techniques are important, such as blogging, local SEO, and backlinks, they are like the building itself. Without a strong foundation, the structure won’t be as secure or long-lasting. On-page optimization lays the groundwork for all other SEO efforts, allowing you to build upon a sturdy and reliable foundation. It’s like constructing a home, starting with a strong foundation to ensure the longevity and stability of the building.

Use Subheadings to Organize Your ContentScreen shot of a blog post we've written pointing to H2, H3 and H4 level headings to demonstrate how we use higher level headings to make main points and for keyword placement

Using subheadings effectively benefits SEO by making content easier to read and understand. Organizing content with subheadings also helps search engines to understand the main topics of the page. This can lead to higher search rankings and increased visibility. Properly using subheadings also breaks up long blocks of text, making the content more visually appealing. Subheadings also allow users to quickly find the information they are looking for.

Interweave Keywords Naturally

When optimizing your website for search engines, one important factor is incorporating keywords naturally into your content. This means using relevant keywords throughout your website’s pages and blog posts in a way that feels natural and informative to readers.

However, it’s important not to overdo it with keywords or engage in “keyword stuffing,” as this can actually hurt your website’s SEO. Instead, aim to use keywords in a way that enhances the user experience and provides value to readers.

Remember, the ultimate goal of on-page optimization is to create a website that is both user-friendly and search engine-friendly. By interweaving keywords naturally into your content and optimizing other on-page elements, you can help improve your website’s ranking and attract more clients to your private practice.Keep Readability in Mind

When it comes to on-page optimization, readability is a crucial factor. Your website’s visitors need to be able to easily digest your content. Keep your language simple and avoid using too many technical terms or jargon.

To enhance readability, use short paragraphs and sentences. It’s easier for people to follow content that is broken up into small, digestible chunks. Additionally, use bullet points and numbered lists where possible. These tools are great for organizing information in a way that is easily understood.

Optimize Your Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are a crucial aspect of on-page optimization that is often overlooked. These descriptions provide a brief summary of the content on a webpage and appear in search engine results. By writing compelling meta descriptions that accurately reflect the content of the page, you can entice potential clients to click on your website.

When creating meta descriptions, aim for 150-155 characters in length, as this is the typical limit for most search engines. Sometimes they’ll include upo to 160 characters, but I usually aim for 150-155 to be safe. Including your primary keyword in the meta description can also improve your website’s ranking for that keyword. However, it’s important to avoid keyword stuffing and make sure the description flows naturally and is easy to read. Finally, don’t forget to write unique meta descriptions for each page of your website, as this can improve the overall user experience and make your website more appealing to search engines.

Photo of an SLP providing speech therapy to a young boy. This represents games they might play and a photo an SLP might include on their private practice website. For SEO purposes, it's important to condense photos like I did with this one and choose photos that represent the thing you are discussing such as how this one represents a photo an SLP might actually use on their website and is placed in the blog post where I'm discussing photo optimization for SEO.Optimize Photos on Your Website

Optimizing photos is an important part of on-page optimization for SLP websites. High-quality photos can enhance the visual appeal of your website and provide additional context to your content. However, it is essential to keep in mind that large, uncompressed images can slow down your website’s loading time, which can negatively impact your SEO. Therefore, it is crucial to compress your images to an appropriate size without compromising their quality. My favorite tool for this is tinypng.com. Compressing images will help your website load faster, which can lead to better user experience and ultimately better rankings on search engine results pages.

In addition to compressing your images, it is also important to optimize the alt text and file name of your photos. Alt text is a brief description of the image that appears when the image cannot be displayed. It not only helps visually impaired users but also provides additional context for search engines. Therefore, it is helpful to include relevant keywords in your alt text and file name. For example, instead of naming a photo “IMG_12345,” you can rename it to “Speech Therapy Session with Child” and include alt text that describes the image in more detail.

Including photos of local places is another effective way to optimize your photos. This can include photos of your office, the surrounding area, or even popular landmarks in your city. By including local photos on your website, you can make your website more relevant to your local audience and improve your chances of appearing in local search results. Additionally, local photos can help establish a personal connection with potential clients and make them feel more comfortable reaching out to you for services.

Use Internal LinksPhoto of pins linked together with colored threads representing how internal links connect pages of a private practice website. For example a single blog post an SLP writes might connect to three related blog posts in a series, two service pages, the home page of their private practice website and a "contact my office" page.

Including internal links is an important on-page SEO strategy that can benefit speech therapists in private practice who want to improve their website’s ranking. Internal links are hyperlinks that connect one page on your website to another page on the same website. By including internal links in your content, you can make it easier for your website visitors to navigate your site and find the information they need. Additionally, internal linking can help search engine crawlers understand the structure of your website and prioritize your most important pages.

When creating internal links, be sure to use descriptive anchor text that gives users an idea of what they will find when they click the link. For example, instead of using generic anchor text like “click here,” use something more specific like “learn more about our speech therapy services.” It’s also important to use internal links sparingly and only when they make sense in the context of your content. Avoid stuffing your content with unnecessary links, as this can come across as spammy and harm your SEO efforts.

In addition to improving navigation and search engine rankings, internal linking can also help you promote your services and build your brand. Consider linking to your most popular services pages, blog posts, and testimonials from other happy clients. You can also include internal links to pages that feature local events or attractions, which can help establish your practice as an active and engaged member of the community.

On-Page SEO is Time Consuming, but Important

On-page optimization is an important part of any SEO strategy. I feel like it’s one other SEO companies often skip. Why? Because it’s time consuming. And that means it’s expensive if you’re outsourcing. And while you 110% can learn to do this, it can take time to perfect. So a lot of SEO companies kind of glaze over this part of the optimizing process. But that’s a huge mistake. And therefore a bit part of why we get such great results at Simplified SEO Consulting.

I do think overall more private practices are starting to do on-page optimization as the field is getting more competitive in relation to SEO. But that just means it’s more important than ever that at least the core pages of your private practice website are well optimized for search engines.

Feeling Overwhelmed Optimizing Your Website?

Our team would love to help. We offer a wide range of resources and SEO services to help private practice owners. You can start with reading more about our SEO Services for SLPs in private practice or read more of our blog posts. Or, you can go ahead and take the next step to purchase one of our DIY courses, join our small group intensive program or apply to speak directly with one of our SEO Specialists about our other SEO services.

About the Author

Jessica Tappana is the founder and CEO of Simplified SEO Consulting. When she taught herself SEO to grow her own private practice (psychotherapy, not speech therapy), peers started asking her for help. She jokes that she “accidentally” started Simplified SEO Consulting by helping those colleagues. Eventually, it became clear that this was it’s own thing so she got an LLC and started hiring some help. She is still actively involved in the daily operations, but has a Chief Operating Officer who runs most of our core programs supporting a small but very mighty team of SEO Specialists doing incredible work for private practices throughout the English Speaking world!

As a speech-language pathologist (SLP), starting a blog can seem daunting. You might be wondering if anyone will even read your posts or if you have enough interesting topics to write about. However, blogging is a fantastic way to connect with your audience, showcase your expertise, and attract new clients to your private practice. In this article, we’ll dive into some tips and tricks for successful blogging as an SLP. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just getting started, these tips will help you create engaging content that resonates with your readers and grows your online presence.

Why Blogging is Important for SLPs in Private Practice

Why is blogging so important? Simply put, it’s a way for you to communicate with your audience on a deeper level. By providing valuable information and insights, you establish yourself as an authority in your field, which helps build trust with potential clients. It’s also a great way to showcase your expertise, skills, and experience, and share your unique perspective with the world.

In addition, blogging helps improve your search engine optimization (SEO) by providing fresh, relevant content for search engines to crawl and index. This increases the likelihood that your website will appear in search results when people are looking for services like yours. It’s like threading a needle, where each stitch is a piece of valuable content that helps your website stand out from the crowd. By consistently creating high-quality blog posts, you can drive more traffic to your website and attract more potential clients.

How do I come up with Blog Post Topics?

The key to coming up with great blog post topics is to write about the things that will truly help your audience! What are they looking for? What will be truly useful to them? Sometimes, it can be particularly useful to take a more complex topic and write a series of blog posts that break it down into smaller pieces!

For more ideas, here is a blog post I wrote for specifically about coming up with blog post topics for SLPs. Our team has also written blog posts on writing blog posts that relate to what’s going on in the world and writing cornerstone blog posts that might be helpful.

Blogging Tips for Speech Therapists in Private Practice

Know your ideal private practice clients

Understanding your audience is key to writing engaging blog posts. Who are your clients, and what are their interests and needs? Are you targeting parents of children with language delays, or are you focusing on adult clients with communication disorders? By knowing your audience, you can tailor your content to their interests and needs.

And let’s be honest, you DO know your audience. It can just feel overwhelming when you sit down to start typing. My suggestion is to pretend you’re writing directly to one of your favorite clients or their caregivers. Just speak from the heart.

If you’re still struggling with what to say or not sounding natural, we have another solution. Often, we have our clients simply record themselves talking about a topic. How we talk tends to be much more natural than how we write. Then, you can type out what you dictated. Of course, you’ll remove the “ums” and polish it a bit. But overall, try to stick to retyping what you spoke into your phone.

Do a Little Keyword Research

Including relevant keywords in your blog post can help improve your website’s SEO and make it easier for people to find your blog. Be sure to research keywords (both short-tail and long-tail keywords) that are relevant to your content and use them in your blog post title, subheadings, and throughout your article.

That said, a huge trap I see private practice owners fall into is over thinking keyword research. So…I do mean a little bit. No more than 5 minutes per blog post! Truly. Why? Because ultimately if you’re writing content that is super helpful to your clients, you will naturally use keywords.

A word of caution: Don’t be too flowery in what you say. Look at the subheadings in this blog post or others we’ve written. They’re pretty direct. If you scan our blog posts, you’ll easily have a very good idea what they’re about. That is because they’re optimized for both our ideal clients (you!) and also search engines. Our subheadings naturally use keywords, because they describe our content. We don’t force the keywords in there or make every other word a phrase we think you’re searching. We just type from our hearts in a really clear way. And by being clear and direct, the words that we choose are hopefully those private practice owners looking for SEO services are using.

Write attention-grabbing titles

Your blog post title is the first thing people will see, so make it count. Use attention-grabbing titles that clearly and concisely convey what your post is about.

Again though, don’t overthink your titles. Don’t work so hard to make them attention-grabbing that they don’t even say what the page is about. You want the topic of the post to be pretty obvious to anyone reading the title. That’s because Google is ALSO reading the title.

Make blog posts easy to read

People are more likely to read your blog post if it’s easy to read. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to break up your content and make it more visually appealing. Readability truly does matter for SEO.

I often think of a private practice website we worked on in one of the most competitive areas of the United States. The practice owner explained that not only did they work with highly educated caregivers and family members, but it’s part of what set them apart in this overcrowded metropolitan area. So, we agreed to completely optimize their pages without touching readability on their website. A few months in, we were all frustrated that Google didn’t seem to be responding to our optimizing. So, we went through and worked on readability for all of their blog posts (still leaving service pages mostly the same if I remember correctly). And, the impact was pretty quick. Google started ranking them much better.

Over the years, we’ve emphasized readability less at some points than others. But it still seems to be pretty relevant for SEO. So, I encourage you to make your content very approachable by working on readability. Hemmingway Editor is my personal favorite tool for working on readability.

Use subheadings in your blogs

Effective website subheadings can naturally include keywords and phrases that will help with search engine optimization. Additionally, they help people to scan the page and quickly find the information they are looking for. Therefore, subheadings are an important part of on-page SEO.

To make your subheadings effective, be sure to use relevant, descriptive language that accurately summarizes the content in each section. For example, instead of using a generic subheading like “Introduction,” use something more specific like “The Importance of Communication for Children with Speech and Language Disorders.”

Proper subheading structure also helps to break up your content into manageable sections, making it easier for readers to digest. Consider using different levels of subheadings to create a hierarchy of information. For example, use H2 subheadings for main sections and H3 subheadings for sub-sections.

In addition to improving the readability and organization of your blog post, using proper subheading structure can also help to boost your search engine rankings. Search engines use the text in your subheadings to better understand the content of your post and how it is organized. By using relevant keywords in your subheadings, you can increase your chances of ranking higher in search results.

Include visuals on your blog postsPhoto from Bigstock of an African American female's hands on a computer representing a private practice owner who wants their speech therapy practice to rank well on Google and improve their SEO without blogging.

Visuals play a crucial role in creating an engaging blog post for readers. In addition to providing context and enhancing the overall appearance of the post, visuals can help break up long blocks of text, which can be daunting for readers. When readers are presented with a wall of text, it can be easy for them to lose interest or become overwhelmed, leading to a higher bounce rate. By incorporating visuals such as images, infographics, or videos, you can help maintain readers’ interest and make the content more digestible.

Images can be used to illustrate key points, add context, or simply provide a visual break from the text. Infographics, on the other hand, can be an effective way to present complex data or information in a visually appealing way. Videos can also be used to complement or replace text, allowing readers to consume information in a different format. Don’t forget to consider inclusivity on your website. Consider adding diverse photos that truly represent your clients, adding alt text to all images on your website and adding subheadings to your videos.

By incorporating visuals strategically throughout your blog post, you can make your content more engaging, easier to understand, and ultimately more shareable.

In addition to helping maintain reader interest and decreasing bounce rate, visuals can also be used to promote social media sharing. Eye-catching visuals are more likely to be shared on social media platforms, increasing your post’s reach and potential audience. By creating shareable visuals that are relevant to your content, you can encourage readers to share your post with their own followers, increasing your visibility and credibility. Overall, the inclusion of visuals is an important aspect of creating an effective and engaging blog post for SLPs in private practice.

Write for your audience

When writing your blog post, keep your audience in mind. Use language and terminology that your clients will understand and avoid technical jargon.

As an SLP in private practice, you want to make sure that the content you create is not only informative but also useful for your target audience. By focusing on creating content that is helpful to your clients or their caregivers, you are not only providing value but also building trust and credibility with your audience…and intern creating trust with Google.

By creating content that is easily shareable and useful, you not only increase the reach of your blog but also establish yourself as a valuable resource in your community. This type of content can also help establish your practice as a thought leader in the field of speech therapy. So when you’re creating content, always keep in mind the value it can provide to your audience, and don’t be afraid to write content that is meant to be shared and recommended to others.

Be consistent: Google likes fresh content

Consistency is key when it comes to blogging. Decide on a schedule for posting new content and stick to it. Whether you post once a week or once a month, consistency will help keep your audience engaged.

And from an SEO perspective, this is really important. I would much rather see someone post once a month than post 5 blog posts today and then none for 6 months. Why? Because not only will your audience come to count on you for the latest information, so will Google. You look like a more reliable source of information when you’re consistent. Like you’re staying on top of the trends and providing information that is really relevant.

Consider Updating Old Posts

Along those lines of staying up to date, it can be helpful to add to old posts. I’ll be honest and say I’m not the best at this. By now we have SO many blog posts that I don’t go back and update old ones nearly as often as I’d like. But I do now and then. Or have my team members do so. Because that shows Google that those older posts aren’t stale. They still have really relevant information.

Engage with your audience

Encourage your audience to comment on your blog post and engage with them by responding to comments. This can help build a community around your blog and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Share your blog post

Please, please, please don’t forget this step! Once you’ve published your blog post, be sure to share it on social media and other platforms to reach a wider audience. Encourage your followers to share your post with their friends and family.

You’ve put so much effort into your blog post! You want to make sure you’re getting “credit” for that work. So, share your blogs far and wide! And encourage others to do so as well!

Graphic demonstrating the positive impact of marketing SEO for SLPS - enhance your reputation and build trust with potential clientsYour Next Steps Toward Ranking on Google

As a speech-language pathologist in private practice, you know how important it is to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to marketing your business. Blogging is an essential part of that effort, but it’s not always enough to simply write content and hit publish. You need to ensure your blog is optimized for search engines, so your target audience can easily find your practice online.

That’s where Simplified SEO Consulting comes in. We offer a range of SEO services and training options specifically designed for healthcare providers in private practice. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to improve your existing SEO efforts, we have a solution that’s right for you.

Here are some next steps you can take to improve your practice’s SEO

At Simplified SEO Consulting, we offer a wide range of SEO services for SLPs in private practice. For your next step you can:

  • Schedule a free SEO consultation with Simplified SEO Consulting to discuss your current SEO efforts and goals.
  • Sign up for our DIY SEO courses. While most examples were originally given for psychotherapist private practice owners, it’s easy to adapt the material to fit an SLP private practice.
  • Join our SEO mastermind group to collaborate with other healthcare professionals (dieticians, psychiatrists, PTs, counselors, testing psychologists, etc) who are in private practice and get accountability as you optimize!
  • Join Jessica and a very small group of practice owners as we optimize on a Carribean cruise in July 2023
  • OR outsource to leave your SEO in the capable hands of our “Done for You” team

Don’t let your practice get left behind in the competitive world of online marketing. Contact Simplified SEO Consulting today to learn more about how we can help you improve your website’s SEO and attract more clients to your practice.