Help Your Ideal Client & Boost Your SEO During COVID-19

It’s a wild time in our country right now. You may be seeing fewer clients right now. And you’re probably having to adjust to seeing clients online. It can be so stressful. 

You’re managing all of this while wondering what your ideal clients are struggling with. If you’re blogging (which we really hope you are!) you may be curious to know what people are searching for. 

Choosing SEO Keywords to Attract Your Ideal Clients


middle age man sits at his computer wondering what SEO keywords to use to reach his ideal clients on Google. He gets help from a member of the Simplified SEO Consulting team.

I wanted to take a moment and address this question. Oftentimes what we assume our clients are searching for, isn’t actually true. Remember, your client may not know all the clinical mental health language you do. Therefore, you really want to put on your thinking cap and think about what your clients are saying to you in your current or previous counseling sessions. What are they struggling with and what is the language they use when they talk to you. For example, it’s less likely that a client would look for something like How CBT can help with anxiety during COVID-19. It’s more likely that they would google: At home help for anxiety. 

The Effect Readability Has on Keywords and SEO

In my last blog, I talked about the importance of readability. While we’re writing we want to imagine we’re talking to our 13-year-old nephew at a barbeque about what we do. Basically, we want to remove the big technical terms and replace them with more approachable language. We do this because our clients, although they may be well educated, wouldn’t be searching google for complicated mental health language, especially if they are in crisis. This concept applies to choosing blog or service page topics as well. 

Tips for Choosing Topics to Write About


female therapist works in her at home office writing blogs after researching seo keywords that her ideal clients are looking for. She learns tips from members of the Simplified SEO consulting staffNow more than ever, it’s important to not only reach our ideal clients but speak to the needs of the populations we help. So many people are struggling to cope with the changes that social distancing or stay-at-home orders have caused. Their lives are not the same as they were just three or four weeks ago. So, I want you to think of 3 clients you have seen in the past month. What are their pain points? How has the Coronavirus affected their lives? For example, we know lots of people are struggling with social isolation and depression right now. But they don’t typically say “social isolation” instead they use more colloquial terms such as “cabin fever” or “stuck at home.” Go ahead and write these things down in the language that they would use to tell you about their problems. This is a great starting place for a blog topic or service page.

If you’re struggling to come up with these pain points I have an idea. Look at social media or news outlets and see what people are saying about COVID-19. When I did this I found that some of my friends were worried about their jobs, others were concerned for elderly family members, and my Mom friends were worried about their children’s education while homeschooling. Another good place to get ideas is on news shows. I watch the Today Show and their entire 2-hour show is dedicated to COVID-19 right now. 

Researching the Needs of Your Ideal Client Will Make Writing Easier

I encourage you to take the time to do this research before writing a page or a blog. Give yourself time to get some great ideas about the state of mind your ideal client is currently in. After you do this, I think you will find you have a ton of great material to write about. 

Also, if you haven’t seen it already, Jessica posted a wonderful video to our Facebook page giving even more suggestions about things to write about. In her video she shares more places you can look for ideas! To visit this Facebook live post, click here. 

Lastly, please remember that the Simplified SEO staff are always here to help you. Our goal is to help connect you with your ideal clients so more people have access to quality mental health care! We believe that this is even more important during this national emergency. So, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and ask questions. We would love to hear from you!

Begin SEO services and rank better on Google


male therapist hold an online therapy session with his ideal client. He learned how to optimize his webpage with help from a member of the Simplified SEO Consulting Team who helped him rank better on googleIf you’re interested in our SEO services, we’d love to connect with you. At Simplified SEO Consulting we have a variety of options to help get you ranking better. To begin optimizing your private practice webpage, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Book a free 15-minute video consultation with a member of the Simplified SEO Consulting team,
  2. Speak to an SEO specialist. During your free consultation call, we will answer your questions and determine which SEO package would best serve your needs.
  3. Begin optimizing your webpage and see it rank better on Google!

Other Services offered by Simplified SEO Consulting

Simplified SEO Consulting is proud to offer a variety of SEO services designed for mental health professionals and private practice owners. We know you’re busy, so you may not want to optimize your own website. Therefore, we offer the Done for You SEO Service package. With this package, our team of SEO specialists will do the SEO work for you. Also, we offer alumni packages and al la carte SEO services. If you are interested in learning to do it yourself, we can help you learn the tools you need to rank better. We offer SEO training packages including our “Top of Google” online course and 12 weeks of online video training. Or, if you are just beginning your website journey (or considering a redesign), we offer an SEO Strategy package as well.

Reach out to us to ask any questions, or book a free SEO Consultation to decide which option is best for your private practice. We look forward to hearing from you!

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