WIn 2023, our team started the process of completely changing our approach to SEO. It was the first time in the history of our business that we made a massive change to our standard SEO service. 


Why did we make such a change? Because Google had started changing how it evaluates websites. We saw what direction they were moving. Clearly, Google was looking for more content. Content that demonstrates expertise and authority around a particular topic. Content that answered the most common questions people were asking around that topic. And we realized, if we wanted to “Future-Proof” the optimizing we were doing on our website and our client websites, we needed to change our strategy.


And in my opinion, the change was for the better.


The SEO Landscape Changed

SEO is no longer a game about putting the right number of keywords on a page or getting enough internal links in there or enough backlinks to your website. I’m not saying those things aren’t helpful anymore. They are, to an extent.


But Google’s TOP priority is that your website content is truly helpful to the end user. Does your website have content that truly answers the questions people are asking? Are you an expert in your field? Are you providing reliable information in a way the readers can understand? They’re looking for people who provide expertise, authority and are trustworthy information on topics that people are interested in. And that’s how they’re defining quality content.


THIS is what we sought to address as we developed our Content Network SEO service.  It took us a full year to figure out what our official service would look like before we started offering it to the general public. And we continue to tweak it a little bit, because the field of SEO is constantly changing. But we’re happy with what we’ve come up with. We feel that this new approach to optimizing a website benefits your clients first and foremost and also has the added benefit of consistently getting websites to the top of search results.


How are we doing this? Why does this new strategy work? Let’s dive into that a little bit more.


Understanding Google’s 2024 Core Update

In March 2024, Google rolled out a significant update to its search engine algorithm, marking a pivotal shift in how websites are evaluated and ranked.  This update was a core algorithm update which means it’s important. However, this one was perhaps even more important than most. This update emphasizes the importance of quality, original content, and a superior user experience, principles that have become central in the digital age. At Simplified SEO Consulting, we understand that such extensive changes can seem daunting and might have caused concern for many.

However, our Content Network Strategy, which was already in place, is tailored to deliver exactly the type of valuable, user-focused content that these new guidelines advocate for. Our approach has always striven to strike the perfect balance between optimizing for search engines and prioritizing the needs of the end user. Importantly, we’ve been ahead of the curve, incorporating the trends and shifts identified in Google’s recent updates into our strategy.

Simplified SEO Consulting’s Content Network Approach

Our Content Network approach to optimizing a website for search engine is to produce a body of content that sets you apart from the competition. We seek to set you up as an authority by showing your expertise and answering all questions your ideal clients may have on a specific topic.  Some of the questions may seem very related, but are phrased a little differently. But we’re still trying to answer them in a way that makes sense to your ideal clients.

When producing content, it’s written at the level that’s digestible to your client when they’re the most stressed and looking for your services. In other words, Simplified SEO Consulting’s content network strategy aligns seamlessly with Google’s heightened focus on quality. By prioritizing content that genuinely serves the needs of end-users—particularly professionals in private practice—we ensure that your website not only meets but surpasses the standards set by the latest update.

Therefore, when the new update was released in March we carefully monitored the data of our Content Network clients throughout March and April and noticed a beautiful trend of their websites actually performing even better than they did before the new update!

Key Aspects of the 2024 Core Update

In March 2024, Google released a Core Algorithm Update as it usually does a couple of times a year. However, this one was considered especially big. Google’s March 2024 Core Update primarily targets the eradication of low-quality, unoriginal content while promoting an enhanced user experience through what it terms E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness). This means that websites now need to prove their value and relevance more convincingly to both users and the search engine:

Experience: Demonstrating firsthand knowledge and personal experience in your content.

Expertise: Showing that content is written by experts in the field.

Authoritativeness: Ensuring your site is recognized as a reliable source on the topic.

Trustworthiness: Maintaining a secure and transparent web presence that fosters user trust.

As I explained earlier, this update was not particularly shocking to our team. It’s consistent with what we’ve seen Google moving toward in the last few updates.This commitment to elevating the quality of content aligns with Google’s previous updates, which have progressively focused on improving the user experience by favoring content that meets high standards of information and usability. For instance, the May 2021 update emphasized page experience signals, blending them with existing search signals to prioritize pages that deliver a more satisfying user experience. Similarly, the December 2022 update further honed in on rewarding sites that provided in-depth, well-researched content, reflecting a clear trajectory towards enhancing content quality and depth. These continuous improvements underscore Google’s ongoing efforts to ensure that users receive the most helpful and reliable information possible.

Impact on Private Practice Websites

For professionals in private practice, such as therapists, attorneys, and physicians, these changes emphasize the necessity of developing content that truly speaks to the specifics of their services and the unique needs of their clients. No longer can websites rely solely on traditional SEO tactics like adding a few keywords or generic backlinks. Instead, the focus should be on creating meaningful content that reflects deep expertise and a commitment to client well-being. Content that answers the questions the clients who benefit from your service are asking.

By adapting to this new landscape, private practice owners can leverage their specialized knowledge to craft content that not only engages their audience but also drives their websites to the top of search rankings. The result is a digital presence that authentically represents their professional ethos and expertise, attracting more clients who value quality and integrity in their search for solutions.

Interlinking pins to represent how our content network helps SEO by creating a network of related content that naturally refers to one another and shows that a therapist is an expert on a particular topic.H2: The Power of Content Networks

At Simplified SEO Consulting, we firmly believe that Content Networks represent the most effective method to optimize private practice websites in 2024. As SEO evolves, so too does our approach. We continuously tweak and refine our strategies in response to market trends, Google’s shifting guidelines, and the growing needs of our clients. Despite these changes, the core principle of our Content Network strategy remains robust and incredibly potent, consistently delivering outstanding results for our clients. This is the same strategy I’ve applied to my own counseling practice this year and what we leveraged at Simplified SEO Consulting last year when expanding our services.

What is a Content Network?

A Content Network centers around a highly structured setup designed to maximize SEO impact. At its heart lies a central pillar page, typically a service page, which contains about 3,000 words of rich, detailed content. This pillar page serves as the foundation. Branching out from this central hub are several cornerstone blog posts—each an authoritative piece in its own right, addressing related but distinct aspects of the main topic. Each cornerstone post is further supported by a series of supporting blog posts. These supporting posts delve into specifics, answer additional queries, and provide detailed examples or case studies, all while linking back to both the cornerstone content and the central pillar. This interlinked structure not only aids in navigation but also strengthens the overall SEO of the website.

Strategic Organization for Enhanced SEO

This method of organizing content is no accident; it is a strategic choice that aligns perfectly with Google’s latest demands. By covering topics in-depth through a network of interlinked pages, we ensure a breadth and depth of content that showcases true expertise. Google values content that provides comprehensive insights into a subject, reflecting expertise and delivering real value to users. Our Content Network approach does exactly that, making it an ideal strategy for private practices that want to establish themselves as authorities in their field.

By strategically placing and linking content in this way, we not only enhance the user experience but also improve the site’s visibility and ranking on search engines. Each piece of content builds upon and supports the others, creating a cohesive whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. This holistic approach not only meets but often exceeds the stringent requirements set forth by Google, ensuring that our clients’ websites are not only seen but also respected and trusted by those seeking their services.

Impact on Private Practice Websites

For professionals in private practice—whether they are therapists, attorneys, physicians, or other helping professionals—these evolving SEO guidelines spotlight the critical need to develop content that resonates deeply with the specific services they offer and the unique challenges their clients face. In the digital realm, it’s no longer sufficient to sprinkle a webpage with keywords or accumulate a multitude of generic backlinks. Today, the essence of effective SEO lies in creating content that is rich in expertise and demonstrably attuned to client needs.

Our Content Network Strategy ensures that your online content isn’t just found—it’s felt. By crafting articles that answer the real questions your potential clients have, and presenting this information in a way that’s accessible even when they’re under stress, we help you build a bridge of trust and expertise. This isn’t just about being found on Google; it’s about being recognized as the go-to professional who can genuinely make a difference in their lives.

By embracing these guidelines, private practice owners can use their unique insights and experiences to create compelling, expert content that not only attracts attention but sustains engagement. The outcome? A powerful online presence that effectively communicates your professional acumen and ethical stance, drawing in clients who are not just looking for any practitioner, but the right practitioner.

Creating Quality Content: The Simplified SEO Consulting Process

At Simplified SEO Consulting, we understand the importance of creating content that not only ranks well but also resonates with your potential clients. Our content production process is designed to generate quality, strategically crafted content that complies with Google’s guidelines and aligns with your brand voice. Here’s how we ensure each piece of content we produce meets these high standards.

A picture of a person on a computer with the word "#Keywords" in the middle and the words concept, SEO, web, words, content & SEM surrounding it. This photo represents the importance of keyword research in a comprehensive, modern SEO strategy for private practice businesses. This represents how our team of private practice SEO specialists understood that changing our keyword research strategy was key to future-proofing our work.Tailored Keyword Research: Understanding Your Audience’s Questions

Our process starts with comprehensive keyword research. But it’s not the traditional keyword research we were using in past years. Using advanced tools, we dive deep into understanding what queries your ideal clients are really asking. More and more so these queries are in the form of questions, though not always. Sometimes questions are extremely similar or phrased in different ways. We address this by creating distinct blog posts for each variation of a question. For example, one blog post might answer one version of a question directly, while another might tackle the same question under a different guise, linking back to the detailed answer in the previous post. This approach ensures we cover all possible angles, reaching your audience however they phrase their queries.

Brand Voice Analysis: Capturing Your Unique Tone

A crucial step in our process is analyzing and capturing your brand voice. This involves a combination of manual scrutiny and AI tools. We develop a description of your brand voice and then run it by you to ensure it feels authentic. Sometimes adjustments are necessary to truly reflect your voice, and we’re committed to getting it just right before proceeding with content creation.

Content Development and Approval

Once we understand your voice and the questions your clients are asking, we’ll propose a list of topics. This list may seem repetitive, but it’s by design—to thoroughly cover the subject matter, asserting your expertise to Google and your potential clients. We seek your approval on this list to ensure every piece of content we plan to produce aligns with your expectations and business goals.

The Writing ProcessShows a pair of black hands typing on their laptop to implement therapist SEO. Represents how counselor seo can be enhanced with AI assisted writing.

In the writing phase, we blend AI technology with human oversight to maintain quality while keeping costs competitive. Our team trains AI tools to match your tone of voice closely. Then, we have AI assist us in writing your content section by section with our staff reviewing the content and tweaking it along the way. In other words, while we use AI to write content more efficiently, every piece of content is rigorously reviewed and refined by our staff. And when you read Google’s guidelines closely (as we have done many times), this is in line with what they recommend. Their goal is for the content to be original and helpful. And by us providing the AI tools with such heavy handed guidance (in the form of training it on your voice AND giving it very specific talking points for each section), we are doing those two things.

This approach ensures the final product remains authentic to your brand, is effective in engaging your audience and produces content that while it may feel a little different than what you’d naturally write (remember, it’s very strategic) it is indeed what Google considers “quality” and “helpful.”

Content Network Subheadings

Many of our subheadings are structured as questions and answers, a format we’ve found to be highly effective in modern SEO and user engagement. When visitors scan your content, these Q&A subheadings catch their eye, encouraging them to stop and read more. Not all subheadings are questions—variety is key to keeping the content dynamic and interesting. However, many are because that’s what user behavior indicates people are looking for these days.

Feedback and Revisions: Balancing Strategy with Personal Touch

As part of our content development process, we ask for your review and input. Feedback varies; some clients approve with little change, while others may wish to make adjustments. Our goal is to balance adherence to our SEO strategy with ensuring the content feels right for your site. This collaborative process helps refine the content to meet both our strategic goals and your personal standards.

Publishing Content & Optimizing for Search Engines

When publishing content on your site, we implement a finely-tuned internal linking and basic SEO optimization strategy. This includes careful consideration of anchor text for internal links, ensuring that readers are naturally guided through the network of related content. Although integrating specific phrases for linking can sometimes challenge natural phrasing, our team excels at making these links flow seamlessly within the content. We also make sure to follow correct site structure with your headings and subheadings and that those are including the phrases our keyword research indicated people are searching for.

We do some other basic SEO optimization such as writing a meta description on your page. However, it’s important to note that we actually spend less time doing in depth optimization than we previously did on pages, because this new strategy is all about focusing on putting the right content on your website. We do just enough optimization to really make sure Google has the right signals to understand what your content is all about.

The Pillar Page: The Heart of Your Private Practice Content Network

In the architecture of our Content Network Strategy, the pillar page, typically a service page, stands as the cornerstone. It is, without question, the most critical component in our framework, designed to be the primary conversion point for your practice. Due to its significance, the creation of this page follows a more intensive and focused copywriting process, distinct from the rest of the content network.


Crafting a Comprehensive Service Page

Your pillar page, whether it covers “Affair Recovery Counseling,” “EMDR Therapy,” “Occupational Therapy for Autism,” “Exposure Therapy for Agoraphobia,” or “Personal Injury Law,” is crafted to be as comprehensive as possible. We recommend that this page contains around 3,000 words of detailed, engaging content. This content is structured to address the service thoroughly, incorporating an FAQ section that answers 8-10 of the most commonly asked questions related to the service. This not only aids in SEO but also enhances user engagement by directly addressing the concerns and queries of potential clients.


Quality and Conversion: The Dual Focus

The quality of the writing on this page is paramount because this is the content that will convert visitors into clients. It needs to embody your brand’s voice, resonate with your ideal clients, and clearly communicate the value of your services. This page should be the focal point of your investment in content creation, reflecting the highest standards of your practice.


Optimization: A Layered Approach

We so more on-page SEO optimization for this crucial page compared to the blog posts we write. Why? Because we know THIS is the page your potential clients will actually see. We dedicate a substantial amount of time to optimizing the pillar page far beyond the amount of time we spend optimizing the other pieces of content in the supporting network. This includes meticulous adjustments to subheadings, crafting and refining the meta descriptions, ensuring the readability is appropriate for your audience, enhancing images, and other critical SEO practices.


Internal Linking: Weaving a Web of Relevance

A key element in our optimization strategy is the strategic use of internal links. These are not merely functional. Our SEO team strategically uses internal links to demonstrate to Google the pivotal role this page plays within your site’s ecosystem. By linking all other relevant blog posts—both cornerstone and supporting—to this pillar page in a very strategic manner that we’ve fine-tuned over the last year and a half, we strengthen its authority and improve its visibility on search engines.


The Interdependent Structure of SEO Success

When we’re discussing future-proofing a private practice’s SEO, it’s crucial to understand that while the pillar page is the most important page in your content network, its success is reliant on the collective strength of the entire network. The cornerstone and supporting blog posts form a foundation that boosts the pillar page’s ranking potential. This interconnected content strategy ensures that the pillar page not only attracts but also retains user interest, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.


By focusing on creating a compelling, well-optimized pillar page that interacts seamlessly with the rest of your content network, we ensure that your practice’s online presence is robust, authoritative, and effective in attracting the right clients.

Adapting to Google’s Evolving Algorithms

In the dynamic world of SEO, agility and adaptability are not just beneficial; they are essential. At Simplified SEO Consulting, we embody this flexibility, continuously refining our strategies to align with the latest developments in search engine algorithms. Our service is a testament to how businesses, especially those in private practice, can not only adapt to but also anticipate changes in SEO.

Continuous Improvement and Innovation in SEO

As the digital landscape evolves, so too must our approaches to SEO. It’s not sufficient to set up an SEO strategy and consider the job done. Instead, ongoing innovation and adherence to quality are key. The Simplified SEO Consulting is constantly evaluating our strategy and looking for ways to improve. As a private practice owner who depends heavily on SEO for marketing, I understand the critical importance of staying ahead of the curve. We cannot afford to be complacent, given how central SEO is to our marketing strategy.

We make it a point to keep our ear to the ground, always exploring new methods and adjusting our strategies to ensure they remain effective and ethical. This approach involves not just a single intensive effort to build an initial content network but also regular updates and tweaks to these strategies as Google’s algorithms evolve. Google frequently updates its algorithms to better serve users, seeking out sites that are actively updated and maintained.

Aligning with Google’s Focus on User Experience

Over the years, I’ve learned that Google’s algorithm updates are not something to fear but rather opportunities to align more closely with Google’s goal of enhancing user experience. As helping professionals, we share this commitment to providing an excellent user experience. We prioritize the user’s needs in crafting our strategies, ensuring successful navigation through all future updates.

At Simplified SEO Consulting, our promise is to pursue the best possible SEO practices relentlessly. And we believe that focusing on these high quality SEO practices focused on giving potential clients helpful information is the best method of future-proofing out there. This means not only adapting to current standards but setting the stage for future developments. By staying informed, experimenting with new techniques, and refining our strategies, we ensure that your private practice’s website remains at the forefront of SEO excellence.

Photo of the Simplified SEO Consulting team at a retreat. At this team, we trained our entire staff on crafting quality content networks as part of our own SEO future-proofing plan. All of our team members are have a degree in psychology, social work or a closely related field and are extensively trained in the most effective SEO techniques for private practices.Future-Proofing Your Practice with Strategic SEO

In conclusion, SEO is not just a tactic but a crucial element in securing the future success of your private practice. With our sophisticated Content Network Strategy and rigorous adherence to Google’s evolving guidelines, Simplified SEO Consulting ensures your website not only gains visibility but also becomes a beacon of trust and authority in your field. The time to enhance your online presence and connect with your ideal clients is now. Embrace a well-structured SEO strategy and witness the transformation in your business growth.

Book an SEO Consultation with Simplified SEO Consulting!

If you’re ready to take your private practice to the next level, begin by optimizing your website with our proven SEO strategies specifically designed for helping professionals like you. Here’s how you can start:

Book your SEO consultation: Schedule a free consultation to discuss your needs and goals.

Meet with our skilled SEO specialists: Collaborate with experts who understand both the art of SEO and the nuances of your profession.

Start maximizing your online impact: Implement strategies that bring lasting benefits and draw in your ideal clients.

Explore Our Comprehensive SEO Services

At Simplified SEO Consulting, we offer a range of services tailored to enhance your practice’s online presence. From our “Done For You SEO Services” to “DIY Online SEO Courses,” we provide options that fit different needs and expertise levels.  We designed our specialized Content Network approach to amplify your reach. At the same time, it will help you attract more of the clients you are best suited to help.

Remember to visit our blog regularly for more tips, updates, and insights into navigating the SEO landscape effectively. Start today, and let Simplified SEO Consulting help you build an online presence that truly reflects the quality and dedication of your private practice.

Welcome to the future of SEO in 2024, where networks of content on a website all related to specific content showing expertise are poised to revolutionize the digital landscape for private practice owners. In this blog post, I’ll share my perspective as the owner of Simplified SEO Consulting and a group counseling practice, Aspire Counseling, on the tremendous potential of content networks for private practice owners and why I’ve personally adopted this strategy for my own business.

The Evolving SEO Landscape

SEO has come a long way over the years. It’s come a long way just in the last 7 years I’ve been doing SEO for my therapy practice and others. Since the 1990s, SEO strategy has evolved from simple keyword optimization to a complex, multifaceted approach that encompasses various factors like user experience, mobile-friendliness, and high-quality content. As the owner of a small SEO agency that focuses almost exclusively on supporting private practices (primarily mental health professionals but also some physicians, speech-language pathologists, and even a couple of personal injury attorneys), I try to stay at the forefront of all the latest changes in the SEO landscape. More specifically, I try to figure out how these latest trends translate and impact SEO specifically for private practices.

As we move forward into 2024, the SEO landscape is continually changing. Honestly, it’s always changing. But I feel like it’s been changing even faster than usual in the last year and a half as AI has become more widespread and private practice owners as a whole are getting more marketing savvy. These days, search engines are becoming smarter with more complex algorithms, more content than ever before is out there on the web, and user expectations are higher than ever.

Why SEO Matters for Private Practice Owners

Icon people walking on SEO letters. Let Simplified SEO Consulting help you grow as a private practice with the help of SEO for content networks.

I have never and will never say that you absolutely must have great SEO to have a successful private practice. Honestly, there are a lot of effective ways to market a counseling practice. However, I believe for many private practices a great website that shows up at the top of search engines can be a very effective marketing tool because it means you’re meeting potential clients right where they are right when they’re looking for your services.

A strong online presence can make the difference between struggling to find clients and thriving in a competitive market. As the owner of Aspire Counseling, I understand firsthand the significance of being discovered by potential clients searching for services like “counseling for teens in Tennessee”, “trauma therapy in Nebraska”, “Marriage counseling in Nevada” or even the more general “therapy in Vancouver.”

The Challenge of SEO

However, mastering SEO can be a formidable challenge, especially for those new to the digital marketing world. And for most of us, we simply didn’t learn this in graduate school. The rules of the game are constantly changing, and staying ahead of the curve requires a deep understanding of search engine algorithms, keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, and much more.

The Power of Content Networks

When I first started working on SEO for therapists and counselors in private practice, I honestly could optimize 3-4 service pages on a website, even general pages like “depression counseling” and “anxiety treatment,” and that private practice would rank on the top page or two of search results within the first couple of months of my optimization.  But SEO just doesn’t work that way anymore.  

This is where the concept of content networks comes into play. In 2022, I started learning about how the idea of “pillar-based marketing” applies in the world of SEO. Then, my team and I spent the entire year of 2023 developing, testing, and then tweaking/fine-tuning how this could apply specifically to private practice websites. 

The content network strategy we’ve produced involves choosing a specific topic, crafting and optimizing a comprehensive service page of 3,000+ words, creating three cornerstone blog posts of 2,000+ words each, and complementing them with 12 supporting blog posts. All have the specific elements of optimization we’ve found to be most important, an extremely specific linking strategy, and a publication schedule that turns our previous recommendations on their head. 

But it works.

I won’t lie, our first couple of attempts at a content network were a little disappointing. They got minimal results. Our team felt discouraged. I thought about giving up and not continuing to try to do anything new.  I thought that even though our traditional 6 months of optimizing a few pages at a time seemed to be getting slower results than it used to, maybe it was still the best way to go. But I’m glad we didn’t give up. I’m glad we kept researching, tweaking, and investing in figuring this out. Because the content network program we have now is getting results, unlike anything I’ve seen since I first started Simplified SEO Consulting years ago when we implemented it the way we now understand works best.

Graphic of Content Network Pillar Strategy. Wondering how content networks can help your SEO as a private practice owner? Simplified SEO Consulting can help integrate this SEO strategy to help your business flourish

Why Content Networks Are the Future for Private Practice SEO

I firmly believe that content networks are the future of SEO, and this is why I’ve decided to implement this strategy for my own group therapy practice’s new location, which previously had no SEO presence. But why am I so enthusiastic about this approach, and why do I predict that most of our clients will follow suit within the next six months?

  • Google’s Trust Factor

Google values content networks because they showcase expertise and comprehensive coverage of a specific topic. When you create a content network around a particular subject, you signal to Google that you are an authority in that area. This builds trust, and Google is more likely to rank your content higher in search results.

When Google sees that you can write a variety of blog posts about a very specific topic, it realizes that you are a true expert. And Google wants to rank true experts. It wants to trust true experts. Furthermore, when that strategy involves consistently linking back to a specific page on your website, Google understands which page it is supposed to trust as the main authority on this topic.  

For example, if I have a page on my website all about treating Narcissistic Personality Disorder in a competitive area, it might not show up as consistently as I’d like. But if I also have a series of blog posts answering every question a person might have about it, tips for people who are related or who interact with someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or even people who have had someone tell them they have this disorder…now Google starts to trust that YOU are the expert on this topic.

  • Adapting to the Age of AI

In 2024, AI-driven content generation has flooded the internet with a vast amount of new content. It’s easier than ever to produce content of some kind, and quickly. So, more content than ever is out there on the internet. Some of it is quality, and some of it is not. But there is a LOT of this content. And a lot of content on pretty much every subject under the sun. To make your website stand out, you need more content than ever before. It’s no longer enough to just have one really good service page about a topic on your website like it was back in 2018. Content networks are the answer. By creating a network of interconnected, high-quality content, you’re not just showing Google you’re relevant—you’re proving it.

  • Faster SEO Results

Traditionally, SEO has been considered a long-term strategy, but in 2018 when I started doing SEO for my friends I remember that I was so proud I could get some private practice websites ranking in as little as a month or two. Why? Because only a few private practice owners were using SEO.  So, we weren’t in a competitive niche.

Now, it’s taking longer and longer.  And it generally takes many months to rank well. For the last few years we’ve been asking new SEO clients to commit to at least 6 months of work with us because we’ve found that when clients invest at the level we recommend (and some people optimize fewer pages per month than we recommend), it still takes 6-12 months to get enough calls that they are really happy with the results.

However, the content network strategy is a game-changer. It’s, by far, the fastest SEO strategy in 2024. While it still requires time, the results are worth it. We’re generally finding that within about a month after we publish the content (so about 2-3 months after we start working together), the website is already ranking for a range of keywords!  Then, it usually takes about a month after that for the private practice to start getting phone calls for that niche.  So, much faster overall!

  • Adaptability and Versatility

Content networks are incredibly versatile. They can be tailored to any niche or industry, making them an ideal choice for private practice owners with specific expertise. Whether you’re a therapist, a physician, or a lawyer, a well-crafted content network can position you as a thought leader in your field.

We do find it works best when we choose a specific niche to start with, especially in a more crowded or competitive marketing. And then you can move to more general content networks (ex: “Counseling in ______”) after you’ve done a couple of other content networks and solidified trust with Google. But the idea of a content network can be applied to just about any service, niche, or population that you want to work with.

Think of a type of client you’d like more of.  Our team can most likely help you develop a specific content network strategy that could help you reach more of those clients.

The Aspire Counseling Case Study

Let’s look at my own private pay, group psychotherapy practice, Aspire Counseling as a real-world example. We used the content network strategy to create two networks: one focused on “Counseling for teens in Missouri” and another on “Counseling near Blue Springs, MO.” Now, you might wonder why we chose such general topics as “counseling near Blue Springs, MO.” Typically, we wouldn’t recommend this approach to a new SEO client, but here’s the key:

Google already trusts my practice immensely.

As you know, I’ve been working on SEO for my private practice for years, just in the Mid-Missouri area a couple of hours away. But because we know Google already trusts us and ranks us for hundreds of keywords related to specific niches (mostly trauma-related but also related to anxiety, OCD, and DBT) in Central Missouri, we knew that we could go a little more general when trying to attract clients for the two therapists in my new location. We’re just trying to teach Google that we’re also relevant in this other part of the state essentially and get Google to extend its trust to that location. But know that the second location started with no SEO and we didn’t rank for anything there.

We certainly weren’t getting any calls for that location. But this approach to SEO worked. And it worked very quickly. The content network approach allowed us to quickly establish our online presence in a competitive market. Within about two months we had people landing on our website and we started getting 1 call a week. We then decided to temporarily add Google Adwords to get more traffic quickly, so now I can’t tell you for sure which clients are coming from which. But I can tell that we’re getting traffic from both and now (in late January) getting several calls per week for the new location (7 last week), so we’re hoping to discontinue Google Ads soon.

Demand Jump Upgrade for Your Private Practice Content Network

A graphic of two people looking at data. Want to learn how Content Networks can improve your website? Speak with us at Simplified SEO Consulting to grow your SEO as a private practice.

When creating a content network for a private practice, we prefer to use a tool called Demand Jump. However, due to the cost, we cannot use this tool without passing the cost onto you as the consumer so we offer it to you as an “upgrade,” but we highly recommend you use it and I have chosen to use it with Aspire Counseling for both of the content networks we’ve done for my practice.  We so badly want you to use it (because it does help our staff get the best ROI for you) that we offer it to you at the exact cost we pay for a DemandJump license.

Demand Jump is a powerful platform that provides insights, suggestions, and competitive intelligence that can significantly improve the effectiveness of your content based on a very large amount of data it pulls from Google. But, while Demand Jump is a fantastic tool on its own, it becomes even more potent when coupled with our specialized knowledge and experience in the field of private practice SEO.

How Our Upgrade Works

Choosing our Demand Jump upgrade signals your commitment to elevating your content network strategy. We use Demand Jump at a couple of different points in the process of creating and implementing your Content Network. First, we use it during the content network planning process. We analyze your practice’s goals, target audience, and unique value. Using Demand Jump’s insights, we craft a tailored content plan.

Our content writers and SEO experts then take the reins, creating content briefs using Demand Jump’s insights. We enhance these briefs with our private practice SEO expertise. This ensures content resonates with your audience and conveys your practice’s uniqueness. With your content plan and briefs in hand, we set out to generate 15 interconnected, relevant pieces of content. These can take the form of blog posts, articles, guides, or other formats aligned with your strategy, all meticulously optimized.

Throughout this process, we maintain a collaborative approach, working closely with you to strike the perfect balance between Demand Jump’s suggestions, our proven content network strategy, and your practice’s distinct characteristics.

Pricing and Benefits

Our pricing is transparent and fair. We charge only the cost we pay for one Demand Jump license for this upgrade. Better yet, if you choose multiple content networks within a year, you won’t incur additional Demand Jump tool expenses. It’s a seamless way to harness Demand Jump’s power for ongoing content network success.

Content Networks: The Future of SEO for Private Practices in 2024

In conclusion, the future of SEO in 2024 is undoubtedly tied to content networks or pillar-based marketing. This strategy offers private practice owners an efficient and effective way to build authority, adapt to the age of AI, achieve faster SEO results, and showcase their expertise.

I firmly believe in the power of content networks, and I’ve seen it work not only for our clients but also for my private psychotherapy practice. As an agency, we’ve refined and tested our approach to create a strategy that delivers exceptional SEO results. It’s a testament to our commitment to staying at the forefront of SEO trends and providing the best possible solutions for private practice owners.

So, if you’re ready to take your online presence to the next level and position yourself as an authority in your field, consider implementing a content network strategy. It’s not just the future of SEO—it’s the present.

Move into the Future of SEO through Content Networks with Simplified SEO Consulting Today!

If you’re ready to elevate your online presence and establish yourself as an authority in your field, now is the time to implement a content network strategy. Simplified SEO Consulting has refined and tested our approach to deliver exceptional SEO results for private practice owners. If you have any questions or want to explore how Simplified SEO Consulting can help you implement a content network for your practice, the place to start is with a free Zoom consultation with a member of our team where we’ll discuss your practice, look at your website and discuss your SEO goals so we can give you our honest opinion about if our services are a fit for your business. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your SEO strategy and stand out in a competitive online landscape. Let’s work together to take your online visibility to the next level.

  1. Reach out for a free consultation.
  2. Meet with a member of our experienced SEO team.
  3. Get started on the path to SEO success!

Other Services Offered by Simplified SEO Consulting

In addition to our expertise in content networks and pillar-based marketing, Simplified SEO Consulting offers a range of other services to support your digital marketing needs. Our comprehensive services are designed to enhance your online presence and drive results. Simplified SEO offers an extensive 12-week training program, small-group SEO intensives, DIY online SEO courses, and a Done-for-You SEO Program. With Simplified SEO Consulting, you can trust that your digital marketing efforts are in capable hands. Contact us today to learn more about how we can elevate your online presence and drive results for your business.

About the Author

Photo of Jessica Tappana. Curious how SEO for content networks can help your business? Simplified SEO Consulting can show you how to implement content networks into your SEO strategy.

Jessica Tappana is the founder and CEO of Simplified SEO Consulting. Additionally, she is the owner and founder of Aspire Counseling, a private pay group psychotherapy practice in Missouri with two locations. It was through learning to optimize her website and market her practice that Jessica learned SEO and began receiving requests from friends to help them and founded Simplified SEO Consulting. But what has made Simplified SEO Consulting successful is that she has since then hired people much smarter than she is when it comes to technology. Because Jessica is, in fact, not great at all with technology.

She’s much better with strategy and research, figuring out how the “puzzle” of SEO fits together and then letting the people more naturally gifted in the more technical side of things on the team do the more detail-oriented technical parts of our work.  But Jessica’s role on the team continues to be one of innovation, research, and of course, constantly bringing the perspective of a group practice owner to every single discussion we have.