3 Reasons Why You Should Track Your SEO Data
Lately, I am having more conversations with private practice owners about why they should track data on their website. So, we wanted to take the time to discuss how and why you should track data related to your website. The short answer is that…

Not Sure Where to Start With Your New Therapy Website?
You have a great therapy practice, but do you even exist without a website? Not in today's world! Check out these free, relevant resources for mental health professionals. If you want to learn more about how we can help your therapy website…

Website Mistakes: 3 Common Ones Private Practice Owners Make
When I am optimizing pages for private practice owners, I have found that there are three common mistakes therapists make with their websites. I see these mistakes come up again and again and again. Let’s take a look at these mistakes, and…

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Do I need photos on my pages or blog posts for my counseling website?
YES! Photos can help boost your SEO! When we optimize pages or blog posts for your counseling website, we write the alt text for each photo with keywords you are trying to…

Where to Fit Internal Links
You've heard that internal links (any time you have a link that sends someone from one page of your site to another) are great for SEO. But you aren't sure where to fit them into your website. Sometimes, they seem to fit in naturally. For…

Best Use of Your Time: Joe Sanok’s Advice for Practice Owners
Consider the best use of your time as a private practice owner
Dependent on your phase of practice you need to focus on what the best use of your time is.
Most clinicians will not focus on their use of time, they will answer their own calls,…

Getting High Quality Backlinks: SEO Tips & Tricks
Backlinks for Therapists
Mason here to add my two cents on what exactly high quality backlinks are and how to go about getting them. At this point, perhaps you know what a backlink is. A backlink is a link from someone else's website to yours.…

Is SEO Important for Mental Health Professionals?
Perhaps you've started a private practice counseling clinic and your new website doesn't seem to get be getting much traffic. Maybe when searching keywords that you think you should rank for on Google, your webpages are nowhere to be seen.…

How Long Should Blog Posts be to Help SEO?
I have a confession. I love writing blog posts. In fact, earlier in my practice when I had more time I was literally publishing two blog posts per week on my counseling website!
However, after a year of helping other therapists on their…

Do I need a Website Designer?
Up until now, you've managed your own website. Maybe it's out of necessity....creating your own website saved some money. Maybe it's because you're the DIY type. I know there's a huge thrill in creating something yourself AND it gives…

3 Important Tips for Writing a Guest Blog Post
Writing a guest blog post can be a great way to get more backlinks for your website! I highly recommend reaching out to therapists and asking if you can write a blog post for their site, or better yet write one for each other's site so you get…

Page Speed for Therapist Websites
Why a Post About Website Speed?
First of all, why is an SEO gal talking about speed? Because Google (and other search engines! I don't discriminate against Yahoo or Bing or any others!) like speed. They know that website viewers in…

Your Counseling Website: The Four Things It Must Do
When I’m talking about Search Engine Optimization with therapists and other private practice owners, I emphasize that there are essentially 5 things that your website must do in order to bring you more clients. I want to go over each of…

Meta Descriptions: 6 Tips to Write the Perfect One for Your Website
My last post was all about how meta descriptions can help a therapist’s private practice website, but if you're like most people, you’re left wondering what to do with the information. So, today we’re going to focus on the how. Here…